John Calhoun's mouse utopia experiment, it created a behavioral sink with the end result being extinction of the colony, this was due to no more mice being born at all.
Much like in human society we see these same trends occuring, however, in the human world we have access to technology and communications.
What would be the end result of a mouse utopia, but with a MouseChan™?
Perhaps, if there were such a thing in the mouse utopia, a way for the mice to, in a sense, become "redpilled" then it may somehow reverse the trend of extinction.
What would this MouseChan™ look like? probably similar to any chan, it will have information, scaled down to a mouses comprehension level of course (images and videos) , that will teach the mice how to be mice again.
Thoughts? this seems as though if it were to work it would be an example of the human chans being the bulwark against mans ruination as it would be the bulwark against the ruination of the mice.
This would of course have to be implemented later on in the experiment when the signs of collapse begin to show
Mouse Utopia but with a wild card
Other urls found in this thread:
Perhaps if you isolated the mice for half of the day and put them in contact with a normal mouse population, it would be able to see the mice but not be in the same cage.
Afterwards they would return to the dysfunctional society and perhaps behave more "normally" than they would if they stayed in rat hell.
Chans usually just enable NEETS, not teach them how to stop being NEETS. MouseChan would do nothing to save Calhoun's utopia. In fact, it might make it go extinct even faster.
they did something similar to that, they would take normal males and females and put one gender of mice in at a time and the result was the same with either gender, the mice that were already present refused to breed with them, what i had in mind was putting in some screens in where the "beautiful ones" were mid C phase, i say put it with those ones because they were relatively isolated from the mice tha could be considered "inner city" miceand could have a chance of rehabilitating their instincts
to be a bit specific i mean to only have pol-tier mouse stuff to in essence "redpill" the mice, no Holla Forums Holla Forums or any other boards , just mouse polposting
Yah, the beautiful ones ARE the NEETS.
Jeez user, be careful with that pic it hits the feels really fucking hard
Did anyone else notice that the mouse utopia doesn't break ten generations?
Ties in perfectly with The Fate of Empires
the reason the beautiful ones aka the NEETS would be the prime candidates and possibly the only hope is that they arent corrupted by society, quite the opposite, they see how shit society is so they refuse to take part in it, this would create an opportunity for them to create their own society because they have maintained their physical health and not been tainted by the evils of the previous society, much as with todays society, if it is going to collapse the few ones that would even have the knowledge of where to pick up again are the ones that have some insight into their nature and they way it works
The only tech that can theoretically save a mouse utopia is automated surrogate reproduction tech. Something that harvests eggs and sperm from adults, an artificial womb, and a robotic mother to rear the offspring. Nobody has tried introducing surrogacy to a MU as far as I can find. It would be an interesting experiment.
the question that im asking is this, would something similar to the chans be able to save the mouse society? if yes, then could it be the bulwark of human societys ruination? if no, then are the redpills, JQ, etc all in vain?
that is what i would like to see in the mouse utopia, to see if it has any ability to at least save some of the mice to have a chance of saving the race or if it wont be enough to prevent extinction
Japan seems like a human-scale mouse utopia.
Seems to be still working, but the kikes want to get their hands on it.
The point is that humans are not mice.
Humans aren't mice.
The mice at one point simply stopped caring since they got fed and had a 'decent life' in their brains anyway so they stopped fighting, and eventually breeding as well since they had no reason to.
No you don't see the same occurring we have massive population growth. The growth is still there in European countries and white countries but much lower comparatively.
You're entirely wrong.
Actually, we do see the exact same occurring. Cities have always had below replacement breeding, even in antiquity. Hyper-modernity has made it so what a significant portion of the female population voluntarily turns themselves into eunuchs via contraception. The populations with high birth rates are those that have not been fully processed into modern industrialism, either by virtue of being unfit (blacks in America) or by virtue of not being there in the first place (blacks in Africa).
