I hate that nowadays, when you complain about a newer game being easy...

I hate that nowadays, when you complain about a newer game being easy, you have a bunch of dumbfucks telling you that it's your fault for using [insert broken ability which was made central to the game by the developers] and you should gimp yourself before complaining.

There used to be a time where developers just gave us hard games with no OP stuff. Imagine complaining about puzzle makers only making 32-piece puzzles nowadays and people telling you "well, have you tried to solve it blindfold?", what class of answer is that? is there anyone else that hates to be told that is your fault for not playing with the gamepad behind your back while your grandpa hits you with his walking stick.

Modern devs are the laziest fuckers out there. They don't try to add real difficulty, real progression (instead let's add empy XP systems) or real level design (hey don't you like this procedurally created open world? they're the (((hottest))) buzzwords right now!).

Great blog


If the game had rewards for completing more difficult objectives, you're supposed to aim for those objectives.
Bayonetta is about getting platinum medals.

Although, there definitely are some games that have no such rewards, and most people still defend them. And I'm on your side with those.

People will defend ANYTHING. Very few people have standards or even give a fuck.

I assume this is about pokemon?

"Just turn off xp share and never use refresh" if you think the game's too hard

Let my save your thread, OP.

What are some recent games that actually provide a challenge without forcing you to gimp yourself.

I have no idea how to play Grim Dawn correctly, it offers zero challenge.

I like to believe at least half of them are marketers. It seem rally unlikely that people are so willing to defend something they always end up forgetting about within a year.

Dirt Rally

My guess would be buyers remorse, which at the same time drives them to do all kinds of stupid, like gimping themselves, trying to extract some enjoyment from the game

I remember some people used to say F.E.A.R "wouldn't be that easy if you just didn't use the bullet time mode"… that was eleven years ago. I wish I had a source for that quote though.

I tend to think it's more that most people playing games don't take it very seriously, so they will just take whatever provides a bit of entertainment without caring about quality or challenge. Marketers are certainly a factor too.

I think the FGC has been cucked at this point.

It's a hobby now totally catering for casuals and children.The reactionary faggotry of muh hard gaymes from 8 years ago died too so you've got nothing.
If you want challenge play older games or do something else.

If they didn't take it seriously they wouldn't defend it so much. Your average normalfaggot is way more insecure and quick to judge than anyone on this site.

great game design amirite guise?

Battered Housewife Syndrome with regards to Street Fighter, although you could say that for almost all fighting games because each of them fills a different niche in what is ultimately a niche market, and if you want to find something that's the same that people actually play (online) without having to start something locally, then you're generally fucked.

It's like people that still give Games Workshop money even when they fucking despise them and their business practices — it's likely that the only thing that their friends play is a Games Workshop product, that it's primarily what their local game store carries, and it may be the only product on the market that has a universe that directly captures their autism and thus their imagination. "Everyone plays it because everyone is playing it" is an apt descriptor, for big-name multiplayer video games as well as tabletop games. If you want to change the tide you have to do something locally (especially for fighters, or tabletop games,) which is actual effort involving interpersonal relations and putting yourself out on a limb, so people just go with the flow and play what people are already playing and build a mental fortress around their decision outwardly even when they're cringing inside.

This is a cuckchan thread.

Sage and report.

We have to purge these faggots before they spam this board to oblivion.

If it's just one or two things I could somewhat see that argument. For example, in Golden Axe 3 there is a character that has a completely broken ability that, quite literally, makes you invincible. However, the other 3 characters are just fine, so it doesn't bother me to say, "Don't use that character." The problem with this starts to come in when many of the tools the game hands you are broken and you have to come up with more and more convoluted ways to "play the game right." I've been hearing for years that to play Skyrim right you need to: not use Smithing, not use Alchemy, not use Enchanting, don't level your health up at all, play without the HUD, etc. Just completely banal and convoluted shit just to get enjoyment out of the game.

To sum it up: I can ignore 1 or 2 broken things, when you start forcing me to ignore large portions of the game and force me to play like a retard, now we've got a problem.

I really hate these threads where OP goes "why do people do X thing" without actually providing proof that people do in fact do X thing or so much as an example.

As always OP is a faggot but if you have browsed this board lately you might have seen retards argueing "dont use glory kills" in nudoom.

I don't go to DOOT threads.

With skyrim's fanbase being the most cancerous out of any other fanbase ever to exist, I was especially triggered by how they always said "just increase the difficulty lel".

Yeah, it now takes me 10 fireballs (10 left mouse clicks) to kill a draugr instead of 3. Wow, how challenging and complex! Massive improvement!

trumpcucks have already taken over


Forza horizon 3
But don't get it it's shit