so wat
Bumping, shit's getting bigger
Same shit's been happening to /furry/ for a while now.
Codenigger should have fixed that shit back then, before it became our problem.
Codemonkey fix your shit.
So it's not just on the thread I was lurking? I thought it was someone salty at us.
Catalog could use a good culling tbh
What if I am a cat named Sakamoto?
fix your shit site holy fuck
Just enable per-post captcha you autist
I want Glimmer dead.
it only slows them down
Who exactly is spamming though?
Is it the buttmad 4amfags again?
/a/ did it and it seems to work
kill yourself for lord Bui
How fucking new are you?
as long is its just piss and shit it would probably do more good than harm, thats a lot of free food for algae and plankton
Seems like cuckchanners or false flag
A ton of boards. It's almost easier to list the safe ones.
As far as we know it's some asshole called Bui.
/furry/ has both types of captchas activated. It's fucking BUI and his scripts.
it doesn't matter who did it, the problem is that it can be done.
Sounds familiar
It's hitting a lot of boards, see >>>/sudo/10347
Fill me in, negrons. Is it the same kind of copypaste spam seen on /furry/?
And when I think I remember, I realize that I was thinking of some other fag who went to /hebe/ and tried pushing that shit here.
I haven't seen the spam actually affect a thread yet, it's only been a couple posts in every thread.
yeah, here's a possible explanation >>>Holla Forums737095
Yeah, although it also switched to just random 4chan posts being dumped without the redtext so manual filters didn't work.
Apparently this all started on /furry/ so it's probably their autism that started all this. Furries need to be gassed, it's for the best.
what's going on?
Someone wouldnt yiff bui and he got kicked from a discord group so hes spamming furry for 3 weeks (using a vpn and solver service being THIS mad you pay to shitpost) and for some reason hes making a global annoubcement about it
Ive followed him for several years. Hes pretty upfront and truthful, despite that
>>>Holla Forums737187
It's actually codeniggers fault for not taking action in /furry/. Furries are to be gassed, but this is a consequence of codenigger slackness.
I don't actually see any spam though.
Kill yourself please….
Literally who?
I wasn't expecting that
Codemonkey you could have solved this shit earlier but no you were busier making useless shit
Fuck you this shit doesn't fucking work
Obviously you must be sacrificed to ward off Bui.
as expected of libtards
You're so fucking new. You do know that bui spam actually predates Codemonkey. It's Codemonkey's fault still because he doesn't provide additional tools other board owners. You know that Mark has tools that aren't board owners.
hey Holla Forums here faggot, this isn't our work as we are getting spammed too. This entirely the work of /furry/, therefore I say we should all gather together and throw the furfags out of Holla Forums
We're obviously dealing with a single, immensely butthurt autist, rather than the gaggle of flailing retards that is Holla Forums
Also it's not's just Holla Forums getting spammed. /monster/ is getting spammed pretty hard too.
Why not just shove both the leftists AND furries out of Holla Forums? They are basically the same mentally.
Enemy of my enemy, I guess
strange times we're in
Holy mother of quantum space gigatomic autism i haven't seen a dump of spaghetti this big in many seasons
Now instead of making spam posts the spammer is making spam threads.
I thought it was Al Gore that was making those threads?
guess we ain't so different from those gommies after all :DDD
Of course it is. He invented the internet after all.
left and right
to gas furfags we unite
Whose to day they aren't related?
Was that all? Is that enough reason to be buttblasted as much as to require this spambot fiesta?
well no shit
Through gas, unity
/furry/ frequent here.
Bui is pretty much an unwanted manchild with a spambot army and a history of attacking us beforehand (along with Holla Forums and Omegle). We have an official discord server which he recently got banned from because one of the newer mods actually had the balls to do so after holding the entire board hostage (considering we knew that if he was booted that he'd be doing shit like this, regardless of how much an asshole he is to the people in the server).
The spambot on /furry/ is taking posts from 4chan's /trash/, modifying them, and posting them en masse. We've had a similar attack earlier this year which the 8ch admins took maybe three days to fix via a bot working similarly to r9k that removes repeated posts (and now that it's happening again, it's been three weeks and Codemonkey decided to be a nigger and make a new board instead of actually fixing the issue).
Considering that all I see in terms of spambot is the wanted ads, I assume he hasn't hit you with the /trash/bot. Am I wrong?
This is your mind in furry
Captcha was: FuOcry
PS since this is technically off topic which Pokemon should I fap to tonighf?
no furrets or paws
Your waifu dittofaced
I believe he has hit us (and Holla Forums) with the /trash/bot. Every message that advertises his email also usually has a random message underneath it.
How someone hasn't kicked that faggot's shit in yet is beyond me. I think we can all agree that /furry/ needs to fuck right off though, they're irredeemable and dragging the rest of the site down with them at this point.
Whatever is 80% male.
We've been keeping to ourselves rather well.
If you ask me, we have nothing to do with this. This is purely him.
what faggotman over says.
/furry/ hasn't been shitting up the place so they're fine.
What needs to be purged is the autist
I just see one post here and there, per thread of very little consequence.
Nice to know its just some furfag drama, but still quite petty to enable spambots over it.
Sylveon or Jolteon are!
Does that mean theyre hiding a megaclit somewhere?
Oh for crying out loud, is Bui on his period again?