Please find a source on that, because I find that extremely hard to believe, when up to reinassance era most city-like jobs were extremely body-work related and didn't de-masculate men (the main component on bad breeding).
Holla Forums promotes virtue & good values and goes against the corruption of society to a greater degree than any other medium in the world.
are you trying to push that "Holla Forums is just anime-watching virgin neckbeards and pedophiles" narrative or something?
Wrong,Dhaka had a growing population in 2011 and it may be the most overpopulated city in the world.
first week at h8chan?
Mice stopped giving a fuck about other mice because they meet too many asshole mice every day. The exact same thing happens in big cities. Be it Jew York, Paris, or Tokyo, you put too many people in a limited space and they learn to not give a single fuck about the other assholes.
So, you'd say it's a lose of empathy due to over social stimulation?
Yes, but I'd say it's due to bad social interactions instead of having too much social stimulation. Slowly the people learn that it's ok to not have any manners. Hippie communes in the 60s I think had a lot of social stimulation but they didn't turn into sociopaths, but of course they weren't comparable in size and the people who went there liked it in the first place (unlike a large city, which most people go for the money).
No, humans aren't mice, but mice are between 95-98% genomicly identical to us and their behavior is more "human" than most people would ever be willing to accept.
redpilling doesn't cause people to have more babymaking sex
that's the #1 flaw in redpilling, in my opinion
Hippie communes are a pretty bad example because everyone is going to more or less know each other, or at least recognize each other's faces. There's a sense of community and belonging and everyone being on the same page because it's a place where people go to meet like-minded people and be part of a community of a few hundred people, which is more or less the way people were meant to live.
Cities are giant human hives people are either born into or move to out of economic necessity, where they see 100x dunbar's number of new, unique strangers every time they leave the house, where no one is on the same page and no one trusts anyone because the anonymity that comes with huge cities is very easy for seedy types to exploit.
If you go to a hippie commune and smoke everyone's pot and never help water the organic garden or stir the compost heap, in less than a week everyone will figure you out and shun you until you leave or demonstrate a change in behavior, in the city you have to preemptively shun people until they demonstrate they're not a user because it's easy for those people to just hop from one social subgroup to the next over and over and over without ever seeing the same person twice.
Redpills are useless on a societal level. They are valuable to individuals, but those individuals will come fewer and fewer each generation. The only way to keep a MU active is to automate the reproduction and child rearing that adults inevitably abandon. Interestingly, if the automated systems select for fitness and intelligence based on heathy parameters, it could theoretically be possible to "reboot" a MU with computer engineered and trained offspring after the last generation of defective mice dies.
Nope, all creatures are born with a survival instinct to keep living, reproduce, etc. You see this in almost all animals. When is the last time you saw squirrels committing mass suicide because they no longer had a reason to live? You can even see it in humans, the more animalistic races and cultures all love to make tons of babies.
The problem is that when you're surrounded by people/animals who aren't struggling for life, your body's survival instinct completely dies. What purpose do you have to start a family and produce quality offspring? There are plenty of fellow animals around you who are doing well.
Those mice, they were crowded, everyone was successful, they had no reason to have any response like flight of fight, concern about reproduction, etc. Their survival instincts shut off because they had no reason to be concerned about it, because there were so many.
When life gets too comfortable, and risks to survival disappear, the instinct to reproduce and continue to live disappears. That's why affluent, well off cities all have population growth problems. Ghettos in cities that aren't safe, where there are legitimate threats to survival, and shitty civilizations that aren't safe all have people breeding like crazy because of their survival instinct.
Almost all animal life is programmed this way, doesn't matter what species it is. The less threat to survival, the less offspring there are. You end up with a utopia, you end up with no offspring.
Oh boy are you completely wrong. Hippie communies are proto-tumblr. There's video from the struggle session inside them from the 60s and 70s and it's exactly the sort of backstabbing and "non aggressive" aggression you get among leftists today.
