Black on white hate crimes.
Black on white hate crimes
Sabrinais a hate crime
It's not a hate crime if they're bloody Newfies.
Isn't Sabrina part minority?
So she can't commit a hate crime unless it's an even smaller minority.
Or one that has more public sympathy.
She is a nigger so
He has a pretty grubby business record.
Face it. Everything that would have damaged a real politician's reputation bounces off of Trump. BECAUSE THE PEOPLE DON'T ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK. Just like how most Americans voted for Obama without a clear view of his policy or what the fuck 'Change' was to him. Hilary is uncool. Trump is cool and living meme.
I thought they were like, mostly Hispanic.
oh it's kanra
Quit using an American proxy, Kanra.
Beat to that.
Isnt it lexi who is hispanic
And smiles
Lexi is part Asian, part Spaniard, according to them.
As much as I want to I can't... He made me promise not to show anyone
I'm Anonymous
Hail lord Satan~
I managed to delete the entire second part. I need to make more tea.
ur p a t h e t i c
To be honest, I have no idea what anyone's talking about anymore.
I've just been watching SGDQ.
Found it.
I dont see how that's kanra
nice try kanra
That's prolly Blood-chan
nice try kanra
I heard she kills dogs and makes dildos out of their bones.
I don't disagree. He's tapped into an audience of angry and confused people, and because the Democratic alternative is someone surrounded by controversy and intrigue, he barely has to work for their votes.
My dad was from Brazil, but we both look white as ghosts. I think that technically makes me Hispanic though? *shrug* My mom's side are mostly Irish, Czech, Austrian, Italian, and other Eurotrash.
What the fuck
has anybody ever seen a plotter?
it is about the most satisfying thing i have ever seen, for reasons i cannot possibly determine
Double standards are more human than trying to remain principled. It's more rationalization and justification than rational thought.
Are you Kanra?
You'd be part Brazilian Portuguese, part white.
Hispanic is specifically Spanish and central and south American Native American mixes, ie the more "white" looking ones being more Spaniard and the inverse. In your case, I would just assume it means your father was almost entirely Portuguese.
I know you're lurking.
Got to love those sounds, almost like a 3D printer.
-hugs tight and doesn't let go-
Fucking mixed race trash
I wish I was Chinese...
Pure aryan ftw
Lol I was talking about the Alicefags
Some people would still call me by that.
i love being black
I don't have a "Delete this." image.
Why do you even still have that? Holy shit.
At the end of all this, all I have to show for it is a handful of sociopaths and psychopaths.
Watch out, Erin!
I think most people of that era tend to only think of you as less than periphery of Alice, yeah.
Lol I don't know
master ._.
from this fucking point on, I'm stopping my generosity to the people who defile it.
Why is he butting in again....
what happened
I don't know the man or very much about him, so that could be the case. I'm told I have some Native American in me, but I don't know if that's true without a DNA test. My mom's family were all white trash drunks until a couple of generations ago, so family record keeping wasn't a high priority.
Chamberlain, or are you more of a Grant man?
At least you won't crack.
Buy me food and League skins
You defiled God's generosity in giving you a large penis when you decided to be gay.
Long time.
Boredom finally drag you back?
Is this about people you naked Skype with again?
It's kind of stupid in my mind, but whatever, lol.
I lost my way?
What happen?
Best to only be generous with people you're close with.
Yeah, but I'm glad you're not like that anymore... though I miss trolling your threads
That img always creeps me out
Relying on what your family says about their history instead of documentation is what leads to things like Boston claiming 80% of them have Irish ancestry when genetic testing pegs it at lest than 20%.
Are you close with anyone here?
More of a mosley fan
This avatar is too cute... I don't like it...
I think you might actually be the person I'm closest with. So no; not at all.
buy me something then
You're as Irish as you feel, especially on St. Paddy's Day!
Anyway, I know about the Irish, Czech, Austrian, and Italian because of some documents my Great Uncle keeps. Anything else is just speculation. Do you know much about your roots?
tbqh im too baked to get out of my chair. so yeah in a sense boredom is a part of it. but more of a symptom or something
I kind of miss the energetic, always peppy me sometimes.
But I wouldn't want to go back.
The girl presented in that image seems all kinds of desperate.
I like it, and support it.
Why won't you go back? You actually helped a lot of people unlike Alice2
Post link, I'm curious
She's too cute... but I like her Rei-clone hair
it sounds overdramatic I know but it's been happening a lot the last months, imagine saving your pizza and having it taken away from you every week.
it's little but falls in line with greater events.
basically my brothers keep stealing my stuff like food, chargers and clothes whilst I always shared things a lot and respected what they had.
wow rude
since when does that happen
see above
family is not close apparently.
