Trump taps John Bolton as National Security Advisor
Effective 4/9
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Trump taps John Bolton as National Security Advisor
Effective 4/9
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Knew he was coming in some capacity but replacing that scumbag McMaster is huge. Trump is gearing up for war.
Dude, replacing him with John Bolton is a million times worse. John Bolton is a Bill Kristol tier neocon.
Hopefully not with Iran, I'd cheer the Republic's death if this were the case. Christ the blackpill is starting to gnaw at me. Getting rid of McFagsters is great but John fucking Bolton?
Open Syria war and Iran war here we come.
Huge meaning we're going to war.
Well, there goes any hope I had for Trump. This is officially another neo-cohen administration.
Kikes were the loudest voices calling for McMaster's removal, it isn't a good thing.
Don't forget Best Korea. Bolton wrote an op-ed arguing for a first strike against them last month.
I wonder what the fuck this means.
He ignores them whenever he feels like it. There won't be any war with Syria or Iran if Trump doesn't want one, regardless of anything Bolton says.
Never said it was. Probably should have used a different word.
Thank god, McMaster was not friendly enough to the Jews. Baysed
Why would Trump appoint an Israel-firster like Bolton if he didn't want war with the enemies of the jews?
Pressuring NK instantly springs to mind. And you do know what an advisor is, right user?
Exactly. McMaster wasn't perfect, but he was not a full on Israel-firster. The people trying to get him removed were Breitbart and Bannon and their Zionist lackeys like Cernovich.
Lmao it’s okay to surround yourself with neocons if it’s Trump that’s doing it. I’m SURE this isn’t a prelude to another War for Israel(USER WAS BANNED FOR CROSSING THE LINE BETWEEN CRITICISM AND FAGGOTRY)
With this and the fucking omnibus, I'm off the trump train. I will now vote straight demon and pray for the quick destruction of the US.(Time to vote Democrat, fellow nazis!)
This. What Holla Forums doesn't realize and forgets is that McMaster was a pro-Religion of Cuck™ globalist. He was the one who kicked all the nationalists out of the NSA. McMaster was the swamp
this will unironically be the best outcome for both Whites in the US and the rest of the world
Pretty much. Europe is the only hope for the white race. America needs to be killed.(Flagrant d&c)
Nationalists like Ezra Cohen Watnick?
Another good day for g-d’s chosen!
To be replaced by Dina Powell aka Mrs. Goldman Sachs?
War with North Korea
War with Iran
War with Syria
War with Russia
56% neokike causes the third fucking world war and end of western civilization
Speaking off, Mike was the first to report it.
You mean Ivanka the convert's friend?
Yes goyim, you need pro-Israel globalists instead XD
Bolton is an anti-EU, anti-globalist to the extreme. He is also very loyal to Trump so he won't backstab him like McMaster did
Yup, McMaster was the one who put her in
Are you fucking kidding me? He is the biggest neocon in existence.
Thernovich is gonna ride this for all its worth, he's been after McMaster since Day 1
Shills This Week:
Shills Next Week:
Shills the Week After:
Jesus fuck.
Do you even know what Neoconservativism is you retard? The definition of being a Neocon is someone who wants to force Democracy on a country down the barrel of a gun.
Bolton is anti-EU because he doesn't want a relatively unified Europe. It has very little to do with the nature of the current EU apart from ready-made talking points.
West Europe could be saved if not for (((international pressure))) from America. They are still not too far gone. Most are still 90% European, which is what America was even at its whitest.
Feeling mildly concerned
Wasn't Bolton tight with the Bush clan, why would Trump want their sloppy seconds?
The shills are using the Jew tactic now to turn us against Trump. Its more and more evident
do you even understand (((why))) the US is hostile to Iran?
Bolton actually likes Trump and seems pretty loyal to him.
Why Bolton?
Bush's 3rd Term
That's some good bait there user.
Yes, for the same reason you cum gurgling shills assured us of the impending Drumpfwars in Venezuela, Syria, Russia, Best Korea, blah blah blah.
All of Trumps replacements over the last few weeks all point towards an aggressive stance:
Toensing/DiGenova for Dowd
Pompeo for Tillerson
Haspel as CIA head
Bolton for McMaster
>do you even understand (((why))) the US is hostile to Iran?
or why the US does anything.
