Dumb Faggot

Have you ever played a really shitty game just because you liked the subject matter? I have.

I was going to call you a dumb faggot but you already called yourself that. So I'm just going to settle on Cucked Jew.

I liked the Syndicate reboot, mostly because of my cyberpunk bias

Nigger kike would have been better. They're best when they don't make sense. Jews are winning so it doesn't make sense to call them cucked when they're doing the cucking.


No bullying allowed


The first was fucking boring and the second was more of the same

You have shit tastes since there are plenty of games out there that cover the same exact shit in a far better, more fluid, way.

Go ahead and post them then.



Seems like everyone is getting a resurgence of interest in Star Trek. I feel like I'm seeing Trek stuff everywhere I go now.


Metroid Fusion
Tron 2.0

New series next year that's probably why.
Martial arts star middle aged female from crouching tiger as the captain this doesn't bode well. Her ship is called the Shenzou. It's chink trek. I've never seen an asian american who could act

Tron 2.0 wasn't a shitty game.
It was Tron meets Deus Ex with (when it still worked) awesome fucking multiplayer.
It was a pretty good game, i'll fucking fight you on this.

I didn't think it was that bad, but I mostly stayed for the water physics


Yeah, I'll probably end up playing Horizon: Zero Dawn because I like the concept of a mechanized ecosystem integrated into a biological ecosystem.

I'm tempted to try Detroit as well, but goddamned did I get burned with Indigo Prophecy. Part of me thinks, "Well, it's been a while, I'm sure he's gotten better by now"… but then I remember, "Why the fuck should he?"

This is a subtly masked unpopular opinions thread, isn't it?

What the fuck?
Alternate dimension shenanigans?

You unbearable fuck.

God damn user you're missing the fuck out.


Which was a disappointment on every level.
Honestly, it doesn't really get any better than the first Borderlands game.
The loot-and-shoot genre just wasn't meant to be

Doing vault of glass with the first time with my alabama guild was the most fun I've had in a game in quite a while.

Destiny rips all borderlands games to shreds and shits on the corpse. It's a really good game that will forever be hated because of the way it nickle and dimed the player. Which is a legit criticism. But the gameplay and shooting mechanics are brilliant. Even the movement is brilliant.


nigga it's just Halo.

That means rabies

but you have to use a gay controller so its shit lmao xd

No, it is a symptom of rabies. It literally means a fear of water.

This really is nothing but an unpopular opinion thread, isn't it?


God damnit

Good attempt

My girlfriend bought me that game. We played it together once and I never touched that lowly filth ever again.

You broke up with her then?

Been meaning to, but can't find the appropriate time.

It's bait but there are many more possible things you can do in a fight in destiny starting with air control and character movement. The only thing that feels like halo are the sniper rifles.

You wish it was. You want it to be really badly. But it isn't. Sucks to be you. I bet you had some really HILARIOUS dubs images that you were waiting to spam despite not even knowing how getwatch works, thinking dubs are a game of chance when it's the opposite. All those fun newfag activities will not be awarded to you in this thread. That must suck for you.

Fuck a child in front of her, say OOPS EL OH EL out loud, the look her in the eye as you bust a nut in that 9 year old. That usually does it.

Do it via text.

fax is better

What kind of question is that, OP?


And people wonder why the board is dying

Fuck off back to cuckchan then faggot, you kind was suppose to stay behind.

gah, who hasnt?

The real question is, which one got praised by everyone?

Yes, and I played Spore

ok lad



Dragonballfag here.

I've played every games. Especially the shitty ones. I still play DBO (With Tato muh nigga, when's the new thread?)

but I love the shit-tastic ones the most.



I am currently playing EVE Online for free, despite the fact that I hate the game and dislike the community. I just really love the idea of playing an Elite-like with twenty thousand people in a single-shard universe.

I enjoyed Hydrophobia. Except for the almost impossible jump near the beginning. IIRC it was only possible to make it if the game ran at the right frame rate. I wonder if they ever patched it.

My God was this game fucking retarded and short, thankfully

You like the game because of dumb faggots?

Necrovision, its shit but fun shit. I loved the movie deathwatch so I figured I would try this game out, not that far in but spamming melee on everything is fun but I hate infinitely spawning enemies.

I enjoyed the campaign, especially the setting (the military aspect was quite nice, it reminded me of BSG). The only issue is that it's a CoD so it has to have a shitty multiplayer mode.

shit I posted the wrong screenshot


The fuck do you want a FFX-3 for? The story was concluded just fine in the first game. There was never a need for an X-2 to begin with, and X-2 was also a pretty decisive conclusion of the story.

The fuck would it even be about?