Erdogan calls for 'ARMY of Religion of Cuck™' to ATTACK Israel on all sides
This was accompanied by an interactive map providing formation of military forces for a joint Muslim attack on Israel.
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Would be nice, but he's so far in bed with the jews they may as well have written this for him.
Would laugh if true
(((they))) tried to kill him a few years ago and turkey went into Allah ackbar mode
Pol is comped.
Please. Semitic savages scramble for death is destiny.
This. The atmosphere in Turkey is frenetic. It reminds me of Nazi Germany when Hitler started rallying everyone for war.
You're watching the jews disintegrating in real time.
I thought the (((coup))) was staged to solidify his position. If I recall correctly, there were barely a few military vehicles and maybe a 1000 soldiers involved. After the (((coup))), half the secular population of the country was imprisoned and the religious portion took over.
It very much seemed amateurish, I'm sure Israel could have done a better job than that.
After this fucker told "Dutch" Turks to breed out the real Dutch , I can t not hate him. If he's really going to send the hordes against Israel though, he can defer his torture sentence
The fake coup narrative just seems to have taken off with no real meat behind it, kind of like the Las Vegas bin Salman assassination narrative. I think the US diplomatic silence during the ordeal speaks volumes. It was also perpetrated by Gulenists, not secularists, who are religious fundamentalists [but on the US/Israel payroll].
I'd almost forgive him if he can remove Matzah.
It could have been done by Gülenists, but it was ultimately used to shut down all opposition to Erdogan, including western secular opposition. The Turkish military was also one of the more capable in that region, so I'd expect more from on actual coup than a two day event with practically no casualties, with Erdogan not even being in the country when it happens.
Holy shit if true. If he thinks the kikes were behind the coup then we may just have found the most dangerous thing to happen to kikes in the mid 21st century fellas.
inb4 Andrew Anglin sycophants start supporting Turkey lmao
I think the far more logical answer is that support for a coup to further subvert their country to Washington/Tel Aviv was limited. It clearly came from the US.
I would love it if Erdogan ended up siding with Assad and Iran, and they all got together and glassed Israel.
So this is why Turkey switched sides in Syria. I pray this is true!
The Middle East is in bed with the jews. So long as the money keeps coming in and the U.S. is dominated by the jews they'll keep playing this game of pretending like they hate each other while secretly working together.
When the money stops coming in and the U.S. drops out of the game then you can expect real things to happen. Until then, nothing. Just more talk.
Thank you, Jesus.
screenshot of the article.
One minute Erdogan is sucking Zionist dick, the next minute his calling for a United Religion of Cuck™ic Army against Israel.
Whats this roachs endgame Holla Forums?
Archive, faggot. Archive.
To burn Jews and chew bubblegum.
Sounds alot like trump fam.
And all he wants in return is the Netherlands? Sacrifice the dutch to have the jews destroyed without it being traced back to the hu'white man at all?
I mean the Netherlands is pretty much Sweden at this point anyway, would you miss it?
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
He is always making those kinds of comments. He's such an arrogant shit stirrer just like most of his compatriots.
I like the way this is going.
roaches can't fight a modern war
Sure thing
Turkey was about to become a EU member =free everything
Now that deal gone ice cold
Why do they need an organized Religion of Cuck™ig army? they are already invading europe with good results.
The ork warboss is old and want a waaagh in his name before he passes
Turkey was "about to become an EU member" ever since 1964. Of course this is just a meme as the EU would never allow Turkey to become a member because its sheer population would give Turkey a huge (((democratic))) influence in the EU.
On top of that, a roach cannot suppress its roach instincts to stir shit up long enough to be allowed in the EU either.
Europeans are a bunch of disarmed cucks for the most part. Israel isn’t disarmed, nd they are not ran by a bunch of subversive Jews. The Israeli’s are the scary Jews.
He made that kind of comment about all of Europe, telling his roach followers to leech off the natives in Europe and have at least 5 children per woman.
Call it white genocide, and if they weren't white it's not important.
Come now user it was clearly just a playful stab at the Dutch.