Lets be honest Tillerson fucking sucked
A CIAnigger if there ever was one
McDipshit should have been gassed but Bolton as a replacement? Trump better be doing this as a signal to the GOP to turn over the wall funding or something.
Fucking Bolton.
He was also claiming the "deepstate" was trying to block Bolton.
Pompeo was a fucking state rep before Trump appointed him as acting CIA director.
But he was removed because he supported the Iran deal, and replaced with a hardline Israel-firster.
-Worked under Reagan & Bush.
-Has advocated a strike first policy with NK.
I wonder if that Reagan-loving aut-kike retard Ricky Vaugn is celebrating this?
Makes me think it's a possible setup to get a ball buster for the NK meeting, get the fuck out of the Iran deal and then fire him when his usefulness is up. A Mooch.
Who can know these things though?
Only positive in all of this is war is unpredictable.
Extremely high chance of escalation with Bolton.
So we can have a BASED jewish war with Iran?
Best case scenario is that he's another Mooch
Better doing stuff indoors than outdoors it seems all eyes are on him. Pump out stuff about Iraq and how he should not deal with US the same way.
It doesn't have to come to that.
I guess we know which path we're taking to Persia.
Nigger, there's no reason to oppose the Iran deal other than "muh greatest ally", and they made it very clear what they want to happen.
Punished Bolton? A man denied total war.
Breitbart is happy it seems.
this meme again?
that was money owed to Iranians after the US freezed assets
Tells you all you need to know. They've been trying to out him since day one.
You're reading too much Kikebart, user.
I sure hope you're not doing this for free.
It's almost as if the most pro-Israel media outlet in the US isn't really interested in putting America First.
Fuck their assets. The Religion of Cuck™ic revolutionaries that took over Iran are fucking commies. Fuck commies and fuck and fuck muslims. Iran may hate Israel but that does not make Ahmed my friend.
You're ingesting to much arab spunk.
Source this please.
If you hate commies so much, why are you embracing Trotskyite foreign policy?
Oh but it will when they get false flagged.
Bannon went on for hours about how people call Breitbart, Kikebart and even boasting about it. "we love Israel!" & "I'm a christian zionist"
Imo if Iran gives up their nuclear program then Pissrael should too
Fuck commie mooslims. They won't see a fucking dime.
Oh no, not another air field! kek.
fireworks this weekend
Iran doesn't have nukes (probably a bad thing for them at this point)
A fact they should begin broadcasting more often when the US sets their sights on them.
What they do have is Russias backing.
So NK has chinas backing and Iran has Russias backing. Ya this will end well.
Should have voted for Hillary. At least we wouldn't be going to war with Iran & Russia within the next few years under her leadership. Trump is another neocon stooge(>Should have voted for Hillary)
I don't like Bolton but I didn't like McMaster either and I don't trust either of them.
So "globalist" was never a codeword for "jew", but for someone who isn't dedicated enough to Israel.
Imagine telling a normie that Hitler was a hero because he tried to stop people like Bannon long ago. Instant nutjob categorization.
Meant to post this.
ur stupid putin and trump are buddies
Instead she would have flooded the country with even more spics and went full out for your guns. At least thats been delayed by a few years.
That might be for the better. Maybe people will finally realize that we aren't going to vote out ZOG.
He can't do anything about it not if he surrounds himself with neocons and everyone in congress hates Russia
she would have died before her term was over probably
like he cares what congress wants
INB4 he gets fired in four days
In the long run, we probably would be getting the same shit no matter who won. They're both puppets of the same cabal of kikes.
Earlier this month, Jared Kushner hosted Haim Saban, Hillary's primary puppetmaster, to celebrate the slaughter of goyim at a Purim feast.
Hey mod, please clarify what language is too spicy because tons of normal posters got banned ITT for things that weren't bannable offenses in my opinion.
Anything RenTech doesn't like.
Go back to reddit, worshipping mods is not an 8ch thing.
People always meme about Shillary Clinton but it would have just been the same exact shit with the exception of the supreme court pick, so I guess that's one decent thing about this situation
All anti-Trump rhetoric is bannable under imkikey now, where were you in the past couple of years? They will probably delete your post and ban you for pointing it out.
I'm pretty sure he was being ironic.
I was with you until you implied denuclearization wouldn't be a huge win for the kikes, or at least the Israeli ones. Frankly, we should want Iran to becone a nuclear state as it's the only hard counter to Israeli fuckery in fhe region. Libya and Syria would still be peaceful, stable countries if Israel had to take Iranian nuclear retaliation into account. Iran may develop nuclear weapons but they have expressed zero interest in developing missiles with enough range to threaten the US.
