CLOUD Act Passes, Privacy Fucked (but you didn't have it in the first place)

"As we wrote before, the CLOUD Act is a far-reaching, privacy-upending piece of legislation that will:

Enable foreign police to collect and wiretap people's communications from U.S. companies, without obtaining a U.S. warrant.

Allow foreign nations to demand personal data stored in the United States, without prior review by a judge.

Allow the U.S. president to enter "executive agreements" that empower police in foreign nations that have weaker privacy laws than the United States to seize data in the United States while ignoring U.S. privacy laws.

Allow foreign police to collect someone's data without notifying them about it.

Empower U.S. police to grab any data, regardless if it's a U.S. person's or not, no matter where it is stored.

And, as we wrote before, this is how the CLOUD Act could work in practice:

London investigators want the private Slack messages of a Londoner they suspect of bank fraud. The London police could go directly to Slack, a U.S. company, to request and collect those messages. The London police would not necessarily need prior judicial review for this request. The London police would not be required to notify U.S. law enforcement about this request. The London police would not need a probable cause warrant for this collection."

(tried to archive, archive isn't working at the moment).

This is pretty much what the NSA and Jewgle does anyway, it's not like Jewgle ever needed a warrant to hand off the goyim's data at the drop of a hat. You can protect yourself the same way you did before, by not creating this data in the first place.

-Host your own email (mailinabox, it's not that hard)
-Use Tor and (not or) a VPN for anything you don't want recorded indefinitely. You can connect to a VPN over Tor to access things you can't normally get over Tor (torrents, etc), the VPN provider doesn't get your IP, its the Tor exit node. This means nothing if you pay for the VPN, use a free one (vpngate)
-If your going to carry around botnet in your pocket, root the phone, use a custom rom without google services installed, install a firewall that requires root, block app permissions (gps, camera, mic, etc).
-Do not use services that collect large amounts of data in the first place, you know what these services are. (Gmail/Dropbox/Yahoo/Microsoft)
-Install gentoo (seriously get the fuck off windows 10)
-Do not use any cloud based services, encrypted messaging apps with a middleman in the cloud are not secure are never will be.
-Use PGP encrypted messaging to send messages securely over the internet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The right has never been big on internet privacy or privacy laws in general, it's traditionally been a leftist talking point, until they flipped and started destroying free speech. Now the left is confused and while they love the corporate botnet massive data collection, they are still iffy on government data collection when they are not the ones in power. The mainstream right has not caught up to this, while claiming they hate big government they love big government data collection. There needs to be more work done to push this issue as not a leftist talking point.

How long before almost all trials use parallel construction?

FOSTA & The Cloud Act. All hope seems lost.

seems like they've now just legalized it. i would bet you anything to catch the austin bomber they dug through internet records of every single person in austin.

Personal privacy should be a matter of national security, as the security of the volk's conversations is akin to the security of a nation as a whole, and it needs to be respected and protected by the State.

In a sane world where nation == race

this still means largely nothing for encrypted communications and services that maintain no logs. as far as i know in the US maintaining logs is not a requirement. there will be a push to change that, to force people to maintain logs, and outlaw encryption, that is going to be the big fight, if that's lost you can say goodbye to any concept of privacy or free speech on the internet.

Expecting privacy on the internet is retarded. It's the unfortunate double-edged sword that emerges from a largely open and uncensorable network: you can tap it at any point. Use encryption, opsec, and try not to fuck up.

I won't cry myself to sleep if they catch a few pedofaggots or suicide bombers of peace.

a lesson should also be learned here, why don't mega corporations kvetch about this? they don't want the governement spying on their shit either.

-they don't use intermediaries in the cloud, they use on-site intranets for communication and use VPNs to connect multiple sites/offices into the same intranet over the internet. they also conveniently delete logs. (google memo jew tried to get evidence of faggotry, log records conveniently deleted by google). hillary emails deleted, etc.

corporations and big entities have the advantage of knowing who they want to talk to, unlike the general internet, so restricting access is far easier (they are still vulnerable to leakers). the closest the regular internet is going to get when communicating to random people is something like retroshare over tor, where all communications are encrypted and direct p2p with no intermediaries. it works best if you know who you are talking too so you can restrict access but that's what the anonymity layer of tor is for.

