Webm thread: holiday edition

post webms and mp4s like always

Other urls found in this thread:













Monty On the Run C64 theme


Do you guys know where did came from?

that is some cool shit, what is that user?




good LORD

This guy has way too much time on his hands to be obsessing about something as dumb as that.



that was the joke







jesus fucking christ, I don't want to remember all of the stuff in this video but I have no choice

Pretty damn inefficient exterminatus.

I don't think they were going for a worldwide extinction event, I think they were just killing a lot of people as punishment for something.


They were just getting started, it takes time to do a good exterminatus.




NIce tunes










Heres some video games.




Thats all the video games i've saved.









hey dude can you post the past episodes on >>>/webm/



has there even been the equivalent of an imperial guardsman willingly join the chaos roster?


Proof that anime is 3d

What's this from?


anyone else suddenly not able to open a webm in the same tab anymore? can't find a option for it anywhere.





It makes me really happy that the singer of the original song not only has seen many of the We are Number One edits but he really likes them.





By this I mean ur waifu a whore


More Christmas related content

I miss when I was still enchanted by anime like this.



I really like this one but it's not exactly festive


I wish he did more funny videos instead of porn.

People loved him to the point they donated to his go fund me and it was a success, and has been getting the treatment he needs for his cancer

This is what he released to celebrate




Reminder that he worked on a children's television show and thus likely knew someone who raped kids and kept mum about it or he raped kids himself.

I wish it was neither but I trust no one from Pedowood



The only thing he's right about is sex ed in schools. Otherwise why does he give a shit what other people do?

No one lives in a vacuum, user, and "what other people do" is influenced by a certain taint in society.

That's some good conspiracy theory bullshit there son, got some more?

Why do you care what other people do privately? As long as they don't force their practices on others, why is it a problem? And who gets to decide what "taint" is?

Nice meme.

By the way
This is literally, factually, the mentality of a pedophile.
Link: youtu.be/4eeGX4SlF1s?t=1h3m14s

You are parroting the worldview of pedophiles.
Except they use the mentality "it's okay when I do it" which is not anywhere in Scripture ever so that's not an argument. Take it to /christian/ if you want to debate.

Are you joking or are you willfully that dense?

I need evidence of people committing crimes, not the pretense that all people that take part of X commit crimes

"All priests are pedophiles" "All people who give to charity have things they're trying to hide" etc etc

I'm well aware a lot of pedophiles work with children in the industry, but saying he willfully knows who is doing it and didn't report them? That's definitely reaching

As for "Keep it in the bedroom as long as nobody is hurt" I agree with, but in the case of pedophilia lovers etc that is not normal, and children are often hurt in some way to feed these people's sexxual fetish thus it should indeed be a "Warning flag"

Pedophilia fetishists need extream help, and they need the stigma to go with it that preying on helpless children is indeed wrong and seek therapy for it

I mean shit, that's up there with fucking animals who also don't know any better and are being hurt for somebody else's pleasure

Yeah, I know but the stuff about Japan is spot-on.

Why do I care what people do to children privately?
Like the children? That was the subject Hitchens was talking about.
And what Marxists don't force their societal degradation onto others?
Common Sense and the Moral Law, user.
Moral Law: sexualizing/exposing children to sex/sexuality is evil
Common Sense: this sociopolitical ideology has a history of imploding civilizations and ruining lives

But that's a debate for another time.

You either willfully delude yourself into thinking morality is subjective (and all the horror therein) or you don't think about anything beyond a moment's entertainment for the self.

It's such a narcissistic and stupid question, too.
>Why do you care if someone wants to torture/abuse themselves because they hate themselves after being gangraped by Pakistanis for 16yrs while the British public/police did NOTHING to help?
Maybe I'm human.

inb4 argument discarded because of spacing.

Nigger, being a paedophile directly affects children. We know it's a highly immoral act. And it's something that should be stopped wherever it can be. And he's right that the gov't shouldn't teach kids about sex, as it's up to the parents to decide how to raise their children.

But my problem is him going "muh sex is bad" iwhich is complete shit. Why does he care about adults talking about sex on music or on TV? Nobody forces him to watch it.