I'm also partially on board with allowing NK to retain medium range, pand based nuclear missiles. Remember, their missile program isn't just a deterrent to SK/US aggression, it's a deterrent to China as well. NK is obviously reliant on China for its very survival but their nuclear weapons allowed them to break the chains that made them a pure puppet state for the Chinese.
Anything they don't like. This can be arbitrarily decided on a whim, inb4 I'm banned again for being a "share blue" shill
I really don't think he was being ironic.
I know about imkikey, thing is I'm not anti-Trump, I'm anti-Trump-doing-dumb-kike-shit, which is an important difference that the turkroach needs to start parsing out instead of screeching at everyone with differing opinions and calling them muh shareblue
You don't seem to understand how this works.
We used to call that earlobe spacing, and it was a meme to fuck with cuckchanners. Wanna know how I know you're from cuckchan?
Halfchan is thataway, you can browse slide threads to your hearts delight.
Remember how Trump pledged to secure funding for the wall within the first 100 days of his presidency among other things but instead all we got is neocons in his office, cucking for Israel, setbacks and failures at every turn and saber rattling? Me neither.
Art of the deal sheds some light on Trump's methods.
No but no one worships mods either. Imkikey has done this nonstop since forever. Astroturfing 'b-baysed mods' is always a mod posting that so it's obviously inorganic shilling.
Honestly the most I was disappointed was when Trump backed down from using the national guard to round up all illegals. That was the best idea of the administration yet. Hopefully Kobach can still get something done.
You were never with me. Anyone who sides with the half-kike muslim mongrels that the CIA put into power in Iran is either a jew, a good goy, or a retarded nigger.
What if they're the BASED sandniggers?
Why do they keep sending the JIDF taysachs division?
Who is he making deals with though?
I said nuclear program for a reason since the meathead I was replying to implied they have nukes
Dunno if the Religion of Cuck™ic clerics are smart enough to do that. They're sure crafty, but that's because they're Persian. Even if they were your average American is too hyped up on ZOG fear porn to support a nuclear disarmament of Israel
Honestly fuck Korea, it's a 3rd world shithole and American resources should not be funneled into it
You need to APPEAR to favor pro-Israel globalists instead.
For fuck's sake, Trump was a real estate developer in Jew York City. If you had an apartment building, would you rather have goatfuckers who shit in the hall or kikes that kvetch but who you can send (((Kushner))) out to pacify? Think.
do you have any evidence of that?
Dollars shouldn't be funneled into any of these places but kikes control the US so….kikes gonna kike I guess.
McMaster was the one in the NSC who saved the Iran nuclear deal. Do the math yourself you fucking lemming.
I thought trump was going to drain the swamp? When he started he appointed a lot of non-career politicians or slight wild cards in various positions of power. Everyone loved it. But slowly he's been replacing them with veteran republicans/neo-cons. Literally the definition of the swamp.
Can someone explain to me how pro-israel, pro-iraq war, pro-iran war pro-any war that protects israel, John Bolton isn't the swamp? The mans worked in position of power in the last 3 (now 4) republican governments.
The wall will never be fully built and whatever is standing will be a perfect metaphor of whats left of America. You get to watch the entire collapse of the west due to your decades of inaction with your country being the last to fall. Keep staring at those screens and doing nothing
It was the Sheldon Adelson-funded ZOA, their shabbos goy Bannon and the jews at Kikebart, and their lackeys like Thernovich. Can you name anybody who called for his removal that doesn't fit that description, or wasn't influenced by them?
They play both sides m8
You may be right but this coupled with Pompeo for SoS sets of alarm bells
Haven't you been following Thenrovich? The deepstate hates John Bolton and /ourguys/ in Israel. Putting Israel first is draining the swamp.
This is even a more retarded meme than le earlobe spacing.
Being this retarded.
>Putting Israel (((first)))
Could you kikes try to pretend you're not retarded?
When are you boomers finally going to die?
He spent enough time in the CIA to know the soft points. Smart move IMHO. You have to trust some people (or maybe Trump has tape of him with a goat; remember his mentor was Roy Cohn and he used to run hotels).
A lot can happen between then and now.
So McMaster was secretly /ourguy/ ??? Didn't know this.