What's the context here?
looks to be that way
Maybe :^)
Wrong quote
/hgg/ seems to be spared yet.
it really makes you wonder how slutty female pokemon with species with low amounts of females are. And even if you count how they can speciesmix there's still a trillion more males
No idea, they probably thought it was funny or something. Furfaggotry obviously didn't exist back then
The females are probably fine.
Its the males I'd worry about. So undersexed and tense that they could be oversexed in minutes if they wanted
I remember some furrybait threads in the last year here. For example nominally about videogames with kobolds, but in reality to spam scalies and scalie porn. But it was quite low key occurrence overall.
I thought you niggers left for .pl
The furfags must go.
From a user on Holla Forums
That was an injoke about 4/pol/ raiding .pl by using google to find our board. It also worked to move all the raideds to .pl lol
I'm not leaving
Kick Bui out, we both hate him. This is an agreeable arrangement, ja?
replying so people think i am not a bot
They pussied out, just like every other time leftists commit to something.
>email address: [email protected]/* */
>twitter: twitter.com
No, all furries must burn. It has to be this way…
That bear suit was probably a longtime tourist attraction in Zakopane, Krupówki street.
Nazi furries are not a fiction though.
another Holla Forums false flag. nothing to see here
Fucking kill Bui, furries and the commies
Dude, it's Bui.
I don't get why furries would be NatSocs, they would have been considered crazy in 1940's Germany.
Reminds me of that nazi gay orgy
I have my doubts.
pic related
(Most) Furries have horrible unsustainable spending habits that require leeching money off others, and some of them believe in the application eugenics to create their ideal race.
They'd fit right in with hitler.
I meant contemporary furries, not from 1940.
It is an insult to Hitler, and would be an insult to basically anyone to say that they would fit in with furries.
how convenient, some magical autistic buigeyman. meanwhile Holla Forums comes out of the woodworks to virtue signal
I know, that's what I mean. Why would they follow an ideology that conflicts with their existence.
It's like a homosexual being a Muslim.
They have more in common with Obama than Hitler, user :^)
sounds more like /tg/'s work
it's a thing
It's an insult, but it technically speaking is a valid comparison. Of course there are rare exceptions of Furfuggits that actually can do things worth a fuck. Like that one who designed a targeting system for onboard guns for tanks, or that korean doctor that stopped buying pictures of falco fucking buildings to destabilize feminism in South Korea.
but Obama is literally Hitler
Better yet
You let the cancer grow
Furfags are fucking jews. They both have snouts and they a stupid amount of money to spend on their neon color deviantart faggotry or whatever degeneracy that pleases them
Well, Obama did incite racially centered violence to divert away from the failing social projects.
I mean if you want to go there.
Can we talk about Pokemon boys some more
everyone is hitler. much like niggers and furries the germans are always making their problems into everyone elses while promoting the spread of disease
The only difference in that case is Hitler went crazy and had an alliance with Japan at the wrong time, where Obama just wanted to draw attention away from the conflict in the middle east he was losing and to place blame on the shitty government programs going on.
Isn't the same with ponyfags here? I don't go to /pone/, only have read about it mentioned somewhere.
because bui is being a nigger
Day of the reinforced rope when?
What does that have to do with this thread?
>>>Holla Forums8460828
Is probably that furry shitposting the thread, just ignore it.
how you know that was not a shitpost too?
I think the main difference is Obama tried using demograph flooding in a republic, which doesn't work because of the electoral vote, which prevents a few high population politically homogenous cities from throwing the entire country in the poop bucket.
Which is why they're trying to sell the "electoral vote is rayciss" now. Rather than voter id is racist.
Spambots don't link other posts in the thread.
Kind of Ironic seeing as he knew he couldn't do a damn thing about it unless he made about 40 constitutional amendments. Constitutional scholar my ass.
Extremists generally suffer under political atrophy being unable to face flaws of their political ideals. Doomed to crumble under the weight of the unchallenged weakness of their ideas.
More doxx on Bui from Holla Forums.
If you pick a fight with reality you're bound to lose eventually, but you can hurt a lot of people in the process.
Ain't that the truth.
i like the way he approached this spam wave. some of his stuff will remain because it is just tangentially related enough to the thread that the mods won't be able to tell. if he switches up how often each IP posts it'd be even tougher for them to tell.
that's a boy?
No. You will know it when you see it because /furry/ was bombed with it. /trash/post bot aren't just random replies but also have a high tendency to involve porn or even furry porn so don't hate /furry/ if the bot starts posting from /trash/
Whilst I agree that the game's looking like it's been casualised a fair bit since the alpha I'm still quite optimistic. They seem to understand the difficulty is one of the selling points and in the feedback they did mention making bosses more aggressive/giving them new moves (as opposed to just throwing in mobs) for Twilight stages, so I'm hoping they've just toned down the campaign for the casuals but kept Twilight as fun as it was.
But maybe that's too optimistic.
what if you don't?
Probably people are getting tired of it I imagine.
MOBA's in general are worthless games, and people are seeing more enjoyment in new stuff that's less frustrating and more casual than league of legends like over watch.
A league game can take you an hour, but you can play what, like 10 games of over watch in that same time frame?
League's community is cancerous because people are just assholes. If someone's doing shit they'll blame the team, like the jungler, instead of themselves. If your team is doing shit but won't forfeit you're stuck in a game you'll inevitably lose in 20 minutes because the other team is too shit to finish it.
People value casual games. No one wants to play 20-60 minute games where they're sucking and will inevitably lose, and I think a huge chunk of the player base is realizing it. I realized it like 5 years ago when I swore off the genre forever.
I've come up with a new recpieah!