Falcom Thread

NIHON FALCOM (Ys, Trails, Gurumin, Xanadu, Brandish, etc) thread

Don't forget to support their games and spoiler the spoilers!

- Falcom's Trails of Cold Steel I & II have sold over 900000 copies in total, and they're planning to release Cold Steel III by September 2017
- PS4 ver Ys VIII also planned for release by September 2017, and Falcom want to expand to many platforms, smartphone apps & collabs worldwide
- Falcom looking for the first time into expanding their business outside Japan into North America, Europe, etc. for once
- Get hyped for announcements and more information: the annual shareholders meeting is happening next month
- Xanadu Next just got released for PC, go grab it at Steam / GOG / Humble Store
- XSEED preparing 7 games for PC steamdb.info/sub/13578/apps/
- Most games published by XSEED now to be developed with a PC release in mind gamesindustry.biz/articles/2016-09-09-no-fan-left-behind (end of the 9th paragraph)
- Trails of Cold Steel II released for North America and Europe
- TitS the 3rd for Spring 2017 (PC only)
- Akatsuki no Kiseki (F2P browser game) on open beta, happens around the first half of Trails to Azure, register and play at akatuki.ujj.co.jp/ (instructions: esterior.net/2016/08/akatsuki-no-kisekis-closed-beta-opens-on-825-and-how-to-sign-up/ )
- We need a new guide for the Ys game, any volunteers?
-Sen no Kiseki III on track for release in 2017
-Ys Origin confirmed for PS4/Vita


Don't forget to support their games!

Other urls found in this thread:


Popful Mail 2 when?

Whenever Falcom starts focusing on PC development again

Their only interest in PC at present seems to be ports.

no one moves back to pc, only away. more profit that way.

Relic, Fireaxis and Creative Assembly

could name you a list of hundreds of studios that did the opposite, but I don't care and this is not the thread for it.

rip 0nyxheart

For what purpose?

Started playing Cold Steel 1, in the Nord Highlands now, played FC and SC.

I'm liking it so far. I wasn't too impressed by the move to the ever popular school setting with social link-lite sort of stuff, but I guess they have been handling it well enough, and the tone and cast still have that certain kiseki likability for me.
Not crazy about some of the dub, especially from the female party members, but at least main character man sounds pretty alright.

So, is the exp that the Master quartz gets 1:1 with the exp your character earns, or is there more to that?

I think Master Quartz exp is the same as exp you get in battles, it just takes a lot to level up. And yeah, Cold Steel 1 is a slow burn. Still, by the end of Chapter IV I definitely think you'll be feeling in the grove of the story. It's worth noting most of its "Persona-ness" is smoke and mirrors.

One of the things I really liked about Cold Steel's format, though, was coming back to a central localization each chapter. That made it really fun to watch certain character's plots advance.

Thinking about it, Thors is really set up to just be an encapsulation of the empire at large and all the class politics that go with it. Given how much emphasis the game has been putting into that, especially with Machias' whiny ass FUCKING CHRIST MACHIAS 'MUH NOBLES' WE FUCKING GET IT , I suppose the school works pretty well on that thematic level.

Machias mellows out a lot by the end of the game, and he's given a pretty good justification for why he has that worldview too.

By the end of the game, Machias will seem like one of the more bearable characters in the game. Just wait until the loli joins the class.

I mean, by the point I am at he has chilled out with it, at least when it comes to Jusis, AKA when it was the worst.

Postan Brandish 4 and its English patch in the Vola for anyone who wants it.

Any new stuff on CS3, aside from the Rean and Alisa pictures?

Any new things on PS4 Ys VIII or is Falcom keeping mum on that too?

Nobody knows anything to my knowledge. They're holding their cards to their chest for now but once the year turns over there will most likely be more information.

I can't wait to replay Ys VIII on PS4. More content, pls.

It's not 1998 anymore.

Machias is a lot like Trump in that regard. Muh nobles, muh elite, muh Calvard.

Paper armor, ho!

Trump is Osbourne, pleb.

We'll most likely be getting new info from the shareholder meeting on the 20th. Maybe some new info on YsVIII PS4 as well.
Maybe even word on more international releases?

The dub gets way better in the sequel.

Yeah, after Bareahard his raging whine boner cools down and once he finally explains it in Heimdallr, you can kind of sympathize with it. After Chap 2, it just amounts to him and Jusis being sassy to one another.

Still praying they somehow team up with XSeed to get Zero and Ao here before CS III.

The biggest hurdle for Zero/Ao's localization right now is having a PC version for both. There was a PC version of Ao made and released in China, but far as I can tell, Falcom doesn't own the rights to the port. Unless you think XSeed is crazy enough to do the PSP versions or go through a bunch of legal hurdles for the Evo versions.

What legal hurdles exist beyond simply asking Falcom like they would for the regular versions?

The Evo versions weren't made by Falcom, but by a collaboration between different companies. So it would create numerous licensing hurdles for XSeed if they were to go for those versions.

Oh, shit. Well, I guess they might have to magic up some ports. If they're not crazy enough to release the 3rd on PSP, they certainly won't be that crazy by the time they'd finish localizing Zero and Ao. But I need those before I even think about touching CS III.

What was the Shadow Trial and what broke it again?

Don't bother with the Evo games anyway, they fucked up the music and made all the art generic anime bullshit.

Except song related.

Essentially Osbourne cucked Ouroboros out of starting the next part of the System, meaning the next stage of the repeating myth couldn't play out, so all of it got shunted into a shitty knock off Loa instead of a Knight.

The Myth is the Clash of the Fire and (!) Septerrion, one of whom is the Knights in their combined form, and the other which is a Dragon. I suspect it will be either the Sept of Water or Shadow.