But I want to be wrinkly when i'm old
i don't want to babbyface forever
sorry for the wall
Yeah, both sides of my family have done extensive searches through public records and genetic testing.
Like a few certificates of sale of slaves and census records specifying that both sides of my family and multiple sides of them even owned slaves.
Speaking of Rei I wonder what Grim is doing now...
it was a compliment I'm sorry
At some point the hours here started merging together. Soon, the weeks and the months. Where I could look back on my previous communities leading up to this one, and remember the people, the atmosphere. I can't do that so much with animus. Sometimes shallow, reliable shitposting does feel good. At what cost?
Don't show the nice and caring part to anyone but yourself... and Rin
Rin is worth it
Yeah you're the one fucking Desu
I figured you were talking about people here, not blogging about family.
And the only thing I could think of regarding trust being broken was about that.
Put on a name so people can filter you.
I need to feed my boner
I didn't know you toked. A symptom of what? depression?
aw im so sorry man.
kick their dicks.
you seem depressed
Get a train/bus ticket to Loco.
its my browser and ill click if i want to
Wait, what? Ok, so Sonic is in depression-era Chicago. With a known criminal. Who throws out racial slurs and demands he kill Winchell. Sonic of course turns down the offer, and proceeds to get fired upon by Mannen and the girl.
that's a good idea
sorry, needed to vent my frustration.
nah I'm just not sharing anything with them anymore, they'll feel that more.
quit being a shit loco~
It was a lot of stress, in a way.
And, it was fun, but the way people treated me was... not so fun.
That's all I have.
She seems desperate for subway.
She suits you, to be honest.
Brothers is dicks.
stop using a proxy~~~~~~~~~~
Gimme (you)
yeah i got a medical card the other day. symptom of the combination of pills and vapor im sucking up.
im not so depressed these days. just bipolar maybe.
write your name on stuff. that tends to work
You blogging isn't that bad.
Since it's not every fucking post.
Sorry, Charlie.
Interesting. So you've got some real history.
Aw no one gets it...
Rin will always return the kindness even if you don't want her to
Well people wanted to know if you were being genuine... Unlike Alice2 who broke everyone's hearts
damn it... v.v
Oh fuck... I should watch the anime.. I'll be back laters...
I really like that picture.
Have you guys been named on the official Nazi list of 2016?
Better than I've been in a while. Even avoided this place for a few days.
Decided against the whole 'I'm leaving forever' thing, since I'd look rather foolish (as has happened to many a poster) who returns after a week or two.
Are you content?
fucking kek
Why haven't you met up with Loco anyways?
Just go on a "date" and pick him up from his dad's so his dad can finish a bottle of scotch and wonder where he went wrong.
white power motherfucker
Not enough (you)
106 of the names had "trump" in them
3 had my name :^)
same tbh
More or less.
And knowing that fact doesn't feel me with any sense of guilt either.
Who's your UKIP/Trump?
The "no more boats" people?
That requires going to bristol
Like 4 or 5 hor drive
Plus im lead to believe it's the mother who wears the trousers in that house
I suppose.
How do I get my name on the nazi list?
it's worse considering I feel responsible for them.
eldest brother stuff.
I guess that would be the ult proof.
I'm gonna try that out.
true, I know it's annoying so I tend to keep it minimum.
I know, luckily
I just think it'd be hilarious to see the after effects.
They say people take on the characteristics of the social communities they're a part of.
If animus were a character, what would he/she be?
all of the names were me
where's this list anyway
Do pray tell
what'd you do with your time
and yeah for the most part. i dont think i can say yeah totally content. i get emo easily.
Malcolm Turnbull.
I like to call him DJ Malco-Turntables
I don't know why it would. YOU didn't enslave anyone.
Have you spoken with them about it?
the special needs kid
This is the list I'm talking about btw
It's meant to be like the (((coincidence))) detector but on Nazi's
The Swastika sure is a sign of power hahaha
be anti-semitic on tumblr/twitter
can you show me a character that's a huge piece of shit and a tranny?
Bipolar or schizophrenia
babyface is a serious issue :(
This with both sets of genitals.
lol only 3 with baka in them and it's not even that bad
one of them was just IntrovertedBaka
I'd tap that.
