Good aspects of objectively bad games

Voice acting. I mean, in this game it was varied and believable, to a point. They did a good job with what they tried to do.

And hey - a believable, yet obviously comical French accent. A while since I've seen that done properly.

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend to even pirate it. I couldn't enjoy it even with mods.

If only these VA assets were used in a better game

There are other examples of similar stuff, like sound design in Rust, etc.

Overwatch has Zarya, only good thing about it.

Such a shame you're forced to ruin the only good waifu.

I pirated that shit day -1 and I hated it, the gameplay was so shitty, the story was so fucking bad and it ran like total garbage. Eventually I got a new GPU and the game ran really good, TOO good. With all the settings turned wayyyyy up (besides nvidya botnet settings) The game would run at like 400 FPS, and this made everything break. I HAD to turn the 60fps cap on so the dam game would be playable.

I also download 10 gorilliion mods and 4K textures n shit so my game looks slightly less disgusting.
The thing that made me enjoy this game though? DAMAGE MODIFIER
I have upped the damage that i give and receive by some huge amount, One shot from a 45 will kill pretty much everything smaller than a super mutant or sentry bot, I can actually enjoy the game running around and popping niggas, but at the same time I am dead in 2-3 hits too so I actually have to be good at the video game.

It is a FUN game now, but fun does not = GOOD

also 1911 mod is essential for max USA FREEDOM

if you like talking about these things only complete niggers would call games you can fuck back off to reddit

Believable French accent in 21st or 22nd century USA?

Make that 23rd

Least important thing in a vidya in 99% of cases.


Any good lewd mods?
Did that faggot finished the mgs4 frog armor?

You can glitch her into remaining in her robot body, but then there's the problem that you'll probably realize that you're playing a shitty game and none of what you did mattered in the end.

Good voice acting helps some good games. New Vegas and Soul Reaver come to mind.

Small amounts of cheap VA should also be used in fast paced games because the game wouldn't have time to read dialogue prompts.

Is no one seriously going to question this post?


Don't touch it, let dyke lovers die in piss.

different endings for 2 sidequests.

something something muh thicc

Voice acting is unnecessary.

FO4 had a good base world. The least degenerate society had the traditional 50's aesthetic and way of life. While the factions were all edge-tards.

Had they allowed you to join with the greasers and fight to make America 50's again, then it would've been a great adventure.

It's overwatch, nothing good is in that game
Let shit taste be shit taste user

Did something happen to cuckchan again?

If half an apple is rotten, its a rotten apple. There are no good parts in a game, its all objectively bad and I will fite you in real life.

Off the top of my head from the 5 worst games I've played most recently:

The Rancor sections were fun, I enjoyed the dance segments too. The rest was trash sadly

Despite being unplayable in every regard it did expand on the story and tried to take a different route with LOTR

Failing quick-time events makes the game fun.

If you look at it as a sort of 'Evolution' of shooters as each part of the process genuinely seems like it was made in a different 'era' it was it's pretty interesting. Not fun or good, but interesting.

Great character creator. Shit everything else.

over half of this thread aren't objectively bad games


apply yourself.

I can't wait for these people to go back to the corner to gibber in silence away from the rest of the actually decent gays and blacks.

Muslims aren't decent, notice how I left that out.

I agree with everything except

I had so much fun with that game, going sanic fast, jumping to incredible heights, wall-running on the buildings, shooting money-shots (literally) and the glitch-people hoard was creative.

But I can agree that the story and most of the animations are laughable. However it's in my top 10 "fuck-around-in" games.


Oh I agree it had those moments, I just felt that the enemies acted more as sponges than as enemies. Nothing felt like a threat, it was all too easy but I admit I have a bias for playing the underdog and so it's probably just that desire to be "Weakest guy who has to overcome X" shining through.

I actually liked the story, I don't know why but having humor that wasn't " xD whites males amirite?" "AYO BIDS DA DOOP, IM A COOL HIPSTER AND I'M BLACK" "Uh. Yeah I hit like a girl *teleports behind everyone and kills them all* 'cause girls rule." humor. Reminded me of Family Guy, sure, but I admit I laughed a few times


I fucking own it, retard. It sucks the shit, as soon as you're geared up the game becomes boring, it gives you the best armor through the main quest, you get your best gun through fucking bandits, and the perk tree basically forces you to use one brand of weapon once you invest points because literally any weapon on the top tier is the best you can get in the game.

Once you hit level 20 and bandits start dropping the upgraded rifles and pistols, there's literally no reason to use anything else because of the sheer damage boost that the perks give you.

through customization i had a 180 per shot semi-automatic rifle in a game where most high end enemies have about 300 health, and a trenchcoat that blocked 40/40 bullet/radiation damage.

And when I bothered to actually upgrade my armor pieces strewn around the place, it was doubled easily, with extra benefits.

After a certain point you also have so many fusion cores that you have no idea what to do with them and this usually happens around level 30, so you can spam the power armor all day, not that you'd want to outside of that one quest where you go to that radiation sea place since power armor is fuckin' shit and easily damaged, which is a waste of resources.

The voice acting also sucks, which isn't helped by the fact that no matter how fucking "nice" it is to you, the programming makes them spout lines out every ten seconds sometimes, saying the same shit over and over.