*Ys and Dragonslayer

If you're doing that it's Legend of Heroes. Since Dragon Slayer is the first Legend of Heroes game despite DS being titled first.

I cant into stunning monsters on the field in coldsteel 2
it was easy as shit in cold steel but I just cant do it in 2

any advice?

The way I've always done it is let them see you, get out of their patrol range so they stop and stare at your ass for a bit, then when they run back to their original spot run at them and get the advantage.

That's what I do, but I remember there are some places where that doesn't work, like Lohengrin.

I used it there and it still worked fine. I think there's only one encounter there that doesn't give you enough room to do it that I can recall.

It worked for me all the time except for the much larger enemies if I remember correctly.

Did anyone outside of japan get in to dragon slayer? It seems really shitty but not iconic shit like pacman (which is really fun)

Also he is correct. EDI&II had the Dragon Slayer nomenclature attached to them it was dropeed for III IV V iirc.

You can get single advantage on the larger enemies by attacking from the back still.

Trips Confirm Osbourne is TLoH's Trump

Polite sage for not wanting those digits going unchecked

Really? There were a few places where I'd try, but the moment I got close enough to hit they'd 180, which sometimes caused me to panic run away and let them get the advantage.

You just have to time it better so you don't have to panic run. Like, as soon as they turn around after you bait them, ram your sword or what have you up their ass.

yunika butt

I thought the myth she was trying to repeat was the the War. of the Lions

Also, that is Crow behind Cold Steel Rean. And thinking about it, the cast is REALLY forgiving of all the shitty things he did.

The War of the Lions was just the last time it played out.

not for sexual.

You can get single advantage on the larger enemies by attacking from the back still.>>11468924

I'm not sure that's Crow. Honestly it looks like Rean from the back. They even have hair sticking up in the same place. Anyway, yeah, their attitude towards Crow was a little naive. I would have said most of the stuff he planned to do wasn't that bad, but when you consider he was more than willing to fire the guns at Crossbell killing loads of people that's pretty bad…unless he never planned to. He was on the ground trying to stop it, after all, though if that's the case it's still way too big of a gamble to consider safe.

Its Ogre Rean behind Rean.

The cost doesn't part the same way, and the reflection is holding something in his left hand, like Crow's double saber. The design on the back doesn't look like it goes to Rean's coat, but maybe I lack fashion sense. There's also the collar, but that could be blamed on perspective. It looks like Crow in his CS II costume.

That's one of the main things I was talking about. They very well could have destroyed Crossbell during that peace conference or whatever they were doing. There's also the fact that he's on me of the figures who plunged Erebonia into the goddamned Civil War, just to kill Osborne. I'm notbsaying he didn't deserve it, but there was a LOT of collateral damage for revenge that the cast just doesn't seem to hold him responsible for. At least Sasuke was fucking insane.

The outfit matches exactly, you see the belt flowing from Rean? There are belts crossing at the back of Ogre Rean. We dont fully see what is being held in the others left hand. Until more information comes out Im more incljned to believe its Ogre Rean. unless of course Crow was actually survived a tendril in his body and didnt die

I'd like you to eat some of my cooking, if you know what I mean.

I wish I could play 3rd right now…

I'm actually pretty jealous.

I wish I could as well, this is from XSEED's latest twitter post.

I wonder if they'll ever show us Sara's backstory, it seems like game material. She was a jaeger, a Bracer, the youngest to achieve A-rank in fact, meaning she was younger than even Estelle and Joshua and was involved in something as big as the Orbal Crisis in Liberl, met Sharon, Claire, Toval, possibly Micht. I'd be quite okay with seeing a game from her perspective going from North Ambrian jaeger to Youngest a-rank bracer and instructor.

Do you guys even know what 3rd is? It's a prerendered dungeon crawler where you would warp back to the hub to switch characters from the previous games out. It's not like any other game from the ED series. It's more like Etrian Odyssey, Baroque, or Azure Dreams.

That's fine, nigga.

It'll probably still have a good story.

It's where they start to seriously go into the metaphysics and historical stuff.

Good. Gonna need that background for CS3.

Estelles canon rank after SC is B.

That actually irks me a bit, but whatever.

I found it was more needed in coldsteel 2 to do the combos. i.e pressing x twice rean will do a follow up slash which stuns them for longer. So general pattern is slash slash -> move closer to back -> slash slash -> move closer to back -> … do this 2-3 times until you get the hit on their back. Works a lot better with certain characters like sara.

>Takes out an Angel made from the Aureole
>Pretty much aids in stopping an international crisis from starting with Osbourne's conquer boner
Girl can't catch a break, at least she got her husbando.

I could see Estelle being the type to feel like she wasn't ready to be an A Rank and pass on it anyway.

I feel like something post SC says she becomes A. Maybe the Crossbell games.

Oh I forgot. It's set in the same world as the last dungeon in SnKII, I don't know if that was localized yet… So like um, having it come out after SnKII is poopie. Also there's references to Ao in SnKII so enjoy seeing some spoilers.

That's fine, nigga.

I'm not black don't call me nigga

You don't need to be black to be a nigga, you just have to have no worth and be proud of it.

I'm not black don't call me nigga

I'm not black don't call me nigga.

I am not black don't call me nigga

Has it started asking for money yet?

checked and kek'd

He just gives it more of them programs.

I just used google. I don't keep this on my drive because your average person online doesn't call others niggers for no reason, except this one faggot in jrpg related threads.

You sure are chimping out like a nigga right now.

too bad
I ruined the thread because he wouldn't listen and I'll do it every time too.

All you're doing is proving your niggadry here.

Just finished SC and compared to Alan and the Guardbot, Loa Erebonius, the Vermillion Apocalypse, and Loa Lucifera, Weissmann is a fucking joke. I didn't even have to retry.