Your constant gayposting can get a little annoying at times but it's nowhere close to "unlinked posts crying for hours" levels.
Is Loco openly a fruit to his family?
You picking him up as a "girl" in front of his dad would probably have a lot of familial ramifications.
Just would be curious to see how it all unfolded and if it ended up funny.
Are you voting for him?
It wouldn't and shouldn't.
I was just talking about the general "white guilt" people.
Swedish Fish.
so is moleface
I'm more low-key nazi.
*get tapped by
you chilled now?
somewhere between this and a kamuu
Look jerz, just because you can't accept my perspective
Atleast be a grown up
Mosely is a gentile kind of pov.
Pft. Whatever
Just because I am mobile posting
I don't vote.
hey i'm not a tranny most of the time
yea is there a character like that in some kinda TV show or cartoon or something
Oh right.
Because you're 14.
That's fine too.
Are you old enough to vote?
I guess that's okay if the older ones are nice.
but I don't remember you saying that.
yeah, just then even.
but my brother got the worst trait that my dad has too, not being able to take the blame.
no matter how stupid it sounds he can't say sorry or even admit to doing something.
heh I understand.
when I notice I tend to try for more diverse posting though.
Oh i see. It would be hilarious
Perhaps a go pro stream of it would be amusing
Like jezza kyle livestream
Still would be mildly amusing.
Would your parents care or would it end up in a pretty abusive situation?
better than nothing
Studying and reading. Going through Jung's autobiography and last book, and The Satanic Verses.
Sorry to hear that. Are you doing the things that usually leave you content? Actually remaining content isn't easy.
most of our trannies are assholes.
that's not imaginative.
or a very estrogened up man with no life that spends his life jerking to lolis, and not having sex.
I wish I was kidding.
Liek u
Nah my parents love me and support all my decisions
I could walk out of here in a dress and they'd be fine with it
I'm totally not even anti-semitic. Sometimes I just say the truth
Fucking hater
"Oh no, not again."
actually the trannies have been okay but i don't really pay too good attention to who is and isn't a tranny
so one may have been an asshole without my knowledge!
I feel you. That's all dead people's baggage.
o bby
Scooter, have this cute see creature.
*pet pet*
It's daijabou!
No hate. Only love.
That's really the best way to react.
It's weird to like rationalize.
Even when you're posting image reactions of anime girls blushing for hours, it's like filler.
It's just there. Its presence doesn't really bother anything.
Unlike others' more constant blog shit because that innately has the assumption that anyone here gives a shit.
Are you excited to being able to vote in the 2020 election?
Yeah, same.
That's the most annoying type of parenting since it just tries to avoid any and all constructive criticism and too much use of providing excuses for your kids.
I am mean recently
Pls driwn me with octopus
I'd say the most annoying kind is when they beat and rape you.
You're daijoubu
i hate you so much right now.
Oh gee, not another scratch.
Id beat off loco
Yeah, but that's such a huge minority and we're still in the faux-self esteem style parenting phase where even not buying your kid an iPad gets labeled as "abuse".
What's new?
Nonsense. That builds character.
Keep swimmin'.
Animus is everything good about Holla Forums left out in the sun too long.
There's only two of us, and I'm the younger by 6 years.
That's kind of a dickish trait to have.
I'm not anti-semetic.
I just hate everyone.
'tis but a scratch.
that doesn't sound good at all
When? I dunno
But i call my octopi brethren squishy
i wish my daddy had beat me then I would make good music
Sabs, apparently we're supposed to give it a go.
We're like a shit taken out in the middle of a field of garbage in the middle of Arizona left for six years too long.
yeah. michigan obamacare is shit compared to massachusetts so i gotta dull myself down in different ways. if i can be happy for a few hours im good.
cant really expect much else in dont think
Animus is social masturbation: selfish, shallow and only accidentally to the benefit of others.
Especially those bloody fucking Newfies.
We should gas the Newfies.
And Quebec while we're at it.
Your blog posts are the epitome of that
On camera
So we're just all bad.
Got it.
Isn't the only one "masturbating" right now you?
Since you've now gone on for like half an hour about your totally new and astounding astute observations.
Oh god damn it.
How you?
Being a doofus you?
true I guess
It helps to remember this is still a public imageboard and not just a pm chat.
It sounds basic but some people seem to forget.
oh yeah I remember again, he also lives there.
and did some fast food thing.
It is, I tried many times to explain very calmly but directly why he does something wrong but he usually ends that by angrily saying that discussions are unnecessary.
as long as you don't turn to drink. it works, but isn't worth it. just keep that option off the table entirely.
distractions work well if it isn't entirely chemical. what do you vidya these days?