Maybe i can use this to get more info on jim.

i wonder if you can FOIA this cloud act information.

The heads of thr shill companys epuld nr s good on too. Or any pizza_-gate. Suspects

Don't worry folks, you are welcome here as long you don't offend the god emperor papa Trump.
Based shitposting mods know whats best for you, good luck and don't commit to wrongthink!

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Does this include countries like Russia and Japan? Or only NATO countries?

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who knows, i doubt those agreements would be made public.
it seems like the appropriate response is to ban londoners outright to avoid having to possibly dump data on U.S. citizens with no warrant to the UK thought police (who will then turn it back over to the U.S. government for parallel construction).

8ch needs to range ban the entire EU immediatly

Honestly this news has completely comeout of the blue,no one could have foreseen Trump betraying his super bad based base

Indeed we must keep this board strictly for the Amerigoys who want toMAGA with isreal leading the charge
No Eurogoys allowed, especially the antisemitic one's

Is it coincidence that divide and conquer fags and mods trying to eliminate the userbase so hard, now that this bill passed unopposed by based Trump?

Oy vey, don't talk about this bill and how it passed the Trump administration.

It's because you're a Paki. That's why you would prefer to sit here and complain about Trump, because you don't care about the UK. You have no connection to the soil, no ancestors who made that land what it is. You're an invader, and you don't belong. That's why you chose to never change your posting style. You are used to not belonging in your own country, so people noticing who you are and telling you to fuck off is just another day at the office.

Sincerely, kill yourself. Not for my benefit, or even this board's benefit. Simply because your existence is extremely sad, and you would end your suffering with a knife down your arms.

There hasn't ever been an user confused about jewry, you cannot divide and conquer between pol/aks and jews

This is the point I've been trying to make,how do your isreali bosses think you deserve a single shekel for you retardation here?


It's quite possible I am the only white non-jew on here, considering how many bans you kikes have done in the last 24hrs

Post your hand

Any user on here at this point in time, still pretending that Holla Forums is anything other than a jewish CIA honeypot can only be a medically registered retard
Sure Imkampfy programmed bot
Do you want my mother's maiden name also?

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Now you sound like kampfy. How ironic.

More to do with the fact I am evidently talking right now with either a jewish isreali or poorly programmed bot
Either way why would I even consider replying to you with anything other than contempt

You claim to be white but have never proven it. Do so or be dismissed by anyone with a brain.

You are currently on Holla Forums,the day after Trump appointed the umpteenth isreali first neocon warhawk kike-alike Bolton, pretending to be a fashy based goy, with someone you know 100% can see through your jewish illusions
So knowing the fact we both know you are a Kushner paid kike
What makes you think for a second I would respond to you with anything less than derision?

Post not read and dismissed

Oh noes, a gaslighting kike openly taunting anons for their antisemitism on Holla Forums has dismissed my post out of hand

The thing is there cannot be one single non jew user here unaware of you kikes considering how openly you taunt and mock them for going along with your jewish psyop here

lel kek xd

don't you mean where nation === race

so once trump is not president and we get an obama/hillary type
we're out to war or literally dead

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Hey look, a ISIS attack happened.

Hello javascript, learn real programming.


Took long enough.

Knew it

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The fact that this got passed is proof that Trump is a jew.

They're talking about the project to get a handle on crypto and saying they're having issues with ones like monero(which uses stealth addresses and ring signatures).

Alright so what crypto is the NSA working on according to this or am I misreading? Any explanations would be appreciated.