Can we please not fag enabler this fucker and just ignore his stupid bullshit.

You don't know how research and statistical analysis works, do you?
1. the whole video I linked to
2. Conspiracy of Silence youtube.com/watch?v=AY-F5JoHoho
3. archive.is/4Q6LK
4. archive.is/mYbyy BUT THEN archive.is/3Yl9U
And on and on it goes. That's not even touching Jimmy Saville or the Thatcher Administration's government-wide cover-ups archive.is/1LQyY . How much more evidence do you need?

And what do you define as "normal"? Is transgenderism "normal"? Homosexuality? Polygamy? Bestiality?

Of course with children it's evil. But the impression I got when he was talking about the media, was that what he saw didn't cater to his personal values - depsite it being a machine that only cares about easy views and making money. Maybe I autism'd when watching the webm


It's not about him but about society. How can you not see this? We aren't meant to view life through this self-absorbed, self-focused lens - it's about life and the lives of others. Namely, how something effects all of society and how that, in turn, is reflected in the generations brought up in that society (if they survive the abortion-on-demand).

Hitchens cares about more than himself. That's the reason.
And yeah, "free love MAAAAN" sex was a ploy to destroy the family, and it worked especially for blacks apparently which is why heartless old spinsters are getting lambos with severed fetus skulls.

VALUES: Do You Have Them?

Is anyone gonna post the source of this?

It's not his personal values. It is the Moral Law, the fundamental true values inherent in every human being, but most, for the sake of indulging their delusions and/or depravity, willfully suppress.

It's not a "personal value" to firmly holdfast to the truth that blasting sex in the media (especially pop music and especially pop music from celebs who were once big child-actor faces) and teaching sex to kids in public schools will lead to moral erosion and rampant sexual activity when their minds are scarcely through the hormonal phase of their maturity.

Source lads

Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune


I agree that over the past few years the family unit has been degraded over the last few decade and that the family is the cornerstone of society, but I reckon the demonisation of sex is the cause of this. The free love hippy shit was a result of hippies doing the taboo to get back at what they saw as authority (or their parents). And as such I believe that if a topic was not necessarily demonised, but looked at as something one can do but would be dumb for doing, then it can't be used as a means to degrade the family.

Like if you have laws dictating people not to touch a stove, you'll get hippyfags telling everyone to do it to "stick it to the man". Buit if instead you remove the laws, and have say parents advising their kids that they are able to touch the stove, but they are retards for doing so, you'll have fewer people doing it.

I'm the same fag you replied to; disregard id change
While I agree that bringing sex to the forefront of the minds of young while they should instead be developing themselves can be detrimental. Do you not see a parallel between say "tv and music causes promiscuity" and "video games cause violence"?

Your wild claim was HE KNOWS of pedophiles raping children that he works with and has done nothing about it, all based on the fact that he works with children on a kids show

That's like saying Steven Spielberg willingly let Corey Feldman get raped because Corey Feldman worked with him on The Goonies, him and other children and never told anybody

Homosexuality is somebody who likes the same sex, and as long as each other is into it there's nothing wrong with it

Transgender is somebody having the delusion they are another sex, and by supporting it you not only hurt them by saying they're the other sex, but hurting society because you're demanding society bow to other people's wills

Polygamy hurts people because by human nature people are possessive as fuck, and having multiple spouses never works out as far as society goes and people go apeshit every three seconds, which is why there is laws about you can only marry one person at a time to prevent these shitfests

Beastiality is hurting animals for a persons sexual gratification and is wrong

You got any hard to answer questions or you going to continue throwing trivial stuff at me like a 2 year old?

user that doesn't make any sense. Firstly, the whole idea of Sex Ed was originally exactly that: "you can do this, this is how you do it, but you really shouldn't just do it willy nilly"
Turns out to have the exact opposite effect, because it's illogical to teach people how to do a thing you don't want them to do.

You don't have heroine classes on how to "safely" purchase, cook and inject heroine into your system. The dopamine high in sex is equally addicting and yet thrice as devistating since it effects both partners and the eventual child born from the coupling (and doomed to be murdered in the womb).