We need to flood the GOP channels with messages, and maybe also ally with some anti-war leftists if necessary. The situation is critical.
Yeah he sounds like a swell guy.
Yeah, like another war in the middle east.
Zion squeals with delight. War with Iran inevitable.
Pray they nuke Tel Aviv
Reza Shah admired Hitler.
Ahmadinejad met with David Duke.
"Iran" = "Aryan"
Fuck off.
Ebin. They're really not sending their best.
Newfag here. Been lurking for almost a year. Posted here and there, usually to the cacophony of morons who I believe may just come here to be edgy and use the word "kike" every 5 seconds. This thread looks like a good example of that.
I don't know if Bolton is a shill and a plant, but I am certain McMaster wasn't the prodigal son of Trump's intended foreign policy extension into national security. I actually believe he may have been leaking worse than a full flow thot on the third day of her period.
IMHO Bolton is a better choice. He's harder on foreigners in general. And I'm not worried about Trump taking bad advice because doesn't listen to his fuckin advisors anyways.
So there's my two cents.
PS… don't tell me to fuck off to reddit or halfchan just because I have a different opinion on this. I don't like hebrews in the whitelands or messing with our policy any better than you.(kike)
If we kill all the sand nigger muslims in Iran, will the white Persians be able to regain control?
I think we're probably going to cancel the Iran deal, talk shit to them and do nothing. Like what's happening with North Korea. If there's another war for Israel and we don't get a wall I'll just move to Poland.
An interesting pick.
This is classic JIDF, almost as obvious as "I just googled 'zionism'…".
How about I tell you to fuck off to Reddit for making such an obnoxiously and unnecessarily long post? McMasters was dogshit but John Bolton is a pro-war stooge and liking him because he's "hard on the foreigners" is stupid because he isn't some kind of an isolationist who even-handily rough. He's very, very soft towards Israel which is the country that's perhaps taking the most advantage of us right now. Honestly I'm just done with bullshit wars in the Middle East that this walrus faggot typifies
Basically you're from the_donald. And your cringey posting style shows it. Next time just contribute to the discussion and refrain from attention whoring to make it about you.
On-topic. If Bolton were to have an effect on trump policy and persuade him to go to war in Iran or Syria (for example) would anons on here flip flop like they've done on past trump cuck-outs? Neo-con LARPers need not reply, we already know you're spastic opinions.(kike)
Bolton appears to be a kike pawn that appears to want war with fucking everyone. Like a typical Israeli.
Then again, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Holy shit, it's real too. Is STRENGTHENING ISRAEL the Trump administration's newest slogan?
It's like trading hemorrhoids for terminal ass cancer.
Nice narrative spin, faggot. You gonna bitch about "muh airfield" for 30 posts or are you gonna fuck off right now and stop wasting our time?
This. No doubt there is already a plan for Iran and this is its beginning. The only question is how will it be initiated? It took the major false flag of 911 for Afghanistan->Iraq->Syria no one is going to fall for that again.
Expect false flag of epic proportion. Perhaps a NK nuke attack somehow tied with Iran?
Are your best friends jewish then?(kike)
Okay, before you spam "trump touching jew wall" for the next twenty threads, then astroturf every thread in the fucking catalogue, let's skip it entirely and pretend you did anyway. Cool? Cool.
No, McMaster was not our guy. McMaster just worked for the Muslim axis of power rather than the Israeli axis of power. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of semitic influence groups of all types in my government. That said, preserving the Iran nuclear deal was a very good thing as a nuclear Iran is the only thing that can contain Israel.
You're not a shill, you're just a kike, so go back to the ADL and rub some shekels together.
Yeah, Trump is going to hit the strip club with Bolton and high five while getting lapdances.
Fuck off.
the nuclear Iran is BY DESIGN.
holy shit, by now I think it ought to be obvious that every "war" since 1812 (maybe earlier) has been kike bank masterpiece theater.
if kang negro's job was to bring Iran closer to nukes he did it.
create problem: "solve" problem
Read the fucking PNAC papers. Bolton cucks to the hebes as a career choice.
faggot you're the only one doing that shit. Reported. Stay in topic.
No doubt he chopped off his dick and joined his local synagogue to keep tabs on the jews. :^)
Cue the "I'm proud of my President" tweets from every slimy nevertrump neocon.