See Kaczynski's "On Leftists" and "The System's Neatest Trick" for this in fancytalk.
never post again
It's a good observatio; now they are making it practically illegal to shun anyone. So the most parasitic benefit.
I wonder who…. oh never mind.
Did Calhoun attempt to prevent the collapse by removing half the population before the colony went critical? Could lend credence to the idea that humanity cannot thrive without culling.
I've heard that the experiment many times, as well as attempted with other animals, but I've never found any papers on them. I'd love to read more about all the different takes on the Utopia experiment.
Not saying you're wrong, i guess I mean in an idealized version of a hippie commune from fiction, like the imaginary perfect communist states communists like to pretend exist.
My point about homogeneous-farmiliar versus heterogeneous-unfamiliar societies and how small communities make it hard to be a burden on the community still stands.
You'd have to use an animal with a non-dispersed social structre. Mice work because they live in closed, contiguous colonies, but besides humans, most mammals do not.
Interesting thread, I had never heard of this experiment before
is true, then maybe there's a biological reason for this? If people can have the instinct to commit suicide, surely there are other ways that mother nature devised to cull "defective" individuals… Why does nature hate cities? Could it be because people who lived in cities were wiped out by diseases every other century?
Another thing: cities appear to have a notable amount of society's worst. Do you think they are attracted to cities or does the environment in a city actually produce them?
You are a fucktard.
Cities grow by people moving into them, not by their inhabitants breeding.
we'll find out if 10 years from now Holla Forums has an average of any less than 3 children
Social outcasts like drug users and homosexuals can't fit into actual communities and thus buy into them in cities.
First our problem is that humans will reproduce just fine, except they won't be whites. Our species isn't collapsing, just our people, so I don't think the mouse example is a good comparison.
Second there are no examples of a people reversing the situation we're in. Fate of Empires etc.
where's the actual study, you stupid nigger
It actually has a replacement birth of 2.08
whatever you say
Introduce a competing population to force the mouse utopia to rally against a common enemy. Or they get replaced by a serious foe, either one
other anons were right dude
Half incorrect, for me it was this:
Chans did indeed made me into NEET for a year, however my time as a NEET gave me time to break the conditioning and made me realize what i need to do for my future.
Umm g-guys
Does anyone else see
1- bullies
2- nerds
3- shallow women/nu-males/faggots/redditors/etc.
And look at those poor mice, they all look so… scruffy. J-just like people who live in cities tend to look beat up and miserable.
are we all going to die?
What's the problem with being a torposter?
Every civilization is like a game of Jenga; after a while it builds itself up so high and delicate that the slightest disturbance leads to a collapse.
Of course. And the corruption will be washed away in favor of a new age of truth.
CIAniggers don't like TOR.
t. Bible
Good thread OP
shame of association replaced by.. shame of not presenting(having)
its not that CIAniggers like tor, they own it, the problem with it is just that, they own it and a large amount of the nodes, so you think your being sneeki breeki when really your just making it easy for them to see the shit you do
you must be a big guy…
yeah, they own maybe 10% of the nodes. But they have no control of the rest.
10% is stil no small number, i also recall hearing about a bill that was passed or was in the works to give alphabet niggers to obtain a warrent if you use tor
so how to shitpost without getting arrested then? You know TOR is all we got right?
while your digits imply there is truth in what you say i still hold to my belief that in addition to a layer of protection, it also highlights you and makes you a target, now ive heard people say that anyone worth their salt will have several layers of protection, not to downplay what your doing security wise, but please do consider the implications of both stances
< Bring back 1:1 mating rule
There, I just told you what humanity already did to solve this problem.
That's terrifying that there is a stage that once passed, means that there is no hope for the future. But, what was forgotten can be learned again, I hope.
men forgot how to be… real MEN
Jesus christ you are fucking retarded. A growing population does not mean it is growing from breeding you fucking knob. It is growing from immigration.