Sex needs to be removed from media (TV, music, movies etc. can't stop talking about sex/showing sex scenes even in films where they do not belong like Last King of Scotland) and replaced with chastity, spiritual sobriety and proper romance.

It was ridiculous to have had such a national outcry from older people over Elvis's hips on stage, but it was a sign of how rabidly America demanded to protect its chastity. People at one point even thought the suggestion of a dog giving birth in a TV show (Lassie I think) was perverse and distasteful. Not because kids weren't being taught about dog's giving birth; people were breeding dogs back then obviously. It's that, once this crack opens in the media it will only worsen from there.
Too bad we could not find a proper middle ground. Though honestly, I'd rather have raging anti-Elvis America back rather than Myley Cyrus un-America.

No, because I KNOW that you don't feel aroused to consider, fantasize about, and/or gesture (let alone actively seek out) murdering real people because of vidya or movie violence.

However, I also KNOW that you DO feel aroused to consider, fantasize about, and/or gesture [masturbate to] (let alone actively seek out, if it were simple enough) having sex with real people because of sexual content in TV, music, etc.

There's a difference and you know better than that, user. You have experienced it.
Besides, whereas murder is still seen as a vicious action, sex is lauded and celebrated by the society at large. Not only is it explicit and everywhere, even in schools and swirling inside your head when you listen to contemporary music (which is specifically designed to get stuck in your head), but it's celebrated.

You know what else is like that? Thug criminality. You really think it's a coincidence that most gangraping, gangbanging thugs all want to "keep it real" by emulating what they are taught are masculine traits in the media which specifically targets them?
No, the urge to assert masculinity is natural - but it is perverted by a broken home and a tainted society permeating with media laced with violent poison.
Same with sex: urge to have sex is natural, but it is perverted by a broken home and a tainted society permeating with media laced with sexual poison.
Broken home → broken neighborhoods → broken quarters of society → broken society
Media is just a part of the world system (not NWO stuff; it's just how the enemy does it)

I'm so glad someone made a webm of this

what was this again i remember watching it but i forget its name


but that's wrong, cunnilingus was considered even lower.

Your entire argument is "Media doesn't cause negative behaviors, but it really does."

You're claiming that media influences human behavior. And there's no research that shows a lasting effect of media on human behavior. Unless said person already had severe mental disorders.

At most there's short term emotional changes i.e. crying at a sad film or song. But that's transitory and passes.

Your claims of "KNOWING" the effects of media are presumptive and ego-centric in the extreme. Regardless of how much you're personally sure of the truth of something you need to verify it as objective rather than innately unreliable personal observation.

You've fallen off the short bus, or massively need sleep

I myself need sleep, but I'm sure everyone else here will call you a fucking idiot without me rebuking your wall of bullshit by simply pointing out recent media examples like #GamerGate on why you are entirely full of shit that "Media will make you want to do X!" etc

But that's wrong, numerous studies have shown that people feel arousal towards violence when exposed to it - it's THE most commonly cited argument regarding violence in video games.

You're right, we live in a world that loves sex and is appalled by violence, that's why society at large throws a shit-fit at the thought of a 14 year old seeing tits on TV, yet will happily hand over a copy of GTA to a 10 year old. That's why breastfeeding in public is met with disdain, but taking your 13 year old son out to kill a wild animal is seen as a wholesome bonding experience. That's why our stores stock Playboy on the top shelf and Soldier of Fortune at eye-level.

Here's a question for you - why does Japan have such a higher degree of sexualization in it's media, yet such a lower crime rate? What about France and it's rate of sexualization compared to it's non-immigrant crime stats?

Goddamn it Jim, let me post


I've been to funnyjunk mutable times. I got a 4/pol/ vibe off of it. It's like a website sized Holla Forums YLYL thread. Though it has karma -point cancer. It's better than cuckchan.

I'm sure there's been more than one time that an Imperial Guardsman has been completely alone and surrounded by Slaaneshi deamonettes and just been like "P-praise Slaanesh?". They are just dudes after all, they've not got the anti-psychic shit spess muhreens have.

christ i remember seeing that flash on newgrounds back in the day


Either you need to be raped to death or you’re too stupid to be allowed to post here.