Looks like to end the Mueller probe and get domestic legislation passed, Trump made a deal with neo-cohens to start more "non wars but with US troops on the ground" in the Middle East for oil and Israel. CIAniggardry will be going through the roof in the region, even more so know. Interesting to see how Trump's new blacksite barbie CIA director will act.
Also, a reminder that Iran threatens the petrodollar because they want to to let the EU pay for oil in Euros. If the petrodollar is broken the US will literally collapse to Wiemar levels overnight, as US Federal Reserve notes are basically monopoly money without the fun colors. This is also prime reason why Bolton is anti-EU. Because of our funny money system, Trump and any other US President is now forced into a confrontation with Iran to keep the country a float. This is also, in part, a reason for Muh Russia since they threaten the petrodollar too. The only real solution is for the US government to issue it's own debt free currency. Unfortunately, this will never happen without collapse or a revolution. If every major nation would issue it's own kike free currency, we world peace within a month.
Fuck. Off.
He doens't just cuck for them. He WORKS for them: >>11404641
This is actually really good point.
Because the narrative last week from media was "McMaster is this awesome supersmart general and he said don't congratulate Putin and Trump didn't listen to him why does Trump think he knows more than Generals and his own National Security Advisor?"
Now his NSA is Bolton who the Left hates and media has tried repeatedly to discredit so it will be hard for them to say Trump is crazy for not listening to his NSA
all the more reason to douse his mustache in ethanol and flick a lit match at it.
So you're moving to Poland.
Honestly you're better off looking for more northern countries like Finland or Norway instead of Poland. I fear the Poland/vicegrads anti-immigrant and now anti-kike law put them at the top of the kikes future enemies list.
ZOG is gearing up to shed more goyim blood in pursuit of world domination. "Rogue" states better watch out
The kike playbook.
Killing kikes before they create problems is self-defense.
Lets hope so. Also dont forget the new gold backed Petro-Yuan coming online in a week (supposedly March 26). Shit is about to get hot real fast to distract from the disaster that will cause.
Anyone who quotes PNAC is your friend. Listen to this user, he is an oldfag and a friend.
This is it, the apex of Western Civ. With Bolton in charge, World War 3 is certain. Seriously anons, it's time to prepare for nuclear radiation.
thyroid protection
and ammunition to kill all the fucking we can find
Bolton will start a war with Iran, push for war with Russia, suck the cocks of any Jew within 50 feet of him. This is only bad, nothing else, bad. From here, chaos.
Yeah, just look at how well all this accelerationism worked in South Africa. It's basically a white paradise at this point.
Syria is in danger too, even more than before with Bolton. We already have 2,000 US troops on the ground and Bolton once prepared to tell Congress in 2003 that Syria's WMD programs had reached a dangerous point. In September 2003 he described Syria as a growing threat to U.S. interest in the Middle East.
It's just a coincidence
that it's always retards who
are too much in love with their
enter key.
Sure thing, user. Very
What false flag will set this in motion?
I wonder why the boers couldn't just massacre all the niggers. Not because of the threat of a certain world policeman intervening or anything.
Scheuer seems to agree with you.
Mike Scheuer: God-damn you President Trump, John Bolton is an Israel-First/Neocon warmonger and a lethal enemy of our Republic
We're so screwed. Looks like PNAC is back on.
We have to be VERY loud and clear that an anti-war stance == an anti-jew stance.
"why don't you support our troops, user?"
"i do support them, they deserve better than to die for a bunch of filthy yids."
Yeah, he's going to slam his hand down on that nuclear button. We're so fucked that he's commander-in-chief now…
This guy? (Pic)
Scheuer for National Security Advisor, imo.
Maybe someone will do the world a favor and make sure cannot influence America's tipsy government anymore.
Wow. Good for him for not holding back anymore. He needs to form his own intelligence agency that is loyal to the United States.
iran is or was controled by the CIA they will go down swiftly just like north korea calm tghe fuck down
Where do you think you're posting?
What a fucking jew lmao. The eternal revolution paid for by white working class Americans and their children's blood, that's the communist dialectic you support by supporting a war with Iran.
Ha, I got banned from t_d (that's right, I go to reddit, fight me) for expressing my displeasure over Bolton, a Neocohen war monger who thinks our mistake in Iraq was not sending in more troops to die, being appointed to the cabinet. What a shit hole.
Well this place is very much like reddit lately so be careful
God bless you Mike Scheuer, the National Security Advisor we need but will likely never get.
