Mother Russia Bleeds

Now here's a fucking GAME.

Is it set in the same universe as hotline miami, or just similar? It's pretty clear that they borrowed a lot of things from it, but the fans do make a cameo towards the middle of the game

Is there online co-op?


Anyone know how to disengage from beating a guy on the ground without kicking?


Fuck off Holla Forums

have your falseflags ever worked?

You aren't Holla Forums or Holla Forums either nigger

What a low energy attempt. Sad!

I heard it wasn't a lot of fun. Is the soundtrack any good? How's the combat?

Stop taking the fucking low effort bait and talk about the game niggas

But that's wrong.
I haven't played the game. I thought it would have co-op but apparently it doesn't so I'm not very interested in it anymore.

Game is fun.

For fucks you twat your tactics are still shit


Combat is simple but cathartic. Lot of throwing slavs at other slavs. Definitely worth a pirate

Now here's a fucking piece of shit game, you mean

Don't you have chromosomes to hoard? What the everliving fuck happened to "don't feed the troll"?

it's 2016 grandpa

Taking the bait would entail responding seriously and thinking it's actually a Holla Forumsack upset with Holla Forums, which no one did. It's a pretty simple concept m8.

Seems to be working just fine, judging by the thread.

A shame, because the game is fun.

Hey Holla Forums is fine with Holla Forums, we're buddies. heh.


Glorious communism thread?

Shameless pandering and ugly art-style; I don't even think they put any shading into the character sprites and their skin is one solid color.

Is that pic a joke? /tg/ and Holla Forums are two of the most trollable boards on this site, you just have to do it correctly. And /a/ has THE highest resistance to trolling since the mods rule it with an iron fist.


That's an oxymoron.



7.5/10 game. Not bad, not excellent. Too bad you probably won't be able to get a discussion going, though. Every time a thread is made for this game it devolves into stale, unfunny trolling and/or retarded comparisons to Streets of Rage.

I don't know how, but you managed to read the graph correctly and incorrectly simultaneously. Congratulations I guess

Might as well

That's a fairly accurate score. I liked it well enough, but it lacks enough depth to be something I'd consider coming back to consistently.

Games alright
I'd say its the Skullgirls of sidescrolling beat em ups due to being too simple and gimmicky.

Tankies get the fuck off my board.


ee picture

Does this game allow me to murder commies like the low life dogs they are?

stop insulting man's best friend

Thats pretty much the whole game

Have you actually ever set foot in there? Guarantee you if Holla Forums somehow adopted /tg/'s general mentality of turning a bad trolling attempt into a discussion or otherwise making a 300+ post thread out of it the vast majority of this board's problems would be solved just like that. Saging such a rare phenomena that using it as a "negative opinion" button downvote all but outs you as a crossposter, high thread quality, little to no pruning due to high thread quality, competent and genuinely hands-free moderation. Imagine.

Yes, and actual commie dogs also

As long as Holla Forumsacks here don't give a fuck about girls loving girls or delicious 2D brown, I find their overlap amusing. Particularly for shitting on commies or the kikes.

Now watch Russians feed this bear.

Nobody likes them in russia. NOBODY

nobody really likes them anywhere else neither , except hollywood

Even Americans hate them. There's a tiny community of them in my city and anyone who foolishly does business with them has nothing but hatred for their entire people afterwards.

I like to think it's mostly /tg/'s board content (pen and paper table top, war gaming) with all of it's fluff and storytelling that allows them to easily manipulate a troll/bait thread into a new setting, offshoot, storytiem, a fun character class setting, or just a general story of the subject at hand.

Hell, the only issue I had with halfchan /tg/ was the stupid amount of fucking quest threads. Some of them aren't that bad to read or participate in, but the sheer amount of them tended to give a feeling a of flooding most of the time. Give me a good storytime from some unlucky player and THAT GUY as GM, or take Blue Rose with it's leftist utopia and add slavs and I'll pretty much be set.

Sadly with Holla Forums on the other hand , although there is a multitude of genre's within the medium as a whole, and plenty of well designed, fun things if you know where to look, there is little that one can generally do to salvage a, "Why does EYE suck?" thread beyond turning it into an EYE general. Even trying to suggest ideas for a sequel, a possible spinoff, or even just what you liked about the game will have dickheads crawling out of the woodwork with cries of, "IDEA GUYS, IDEA GUYS!" regardless of if a different game has already pulled off such a feature with relative ease, possibly on a similar or the exact same engine. Never mind the second a shit bait thread starts up the first post will be trying to get dubs.

On the /tg/ end, even the time honored, "Woke up with elf rape slave, wat do" could easily be twisted by most any /tg/ regular, played as a completely straight and lighthearted, "Oh right I rescued this woman and now need to nurse her back to health" romance, or even a, "Underground railroad of saving rape slaves and getting them into safety" to a, "Prisoner of me, the baron of this realm and woke up just as she was about to kill me" in about 10 different settings within the hour. And that isn't even considering all the replies, mini stories, and images that come from each of those settings. The only issue with fullchan /tg/ is how slow it is

Sorry fam but Vanilla is best Delicious 2D brown is pic related

That's why i said hollywood and not Americans


Does it have RPG elements like levels and skills?