You're making the same mistake that most are, its saying that they're working to track crypto users(as well as people using VPNs and tor) and are having a lot of success with everything that is reliant on nodes. Point 2 really makes it obvious if people bother to thoroughly read and have even a cursory knowledge of crypto instead of allowing their confirmation bias to kick in.
Obviously its not R&D to develop these as are multiple cryptocurrencies already utilize them and have for long before this memo is dated. Its R&D to attempt to track them.

There's also a chance this memo isn't even legitimate as it first popped up on /biz/, which makes it somewhat likely that it was faked in order to help pump monero as Holla Forums would be the obvious place for it to surface if it was an actual leak where the underlying reason wasn't financial gain. If you look at the charts monero spiked in August.

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Trump passed it, are you doubting his judgement? hes obviously using this to spy on his enemies, OUR enemies.



All privacy is lost, god help us all.

My theory is he let it pass in order to make sure Mueller and Daniels lose

What does this mean for protonmail?

has 8ch started (or now is admitting) ip logging?
is this a warning?

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That was my thought at least.


wtf I hate data privacy now

So the US is opening up their systems to foreigners?

Isn't that a national security threat?

And this should be 101 for ANY organisations dealing with confidential information.

Can't believe that there are law firms that use fucking gmail, etc.

your privacy is a national security threat

It's an economic threat more importantly.
No free market if all your info is there in the open.

That's just … well it's communism with an extra step :^)

it's still not in the open, you still have to pay twitter facebook and jewgle for it, the difference is the government now has instant access to it, which is far scarier in the EU where people are getting sent to prison for thought crime.

prior to this if the UK wanted to get private data from a company in the united states with servers in the united states they would have in theory had to go through a U.S. court to get it, now they don't.

The U.S can also use it now to completely bypass the courts. Instead of requesting it directly which might require a warrant, they just have some other country request it and have them give it right back.

That is also an economic threat. Fundamental breaches of confidentiality with communications will lead to impacts on the economy and function of these mediums.

People have already cleaned up their profiles a lot. That's not a good thing. It's potentially barriers to their communicative needs that would be needed to get what they want out of the medium. The medium could stimulate the economy by providing that medium of communication.

Instead it compromises it.
Actually… it's a double edged sword because you could use that info to advertise.
In fact, that's all the info should be used for. Any more and you are pushing the threshold for impacting the economy negatively.

Wink wink.

i don't think it's going to heavily affect the economy. remember 99% of the lemmings don't care, even if they get suspended for a day or two for the single wrongthing tweet they made they'll gladly re-verify their account send their government id and phone number and botnet email and the whole 9 yards to get it re-activated again, and go right back to feeding the beast. this isn't going to slow the flow of data, that would be counterproductive to the purpose of this law. I doubt it's use will be publicized at all, it will be used for parallel construction.

I don't get why FB and Google give ANY data. It breaches their appearance of competence to hold that data confidentially. That's not a good market position.

I wouldn't give ANY data if I could.
But does that mean that they are FORCED to do it (i.e. they don't want to but will have to because of this gov't reg).
Then they have no choice but to sacrifice that advertising means. Shit sucks because targeted advertising was actually beginning to be appreciated by some normies.

It will, because I think may potentially occur, where data is not stored to a sufficient degree.
How they delete it (and choose what to delete) is anyone's guess.

I just wished the free market was free and not a phony.

it could be used to shutdown smaller wrongthink websites. but it will have zero effect on google, facebook, twitter, and reddit. they will increase censorship under the guise of reducing liability, but in practice this censorship won't drive away users, it will only increase the existing userbase's self-censorship, a way to psychologically change the way people think about certain political issues.

This is actually good. European partners will aggressively monitor shitposters and even milquetoast conservative normies and then ban them or, hopefully, charge them with racist crimes when they try to go drop off cash on holiday.

Western Europe's biggest single industry is tourism. If we can hustle the tourists to places like Hungary and Poland rather than the Democratic People's Republic of Germany and Britbongistan, that's good, but watching actual Americans get arrested in the UK for saying they didn't like ISIS would be even better.