Meh, hes been wrong on Trumps picks before.
Bolton isn't jewish though.
The omnicuck scam a much bigger issue.
He's a shabbos goy, which is almost as bad
shabbos goyim get the ovens too
no exceptions
He may as well be, see
I'm thinking that anything that makes the shills go apeshit like this is a win.
The shabbos are worse because they go overboard to prove how thirsty they are for jewish cock.
So who is the US going to go to war with now?
And by war I mean fund militia groups like ISIS to fight for them.
user, it's completely inarguable that Bolton is ultra turbocancer championship edition. The question is, is the appointment of Bolton to NSA just a stunt and is Trump going to listen to anything he says or not.
Go to your nearest army recruitment center and sign up to die for Israel you stupid nu-Holla Forums faggot.
Can't wait to see you die a desert in support of the Yinon plan / greater Israel
Yea he'll probably listen but he'll do what he always does, whatever he wants.
You pack of retards what part of ADVISOR do you not understand?
Proof this idiot has no clue whats hes talking about.
Breitbart was never hijacked. It was founded as an israeli propaganda outlet.
Yes, all Trump needs is an adviser who feeds him neocon advice and advocates for regime change in Iran and North Korea, not to mention Syria in the past
He just sucks Jewish cock, indiscriminately, for the sake of Israel's eternal glory.
I hope that's the case, because the alternative is more wars that drag on for, what, 17 years now? God damn.
If he isn't going to be acting as a surrogate for Trump, why appoint any NSC advisors at all? After all, McMaster was the ADVISOR that kept the Iran nuclear deal alive against Trump's wishes, so you have a concrete example of the power of these advisors. Now this advisor power is going to be put towards starting war with Iran and Syria. Good job reddit faggot, you have zero ability to think for yourself. You should kill yourself.
You should follow his advice. Nothing will trigger the shills harder than knowing your faith in Bolton is so strong that you put your life in his hands
Prepare your asses for war with Iran (not even kidding). I think Bolton loves Israel even more than Bibi.
Yup, they're at maximum agitation right now.
To the point where Bolton has called Bibi a shabbos goy.
But then again, it's fucking Bolton. Anyway, it's another "muh airfield" moment, for sure. A lot can happen between now and his appointment, if he does get appointed.
Lets all hope they unload their entire arsenal into the kikeland so we can move on with our lives.
National Sec doesn't need congress approval otherwise theres no way he would have gotten through.
*In return, he'll-> He'll
Yea, America is gonna be a wonderful place to live in when it glows at night, all night, every night, for the next 10,000 years.
Trump just fucked us.
Pics related from 2003. Bolton was after Syria then too
Congress is pozzed to hell and back. He'd slide through like the slippery bastard he is.
Isn't that a leftist narrative, my man?
Which part of America?
I don't think anyone is going to nuke the States though. Putin can be easily contained, and he'll play along with the Greater Israel plan as long as their is a compromise for Russia in the end. He's proven his worth in Syria that he deserves to be taken seriously, and it's not hard to accommodate his wishes. China won't go to the U.S., not for another 50 years. The North Korea operation is being shut down, and Trump will get a nice victory there as he negotiates a peace.
Iran may wish to nuke the states, but they lack the delivery mechanisms. They may try it on Israel (kek), but I think they'll be bombed back into the Iron age and become a new Iraq.
You can't stop the signal silly moderator.
Hopefully Washington DC or California
Do you need a paper bag to breathe into?
If you don't know the mason's are zogged, I don't know what to tell you.
You posted the wrong image.
Enjoy dying for Israel in Syria (now renamed "Northern Israel") and Iran, I guess.
Stop banning everyone you dumb mod. Yes we know it's not the masons, but our tinfoil folks are always welcome. The hermetics provide valuable insight on occasion.
Also, you're going to burn yourself out if you police for content this granularly.
Funny, I seem to remember when it was considered 'based' that Trump told Bolton he didn't want him.
What's the point of posts like yours?
You contribute nothing because you are a fucking idiot. Go back to lurking.
I doubt a single Holla Forumsack likes Bolton, but we're not going to sit back while Shareblue has their usual TWO SCOOOOPS temper tantrum. It's annoying af because anything interesting gets lost in the noise of >(1)s, spam, deleted posts etc. Even if the kikes don't actually change anyone's minds, they are successfully derailing what would otherwise be a decent discussion.