Gather a bunch of strong people with fucked up pasts/personalities and give them powerful weapons in order to gather the Sept-terrions, ancient artifacts of power. Also cycle of history repetition.
Osbourne's Ironblood's, Olivert's faction, Lloyd's rebels.

Osbourne's Ironbloods
Protect Erebonia and expand its power via annexation of smaller countries.
Ourobouros, Olivert's faction, and Lloyd's rebels

Olivert's Faction
Stop Osbourne from using nefarious means to annex other territories.
Ourobouros, Osborne's Ironbloods

Lloyd's Rebels
Liberate Crossbell.
Osborne's Ironbloods, Ouroboros

Have I got it right? I'm trying to understand the factions at work in the story so far, and I'm only going off FC, SC, CS, and CS II. I didn't include the Noble Faction, as they've been defeated, though I probably should've added the Gralsritter and not Lloyd's rebels, but that's just how I chose to categorize. Feel free to add and or correct.

I'm pretty sure that Ouroboros is defusing the Septs and returning them to the Goddess, who doesn't think mankind needs them anymore/knows they are degrading and going out of control.

That doesn't explain Weissmann's goal to brainwash people with the Aureole.

That was his personal interpretation of the organization's goal, not the organization's own. Campanella makes that pretty explicit, and 3rd makes it even more so.

(wanted to spoiler this but Holla Forums posting is being shit)
Weissmann, essentially, went rogue to pursue his own ambitions. In 3rd you see a meeting of the Anguis and two of them (who thanks to later games you can identity as Vita and Arianrhod), basically say "fuck that guy, I'm glad he's dead." It's also very likely that the recruitment of Enforcers was supposed to be looking for people with fucked up pasts. I'm willing to bet Weissman's decision to make those people also wasn't part of his instructions. He was just a sadist.

Rocksmith is the only Trump in the series.

In fact, Osborne is actually Otto von Bismarck because Erebonia = Prussia.

Then again you are an Americans. You had a poor education.

Not with that awful chorus.

What did I miss?

user got triggered by being called a nigga. They started showing how much of a nigger they were ironically.

Bismarck was an ambassador and a damn good one. His specialty was making every country in Europe happy to avoid a World War, which everyone knew was coming but wanted to avoid. He was an avid peacemaker. The Kaiser sacking him was one of the major problems that lead to WWI. Osborne is way too warmongering, abrasive and expansionist to be Bismarck.

Oh, I kind of picked up on that, but as I mentioned, I haven't played the Third or Crossbell games, nor have I looked them up. Still praying Falcom's making those PC ports to make it easier for XSeed. But if they are simply trying to defuse them, wouldn't that make them a needlessly extreme and dark Grahlsritter, then?

i would bet you real money one of the organizations contains the other. Either Ouroboros is a break away from the church, or the church is a break away from Ouroboros.

I think it's more likely they both serve the same master they just don't know it. At least the Gralsritter don't.

That can't be because Kevin kills Weissman under orders, and was given a weapon to do just that. Yet the Grandmaster laments his death, even if he did go a little off the reservation. Of course, I only read about that scene so I could be missing something.

Well, Ourobouros is implied to be very old. And if Arianrhod is Lianne, they've definitely been in business for awhile.

Let me rephrase that. The Gralsritter do what they do in the name of the goddess. The Grandmaster likely is the goddess but the Gralsritter do not know it.

Are you guys ready for the PREMIUM LIVE musical?

No, those never go over well, and the odds of Alisa canon romance are over 70%. Speaking of, some anons say that Falcom pulled the memory of her meeting Rean in Ymir out of their Ass. Ger having been to Ymir was mentioned in CS I, so there's that.

Osborne would rather annex and enslave peaceful neighboring countries than wall them off.

Bismarck's most famous speech was the Blood and Iron speech, which lead to him being called the Iron Chancellor. The parallels are clear as day.

"Elliot…, I'm already a demon."

We'll meet in the same place later then.

And this, as I said, is way more aggressive than what Bismarck did. I don't deny Erebonia uses aesthetics of later Prussian and early German armies and symbolism, but Osborn is not a clear cut analogue for Bismarck.

This. When Bismarck conducted War, it was with the desire of trying to create lasting peace via firmly established borders and avoiding World War. Osbourne prays to Aidios every night for a territory to give him a reason to annex their ass. Bismarck would not have tried to conquer Liberl like Osbourne tried in SC.

One thing I miss about Sky is that Falcom knew how to do sprite based fight cutscenes. From Estelle and Kloe's fight to Joshua and Loewesa I was astounded at the quality. I hope they've learned how to do it in CS III, because that shit was just beautiful looking. They kind of did it with Rean's escape in CS II, but that was nowhere near Sky's level, but at least it showed they're on their way there.

Osbourne is trying to gather the Septerrions for himself. If ancient magical superweapons existed, you can bet your ass Bismarck would go after them.

Biasmarck would want to ensure everyone had them or no one did to maintain boarders and make sure there weren't any huge ass wars.

I'm still playing Ys VIII… This game is pretty long for how I play it. Celceta and 7 where pretty bad in comparison too.


Friendly reminder that the shareholder's meeting is on the 20th at 1:30pm JP time.

[Glass him] was better

Buy a new PS4 on Amazon.

Replace new PS4 with old PS4.
Return your old PS4 stating that they sent you an obviously used one that doesn't even work.

Get refunded


Idk, how are the tadpoles produced?

The elder brains certainly don't seem like they fit in with a naturally occurring life cycle however these things are pretty alien and the whole implantation thing seems kinda random to have developed with them growing into giant psychic worms that melt stuff anyway.

I do totally agree that the preference for humans is probably part of the elder brains' plans since other combinations can be equally intelligent and powerful.

