I guess I clearly left out the groups like the UVF and UFF which are on the opposite side of the IRA. They are the Ulster Volunteer Force and the Ulster Freedom Fighters, unionists who were generally more brutal than the IRA and had no problems targeting random people as a primary target. Theres also endless splinters to the IRA like the INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) who were probably actually more marxist but still fought with the actual marxist Official IRA. Theres the Provisional IRA, the Real IRA, Continuity IRA, Oglaigh Na Eireann which is Warriors of Ireland and its own organization. The New IRA, which just calls itself the IRA… thats the one around right now. Theres RAAD (Republican Action Against Drugs) and all sorts of others. Republican Sinn Fein, 32CSM, various political arms to the actual guerillas.
All these are British government propaganda or similar, so be sure to put on your bullshit goggles and pick out the obvious smears.
Guerilla Paramilitary History Discussion Thread
When will Ireland become an Island?
Guerrillas never win wars, but their adversaries often lose them. A guerrilla army cannot stand toe-to-toe with a well trained and equipped conventional army. Instead, it can weaken and demoralize that conventional army. This willl often cause the government supporting the conventional army to collapse or make political changes that the insurgents demand.
Resistance, rebellion, or civil war begins in a nation where political, sociological, economic, or religious oppression has occurred. Such discontent is usually caused by a violation of individual rights or privileges, the oppression of one group by a dominant group or occupying force, or a threat to the life and freedom of the people. Resistance can also develop in a nation where the once welcomed liberators have failed to improve an intolerable social or economic situation. It can also be inspired deliberately by external sources against an assumed grievance.
Resistance may either be active or passive. Passive resistance can come in the form of smoldering resentment, which needs only leadership or means of expression to mature to active resistance.
Some people join a resistance movement because of an innate desire to survive. Others may join because of ideological convictions. Regardless of initial motivation, all are bound together to fight a common enemy.
Star Trek says 2024.
In addition to motivation or purpose, a population must feel that there is a chance for success, or no effective resistance movement can be developed. Active participation in any resistance movement is influenced by its chance for success.
Mao said that the population is to the guerrilla as water is to the fish. The success and survival of a guerilla force depends on continual moral and material support from the civilian population.
The local community is usually under intense pressure from anti-guerilla forces. Punitive measures such as reprisals, deportation, restriction of movement, and seizure of goods and property are conducted against supporters of guerrilla activity, making support dangerous and difficult.If the local populace has a strong will to resist, however, such enemy reprisals cause an increase in underground activities.
The civilian community may assist the guerrillas by furnishing supplies, recruits and information; giving early warning of anti-guerrilla operations; supporting evasion and escape; and other activities.
After the guerrilla force has established itself and is sufficiently strong, it may need to exert force upon certain elements of the civilian population to command their support, i.e, coerce indifferent or unresponsive portions of the population into supporting the movement.
This is some kind of psyop. Sage
Guerrilla warfare has been described as being more POLITICAL than military in nature. It is military in a tactical sense, but it is also political since guerrilla movement stems from a local power struggle. It often has its roots in the oppressive policies of a central government.
By recognizing its own limitations, the guerrilla force can hope for survival and eventual success. Initially, the force is usually inferior to the enemy in firepower, manpower, communications, logistics, and organization. It is equal and often superior to the enemy in the collection of intelligence and the use of cover, deception, and time.
Because of logistical and manpower limitations, guerrillas must never directly confront a large, organized, superior military force in a pitched battle. Instead, guerrillas must initially coordinate their attacks against such targets as isolated enemy outposts, small police units, tax collectors, rail systems, raids and bridges, and other weakly defended installations. This has the combined effect of building the confidence of the guerrillas and forcing the enemy to guard installations rather than conduct offensive operations. It also demonstrates to the population that the resistance is there and is a force to be reckoned with.
The bases of successful guerrilla combat is offensive action combined with surprise. During periods of low visibility, the guerrilla unit attacks, tries to gain a momentary advantage of firepower, executes its mission and leaves the scene of the action as rapidly as possible.Normally, the unit does not operate in one area but remains highly mobile and varies its operations so that no pattern is evident. If possible, it strikes two or three targets simultaneously to divide the enemy's attention and fragment its reinforcement effort. If pursued by enemy reinforcements, the unit tries to have countermeasures planned in advance such as booby-trapped withdrawal routes, indirect fire support during withdrawal (eg. snipers) ambushes, dispersion, escape across a border into a sanctuary, prepositioned supplies, and, if surrounded, a preplanned breakout operation.