How does murder of pregos in Britain/wherever (you) are?
Does the baby count for a second count of murder?
"In order to engage in dialectics one must be able to cast aside preconceptions."
My friend rants about that sometimes.
Also frequently tells me,
"Your judgement is always apt."
It's so ego stroking.
Really REALLY bad?
I think it is double murder here
I'm on lunch break. Eating a sammich and some watermelon
I think the people who blogpost most are the ones that have no one to even tell it about in private.
Wasn't about that.
It was like the second time in a row Loco beat me to the punch for a comment about Kanra.
They're not new, but they are astute.
I think this place has taken its toll on me. Especially since I decided some while back to stop being so detached.
What a mistake that was.
Tsuchi do you have Goggles in a few years yet?
oh sorry
What sammich? Something ludicrous or plain?
I think the only thing you need is to pull your head from so far up your own ass.
Uh oh. Have we been shipped? Do I have to sign anything?
Sea squish!
Maybe if my dad had stuck around and put cigarettes out on me, I could be the writer I always wanted to be. We never had a chance.
You jacking off right now?
Just made one.
Straight outta squishton
nah liquor is nasty. not as nasty as liquid mescaline but it's up there for me. im a pussy when it comes to taste. i gag everytime i take a drink it's not very worth it
i spent yesterday modding skyrim out the ass and then i didnt play it.
a few games interest me but i don't have the drive to purchase them.
Just peanut butter. AW WELL
A waiver to never break my heart, obviously.
omg what a cute hand
I almost want to continue the joke and say you're lucky but seriously that's awful and I'm sorry
I never tell what would be best, I like just ask a question if they think what they do is good.
that way they think about it themselves and I'm not taking some high ground. I think..
that makes a lot of sense
Why is watermelon sofukkinggewd
speaking of bogans
lewd, fuji-sama.
I did that, Tsuchi; humbled myself. But for some of the shittiest people on the internet. Some part of me wanted this to work out. Trying to reconcile my feelings about a community with such awful people. I did my best.
Why even live?
Hope Grim has a safe flight back.
Pb and j the bomb though
At least it aint egg mayo
I liek egg mayo tho
I like egg mayo a lot.
And there's no J
It's PB onry.
I'm alright with it though.
I thought it was more evident.
The kind of people that try to make their business everyone's because they don't have anyone who'd care about it otherwise.
H-how though!? o//o
Maybe i can be loco's daddy
aw thanks
Your head is still so far up your own ass you're an Ouroboros.
Can't step to squish.
Ok, but you gotta share that peanut butter.
o bby
I consider myself lucky. He was a douche canoe. :3
Not with THAT attitude.
same. but you'd get past the burn. that's what alcoholics do.
same. I want to put my time towards something else worthwhile and recreational.
Hey ob nice
I don't have it iften
Aunt hype on pb in uk
Nice change on holocaust toast
That's a way to handle it, yeah.
But sometimes people are incompetent and making them think about it themselves doesn't work.
I'm taking this line.
I think it's probably for the best.
Mah squiddah
But I have a daddy already his name is Sabrina
Maybe you should chase him down and get him to make up for all the cigarette burns you're missing
write a story about it
w-wel... There's.. like.. you know.. I don't know.
Or just sue your dad for the lost child support to pay for boob implants.
I think becoming content with this place would be the death of me.
Goggles, you're full on bogan.
Don't deny it.
It's creamy. Is that okay?
What is holocaust toast?
Now who's the pervy? !
Well toasted toast
I. am. not.
like what
what is worthwhile
I thought the death of you would be whenever the grandiose self delusions come imploding finally.
I bet your finish your Emu beers by squashing the cans on your forehead.
gtg bi
I never thought of the reasons they have.
I figured really bad parenting or something.
True, best to leave it be I think.
the arguing won't work and I don't want to be all parenty about it.
That was confusing. haha
Prove it.
Beer is disgusting.
stuff I know in my heart to be worthwhile.
being as I wish to seem seems worthwhile.
I am a pure shrine maiden. But like.. the boy version.
Tentacool! lewd.
Call Me, Daddy, the #1 NYT best-seller.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Probably that too.
Do you break your empty bottles of Bundaberg rum and go stab some abbos?
Goggles confirmed loli
That's pretty cute then.
I kind of like chunky every now and then.
i cant do that kinda stuff like this
Talking is worthless if they don't want to talk, anyway.