Idk about the cult stuff though since the tadpoles only grant psychic power by turning hosts into mindflayers.


Nope. Dq x was released on a Thursday. That's a myth. Google something before you spout out bullshit.

The twist in the end will be him joining Ourobouros. Cold Steel will be the story of Rean's fall.

Is that really a twist? They've been openly trying to recruit him.

The twist would be his acceptance. Because by the time his friends realize how dark he's become:

Followed by a boss fight where Rean and his new Ourobouros party fight Class VII, filled with the people you had the highest link level with.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

Guilty gear Rev for best female
SFV for best male

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

My dad had one like that. They're pretty comfortable. Designed for your hand to be comfortable resting on it.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

I knew it. How can a Japense developer be so un-kawai.

I had no problems finishing the game user. I just wanted to get an opinion on how much deeper should I go before jumping into something. Also, I just like to talk about the game with you user. You know is a rule there must be a DS thread every day at all times. Are you a newfag or something?

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

Only the first 50k who bought it, get it. Anyone who buys it now doesn't.

It's already confirmed to be dishonored 2 anyway. So it's pointless shit. Shit games been on sale already in stores.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~


bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
steam steamcommunity.com/id/furrets
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

you don't put points into stats, they stack up automatically as you use weapons and spells. RNG combat is supposed to replicate the tabletop RPG experience.

Of course the furry faggot is back spamming the board again.

Will any of the other Eight Leaves users show up in CS3?

Kondo said that Crossbell and Liberl arc characters will be showing up in CSIII, so there's a decent chance.
I imagine the protagonists from those arcs will be getting higher priority in that regard, however.

I want Anelace to come back and be waifuable at some point. If not in CS3, then in the Calvard series.

She is Ka-Fai's granddaughter, after all.

I thought Julia used 8L1B style too.

I don't think so. She trained swordplay under Cassius but I don't think it's ever stated she used Eight Leaves style (I think she uses a rapier and not a tachi) and none of her moves seemed to indicate it either.

It's Rean from the back. Just reversed. Look at the shape of his hair. The way his hair peaks to one side. And the two pieces of hair sticking up. Also no bandana.

The back of the coat is also dark, as shown by the arrows.

That's probably why he's wearing a similar coat.

NOW I see it. Thanks for the lines.

I look forward to the third batch.


Someone was nice enough to make a countdown timer for the shareholder meeting.

It's soon

Not to get my hopes up: what exactly happens at a shareholder meeting?

Why is Fie the best waifu ever?

Because shes a shortstack who would be the best to cuddle with.

She's the only one whose romance arc make sense.

Absolutely not. She looks like a loli. Shortstacks have sizable boobs and wider hips while being short.

I thought Alisa's was the only one that didn't. What doesn't with the rest?

Because she is the snuggliest.

I wouldn't mind snuggling with a clingy Laura, or spending time with a virgin cake teacher, though

XSeed is taking localization questions on twitter


Ask them how much material they directly copied and pasted from nighwolve.

Laura's makes perfect sense. She and Rean have more in common than just about anyone else, at least in terms of upbringing. Hell, their relationship even makes political sense, not that they'd care.

Pretty much everyone aside from Alisa have a stronger connection to Rean, as that one user said.

Laura's so cute when she gets clingy, it's gonna turn me to mush.

Someone please post the Ys games chart, my HD died and I lost everything

It's missing 8 as it came out two months ago.

Someone ask about how they acquire the rights to localize, what they consider the difference between translating and localizing is, and if during the process they've run into any massive or noteworthy bugs while localizing.

God bless


In a political sense, Laura would be seen as really low-balling. Viscount is only a step above Baron and they're both on the lower rungs of nobility as well, but Rean is also an adopted son. Not even a half-blood like Jusis and Olivert, but adopted. God forbid a noble found out about his TRUE father. Laura's family would be getting nothing since as an adopted son he'd never be able to inherit his father's title and territory. Rean as the Ashen Chevalier might have enough favor with the people to overcome the stigma, but that doesn't mean it's good sense.

What if in CS3 sara turns out to be not pure


Given how she's a potential love interest for Rean, I wouldn't think they'd do something like that (would piss off a lot of fans). Which makes me worried about what they'll do with Claire. Anyone think she'll become a potential love interest in 3?

Given what happens at the end of 2, I'm pretty sure she'll be a love interest

I think despite her VA dying she'll still enter into the Reanbowl. I really fucking hope she gets into the Reanbowl. She's the onee-san lover we'll never have

She may have been planned, but with her VA, her entire story presence is in question. She only died awhile after CS II, so they had plenty of time to write her out if they wanted.

What're you talking about? I got it fine.

I dunno, it 404'd. I bet it's the jews again.
Anyways, thank for reposting it

Let me rephrase that: it would be a match both of their families would approve of and probably would cause them no problems. I never got the impression that Erebonian nobles cared all that much about the title as long as you were still marrying noble.


So, who is it?

Looks like Rixia holding one of Lloyd's tonfas.

They don't, as seen with the Grand Maiden and Patrick trying to fuck Elise, though he is only a third son. The problem is that Rean isn't really noble. He's the adopted son of a noble on the lowest end of the spectrum. He had neither the blood, prestige, nor holding that come with being the son of Baron Schwarzer and he never can unless he marries Elise. Or Lucia I suppose is also an option.

That hair looks too short to be Rixia's. I think it's just Lloyd.

If she's Rixia isn't she missing hair loopies?

Design change. We're going a few years into the future so it makes sense.

Pic has the same hair as the knife girl from Ys Celceta. Not what she looked like in the SNES or PCE games though.

Just Saiyan


I don't know what to believe.

Is it better than the shitty present or is about the same?

We gettin' by a little better than we used to, now. But it ain't all good.