I feel like to many anons just draw conclusions about the rat city without actually studying Calhoun's work. Firstly, Calhoun did a number of things in the design of the habitat to encourage the rats to cluster together tightly, so it important to understand that this isn't a forgone conclusion to population growth, but rather population density. Secondly, the rats never stopped giving birth to new rats. Due to a number of circumstances, females became less able to build proper nests and care for their young sufficiently leading to massive increase in infant mortality rate. Due to confinement, female rates were constantly being mated with by both the dominant rats and the "Probers", the violent, asocial, rape rats. They were being impregnated before they could finish rearing the last batch. The other non-dominant males became either the passive homosexual rats that would mate wit the dominant rats, which the dominant rats tolerated, and the "beautiful ones" that becaome slow, meandering rats that rarely interacted with any other rat.
Thanks for the insight. Seems like that study has become a broken telephone type of situation where people keep referencing it and getting details mixed up.
Isn't that what's being forced in Europe?>>11411417
Now you get what the sciences are really used for!
thank you for your insight, this makes it a bit easier to really understand, i was thinking it was about exponential growth then dropping suddenly
At least make an attempt to be less obvious Schlomo. And maybe learn that population growth and population density are fundamentally linked because we're not birthing any new land.
still a valid point though, also im not a same fag (the one) i said that because he clarified some details about the experiment
No, we can't colonize other planets. And you didn't clarify some details, you lied.
it's OPs responsibility, faggot. that's a shit OP. really nigger-tier
fbi hates it when you use tor
I'm pretty sure it said if you use ANY privacy technology, then they're trying to consider that probable cause that you need to be searched. Here's the deal though: that only means you need to get MORE people to use tor until the Courts call bullshit. Does the FBI get to issue a warrant if you use TLS/SSL? fuck no. It's too common now
He did versions where he culled something like 1/3rd of the population several times, it extended the experiement negligibly, but didn't prevent the inevitable collapses. Worth noting that most of the Utopias only reached 60% or so capacity before the collapse began.
if the mouses had a space program they wouldnt have extincted themselves.
Le reddit rocket man isn't going to get us off this rock. We need someone to discover biological immortality, or at least a way to live 500+ years. This kind of shit takes many lifetimes to do, and passing on the project from one generation to the next causes inconsistencies.
Nope they tried that it didnt work.
You would need a mouse Holla Forums
Bullshit. Whole empires have been passed from one generation to the next for, well, generations. Hardly a problem. You're afraid of death like many kids but that has nothing to do with space fantasies.
Why can't they live on a planet of cheese and crackers? Why must this life be so cruel?
Wait they only used 4 fucking mice?
The problem was inbreeding and nothing else but the problems of inbreeding can be assumed from this fucking study.
Retarded af cuz.
lol gay.
They didn't use house mice, but lab mice. These have had most shitty recessive defects removed. 4 individuals seems enough to me however, I don't think it'd be a problem unless the 4 had bad genes to begin with.
Actually, unless they were bred for a few hundred generations before this experiment, no deleterious behavioural effects would have been removed.
And 4 individuals is tiny. If these mice were cramped but had the chance to knock up their cramped next door neighbors they wouldn't suffer inbreeding as this uncramped "experiment".
How do you even assume that recessive defects would be removed? What knowledge do you have on this? I've worked with mice in the lab and have no idea why you think all recessive genes would be removed. In fact, depending on the strain there would be double alleles of various recessive genes purebred for some strains and various combinations of mutations bred into other strains.
The way you reverse the mouse utopia syndrome is introduce Religion of Cuck™ic fundamentalist rats into the environment.
Mouse utopia can't happen with humanityas there is no god's hand feeding humanity. Humans need to produce food and fight each other for profit.
It can happen locally in some cities like Holywood for example.
Nail on the head.