Okay, reported. They’ve been doing this for millennia.

Why would you discuss catholicism on /christian/? That’s like discussing ideologies that don’t rape children as a matter of doctrine on /islam/ or /judaism/.

“Live and let live” is the reason for every single bad thing that happened in the last century, you cocksucking lunatic.

Can I get the YT link, want to share this. Seems very pertinent to our situation right now.



if you're going to argue about pedophilia at least post webms while you're doing it you fucking faggots

I just want 16MB filesize already.


I want 100mb file size

You could upload entire series and animu on 8ch! Imagine the posibilities

Pay for it.

wew lad

1TB file size.


"I disagree with somebody having a foot/spanking/bondage/whatever fetish thus they should be destroyed!"

You are not that dense are you?

Fun fact, according to his book Nero got hold of the imperial palace by giving Tiberius copious ammounts of greek pornographic imagery.




requesting the jew rave webm

Not him





Nigger sex is promoted to incredible levels in colleges like harvard, and yale constantly. What the fuck are you on? Sage because no webm

I want to see her reaction now

Okay, try the fuck again.


Not even remotely close. You have no idea what the jews did in the ‘60s, do you?

Yamato 2199.
Right click the shit you want and use "search google for images". It works most of the time.




Looking at all the comments here it's probably safe to say 4chan is definitely pushing into Holla Forums now

It was a fun ride






No, they need death.

Digits observed



would you please repost the chistmas robot one?

You could have made it yourself

Is cup noodle really big over there?

Yes, but they love noodle soup

This is part of the Animatrix.

I can't hate on this guy. He is just full of love and you can tell that he is full of love and I wish him the best in life.





im not getting any video, only the sound.

they will never find it because the clues are simply not enough.

Cheers mate.

Meant for


i fucking love these



every time

It's just a slightly more realistic version of exterminatus than 40k's "lol push button destroy planet"



only Holla Forums should decide what to do with children, just trust Holla Forums, Holla Forums knows how to raise your children in abstinence from any life experience that could make them know to much and hurt their feelings. Holla Forums can raise YOUR children better than you ever could, so just leave the raising of children in the hands of Holla Forums, don't you dare try to have dissenting opinions about it you kike shill leftard, WE know better than YOU do!

t. Holla Forums

now replace Holla Forums with jews and you get the modern western "society"
inb4 storm of Holla Forums buzzwords & ad homs


Yes, the lost and the dammed are filled with traitor guardsmen and random cultists.

You a funny weeb.

you westcucks were 20 years late

And frieza did it before you, you stupid monkey.

but i WAS talking about frieza


i heard they had to built another 7 death stars, so your mum could use them as anal beads.


The stories were always too stupid for me to ever get into it.





I will give you the benefit of the doubt since sex is easier to do than violence, but still, you're suggesting that the media try to stopgap bad parenting, which never fucking works because HOLY SHIT YOUR PARENTS HAVE MORE INFLUENCE ON YOU THAN MEDIA.
The "Lassie has Puppies" storyline wasn't even about sex, it was about welcoming a new addition to the family.
You might have had a point with Elvis, if it weren't for the fact that between him and Wrecking Ball the fucking internet happened, putting a portal to an infinite amount of sexual imagery in every computer, and Miley still didn't strip down until over 7 years after over half the population of the entire developed world got internet

Congratulations, you got me to bite, now go make a webm thread on /christ/ so this shit stops happening.





FUCK, where have I heard those drums before?!


fucking lel

wew this is loud

Looks like your average Falcom game, they throw a ring boss in every other game. They are obsessed with creating boss battles with interesting surfaces, be moving platforms or the fact you hop on the boss's back, or in this case running around the boss.

Btw pic related is one of the final bosses in Nayuta no Kiseki and if you never played that game you are missing the fuck out


do you have the spiderman one or the original one?







Alex Jones takes medicine for that right?


yeah it's called the shekel medication



The show's from Iceland, you know that, right?


This one?




That bit at the end is suuuuper gay. I'mma remake this because yer a fagget.