Of course it fucking has co-op, it would be stupid if a beat-em-up didn't have it. Unless it's online co-op you want, in which case just keep playing Castle Crashers.

I would argue fighting games without parry mechanics (added to Big Band in the latest beta, btw) are inherently flawed, but nigger, it's in no way simple. Have you seen the autistic combos people do in competitive? I don't find them fun and think the game actually suffers quite a bit from minute long input sequences, but they are far from simple.

Man, that doesn't make it complex. SG is like super simplistic.


S is anybody gonna post any gameplay vids/screenshots or actually discuss the game? Anybody got a torrent link/hash?

Seriously lets see if this game is trash or not by actually playing it

>>>Holla Forums


Have you ran this?

Yeah, but sandboxed. Like I do all shit I pirate. So no idea if it's safe. It's from IGG, do you not trust that site?

As I said up the thread, threads devoted to this game always end up drowned in offtopic shitposting. Funny how the mods will remove posts criticizing Overwatch as "shitposting", but actually shitpost in other games' threads and it's a-ok.

IGG isn't really notorious for having 100% safe cracks and I've been hearing it's been getting worse lately. I'll hold on to the magnet and run it though a VM or something later and find out.

Hey rabbi! Whatcha' doin'?

What the fuck is with this game story to trigger Holla Forums so much?

aww man, I was hoping it would be a serious sam like game set in russia but it's a pixelart game.

It involves communism in any degree to it triggers the politically minded who don't understand that fictitious settings don't always imply a political agenda.

So communism to Holla Forums is same thing as template threads to Holla Forums.
Makes sense.

Now we are talking.

Oh boy whats in the cash shop?

What makes it simplistic, compared to other fighting games? It's about as complex as most of them, maybe slightly more than some due to tag team mechanics.

Also I love how Russian criminals are always plastered with sickles and hammers in American media, even though they were so anti-communist, they would make Holla Forums look like Holla Forums in comparison.

Wut ? Russian mafia was anti-commie in mindset, but very much proud of their past.

I don't think anything about this game is sympathetic to the USSR, but I'm only basing it on the first 13 mins of gameplay.

And about filthy цыгане.


pandering? to who exactly?

im conflicted.


I'm fine with someone preferring vanilla.

It's still sexy.

AKA an oldfag on a board full of cross-site newfags like you. fullchan /tg/ was riddled with cancer for years before even Holla Forums pretty sure they caught it from Holla Forums, poor fuckers

You guys are so bad at OC that you even destroy anything that isn't even related to politics.
sage for off topic

What part of Alunya is bad?

We get a lot of trouble with Irish Pikies in bongland, absolute scum, subhuman even. When they move in, within a few short weeks you'll notice conditions of the local area go down and crime statistics go up. They're basically traveling niggers.


Here we see Holla Forums stealing Holla Forums-memes again. Something "revolutionists" always do.

every fucking thread on /VIDYA/ we have Holla Forumstards shitposting about supposed Holla Forums invasion

Holla Forums is the new /lgbt/ and they want to shoehorn their faggotry everywhere

But ever since the elections are over there is a big influx of leftypol related posts on about every board or thread not related to politics. Cant blame the opposing force to react to that. Still, stolen shitty memes remain shitty.

She associate something i like with ideas i don't like, it's unforgivable!

Most Internet memes are edits of preexisting content, Holla Forums would be a fucking desert without the memes from /int/ and /r9k/.

>play as gypsies
>play as gypsies
Shit game, shit thread.

Yeah, don't forget about 9gag and reddit either. Come on now.

Have you ever stopped to consider that it might be Holla Forums acting like Holla Forums so people like you who is unaware of their bullshit start blaming Holla Forums?

There are several screencaps and archives that show them planning such things, but I really didn't care enough to save any of them.

But, hey, if 8/v/ gets as bad as 4/v/ I can always find a new chan.

This too. They had plenty of threads and still do about it. Subversion is still a thing, commies love it because they know that they live on lies.


quite the opposite after the election i see Holla Forums shitposting everywhere

Holla Forumstards have been shitposting on Holla Forums long before Holla Forums even existed so dont try to use MUH FALSE FLAG excuse


But they are false flagging more than ever. Hell, chans usually are right winged so it is no surprise shit like that happened before leftypol was a thing.

Hotline Miami's universe would actually be a very interesting setpiece for a classic beat'em'up. unfortunately the fans in MRB were just a fun little cameo

like i said Holla Forums has been shitposting on Holla Forums long before Holla Forums even existed and Holla Forums was the one who activelly even sabotauged GG claiming GG are "Muh PR kikes" while installing faggots like Imkampfy and Therealmoon (KIKE MODS) on Holla Forums


Now leftypol is pretending to be Holla Forums to piss off other boards even more.

And I don't blame them for saying that GG was a PR shitfest, lots of people talked about it just to gain money or attention. Both sides are hard to blame.

This really isn't an argument considering both sides would act like that. Or do you think Holla Forums wouldn't shitpost about Hillary winning?

The true shame is that I didn't get Trump vs Bernard.