I'm saying this as someone who has played the game to it's end, it sucks the shit.


Garou, Guilty Gear Xrd, King of Fighters 14, every Resident Evil, Skullgrills, Tekken, Yakuza 0, Yakuza 6, Berserk and the Band of the fucking Hawk, Bloodborne, Deception 4, Dragon Quest 11, FUCKIN' DYNASTY WARRIORS BITCH, God Eater, Kingdom Hearts the beginning prologue chapter 7.9 and a half alpha demo prolouge 3, and the new South Park game.

Oh but the PS4 has nogames

Are they all as good as fo4?

Game looks nice, but what's with the overly huge text during conversations? Not only that but it's written in all caps. Makes it look like all of the characters are yelling at each other.

No, I didn't even buy fo4 :(

I don't get what the few of you are saying since the covers are double sided.

I actually just got a code. Is this really the full game? Steam activation said something about beta testing.

you flip it.
Hell I could trigger everyone by just screencapping my monitor right now

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIApe.

The PS4 has no games because the lion's share of the games you just listed are multiplats. So yeah three games. Hope it was worth it, faggot.

It thought the ideas behind some of the companions were really cool. Shame about the execution.

I'm specifically talking about Piper and Nick Valentine. There's something there, but unfortunately it's got that Bethesda touch.

how can mirrors be real if we aren't?

Twewy is GOAT.
The #### Go series is great
Lifeline gets worse with each new storyline but its comfy.
If the game has an end it can be great. If it has none whats the point?

Bought around 10 games on g2play, never had a problem.

Its not legit but 99% of the time nobody gives a shit. If the key is stolen, steam deletes your game and thats all.

literally highest fucking skillcap

extreme obtuseness led to very unique playstyles (focusing more on army control and sacrificing army size, or the opposite? micro/macro balance)

very back and forth small engagement style gameplay that demanded a huge amount of multitasking

The left separates people and communities more than the minor amount of bullies.

So edgy nice man very cool

Looks like I'm 20 minutes too late to stop this, popcorn and cuck city for me

Sorry to hear about that, OP.
I usually break out the retro stuff when I need comfy, like some Sega Genesis and SNES RPGs (Shining Force I, II, CD; Lunar Silver Star and Eternal Blue, Phantasy Star II and IV; Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger). I can sit down for hours playing these games and take my mind off of reality for a bit.

For more traditional comfy: Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley

That's pretty short for a girl

I wanna gauge my eyes and ears out.


I want to burry my face between jellybean's thighs.

Prove him wrong. The left is putting people in chambers constantly with all kinds of labels and other senseless bullshit. Hell, they even got so far to hate white gays because they are white.

To be honest they're all pretty grindy, you just don't feel it that much because you play them on a mobile console, so you usually play in a bus or something to kill time anyway. At least in my case. But yeah, 3 really went over the line with the grind.


Disgaea 5 is fun. Digimon world and Star Ocean might make it worth it. I know Digimon is also vita, but why the fuck would I want to play that on a vita at home?

You need to realize that a game like PH doesn't take as much to make as say TP or SS.

I like the improved the Weapons Modification on FO4. The reason being is that you're now able to implement the following in a game

Why don't the cup noodles I buy come with meat cuts?

Kill Nomura before he can start working on KH IV.

No one cares

Controls like SotC

It's ok user, you will beat it someday.

Mario is da bomb.

I still find it hilarious because the black power ranger makes chimp noises.
The game itself is very relaxed in its humor. I don't know why the creator is shitting the bed now.

I downloaded patches for physical games since the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with it.
A code is not a physical game. That's exactly what I'm no longer spending money on.

Fuck how could I forget about Maximo. God Capcom is such shit now.

This and Army of Zin are both top-tier controller-throwing madness

thank you :)

The 2 for $2 has long since ended

why op

Come again?

Anyone got a spare key to the Vivendi neural network? Mine was banned before I got to try out the new backdoor I was working on. Will report back with findings.


I can see this happening if VR takes off later

Alzheimer's kicking in hard, eh gramps?

thank you

It's honestly hilarious as an "Edgy Parody" game and the gameplay is just bomberman so it's not all that bad. It's still retarded conceptually though.

Side Quests, That one mission with the black and white loli old man clown killer. DLCs are all breedy guud (I can't talk about Broken Steel as I'm yet to play/finish it)

The DLC (I think it's called the Citadel, it features an old Mage who was sealed away for corrupting the Golden City of the Maker and revealing that it was them who fucked up the world/created the blight) it was incredibly short though but honestly would be a better game. That's about it.

I've picked up Inquisition and every time I TRY and play it, I get bored 15 minutes in, put it down and promise myself I'll play it later as I want to see how poz'd it is. Does it every get interesting?

It's The Room of PS3 games, I love it because of this. I've 100%'d everything. If you love to punishing yourself it's 10/10.

I got to laugh at my brother for a month straight when he pre-ordered it and told me he 'totally loved it' the entire time. This ningen also told me he'd love Watch Dawgs etc as well


Honestly just go watch smudboy's beginning-to-end analysis series on it. Better use of time and energy.

Thanks for the advice, loving this

I guess I see where Holla Forums started to go so wrong with a cancerous mentality like this

I really liked Curie and Nick Valentine, too bad they're in a shitty game