I didn't make it, but go ahead


looks good but how you managed to make it about 2 mbs bigger by cutting that part at the end and adding a low res image is beyond my understanding, saved anyway

It's the image. The audio is 128kbsp, but the image adds like 30kbps to it.


This is your biggest mistake.

I just used the same audio quality from the source webm.

Countering that abomination of the Star Spangled Banner with this well-done rendition. Bonus additional stanza, I don't like that they only sing the first stanza at most events.



i did that with a nigga who was slipstreaming me on a racing video game once
oh shit when that pole came down it literally squashed and chopped the nigga

Typically Opus vs AAC you can use 48bitrate less and AC3 64 bitrate less for the same quality

i seriously hope you copied the audio as you remuxed it instead of recompressing the thing

I regularly use 160bitrate if its to encode audio when I do audio cleanup/restoration/surround sound over stereo

Like this was me fixing treble/bass/enveloping sound since this is audio designed for stereo speakers and not headphones here

And here is the original audio

why is this so good? are these guys supposed to be nazis?

Why exactly did this become a meme?


lazy town's been around for a long while, user
it was only a matter of time

Because it's good music


I know my little sister watched the show.

It is a good song, just curious as to why it became such a popular thing to parody.


You just answered your own question though

is she still little or old enough to access the internet and be the next generation of memelords
we must guide them, show them the proper ways of memeing responsibly

She's been old enough, she only watches vlogs and shitty lets players though. I don't really keep up on what she does, I left my parent's house when I was 17.

sage for blogposting shit



It was always censored

Here, have this one instead.

I don't believe there ever was.

No. I had downloaded the one i speak about in 4ch about 5 years ago. Unless the creator has explicitly confirmed its censored. then the one i had was an edit but it lasted more and had swinging tits

The one on 4chan was the one that has been on youtube for over 5 years, and he only recently finished it up I think a year ago

All the new shit takes place as soon as she starts dancing at the "YAR HAR DIDDLE DEE DEE" onwards, everything from "AND THEN WE'LL SAY HOORAY!" back is the video he made 5 years ago

Original short was in 2007, completed in 2013

This is the completed, and here is the original youtube.com/watch?v=Jbq_1Wy70rE

I died, I'm sorry. It's over. The internet is over. Comedy can't get that spontaneous anymore!

Did Holla Forums died?

Sounds like a you problem, I see the video fine

I'm not getting it either, it works in MPC and firefox but not Chrome

Must be calling my GPU weird

Doesn't work in PaleMoon either.

I sometimes have this problem. Just try exiting out of your browser, and come back to the thread. I can hear it fine, and I am using firefox right now.

What's that, we wuz soldiers?

Battlefield 1

Mind you it looks great because I'm throwing about $1400 in hardware at it

I'm not judging graphics based on a heavily lossy video but alright

Source on animu and not the shit subs?


BF1 isn't very hard to run since Frostbite is pretty well optimized.


I'd have to find a way to measure frame rate, I'm using a GTX 1080 but I hear people with lower than GTX 980's are having issues for highest settings at keeping a frame rate over 60FPS


You could probably use a video recording software to measure FPS. I think Fraps has the option to overlay FPS in the corner even when you aren't recording.

At least we know the anti cheat works

I'm using a 960 and I get a steady 60FPS, though when lots of chaos starts it drops to like 50. I'm planning to upgrade to a 1060 or 1070 eventually though.

Also just use MSI Afterburner's statistics overlay thing that is comes bundled with.

FRAPS will eat up your frame rate even on just overlay mode, it's the worst video capture software on the market. Use a dedicated program that is just for a fps counter, the game's built in one, rivatuner or something that comes bundled with rivatuner and extra funcionality such as msi afterburner or evga precision x



One of these is vidya, right?


I still fucking hate how they went with female documentary voice for the objective callouts instead of having command shout at you.

Oh yeah he was around 100 meters from me, I was shooting at him mid turn and suddenly I was ded from him stabbing me

He was about twice the distance that first medic I killed was

You can change it to a male voice.









Why didn't they just blow the building up? Or is that too primitive for them and stupid thing only the dirty roundeyes do?