Hey, isn't that shareholder meeting about to start?

Starts in half an hour

So, what's makes us so sure we'll here anything from it's results? Won't this just the the company heads telling shareholders what the plan is going forward for the next year and beyond?

I hope we get more CSIII designs…

Or just confirm Duvalie

Shareholders get some pretty neat presents.

Shit, didn't mean to quote. Oh well, at least I became Satan.

Her japanese act is so much better than the english one despite the xseed version shitting all over berch. I wish I could get some webms going but I don't have a way to capture from my VITA.

Coldsteel 3 confirmed PS4 exclusive.

Can't wait for Vitafags to cry a river

Fresh screenshots

OK so I know I want the Ys games and Xanadu Next since I like real time combat.

but i'm not 100% on Trails in the sky/SE since they're turn based.
I got nothing against turn based but would you say both games worth the $30.



alright then fuck it i don't play enough Turn based games anyway as long as it's from good devs.

If they can't bring it to Vita they should bring the Cold Steel series to PC. I'm not buying a PS4, as I have almost no space and no TV.

Taking a que from Persona 5 on the battle menu I see.

Is that Crossbell? Is that Altina?

Wait a damned second, the architecture in that second pic… IS THAT FUCKING CALVARD!?

I got a PS4 as a Christmas gift 2 years ago so I'm fine. I Just hope there is data transfer stuff still.

It is Altina and it just might be Crossbell as well. Third pic is Ordis.


Kondo says they're looking into a way of doing it, but it will be difficult.

Rean's Ironblood's.

I'd be fine with a quiz. Hell the only choice that matters is the waifu one anyway.

Crossbell has a district that looks like that, I'm almost positive.

There's also quests for certain NPCs.

I just figured it was CALVARD since that is the "east" of the series.

Where are you getting this info?

Same question for you?

Wherever you're getting it, can you post all the new info with greentext bullet points? We need a masterpost of this shit.

Sure, but that doesn't matter as much after a several year time skip.

Those are the ironblood uniforms from the first two games.

This girl kind of has Sara's hairstyle plus corset and color scheme. If this isn't Sara it looks way too much like her/

That's Sara stalking Lechter.





Watch Xseed confirm an official translation later this year…

I'm 90% sure that's Sara with a new hairstyle and no jacket.

>tfw they were secretly working with the fan translators and release Zero and Azure together

I see an icon for Altina.

And the locales are most likely west Erebonia and Crossbell.


Crossbell has an "eastern" district, called East Street.


the Reanbowl just keeps growing

Pink haired chick is a leggy qt.
Green haired girl is a short qt.

Blue haired guy looks like he'll be a pompous ass.

I want to stroke Sara's thighs

Not very likely. Zeromonkey, the head of the project is friends with nightwolf and made it clear that he would not sell the translation for a reasonable price. He went missing two months ago though.

*short-haired qt

Who are these people and what do their relationships matter?

Nightwolve is a huge drama queen, who used to be a respected fan translator of Falcom games.
He tried to sell the translated version of Ys OiF and got extremely butthurt when the first person who bought it immediately put it online.
Then Xseed bought the script from the actual translator, Deuce (Nightwolve only extracted the Japanese script and inserted the translation). Again Nightwolve got extremely butthurt, because Xseed didn't need his work and therefore didn't pay him and because Deuce wouldn't give him a cut.
Since then he started to regularly harras them and call for boycotts of Xseed.

The guy with blue hair has Thors' insignia on his shoulder, just blue instead of red

The girl has it too on her upper arm.

Calling it: Rean teaches Class 7 now.

He means the people behind the new fan tl (floofy, Gu4n, yotaka), not zero_monkey & friends.

It's not a new translation, gu4n and friends are using zero_monkey's as their base.


No you fool, He teaches Class VIII.

If I buy The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Lionheart Edition, I can fit all 3 games in the box, right?

The box is only for the first two games and an artbook.

Could this just be a case of Kondo getting excited? We don't really have anything else to go on for this.

Kondo also said "The primary issue for the PlayStation 4 exclusivity is to ensure that the game will sell internationally, rather than just domestically." So I think it's possible Falcom may be starting to work more closely with XSEED. I fucking hope at least. Also, what if we got dual audio?

Kinda begs the question, what about people who've never played CS 1 or 2 who might see 3 and be interested? I guess they could give a recap at the beginning, but where's the fun in that? HD ports?



Yeah? Action RPGs.

I swear to god, the improvements for the PS4 version of Ys VIII are like Falcom read my mind for what I wanted and took it a step further.

Less loading zones? Check.
Better graphics and framerate? Check.
More Dana content? Check.
More Adol content? Check.

I'm fucking ready to buy this shit a second and third time.

Fucking LUL

Hercule is an asian jew.

Day 1 buy, as usual.

Falcom's never let me down.

They added more content? Fuck I only have a Vita. From what little I've played, it's like a midpoint between Origin and Celceta.

I just hope this doesn't mean there won't be a Vita version in the west. I'm willing to buy both Vita and PS4 versions if the get localized


8 is way better than Celceta. Celeceta is like budget 8.

Oh wow look at me I'll go out and buy a $400 disposable computer just to play A SINGLE GAME. Ha ha ha nope.


PC VERSION WHEN? The only PS4 games I want are Falcom.

You should also get it for Cold Steel 3 then. That's two games!

There are no games on PS4 you'd like to play?

Not Cold Steel 3? Yakuza Kiwami/Zero/Six? Bloodborne? Dragon Quest XI? Ace Combat 7? Nioh? Gravity Rush 2?

I bought a PS4 for around $550 US this year because third world country, and I don't regret it in the slightest. Seeing Ys VIII and Cold Steel 3 now. As well as the Yakuza series and AC 7. I won't have enough money to buy everything

OOSh. S. American upper class?