More or less yes, due to the good times the west has enjoyed. Compared to men of 100 years ago, men today are domesticated. And why not, where there is an overabundance of luxury in pretty much every area of life, western men are kind of living in that unlimited resource utopia. See all the obese, fap/porn addicts? Men can finally enjoy all the food and lust their bodies can handle and more. No need to fight for it, thus no need for masculine traits that humans developed naturally in limited resource environments where they had to compete for day to day survival.
The wisdom of the bible (or any other time tested holy book, like Gita for example) were 100% right on calling over indulgence of sense pleasures a sin, it eventually leads to death (physically and spiritually). Western men can still hang on to their masculine traits if they don't over indulge themselves and create artificial scarcity in their lives to simulate that harsh times environment that keep them in tip top shape and their minds sharp and competitive.
The mice didn't have self awareness of their unlimited indulgence of utopia leading to their downfall. Humans do. Be strong and await the next collapse because it is going to collapse hard when it does. Men have never been softer in history than they are today.
Now there would be some 4D chess.
Absolutely disgusting.
I'm of the opinion that they just tried to push too hard, too fast.
Left wants white Genocide, rightwing is letting it happen so they can get votes and try and restore the West as king of the hill.
Notice as the more diverse we become the more right wing. Its because they know how peoples brains work.
Or it's just nature's checks and balances in action.
most of the "conservatives" are cucks and traitors
This was brought up by other doctors, and in response Dr. Calhoun did variants of the study where he introduced 'fresh' genetic stock at various intervals, with no change to the outcome. This wasn't a 'study' so much as this guy's life's work. He spent decades trying every practicible variant of 'utopia' and they all ended in disaster.
That's a good (if scary) point. The future belongs to those who show up.
However, a counterpoint can be made that the same applies to liberals: in a strictly reproductive sense, liberalism is dysgenic.
But liberals reproduce by memetic contamination, not biology. It doesn't matter if a conservative has 3 children if 2 of them end up liberal.
The same can be said of pol-acks. Biology is not the only determining factor.
Yep, this is an information war, not a breeding one. One nationalistic pajeet redpilled on the JQ is worth more than dozen gender-fluid (((marxist))) whites in my book.
whiter than you, achmed
theres a difference between introducing "fresh genetic stock" into an establish society and having multiple adjacent societies that have some degree of intermingling
notice the difference?
no its been proven political beliefs are heritable
self destructive leftism is heritable
your posts sound defeatist tbh
you are right that you need to raise your children to never be under the spell of "political correctness" but you are wrong if you think leftism is separate from genetics
> One nationalistic pajeet redpilled on the JQ is worth more than dozen gender-fluid (((marxist))) whites in my book.
the whites just need to be thrown into the woods for a while but that streetshitter will never be white
preference of foreigners over own blood is another symptom
You've got it reversed.
It's the soyboys and the catladies and the snowflakes sitting in their "safe spaces" that are the equivalent of the "beautiful ones."
What's with this strawmaning?
I never said race doesn't matter, faggots, just that information does. The whole concept of "red-pilling" presumes that normies's brains operate on information and with proper exposure that information can be changed .
How do you explain the cancerous growth of leftism since the 60's? To a degree, yes, they are heritable. But just because culture alone isn't everything, doesn't mean you can afford to ignore it. The left were cognizant of the power of culture from the very beginning .
Biologically, the white left should have died a long time ago. But they operate through memetic-conversion, not reproduction. New lefties don't come from vaginas, they come from pozed non-lefties.
This is basic memetics . You're on Holla Forums, for Christ's sake, you should know this stuff.
You are fucking retarded.
Misread that as white race, sorry for overreacting.
You are wrong though. Leftists existed after ww2, during ww2, and before ww2. Just because they didn't express their full beliefs does not mean they weren't around.
Maybe some conservatives became left, that would make sense with the leftism as a defect theory. If leftism is a defect then sure you can "recruit" to the left.
Just like mentally handicapped people "recruit" new retards.