Stop being from reddit.
No, /x/-tier bullshit isn't welcome.
This is how stupid you actually are.
I could see maybe if he had his hand in his pocket like that classic Masonic gesture, but saying it just because the Washington monument is in the background is pure autism.
Why is it shareblue to be mad at Boltons appointment? You're fucking stupid.
You'd do a lot better banning all the fags that openly admit to being from reddit there's a few in this thread than banning the /x/ folks.
He does Masonic gestures all the time though, especially when he is chairing a meeting and he arches his hands together. Merkel does it too for whatever reason.
Agreed, but the mason posters get you thinking about symbolism a lot. They are an interesting bunch imo, even if a lot of what they talk about is ultimately disinfo.
When Trump didn't want Bolton, T_D applauded it, as showing that Trump wasn't a necon. Cults are never good.
It's a completely baffling choice. The only people who would like Bolton at all are the shrinking numbers of evangelicals that haven't been bombarded with infographics on kike lies yet.
So in non burger terms, what does this mean? A kikier administration? A new war looming?
And even if it is bullshit, I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that our so called 'elites' do take it seriously.
We really need to start making it clear we will not accept war with Iran or Syria. We are the anti war crowd. We are the ones who, while we may detest them, actually want to stop bombing brown muslim people. We are the good guys, time to start playing that up.
Any time he opens his mouth, he's calling for war.
I mean, Kushner bought that huge gaudy office building at 664 Fifth ave and renamed it 666 Fifth ave because he thinks he's the damn antichrist.
Your opinions don't matter. You'll have about as much success as the kiddies who were protesting for gun control.
He's a shabbos goy for Israel who calls for regime change in Iran, Syria and North Korea. Was / is in a bunch of neocon think-tanks
We already committed to removal of Assad.
Bookmark it
An aggressive stance is the best one to negotiate from.
After what Trump was able to pull off with Korea, I don't think it's wise to try and guess his next move unless you have some very insider level information.
And to be honest, the chans haven't been that reliable or correct ever since the shilling ramped up at the end of last year.
So what can be done? What can we do besides blindly trust?
Probably nothing.
At least the resolution will come soon. Before midterm elections I believe.
Go the FUCK back to reddit and suck ZOG cock there, you useless fucking faggot. This isn't about Trump. This is about you trusting jews.
8/pol/ circa 2018. This place is fucking dead.
There is a chance that the question could be phrased as:
Do you even understand why the US is hostile to (((Iran)))?
Who has been in control of that country since the revolution? I haven't seen any convincing arguments for why the Iranians would willingly turn their country into a pile of shit and Religion of Cuck™ify themselves. Are you sure that outside influences aren't at play? The same kind that were at play in NK? The same kind that Trump is fighting against? Why did Obama send Iran so much cash?
These are sincere questions from me by the way.
b-based bolton ;^)
We need to look at who else has donated to John Bolton's super PAC, to see who he serves. One such group is the Mercer family (connected to Breitbart / Bannon / Cambridge Analytica).
>According to the Center for Responsive Politics Mercer is currently ranked the #1 donor to federal candidates in the 2016 election cycle, ahead of Renaissance founder James Harris Simons, who is ranked #5 and generally donates to Democrats.[20] By June 2016, Mercer had donated $2 million to John R. Bolton's super PAC and $668,000 to the Republican National Committee.[20]
I cannot believe my goddamn eyes. John Bolton to replace McMaster? John fucking Bolton? What is Trump smoking? This is out of the frying pan into the fire tier bullshit. I don't understand, how is Bolton anything remotely resembling any kind of "America first" perspective?
This is like putting Kurt Eichenwald as the goddamn Press Secretary. I am utterly baffled by this.
Don't give the Trump team any ideas kek
That's where you're wrong kiddo!
Only Sharebloo would dare go criticise ZOG
I'll call them lügenpresse to their yid faces
I don't understand the post.
This is entirely consistent with Trump's past actions. His admininstration is filled with Jews and neocons.
It's ok, Kurt can't handle the camera flashes.
user, maybe it's your first day here or something, but we want total global genocide of mudslimes and kikes both.
The END of the semite of every vile shape and size.
Fucking disgusting roach mud filth , GAS
Trump doesn't like antisemites
That's why his entire cabinet is filled to the gills with the foulest most despicable kikes in the known world
That's exactly what is being prepped, and he's just being told what to do.