No, Caribbean. And I was only able to afford it because I was saving money for what was probably a year and something.

I could get games, though, those are cheaper to buy digitally through the PSN card vouchers. They're still more expensive than what Americans pay (Around 83$ US for a 50$PSN Card), but cheaper than if I were to buy physical ($100+ US, plus can't find a lot of niche games such as Cold Steel etc physically).

It's crazy expensive but I love video games too much to neglect it.

What's the draw of the Yakuza series. I tried and got too bored to finish 4.

What bored you?

It's a game that's unapologetically a game. It's a beat-em-up JRPG. There's really no immersion or anything like that. You play it for the fun of it. The combat is crunchy and feels good, especially at later levels when you've unlocked more abilities and Heat Moves/finishers, where it starts getting more over-the-top.

Some of its draw comes from playing the games since the first, since the characters carry through all the games. 4 introduces three new characters that reappear in 5 and 6. Kiryu starts in Yakuza 1 at 37, then continues growing throughout the games. In Yakuza 6 he's around 48. The setting also changes as time moves on. Buildings under construction in one game are finished in another, etc. There's a real sense of continuity. And if you've played earlier games, each area feels like it has history to it. Not just a history you're informed of, but a history you took part in.

Another draw is the setting. The game always has Kamurocho (a knockoff of a real life Tokyo district) as a central setting. The district is small, yeah, but it's focused more on content density. Going to restaurants, bars, karaoke, doing sidequests, going to hostess clubs, playing pool, table tennis, fishing etc. also going to the arcade and playing actual real games such as Virtua Fighter. You get other districts in some of the games as well (Osaka, Sapporo and Nagoya). In 5, four of the characters have side-jobs. Kiryu is a taxi driver, Tatsuya is a baseball player, Haruka is an idol, Saejima hunts in the mountains.

The Japanese culture is also laid on thick so it's nice to be able to experience that. There are some absurd situations and events, especially in side quests.

Also the music kicks ass.

I would say it's definitely not for everyone, though.

I'm kind of disappointed that the time skip is only a year. I was expecting at least 3 to to have us Ourobouros ass kicking ready. That and have the reunions be more impactful. Alisa really looks like someone's mom after only a year.

I got in an argument in one of these threads with a guy who vehemently claimed the Ys games are not rpgs, and he showed a boss battle has proof.

Mistakes into miracles, maybe?

Well maybe it's the stress of dealing with a shitty mom and her company.

Trails needs more ara

Trails is one of the few with ara, if they actually follow through with Claire and Sharon, we risk ara overload. Wait a second, Alisa was one of the younger looking members of Class VII. What if… If she looks like THAT… Then what do the girls who aren't Fie, Millium, and Altina look like?


What am I missing?

Force Blast, Strong Arm, Serenity and Blood Fury.

Got Strong Arm, where do I find the other 3

Force Blast is from the Vorpal Blade, which can be found in Strangerock Castle.
Serenety is from the Sacred Axe from Eglet Mountain.
Blood Fury is from the Berserker which can be found in Strangerock Castle, too.

Thanks user, don't know how did I even miss the Sacred Axe

I want CS3 and Ys8 now.

Ys 8's easy to get. Just hack your vita.

And how would one go about doing that exactly? Will I need another person on my keyboard to pull it off?

No vita. Want the PS4 version

Who thought up this name? How on earth are you supposed to pronounce it?

It's EASy as hell to pronounce. Fucking murricans.


I want a canon nod to Rean's Unspeakable costume. I want someone from Thors to find it in his closet, or for his mom and dad to reference it while he and his friends are in Ymir. I just find the idea of younger Rean trying to understand his dark power by dressing like an emo and going around acting like a fag hilarious. Elise must've really liked the open chest.

So I guess the button menu will be the new standard for JRPGs, huh? I can get behind that, I think it's an acceptable form of streamlining.

I demand if they make a CS1 remake they make a proper Ymir vacation chapter. That's the single most egregious thing the New-Gen Trails series have done to my knowledge as I haven't played Crossbell or 3rd.

Thread save


Am I missing anything else from this?

Are you stupid? Vita hacking takes literally 15 seconds if you're on 3.60.

Had it in WoFF too.

That seems to be the long and short of things. It's going to be a long wait for those of us not knowing moon.

Man, I wasn't expecting new characters. Now we have

Wonder if/how many of the Sky and Crossbell characters will be playable.

Eh, by the end of 2017 I'll have the OST, the OP and will know who the waifus are. It's at least something to look forward to.

I was thinking today: I wonder if they would actually demote certain Class VII characters to NPCs. Like…I could see them doing something taking Elliot or Machias out of the battle party and making them purely political. Though, I think it would be weird not to have the whole of the original Class VII be playable.

I guess with PS4 only their only limits to the amount of places to go and party members to have is their own imagination and drive to work it in.

I can get behind the OST and waifus, but it'll still be a long wait to see it all come together in motion.

3.63. Guess it's too late for me.

I'll take that as a yes.

I doubt they'd do it to anyone in Class VII, at least. I think we might see the largest roster of playables in any Trails game yet. No wonder this game has no Vita version, this will likely be the biggest game Falcom has ever released.

It's hard to tell since this is continuing Rean's story and not Class 7's story. Like they could do away with the Divine Knight subcontractor mechanic entirely, and add a new system. Part of me doubts they would yet the other part says "yeah it's possible".

I was thinking that Sky and/or Crossbell characters might be NPCs or guest party members.

Or maybe it'll be set up similarly to CS1, where every chapter you have to use certain party members.

Or maybe it'll just be fucking huge, with a massive cast of characters.

I'm sorry for your loss.

If previous "finale" games are any indication, everyone who was playable before will join permanently, plus new characters and some guests.