A destructive ideology can persist for a while with little recruitment at stable reproduction rates.
You are living in the main experiment, goy.
The 60s was a CIA psy-ops. Not natural selection but artificial selection.
Only to some extent. Your average person on city today who watches msnbc/cnn but doesn't swear by it and is not subscribed to NYT/WashPo and has Huffpo as their homepage. Yeah they could be given some redpills and brought back. However there are those leftists who are too far gone. They are anti-white at the very core of their being. Every cell in their body sympathizes only with foreign people and longs for an anti-white world and power structure. They feel emotional trauma if they even so much as see a movie with a white male lead. Its like how you would feel when you see BBC cast niggers to play Achilles or Cesar. There are hard left liberals who are liberals only in name, but are full fledged anti-white racists.
Its not your own blood at this point. The whiteness is merely flesh, not spirit, its superficial illusion. Their blood is cancerous to the 14 words. Thinking you can reverse this by locking them up and brainwashing them is as foolish a thought as thinking you could be turned into a leftist by the same happening to you. is right. The merchant is the eternal enemy of all goyim, not just whites. However if the pajeets are redpilled, then they will also know in a fair and just world their true place is in their own country with their own race.
fuck off kike
You can fucking order genetically engineered mice, rabbit, whatever the fuck is legal to do animal studies on. Especially mice/rabbit
Weaklings like you are unwilling puppets of the kike. Or perhaps willing. You may have to hang from the street lights first.
Oh look, another "user" posting Hitler without ever reading anything he wrote. I wasn't aware his first step was to genocide the Germans.
And? Nothing wrong with being a racist. I'm saying there are whites who are extremely anti-white racists and they are a mirror version of you. You think you can 1488 redpill people like Talcum X, Michael Moore, Colbert or hardcore white worshippers of Obama? I'd love to see you try.
Hitler didn't genocide goyim who were willing to fight the kikes either now, did he, you spastic idiot? He allied with them. I never said genocide the white leftits, but they will not be a part of the 1488 "revolution" and will absolutely do what they can to hinder it. And if some redpilled pajeets want to take their place and hop on the truck to lynch kikes and tear down their world order, then I won't stop them.
The worst part about using Tor is that you give the NSAFBICIA exactly what they want.
From the Snowden dox and from the DNI's dox after Snowden (which were only declassified to give the appearance that our spies are not lawless cut throat pirates who are spying on any and everyone for any reason and if you don't like it then go fuck yourself), it is clearly repeatedly stated that NSACIAFBI keep 100% of any traffic that is encrypted and store it until they can decrypt it.
The Glow in the Dark logic is they aren't allowed to "target" US Citizens, but since that Tor traffic is strongly encrypted, they can't look at it to attribute it to you IP inside the US to know it belongs to you and then to not examine it without Reasonable Articulable Suspicion (Probable Cause RIP) that you commited any crime or that you are a terrorist or that you have Foreign Intelligence.
Never mind that the NSA is almost certainly already decrypting it with supercomputers such as the leaked WINDSORGREEN. You think NSA is ever going to admit they are decrypting RSA? Shit man, NSA decrypting Enigma and Purple was kept secret for 30 years after WW2 ended.
So NSACIAFBI will just keep on storing all your encrypted traffic in Bluffdale until they say they can decrypt it, then their fake rules for protecting your privacy and minimizing and masking and deleting your traffic will kick in.
Which will be never.
So lube up you stupid Normies, cuz no matter what you do, you're going to get gangbanged by 5,000,000 Top Secret Cleared data-rapists and you can't do shit about it except go to your happy place in your mind and try to ignore the pain from your cum drenched ruptured orifices.
You're the only nigger here.
Fuck that dude.