If a guerrilla unit is being pursued by an enemy unit, it must avoid obvious danger areas such as roads, trails, clearings, and especially water because the enemy will try to keep these under surveillance.
I can type up some stuff on psyops if you want in a bit lol its in the same book Im pulling from.
Why not?
What do you think will happen?
Will the CIA show up at my house and arrest me? Will my bank accounts disappear?
You know, I have discussed this kind of thing many times and have never been killed.
I believe that people like you are paranoid cowards. Essentially, you are exactly the kind of person William Pierce talked about
You can hate me and call me a kike and throw a temper tantrum from the safety of your computer screen. But you are a coward.
You're so racked with fear that you won't even discuss perfectly legal things on an anonymous image board.
I don't think radical politics will be effective in America unless things get way worse than they are now. But should we ever actually take up arms against ZOG, the IRA is the best role model to be found. The "state within a state" structure of Hezbollah or the CCP are also things to look at if serious power is ever actually realized. I think the ability to wage an institutional war against the left and the government itself would be big. Just imagine how quickly Americans would stop sucking democracy's dick if there were another non-government entity that was able to act in an official roll.
The biggest problem is that both of these require support from powerful people, or require the enemy to be so bad that we're just a natural reaction to them. I think we're still quite a few years or decades until the point where trying to work with conservatives within the republican system is fruitless. The fact that most people are middle-class also contributes to the amount of cowardice you find in the American right. It's kind of sad that the left gets its own domestic terrorist organizations before Holla Forums does.
The U.S Army Special Forces defines three phases in guerrilla warfare. In the first phase, preparation, organization, and initial operations are conducted. In the second phase, the guerrilla movement is mobilized into a conventional force. The third phase is demobilization, when the guerrillas are disarmed and prepared to be loyal members of the population.
Preparing the population is primarily psychological (PSYOPS) Sometimes the enemy does this for the insurgency due to their policies and actions.Sometimes propaganda and other measures are necessary.
Because of the strength of the enemy, security is of prime concern during this phase, The resistance should try to remain secret at this time so it can infiltrate governmental agencies, organize and establish intelligence networks, align and train various factions, and choose initial targets.
If a foreign power is to provide any time of aid to the resistance, or if the resistance is trying to obtain such assistance, this planning/organization phase is critical. The potential sponsor will be concerned about the potential for political embarrassment, compromise, and the chance of success. If the sponsor does not recognize such things as good planning, training, and organization, it will likely not give assistance.
.If there is a potential sanctuary in another country, often times there will be members in the government of that country who do not support the resistance nor agree with its cause. Hopefully they will be in the minority, but if that is not the case, these people must be dealt with or somehow be made ineffective so they are not a threat. Identifying these people during the initial stage is important so that plans are made to accommodate or otherwise deal with them.
Sometimes political struggles in the potential sanctuary can be exploited. Those friendly to the resistance or the undecided need to be cultivated.
Initial Operations Phase
Combat operations are begun during this phase. The types of targets chosen are those that almost guarantee success. Examples are unmanned targets with no enemy forces near, lone policemen, tax collectors, and small, isolated enemy outposts. Tactics include sniper operations, assassinations, and the use of easily placed explosives.
During this phase, PROTESTS against the government CAN be organized. Any action the government takes against protesters IS USED AGAINST IT as propaganda. Governments often react with harsher policies and restrictions, WHICH CAN BE EXPLOITED FURTHER.
The guerrillas enhance ties with the local population by giving what they can spare in the way of food, medicine, labor, etc.
The desired effect of these operations is to give the guerrilla units experience in planning and conducting operations, instill confidence in the guerrillas, and show the population that the resistance can conduct successful actions against the enemy, this providing encouragement to those wanting change. This also helps but teeth in the psychological operations and helps in recruiting.
Waiting until were the minority is a sure fire way to get exterminated by a non-white majority.