I recall the statement, however in this case since its Turks vs kikes surely I'm allowed to root for a side without directly supporting or being involved. Merely from spectators point of view for academic purposes I assure you user.
These retards are publicly falling for it. There's a trillion dollar war machine ready too grab greater Yinon and they'll do so under a false flag. When Trump was elected, the plan simply shifted from creating micronations while backing (((Wahabi's))) and now it will move towards boots on the ground wars. Turkey entering Syria on their own volition was part of the plan and they took it hook like and sink. Erdogan in his brief last sunday asked the question, what kind of alley would arm the terrorist we are fighting, what kind of relationship is this? The US has not replied. The (((western))) backed coup failed to get rid of Erdogan, i do not foresee another western backed coup attempt especially when the AKP cleaned house and arrested even westeners involved in the coup and trialed them, this will acclimatize in a war upon the Turks. Meanwhile this further destabilizes the EU whose a mere lapdog.
The failed coup in Iran is still a on going eye sore. The nuclear deal with Iran was suppose to allow the west to get access to it's society to instigate rebellion, this failed terribly. Cutting these nations up in micronations by playing into the innate tribalism and human greed of these people and then pitting these micronations against each other while slowly playing the attrition wargame much like with Palastine was the plan after Enduring Freedom. The only demonstrations that occurred in Iranwas after the Iranians cut the 'social' funding of schooling and other things, this was reported as anti-government protest in the west but was in actuality a protest against a cut in government spending. These social funding were primarily done by the funds of the nuclear deal.
From the Suez to the Euphrates. The war with Iran must happen. They are nearing completion of their nuclear reactor in Iran and thus Israel will act like they acted in Syria or they will lure the US into another false pretense to commit war on their behalf. They must do it within this decade rather then later. The possibilities that other foreign nations might hand them the nuclear technology to become a nuclear armed country or that they're own followers are able to steal this information due the migration of Iranians to the West whom are still loyal to Iran.
Israel's economy wouldn't be maintainable without US funds.
As much as I love the idea of the international clique's global headquarters being bombed into rubble and the IDF reduced to a gaggle of pissed-pants crying coward in front of the whole world, the Muslims have already tried what Erdogan is suggesting. Twice. The first time, they lost badly, and the second time, they lost badly and Israel annexed the Golan Heights from Syria. Muslims may be #1 at terrorism and targeting unarmed civilians, but when it comes to actual, organized warfare, they're shit.
You dont say
maybe, but the euro media started to increased their shilling a few years before prep the population.
So my guess is the plan was
Kill erdogan
Install puppet
join the EU
why ?
assuming assad would be dead too replaced with puppets…
That would have created a huge ZOGblock stretching from UK to Israel..
there's l*terally nothing gay about having a muscular turkroach body-slam you with his finger up your asshole
damn, that GET was going to be fukken EPIC
Beria in USSR was arrested by like platoon of officers. BTW in Turkey coup was hair lose to success. Erdogan fled building less than hour before it was taken by coup. If head in dictatorship is down it becomes completely different game but they missed their shot.
What was
Bumping for the final destruction of Israel
Now you know how the jews feel. Top that with your enemies giving you cash money.
Can u be anymore obvious? Scared the roach King is coming for u Solomon?
fuck off
Pic related got memed into reality, top kek
>all those historically illiterate MIDF ITT thinking a civil war between (((Khazars))) is plausible
Jews were ottoman empire's greatest bedfellows, retards.
Do you think that the average mud had the mental capacity to logistically maintain something as demanding as the overseas slave trade?
And then the USA will cut funding towards Jordan and Egypt. Syria is a mess and Lebanon doesnt feel like being ravaged while turkshits stand by and do nothing. Gulfstates are more afraid of Iran than Israel anyway.
Israel may be facing a five-front war
Best news I've heard all day.
What's with this uppity roach and his dream of being a caliph?
Coup was false flag to solidify power. Turkroaches gobbled it up like ameriburgers gobbled up our terror false flags.