Human behaviors…and even mice behaviors can be lost somewhat as genetics are fickle. We have the advantage of foreign cultures that are quite similar to our healthy states, which produce things like anime. (teach people how to properly behave, what to expect from proper females) We are quite lucky to have enough neurons to override much of our genetic programming. But it is most likely going to take a LOT of effort, as we are seeing right now that people are not even capable of intimacy. Of proper dating.
here is an example which also taught me dating rules, and how to properly have a relationship with females again
(women somehow need to be taught this as well, quite difficult if you are a healthy male with a healthy sexuality, lots of restraint is needed to prevent yourself from exerting too much male influence)
if you influence women too much, and too well, you dont teach them the required manners and behaviors to keep you on a leash, well enough for love and a relationship to be established. Most men already are capable of just getting sex from women, which completely breaks the dynamic of partnership. I suggest you fuck off schlomo. This jewtube link is the solution to many of our woes.
It's all the above, as its whomever ends up focusing inward (extreme NEETs, MGTOW, extreme feminists could be included in this, safe-space SJWs/white liberals getting their tubes tied.)
This is mostly due to humans being far more complex than mice and it exhibits in assorted different behaviors all essentially headed towards the same conclusion.
and to add to my post: I think I know how love works. For that you cannot fap too much (and thus must keep interest in a person) and allow the woman to do her thing somewhat, tease her for not being good enough, bully her a little bit, let her bully you in return. Love probably works if these things add up little bit little, without sex. Where one emotionally bonds with the woman, and she with you.
for pair bonding and love you need a reliable partner whom you can trust. Its a little bit like a dance of capability, testing, and what each person is willing to sacrifice to the partner. What each person is willing to work towards for the partner. In some ways its very much in our old genetic programming, something we prefer very much to club slut fucking. Something from our genetic past. Men like women can with improper stimuli become unreliable. The dynamic between them sure as heck is different, but in many ways the man should not have full control over the woman somewhat. As long as she does not cheat or whatever.
Yes. Smile, user.
Reminder that Calhoun's "mouse utopia" was construed like a prison. Mice were not only cut off from the natural world, they were unable to perform any foraging, exploratory, or competition behaviors.
With only 8 individuals to start the population they were also all highly inbred.
This experiment doesn't really simulate what western people are living through. There are metaphorical parallels only.
Your logic is invalid because rats flourish in the highly unnatural environment of living in cities.
Rats are highly adept at thriving in conditions that most animals cannot, which is why their global population is so large and widespread.
He did multiple studies over decades involving both rats and mice.
"He noted that twelve rats is the maximum number that can live harmoniously in a natural group, beyond which stress and psychological effects function as group break-up forces."
You can start with x amount of breeding pairs and not have enough of a genetic bottleneck to be statistically significant. This is what we have to contend with currently with rescuing certain critically endangered animals.
Also rats and lab mice are often already inbred to some extent and you don't see that behavior from the start, only when they become densely populated.
because theyd die of dehydration, life has meaning, but hedonism is not it
On it. Been plugging away for a few years, should be ready by 2037 at the latest. You'll know me when the time comes. Just look for the statue.
thats basically what i was implying from the get go
but to delve a little deeper, the question would be, can a mouse Holla Forums safe mouse civilization?
that would determine if our/pol/ has at least a chance of saving western civilization
A nationalistic pajeet would want nothing more than his own nation and culture. He wouldn't want white men coming and fucking his women. He'd want his country to thrive, and would be no threat to me or my people. In fact I may even wish to respectfully visit his country, or he mine.
Maybe you're the kike.
Here's where you are completely wrong: you aren't talking to a pajeet in India, you are talking to one already in the west, who understands it is in his best interest to stay in the developed world, rather than be forced to actually develop his own. You are delusional.
That's due to age, sex and personality imbalances, which the conflict will sort out, by recreating a primate hierarchy and roles that are in line with the norms that the commune members feel instinctively comfortable with.
The fact that most of the people have rejected conventional society and are rejecting their fellow rejectors ideas of what society should be just makes it funny.