More of this.
I kind of want to make a Chii joke here.
which one is you?
Hentai wen?
Shit wigga
He's obviously the girl.
Because he's a girl.
I do not and it's not like I carry a knife or anything because that would be illegal but if I did, it's only for self defence.
In what way?
Like stabbing them with the bottle.
Since that's what bogans do.
Fucking bogan.
Parenting seems weird though, you're literally playing mind games with a really dumb human.
I wanna say they'll understand action but that sounds really fascist lol
there are things that make it easier
they're not as easy as doing nothing or distractions
this place doesn't make it any easier. it feels more like a burden these days.
I can't do chunky. How will we raise the children?!
This is the best I could do.
When I grow old enough to produce ink.
O bb
It's not fascism if the leader knows what's right!
For the first 8 years of their life, yeah.
After that, they have as much capacity of learning and understanding as anyone else, just not the experience that information is either built on or derived from.
I am not replying to this attempted bullying anymore.
Because I'm imagining you in a shrine maiden outfit.
Be safe.
I'm willing to make sacrifices.
You'll come crawling back.
They always do.
maybe you could multitask
who the literal fuck are you
What does a Goggles do?
I'm new. I have a giant cock and I'm down to fuck some twinks.
but.. know yes, that's right.
time to feel better than the rest.
So you can kinda guess quality parenting around 8? that's pretty neat.
I am not sure what those are supposed to look like. I bet they must be very conservative.
They are but it only makes the imagination run wild. You know?
I, for one, welcome the new Tokai overlord.
I'd rather multitask with other stuff.
Trying to figure out a way to quit this place tbh.
I am safe neesan
So is dis dood
Heh. Squirtyay.
Maybe I'm being too fanatical. We'll just keep a jar of each and see what they choose. I will abide by their decision. I don't want to be a monster about this.
That god damned squish :3
Someone has my cock saved. I posted it on my first day here or something.
Good deal. God speed.
Let's keep a jar in the bedroom too. Never know what will come of it.
Protect or affect your eyes.
It's not nicotine or heroine dude, if you wanna quit then just quit
get a lover
or something more engrossing than this place
you should have no qualms about posting it again
Soto kept calling him squash
I was fucking dying
let's eh invade something.
that always works.
I had to
I lost it though.
LOL fuckin' a, Soto
Who actually is it?
sure you did
Come on now.
I'm Fuji, dummy.
It's more about just giving the kid progressively more freedom whenever they're able to understand the consequences of it and what to do in situations.
Once they're old enough, yeah, set the fuckers free and just tell them what's right instead of always looming over them.
That one furry that always posts and I can't remember his name.
oh yeah i was that one awkward guy in that one skype call
i forgot how to spoiler
He will rise.
'Scuse me. Gotta go wring out my panties. Be back in a Jif.
exactly. that's the plan.
but animus is familiar. it's consistent. i'm known enough to get sufficient (You) returns for my investment. it's just... static. I want more, but that means taking a risk. it means potentially having to search for something better, when the comforting empty carbs of animus are a quick Chrome auto-fill link away.
her penis is as big as yours.
Oh that's the Kitten tripcode?
That nonexistent neck tho
I'm excited to try some docking then.
Watching rambo and thinking its like me masturbating. Spray and praywith hella mess and tears
Have we started the squish?
It's Colbs' twin.
yo I'm not adolf, one thing at a time.
sounds logical enough.
not a thing that seems common though.
at least from what I've seen.
Technically doesn't the current situation make you my minion now? :^)
Heading back to work. Lata
Post both of 'em and we'll compare. I'm pretty sure we've both sent you dick pics.
I'm like the butt baby of Sinbad and Richard Lewis.
Bye-bye ♥
Ay that jokes the titanic...
Ay j hear sabs goes down like the titanic
No because that's considered "abusive parenting" now for not micromanaging every goddam aspect of your child's life.
ice cold
you could get empty carbs from grindr too.
not that i recommend it.
iunno people have different needs. i just need one person and then everyone else sortve becomes too much for me to handle.
you might need a lot of people.
should join one of those clubs colleges have
i still have my power~
Those 6s say otherwise.
I ain't making no threads! I refuuuuuuuuuse!
Lmfao epic
i aint doing that shit either
big daddy bebop can if he wants
oh right, ugh so it's even enforced.
great loop.
*fiddle* uhm
I approve of this
i'm an introvert too. i just see this place as the lowest common denominator.
not sure what I'd miss if I left. especially if I did something I enjoyed more.