I had contacts in turkey at the time, they fled shortly after because they were female and didn't want to become property turk male.
i know how Holla Forums feels about turkey and erdogan, but most of you have not seen the progress happen personally, only from knews and statics. The overall poppulation is becoming better, improved income, better infastructure, before erdogan about 20 years ago, progress was very slow and alot of stuff were so expensive and out of reach for most people, even simple things like, phone's cars and electronics. Now well over 90% of all the families own a automobile, and 98% of households own a phone wages have gone up and nationalism without hostilety to other nations is becoming available now, you might hate him for what he says or does internationally, but most turks love him for actuelly changing things for once
Kek hates you and so do I
Im so tired of waiting for the Happening. How much longer must we wait?
Daily reminder that turks are semites mixed with anatolian scythians (kurgans) who claim to be aryan but are heebs
fuck outta here neet
lol sure thing goof. if you had any pride or honor you'd have already killed yourself for supporting a jew in office
This kikes want to get nuked, it is clear to all now.
But would he be able to actually do shit, both logistically and economically? You know that (((the EU))) will turn their backs to them and the relationship with Russia is so opaque (due to the (((meddling)))) that there's no real way he could actually pull this off unless he managed to blitz right into one of the most fortified lands on Earth. What if he just smuggled T*rks and fugees into the region?
Also how would he deal with the Samson option? I realize stats about nuclear holocausts are exaggerated, but wouldn't it suck, having to jeopardize like seven different armies just to hit one single heavily fortified pillbox? I don't really know my militarese so if any more strategy inclined user wanted to fill me in, be my guest.
Turkey is NATO, NATO is jewish, end of story.
Holla Forums is full of toaches
Based turkroach ?
What will happen to Imkikey ? will he be called to die for his turkroach country, or will he be a draft dodger ?
Onetime a T*rkish classmate of mine in my (((diverse university))) told me that Erdogan keeps a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside, and so did he, and so do many T*rks; at least according to this guy
Have you ever played EU4, lad? The Dutch trade node is key, even in real life.
/pol is compromised.
Please move to /zenpol.
/pol is part of a massive effort across the web to run damage control and hide hwat Trump has done by signing omnibus.
The omnibus doesn't just ban "wall" prototypes. It caps ICE agent hiring and severely restricts deportations. It is very literally the exact opposite of what we voted for and guarantees whites in America are fucked for good.
Please /zenpol for honest discussion that isn't censoring discussion as part of the massive information control effort.
Follow Al-Masdar news to stay updated on the middle east, anons.
Wrong. Holla Forums is compromised, and /zenpol/ is /polk/ 2.0.
One reason I have seen Turks be open to stories of the Fuhrer is that they basically went through similar struggles after WWI and only managed to save their asses thanks to Ataturk.
Once this similarity is put through they suddenly become alot more resistant to the holohoax narrative.
Also I have yet to meet a turk that didnt hate the jews.
Technically every man of fighting age with a turkish citizenship is permenently drafted unless they are currently in school or have some outstanding medical condition Homos get to avoid conscription but only if they provide photo evidence of themselves getting pounded in the ass.
Thank-you and Cheerio~
oy gevalt delete it and ban him
hey, a brown creature has a copy of Mein Kampf, BASED amirite?!
Enjoy your ban.
Damn, jew. You are truly carefree.
mods = gods=
would put EU in shit-gonna-hit-fan mode. Especially considering how many turks there are in Germany.
I live in lovely Berlin too, oh boy.
Is this the beginning of the Christian-Muslim war the jews so desperately want?
Tbh nowadays there's so many overly dramatic headlines anyway that it's very hard for me to take it seriously. Outside of Russia/Ukranie not much hot-conflict is happening in the world
You can't have nationalism without a nation, mehmet.
Oh another Rothschild psyop while Israel & Amarok (USA) gear up for global warfare against everyone.
Revelation 12 New International Version (NIV)
The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a] And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”
13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.
Woman - Israel (Isis/Moon, Ra/Sun, El/Elohim)
Dragon - America/Amarok
I love how easy it is to trigger reddit. go back to your hugbox r/t_D
Found the filthy Semite.
He's just playing bad cop so Israel has a pretext to expand openly into Syria rather than covertly.