For the final dungeon at least. I can already hear XSeed crying over the size of the script.


So what exactly was the world's technological level pre-Orbal revolution? We know they at least had guns and gun powder. By 1204 ~50 years later they public airships and the internet is just beginning to be a thing. Rock and roll is also taking to the public conscious. Industrial era? Roaring 20's? I say Industrial.


In Sky they had steam engines, and gasoline.

And a room size computer

Was that made pre-Orbal revolution? I can't remember.

I think the mentioned the steam engine and gasoline were before the Orbal revolution. Damn, now my memory is really fuzzy about it.

No that's explicitly an orbal computer. Orbments are just crystal transistors.

Steam age I think.

It's funny how the world in Trails is technologically more advanced. Clean power! No CO2 emissions!

Orbment use fucks with the dragon veins, though. Will probably be a plot point in Calvard.

Oh? I didn't know that.

I thought orbs were a clean inexhaustible form of cheap energy. Like Fukushima ha ha.

I thought the Dragon Veins only got fucked by Ourobouros using the Gospels to fuck with nature.

To be white and old: sprained my wrist getting that final fish in CS2. I guess someone at Falcom really likes fishing. Can't wait to do it all over again CS3.

Sometimes I wonder why I play these games I swear.

Holy shit, that was awful! Every other fish was so easy. That last one nearly broke my hand.

My Mario party skills were put to the test. God I thought I actually fucked my hand up by the end but I was so satisfied.

I hope the next Guardian is going to make me break my DS4

Wat, am I being trolled?

Ys VIII's got fishing too. Have fun.

I don't think I had so much trouble with that fish.

So Crow made such a big fucking deal about his 3 years over Rean, right. Yet after only a month, a handful of battles, and a new sword, he's able to beat him. Is Rean that much of a savant, did Crow over exaggerate the learning curve, or was it just poor writing?

Well when he said that Rean had literally just been piloting for five minutes. I think it was just to emphasize someone who had just gotten in a Knight for the first time wouldn't be able to beat someone who knew what they were doing. And he was right. Once Rean knows what he's doing and gets a weapon that fits his fighting style he's back on par.

Rean had A proper weapon, the power of friendship, as well as the ability to channel his ogre form through Valimar. Rean probably also gained some more experience fighting Panzer Soldats, while Crow never had to fight them, or other divine knights. So while Crow had experience piloting it and moving around, Rean had experience actually fighting more in it, his friends as sub contractors as well as the raw power of his ogre form channeled through Valimar. Plus, during the intermission, it shows Rean in ogre form could beat Crow easy, so all that was needed was learning how to use Valimar properly, and getting Valimar a proper weapon

Fishing is a big thing in modern falcom games. In old ones there was always some guy talking about fish or a fishing lodge too. I wonder why there's always something to do with fishing in these games and they didn't make a fishing game in the 70s when they were a software retailer storefront.

Probably because some of the devs liked fishing. But didn't think they could make a proper fishing game back then?

Yeah it's the fact every dev when small, starting out, or on its last legs in japan does shitty sports titles or porn mahjong. I would think a fishing game would be in there but other than golf and spaceship mysteries their catalog from the beginning has always been EBIN FANTASY ADVENTURE

It's time.

For what?


Never ever always turns into Forever ever.


I was going to get some of the Ys series finally during this sale, but I blew my games budget buying christmas gifts.

Always next sale I suppose.

What's your steam ID, user?

I'm very grateful and extremely tempted because the games look super good, but it's just me being dumb and a poorfag. That and giving your steam ID to Holla Forums is like putting a 'kick me' sign on yourself.

I realize now it's christmas fucking eve and you were just being a cool guy. So, I'll invite the hurt on myself.

And here's some steam keys for shitty games I got in various bundles in the past, just in the spirit of Christmas. Don't be a dick, just take one.

Go! Go! Nippon!: 7??AA-RH6LC-0ZWTP

? is 1 + 1

Postal 2: 44CVJ-?T?LP-7IRNI

? is first letter of question

Beat Buddy: 2?TND-30N5V-4?MZP

? is first letter of hatechan.

Friend request sent.

I grabbed up Go Go Nippon, thanks homie

You're not worth my time. Suffer for all I care.


What in fucking tarnation does this even mean


That's the last bit of Hoshi no Arika, aka the ending song for Trails in the Sky FC. The translation would be something like "I love you, it's as simple as can be. I'm sure the two of us can meet again."

I should get around to playing that

I feel like an absolute dork asking this after reading the entire infotextpics, but which is the recommended order to play Trails and Ys?

I suppose that for Trails it's release order but didn't understand if there were remakes.

In the case of Ys there's loads of remakes so I suppose release order is not ok, maybe I, II, OiF, TDoYs/MoC, VI, Origin, Seven?

Because ef467a is a boss, I'm giving a few actually decent games away on this run.

Hero Siege: ?W60M-LV0QI-QZXWX

? is 5+4

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl: HL42Y-G8CMV-A?N?7

? is first letter of Fuck, as in fuck that guy who wasted the dubs.

Killing Floor: RDWCH-IW?L?-NDE43

? is the first letter in bait

Killing Floor DLC:
? is first letter of to, as in To fucking tired to keep coming up with this anti-bot bullshit.

You should. It's one of my favorite games of all time.

For Ys the order I+II Chronicles+ would be first, then Ys VI, Ys: Oath in Felghana, Ys: Origin, Ys 7, Ys: Memories of Celceta, and then Ys VIII.

If you especially like Ys I+II you can go directly to Mask of the Sun, if you don't like them don't feel forced to play them. Bumper cars isn't for everyone.

Err, scratch that you can go directly to Dawn of Ys and play that. It's no longer canon but it's a great game, and the only thing NightWolves is good for these days.

