Summarize Holla Forums with a single webm

Summarize Holla Forums with a single webm.




He really should've saved some of that Scarface money.




Alpha Centauri was kino.









I know this video is supposed to be disturbing but it comes off as tryhard tbh

I think it works, but I'd accept the assertion that it's too on the nose.



I like it, but then again I like those degeneration compilation videos.



i don't know who I feel worst for, pacino or the director

ironic shit is still shit




Holla Forums is much like a soundless webm

game plz



One waifufag does not equal the board you sad little pickaninny.


did this guy ever make more of these?

Not posting a webm, because that's Holla Forums in one webm.

I feel like he was lied to because he doesn't seem embarrassed to be in this awful skit in an awful movie. I feel like this was sold to him like an SNL skit and he assumed that it would be in good taste. I just can't imagine Pacino seeing the finished product and not feeling betrayed.
or maybe he was just really happy to be working and didn't give a shit about the actual movie

Pacino has been paid to be a parody of himself in almost every role he takes for a long time now. I can't see him being bothered by it. He obviously does it for the money.





This is a perfect representation of Holla Forums


at least he has good taste in drinks


But these do, huh?

And don't call me a nigger

Don't get uppity, little black Sambo.




eww shes british? well i guess that does explain the shit genetics

I'll finish this webm later.

u should



i already had to show up in living room.


Its about to start the mens downhill. Im go8ng to try. Goodnight.

Good Luck Men

You are all monkey shits


This is the essence of not just Holla Forums but all of 8ch distilled into webm format.

Cybill Troy is kind of a bitch

That fucker could be Mayor of Detroit.

if i had friends i'd do a kiki




unironically this

How am I supposed to jerk off to this without the retching and gagging noises?








Shrek memes were good shit, I miss them.

