Schlomo trying to send a message. The answer is still the same. You’re responsible for yourself as well schlomo. You’re ridiculous if you expect a different answer after your behavior.
Nicholas Young
Feldman’s career at this point is basically just victimhood.
Austin Anderson
Vaping has and always will be a white tradition, if it was good enough for the NSDAP its good enough for me. It leaves no ash all over the place which makes places stink. It does not leave cigarette butts all over the floor which also stinks. I understand it when people have a problem with obnoxious "cloud" vapers but most do not do this. MUH SMOKERS GO OUTSIDE TO SMOKE No smokers do not do this because they are magnanimous, they are required by LAW to go outside and stink up the place. Smoking also takes way longer than vaping, you can have or two puffs a smoker smokes a hole cigarette. Vaping is superior to smoking and not smoking or vaping is superior to both.
Its just shitposting with a vary small bit of truth in it.
Connor Evans
That pic made me lul, good shitpost user. I do prefer vapers (not the shitty BLOW CLOUDZ AHL DAHYYY NIGGA types) cigarettes are disgusting, and vape flavors all smell really good, save a few maybe.
Evan Nelson
Reported. Enjoy your ban shill
Dominic Watson
>no I can't just tell you their names I have to express it in my chosen medium
Camden Cook
Yeah me to and the sudden large forced meme campaign who tried to paint the average vaper as gay really made me think. Made me think about tobacco and how very deeply entrenched Jews are in alcohol and tobacco. Lots of Jewish billionares come from the tobacco industry and they are shitting their pants because of vaping
As in more healthy than smoking you mentally challenged two piece McNobody with extra chromosomes. Typical that you would chose the weakest point and attack that.
Liam Wilson
To be fair, you have to have a very sensitive flavor palate to appreciate vaping. The taste is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of glycosylation most of the flavors will go over a typical vapor's head. There's also the nicotine's invigorating headspace, which is deftly mixed into the juice - my personal preferences draw heavily from Arya Vedic formulations, for instance. The true vapers understand this stuff; they have the connoisseur capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the flavors, to realize that they're not just cool- they express something deep about BREATHING. As a consequence people who dislike vaping truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the delicate sensibility of a Fruity Pebble/Mango blend, which itself is a subtle reference to Cap'n Crunch's epic berry blend I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons staring at their rigs in confusion as my custom mixologist's genius unfolds itself in billowy clouds. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a vaping tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the poofters' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 volts of my own capacitor (preferably lower) beforehand.
Daily reminder if you fell for that shilling you're fucking retarded. Based on the "quality" of posts in this thread that must be a lot of the current userbase at this point. Sad.
Oldfag here, what the fuck is the Suh Dude nigger meme?
Chase Jenkins
I dunno. I'm sure if they wanted to off him they would have done it sooner. You know another Hollywood ex child star suicides on an overdose.
James Powell
better to vape weed than to chug opiates
Ethan Howard
weed maybe still jewed, but it's better than taking opiates
Kayden Smith
Stop bothering, they have keystroke loggers, backdoors in your CPU, ISPs that give them info and all sorts of shit beyond my technical understanding. Break the link if you meant to not give them referrals from here.
he seems a bit more prepared than your average junkie actor.
Blake Perry
this jew is full of shit he's no investigator he allegedly has names and information and he's never revealed anything specific. he's a useless kike and this is a hoax. never happened.
Jayden Johnson
It doesn't take much force to realize that your average vaper *is* fucking gay. Use whatever mental gymnastics you need to tell yourself its ok though, at least it's not big tobacco rite? They definitely wouldn't find a way to cash in on this fad with a subsidiary.
Christian Sanchez
I suppose your right but at the moment I am making 6.5k (+- in burger dollars) in profits every month for something I make myself (juice not the actual vapes) and sell to a lot of people trying to quit smoking a lot more than "lol clouds". I suppose they could start making the vapes themselves but China pretty much has the market cornered atm.
I don't care people have thanked me and say their health is improving, I am making money instead of dying in a bank (studied finance) and taking money away from a decay profiteering industry. While donating money to culture preserving institutes for tax benefits.
I am not going to stop because (((they))) could potentially in the future take advantage of the situation while I am currently fucking them over. I doubt its a fad, its a legitimate aid to stop smoking and is becoming a lot more common place people started "vaping" back in 09 it just wasn't as public but did exist.
Ethan Foster
Is it the same Cory Feldman who made this?
Tyler Kelly
Definitely did it to himself for muh victim status.
Bentley Johnson
Has he even named any names? If not then he's nothing
Blake Diaz
Have to agree with TORfriend this time. Feldman has been stringing us on for years. Watch him start begging for funding for something again. Fuck off, Cory. Name names or DIAF.
Elijah Murphy
Cringe x infinity.
Asher Adams
"Oh that's what he gets for investigating conspiracies! Crazy people will get out for being crazy
Is that going to be their same excuse for this too?