Alrighty I'll even _buy__ it

You better, SC in particular was a mammoth of a translation endeavor. FC alone drove the editor insane, and SC turned it's translator suicidal.

I borrowed I+II Chronicles from a friend for a couple days when my PSP was alive and played for about 4-5 hours, enjoyed it lots, though it took a while to understand the bumping cars it was very satisfying to kill an enemy I wasn't supposed to

They started, said fuck it and sent it to Carpe Fulger(Recettear) to do while they focused on staying afloat as a company, if I recall correctly he was already depressed, SC made it suidcidal, the he sent them what he had done which judging by tone wasn't that much and XSEED finished after another 9~10 months.

In part due to those massive delays, we may not see the Crossbell games until either the 3 year gap between Cold Steel 3 and the Calvard games or just never.

Man, I just realized…how fucking big is the Sen III script going to be? When you think about it, this is the first game in the entire series from Sora to now where they won't be constrained by the data limitations of handheld hardware. They can put as much as they want in this game. More than they ever have before. Combine that with the fact that this game is supposed to shoot the canon forward and be a huge game changer with appearances from the casts of all three arcs…

Man, people at Xseed really might kill themselves this time. It'll be a miracle if we get it by December 2019. That's assuming the JP version isn't delayed itself.

but WHY was it so hard for them? It doesn't seem to be any bigger than any other JRPG, smaller than many in fact.

You…don't actually realize how much dialogue is in these games, do you? I'm gonna guess you don't talk to the NPCs very much…

In any case, I think I remember seeing that SC had about three times the amount of dialogue as your average JRPG, say Final Fantasy. Combine that with the fact that Xseed isn't exactly a big company with loads of employees and…you get the picture…

I believe FC had 1.4 million characters for its script, which is huge even by jRPG standards. SC has about double that and some change.

Rough estimates are 1.5 million characters for FC, 3 million for SC, about 2 million for The 3rd, 4 million+ for Zero, Ao is some amount above that and Cold Steel has conflicting estimates but is somewhere in the 3 to 5 million range. I think I remember XSEED saying the honor of biggest script got traded between the Akiba and Cold Steel games with Cold Steel 2 beating Beat. I think. Either way, the scripts and a sign of XSeed's dedication and love of the series. Or just masochism.

Either way, like me and the other user said, CS III might actually kill somebody.

Actually, the overall scripts for Cold Steel are smaller than the Sky games. There aren't nearly as many NPCs in Cold Steel than there are in Sky, and dialog doesn't rotate out as much.

Are you certain about that? Each environment has 3-5 transitions of NPC text in Cold Steel if I remember correctly. I feel like Sky may have had more NPCs but less transitions.

I have talked about the series and their respective translations at length with Hatsuu and Nick at various trade shows over the past several years. There's a post that Tom made on the forums saying as much.

Well, I've got no reason to fight you on that, and I've ain't got the energy to look for that post, so I'll just push us over the bump limit, wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope we see Cold Steel 3 early 2019 but hopefully see the Crossbell games before that.

Well, Zero at least should be next year thanks to Floofy, Gu4n and Yotaka working on the translation. Ao should definitely come before 2019, hopefully.

Keep in mind that these games are nichè as fuck. Xseed can only afford 2 fulltime translators unlike Square who has an entire localisation department for Final Fantasy.

Hell because of the abysmal sales numbers of SC I don't think Zero and Ao will ever see an official English release.

I keep thinking that because the way the story is intertwining, we'll get those games.

But there's always more to it than that… XSeed needs money for their time, too.

You mean 30k + whatever it sold in PSN and GOG is horrible? it probably surpassed 50k, sold at 20~30 dollars.

Also Zero and Azure is 2 millions each, not 4.

Has XSeed ever said what they consider good enough? We can look at the numbers, but if we don't know what their expectations were they mean nothing. I think 50k would be a miracle considering the circumstances. You also didn't include Steam in that, which I'm guessing would be 10k to maybe even 15k.

It's all a big question mark. They may outsource it if they REALLY feel the love. It's all a labor of love for them. Love and pain.

Also, I knew I fucked those numbers up, just didn't know how. What you said sounds better

XSeed answered some questions they got sent earlier this week.


I can feel the reanbowl expanding.

It's not the only thing expanded at the thought of being able to have the pink haired student.

I quite like Green.

Green is a qt as well.

I wonder if they'll let us carry over cross save. I also wonder when someone will make a new thread for this sinking ship. I would, but I only know Western Trails.

They might not, and even if they did it'll probably have as much impact as CS1 did on CS2, just some slightly different dialogue.

I doubt you'd get gameplay bonuses. But it's possible.

Oh I'm not expecting any big difference, it'd just be cool if they did. I like when quest NPCs remember me, or the game sees that I've been gunning for Sara since game 1. It's the little things. Why wouldn't you think we'd get gameplay changes? Thatd be the most I'd expect us to get. Because of the apparent level set to 0?

I was thinking that since it's a year and a half after CS2, they might be doing gameplay changes. Like making the orbment units different. And then I realized "well they could just give us bonuses anyway based on how we did in the previous game, it's not like accessories or items stuff carries over"

Remember when Falcom was good?

Yeah, right now.

I bought it on steam because it was cheaper than on gog and I like achievements. the gog version is unupdated while the steam one has all the updates applied.

anyone happen to have an unupdated version of the steam .exe for the game? should I just refund and play the pirated version?

The GoG version has achievements, too.
How many fps were you getting in the pirated version?

Oh look, it's the most accurate tier list.


We're over bump limit and need a new thread. I'm not near a computer to bake a new one though.

I made this one, but it was basically just a copy-paste from the previous one except the last two news items. What should I add this time? Assuming no one else wants to do it…