I consider the social aspect of my life a necessity, but this place offers nothing feelgood the gfur had in slightly more quantities.
There's something so satisfying about this WEBM.
Thought you'd enjoy that.
hello friends! how the fuck are you all doing?
o shit whaddup
im good! Lexi is trying to get my blizzard ID for some reason...
sup nezi
You wanted overwatch right...?
Damn got nostalgia
Find a nice woman and become a father.
hey dere
Got any baby goats?
Last time I went to the doctor, Maury was playing in the lobby and there were three kids just enthralled by it while mom played on her phone. I think I'm a bad person for not changing the channel.
wait wrong song
that one was the wrong one to
THIS is the one i meant to link
how have you been
this environment is rather toxic
tfw Lexi won't reply to me on discord
i know the feeling
You'd like that
You oughta have said something
I've been good for the better half of things what about you?
that's fine, they just don't reply to me anymore lol
Based on craniometry data, Morton claimed in Crania Americana that the Caucasians had the biggest brains, averaging 87 cubic inches, Indians were in the middle with an average of 82 cubic inches and Negroes had the smallest brains with an average of 78 cubic inches.[3]
Stephen Jay Gould (1941–2002), an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and historian of science, studied these craniometric works in The Mismeasure of Man (1981) and claimed Samuel Morton had fudged data and "overpacked" the skulls with filler in order to justify his preconceived notions on racial differences. A subsequent study by the anthropologist John Michael found Morton's original data to be more accurate than Gould describes, concluding that "[c]ontrary to Gould's interpretation... Morton's research was conducted with integrity."[4]
In 2011, physical anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania, which owns Morton’s collection, published a study that concluded that almost every detail of Gould’s analysis was wrong and that “Morton did not manipulate his data to support his preconceptions, contra Gould.” They identified and remeasured half of the skulls used in Morton’s reports, finding that in only 2% of cases did Morton’s measurements differ significantly from their own and that these errors either were random or gave a larger than accurate volume to African skulls, the reverse of the bias that Dr. Gould imputed to Morton.[5]
You guys are giving me a headache.
I'll never forgive myself...
Feels kind of nice, actually.
Ily, tho, Lexi.
Why? They arent your spawn. You dont need to worry until you start inking
about the same. had some fun adventures.
but i got my ID...
Everyone wants a piece of lexi.
nice car desu ne
I just got Overwatch last night, it's kinda like battleborn in that I have no idea what's going on :3
I did well though, 25-7 first game~
how are you cutie?
hey sabrina c:
how's my favorite waifu doing ?
No not even that
he wants me to buy him overwatch
Great to hear! I'm happy for you Sebs, hope things stay lookin up
worst feel
thank you
now what
Lol, yeah, I assume I would be the same way.
"baka you're getting shot at"
"what? ah shit i died!"
are you very good at video games?
The most widespread methodology in contemporary neuroscience to measure brain volume and size is MRI. MRI is a non-invasive technique used to study the brain structure and function (using fMRI) of living subjects.[1] Overall, larger brain size and volume is associated with better cognitive functioning and higher intelligence. The correlations range from 0.0 to as high as 0.6, and are predominantly positive.[1] The specific regions that show the most robust correlation between volume and intelligence are the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes of the brain.[9][10][11] Therefore, it can be safely concluded that larger brains predict greater intelligence.[12][13]
Lexi buy me stuff
This is consistent with the findings of Z. Z. Cernovsky that people from different climates tend to have minor differences in brain size. Though differences in size does not necessarily imply differences in intelligence. Though women tend to have smaller brains than men they also have more neural complexity and loading in certain areas of the brain than men.
What if I'd changed the channel to C-SPAN and ignited a passion for public service? I'll never know now, and those kids will be grandparents by the time they're 18.
I failed them!
I'll take more o' them how it's made!
Great! I'm looking at cute octopi on Google. Hope you're having a good day too, hon.
i didn't think lexi was actually going to take my request seriously...
so there you have it. black people have small brains and thus are stupid.
women have smaller brains than men, but fit more smarts in the smaller space, suggesting black men are stupider than black women.
worst feel
Take my request seriously
case closed
Oh, well then.
Seem's weird that he wouldn't have given you his ID when he asked.
Shut the fuck up erin
I'm the one recording, why?
what request
Wanted to know if you looked good or not
Guess you're the ugly friend who never gets in the shot
wanna yiff?
Oh no
It's retarded
rip in bargains