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Pol shuts down any criticism of the omnibus. The omnibus is a total betrayal of what Trump promised. Pol does not allow any real discussion of this fucked-up legislation.
Summary of the omnibus:
-It does not fund any border wall. Just 33 miles of fence.
-No money shall be spent on wall prototypes. Just “operationally effective designs" that were in use on May 5, 2017.
-No new ICE field agents may be hired. Fewer than 100 new SUPPORT ONLY jobs are mandated–NOT field agents. Trump said he wanted 1000 field agents.
-The omnibus REDUCES the number of illegals that may be detained for deportation. The omnibus reduces the current number of detention beds–about 40,761–by about 250. This means FEWER illegals can be detained.
-The omnibus INCREASES the number of foreign workers. H-2B visa program EXPANDED by 100,000 foreign workers.
-It mandates sanctuary city funding (the cities that protect illegals who've committed crimes like rape and murder).
-The military will NOT fund the wall or assist building it. Pay attention to Mattis. His policy is to remain neutral on any political issue like building the wall.
-On top of all that, the omnibus gives a ton of money to Israel and various middle eastern countries for complete bullshit reasons (funding for Afghani women police, for example)