Holla Forums can't save civilisation. All civilisations since Rome (with the possible exception of the Khmers) have had Rome as the example of What Not To Do.
Don't debase your currency.
Don't let your people avoid hard work.
Don't let slaves get social parity.
Don't import barbarians.
But all successful civilisations have an excess of power and wealth, turn into Empires, and then John Glubb writes Fate of Empires and catalogues how they all fail in pretty much the same way.
All Holla Forums can do is be part of a new civilisation. Without any jews in it.
do you alt-kike idiot. it goes as such:
Stop trying to humanize mouse behavior. The "beautiful ones" are mice that turned inward, the mature ones that "blame self for world"
The ones that think "where the fuck did we go wrong in allowing these aggressive nigger-mice to run rampant in society?" -
This mentality right here is why America is fucked, race is real you fucking nigger.
I bet you weren't even going for the "well Indians are Aryan" angle either, but rather the "redpilled nonwhites are more valuable to our race than lemming whites"
Here's something to consider: Bluepilled whites are the way they are because the system that keeps them warm and fed tells them they ought to be that way. Impose your own system and they quickly assimilate to the beliefs that said system espouses, 90% of humans in general are lemmings and nothing is going to change that.
The alt-kike is a perfect example of lemmings, now that the trumpnigger "movement" has taught them that it's okay to oppose the left - albeit superficially - they assimilate to that belief. It's not because they're awakened individuals, but because some republican said some things and they voted for him because Hillary would have taken their guns and put them into FEMA camps sooner than he would have thus denying them their comfort.
To any alt-kikers or ex-bluepilled individuals reading this, as >>>/bane/ said "You think darkness is your ally"
It's like when bacteria stop growing because they have to deal with the shit from surrounding bacteria. Nature is a compelling force.
How do we escape this cycle of struggle, prosperity, dominance, stagnation, decline, collapse? Throughout history, its been the same.
Fuck off, NWOfag. I will never accept your surrogate automatons. You disgust me.
It's like escaping the cycle of life and death, things grows, then it grows old and die and give birth to other things.
It's a natural thing.
Why does Anime trigger goons so hard again? Something about purity or some shit.
You manifest a living god in the form of the Overman, then plunge humanity into a state of rapid evolution. Read Evola.
in simple terms, thousand year reich
Anime is the origin of chan culture, goons are antithesis of chan culture so it makes sense they dislike it.
4chan split from SA specifically because moot wanted to shitpost about anime but they wouldn't let him.
This raises a question: Are there sociopath and psychopathic mice?
It seems that in the past when civilizations got soft barbarians or tyrants showed up to cull the weak. We always looked at the psychopaths with disdain, but maybe they were doing humanity a favor.
That is the fundamental flaw of the mice experiment. it was too enclosed. I suspect that eventually the a bunch of mice would have escaped if they found a way, or a few rats or snakes would have shown up and culled the population down a bit.
The thing with people, is that the Rats and Snakes are always people. When society gets too weak and stupid the psychopaths show up and cull the population down a bit.
Barbarians don't just "show up", they're invariable hired jannisaries the prior government is using to prop themselves up at the expense of their actual indigenous volk. In the collapse of Western Rome, this was due to "barbarian" auxiliary generals who the Romans could no longer pay, and raided the city to get it by force in plunder. It's not just ooga booga magic savages come in: the dying civilization invites them in. What does this remind you?
Mass genocide of men of character from all across the west from the US Civil War onwards while urbanite parasites were given free reign to breed back home. It's only recently come to a head, but this shit was a long time in the making.
A solarsystem wide civilisation, without any jews in it
and we write into the constitution that parts of it can leave peacefully 100 years after founding to prevent civil wars
even bacteria has to deal with this cycle of life
individual lifeforms are born, live, and die
but also groups of lifeforms are born, live, and die
Don't shit up the board with intelligent opinions.
you mean humans?