But freedom of speech is their selling point.
I think they're honest to god as baffled as I am with what they could do (from their perspective as businessmen/women/faggots).

Censorship may increase short term profits, but long term it will reduce the market for the product as it competes with free speech forums.
Especially in a post 2016 environment when even boomers are worried about their security online.

If it goes the twitter path, it will lose a size proportion of its userbase.
Now is the time for competitors to spread their name though. Very good time for competition to finally emerge.
BUT… this will divide that basic level of social media into two separate groups, largely on a political spectrum. I hope user's with spare funds consider starting a forum… I doubt the autistic potatos on here are capable of that though.

We had a decent run with google and FB right up to 2015 though. RIP in peace centralised social media and internet services for normies. Those days are over I think. They were thoroughly divided through that whore Clinton though.

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you sound sad

No shit user.

Where do you think you are?

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A lot of professionals at their work have also been told to get rid of facebook etc.
Especially in the law/politics, law enforcement and business side.

The MSM "whistleblow" on the leak of data to Trump (yes, they literally ignored EVERY other connection) caused murmurs I guess.

Also, you got s2523 there? Or the act?

PDF on that link is fucked btw.

Am I v& now?

So if I'm not mistaken, this amendment is mainly for human trafficking.

Not sure if want as child abduction is a major issue in Britain.
That's what pisses me off, the Religion of Cuck™ic grooming seems to be used to produce this act. (roughly in this context haven't really gone into it)
I'm not certain, but if the act is to be read in it's purpose, then this monitoring is only within the scopes of human trafficking.
That seems reasonable, but I get the feeling the courts may fuck with this act.
Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Also crazed single mothers abducting their kids to overseas locations is an issue I've personally seen covered by similar laws (assuming the Hague Convention covering abduction.. or is that not related???)… watch out for that one :^)
Seriously, they stop at nothing and the father is left with no child parental responsibilities and no way to get those kids back… the law essentially let's the crocodile tears of the mother win.

Pretty face :3

crop it idiot.

It's already too late for them if they've used it for a while. Even if some of the data becomes obsolete over time, there's likely enough to build archetypal profiles that would still be quite effective for the foreseeable future. In other words, Facebook already has enough data to weaponize it at a societal scale and many third parties have likely purchased it.

I know user.. I think some of them know that too.
But they have to change asap if they want to retain any confidentiality.

Furthermore, you can literally threaten Mark Zuck if you absolutely must.

Sorry did I say that out loud?

I never had hope

What happened with that act?

And, anyone familiar with legislation interpretation in the US? Because normally an act must be read within it's stated purpose and Holla Forums has kinda ignored that aspect of interpreting bills a lot little bit.
But I bet there's some fucky section in there that works around the obvious stated purpose.

Yeah FOSTA seems pretty fucked on websites that are easily "blackmailed" by faggots posting their sex slaves online.
Yet more legislation that ''seemed' good with intention but then was contrued merely to attack free speech.
I hope you guys running this site have money for a legal defence.

BUT, if the act is used for it's reasonable purpose of targeting pedos and not to shut down wrongthink then it should be ok.
I'm not sure what your judges will do with this new legislation though. I know my country's judges (incl the female ones) fucking hate politicians poorly implemented legislation and reducing the freedom of the average person.

I also think the scope is wide with FOSTA. CLOUD is a bit iffy too.
Seems to me, though, that you have to advertise the content. I haven't read if that means that the site owners are personally liable. I hope there is leeway though, because the economic impact of the bill is graver than you think if it's too broadly construed.

Then again, if you want trafficking to stop, we needed something at least.

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I don't know why you guys are so paranoid.. Trump is /ourguy/ and its not like he's going to censor RW speech. it will most likely be used to censor lefties.

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Cloud and Fosta are the same thing now. They merged them together and slipped them into this spending bill and passed it.

just an excuse to get support on something that should have been opposed by left and right.

nope, Trump is /theirguy/
it's there all the way to the bottom of the bill.


shareblue shill