Any gender of documentary voice is wrong for objective callouts in a shooter.
You can't replace command headquarters with a fucking objective-based spidey sense, shit doesn't work that way.

They explained in the fucking video. If they blew it up, the collapse would damage other nearby buildings.

Then make it a smaller explosion, ez. Fucking Japs.



The real question is why blow it up? Unless the chinese designed that shit they could just modernize the building or some shit





You could say that's Nice.


That won't work because someone's going to bitch about all the dust

Because sometimes it's just cheaper to tear it down, salvage what you can, and start over from square one.
That, or nobody's used the damn thing in ages.


I'm glad this is still being posted, it's pretty much the clinching piece of bullshit in the ten hour explanation of why visual novels should be a controlled substance, along with the entirety of Nasu. Yes I watched the whole thing.

Take it apart, recycle the materials, and build something new. Pretty simple reason to dismantle a building.









I'm using chrome and it works for me







Just imagine though, notch is richer than trump and literally all he did was minecraft


This is true… because Notch sold his spine to Microsoft and backed on his open source promise.

Trump's net worth is 3.7 billion.
Notch's is 1.33 billion.




I didn't expect anons to look up shit instead of believing what i told them
i don't have a reaction image for this but have a webm from my random folder





These people are examples of why breeding rights should be only for the people who pass a certain IQ threshold.

Do you have the luigi board one?







i'm dyin here











Stop posting soundless cuckchan webms







What the FUCK is that???





Anyone got that sunmoon dancing webm??
And what's the source behind it anyway?



If you're using Opus, you probably don't need anything more than 96k after you've encoded. See wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality

Featured actor got cancer.

Jerma deserves more love

Does anyone else on this site feel… dirty after watching a killing like that?



Shit, salt is sustaining me today. Also off by one.

Fuck off I just came.




If I recall correctly, the original title was Watermelon Truth or some shit

2nd webm has porn, 1st is SFW



T-thanks for posting my webm, S-senpai

You should feel angry


Isn't that webm fake? I mean, the blood is way too red and it looks like it was heavily edited. Why edit so much an execution video?

The sandniggers edited it, they are trying to glorify executions.

It's ISIL, boi

They aren't exactly the most capable fighting force…

Why doesnt the train have sound? It sound so good.

requestan gawker dying with liru webm

If you fix the sound and then modify it to do full encompass it takes about 150bitrate to make it clear for hearing, that's for both Opus and AAC since both at past 160bitrate for stereo are nearly transparent, but 128 aac will sound as good as a 80 opus

cuckchan doesn't have sound webms outside of /gif/

Cartoon villains

Lazytown has had memes made out of it for a while, I guess it got popular because of tumblr latching onto it and running the joke to the ground

Can someone please point me where to get the exact version of this remix?

Luda gets funky tempo sped up by 15%


I second this please.

Thanks bro.



Instantly knew


Can anyone post the webm of the guy drawing a dinner table in VR with a girl from splatoon and then drawing a noose and looking through it?

I am undecided about ISIS executions.

On the one hand I support it because it is killing people.
On the other, it gives mudslimes fame (infamy?).


Is there a full song of this?

thank you based user


Killing is wrong

Is that as clean as that can get?I think 480p is the max resolution it should be at to prevent that pixilation.

That's amazing.

He really is a great performer.

I ran the video through about $700 of software to restore the image as much as possible, the original is a garbage truck mess because they used terrible blurring intraframing instead of actual intraframing

From what I estimate they rendered the dancing at about 20fps and then used motion blur interpolation to make it 30fps, and it fucks with encoders because they can't find the edges to anything


Damn, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you.

Common tactic of pedophilia supporters is to try to rationalize it as any other basic kink, thus it's "Harmless" etc

Name of the speaker is G. Edward Griffin

This song is about using a VPN.

Did you read the name?




What's the song?

Darude - Sandstorm


I like how the little red Tachikoma gets a little :3 face after lobbing a grenade. I never noticed that as a kid.

Theres hardly a need to justify/rationalize a biological trait you have no control over.

Pedophilia is a learned trait, as is all fetishes

what moontoon is this from?

Brain Power - Noma

Anyone got a version of this webm without the trumpets?