The suicide image guy is a ChIA agent :^)
The problem with bombing them partially, is that they leave their nation of rubble and migrate to Europe.
Once the country falls apart and the economy fails, genZ shitposters can create the first administration.
You might want to have a look at
The agenda is the same as it's always been, America strengthening Israel.
Get with the program, the mod comment for bans is to call everyone kikes for being against Trump surrounding himself with neocons who love Israel.
Only thing that comes to mind. That and Bolton has gone against Trump publicly and bashed him during the election. I'm thinking he's bringing him on as a threat but intends to embarrass him and dump him after he serves a role. Maybe he'll make him shave his mustache and then fire him the next day. I don't like this pick though. Should be funny to see people bring up the Iraq war and attack Trump on that, since Bolton has no regrets over the whole thing.
The example doesn't relate well enough since the disparity in the boer and kaffir populations was already extremely high.
Anybody who's been on Holla Forums pre-Trump knew that politics would never save us.
I think it's very possible Bolton will play the bad cop while Trump plays the good cop.
Trump's twitter threats are a lot more scary with Bolton next to him.
I've always judged Trump based on what he actually does, not by what he says or who he appoints.
That's the crux of it.
Either Trump is cucking out even more to the Israeli-first neocon establishment, or he's doing a Madman strategy to force North Korea and Iran to negotiate.
Getting jailed for draft dodging, or getting jailed for going rogue on D.C kikes. Hope it won't come down to being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Gas yourself. Trump has done shit like this before. Hell, getting McMaster was supposed to spell WW3 and that amounted to nothing. This doesn't feel like anything.
I will cling to this narrative with all my might; the alternative is nightmare fuel.
m8, the "it's 88D chess" excuse has been increasingly stretched and strained over time to its breaking point these past couple years. I think this might be that point. Originally I thought it might be plausible and I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt, but John Bolton of all fucking people is a tip of the scales. Sure, it's possible this is all theatrics, but this is one too many "don't worry it's all according to keikaku"s for me.
Oh shit, Bill Mitchell has learned how to post here.
Feels good man
Because they want everyone to go at each others throats which is clearly working. They are using the Jew meme against us and none of you realize it
Lucky escape, but if you're too fat you should get /fit/ all the same.
I, for one, favor nuking NK. But peace is OK too.
This. No idea how you could be surprised. At least now perhaps you'll awaken from your stupor.
That is a Kike Thernobitch tier argument and is filled to the brim with bullshit. The whole "they want us to fight each other!!1!" deflection never fucking worked in the past and it's not going to work now, there is no room for compromise on the jews. Go fuck yourself. Bolton is a horrendous choice and people aren't going to bend over and take it up the ass just so we can please your "everyone get along so we can fight the REAL enemy!" shit perspective.
Pectus excavatum is what they denied me for. I still hope no other American anons have to die for Israel though. Whatever party we choose it never ends
Yeah, Bolton is terrible and he should just up and choose Scheuer. But he has shown how much he values the opinions of people like Bolton. That said, I do think people should give him grief over this and express their displeasure. I just don't think Bolton will amount to anything.
As long as anons abide by, "Is this good or bad for the jew?" in all their questions pertaining to politics, they cannot be led astray. Sadly, there's so many ideologues and JIDF here that nothing gets done.
Aye, I await what's coming. Earth needs a cleansing.
The sad thing is is that we are forced to choose between Jewish warmongering Republicans or Jewish Democrats who wish to flood our nation with non-whites and make life even harder for whites here. Why can't a serious fascist or white nationalist stand up and take these people on?
You're a kike. :^) I can tell.
Because to climb the upper echelons of American politics you have to be an actual sociopath, and WNs and Fascists generally are altruistic at heart.
I know, anons. I haven't even bothered to come here in over a year, but wanted to see if they could contain the response over a snake like Bolton.
Best we do our upmost to make money, acquire as many firearms as possible, and setup shop on some property in a relatively secure, self-reliant, and white area of the country. Let the disgusting kike world devour itself. Perhaps there will be a role for us to play afterwards, but regardless I want nothing to do with it.
Trips of truth for you
It's incredible how there's only one flagpole to keep your eye on and it's "gas the kikes," yet still everyone seems to get distracted and/or somehow convinced that making an exception here or there couldn't hurt
You're not forced to choose between the two you dumb fuck, go get /fit/, train yourself with guns and try to get a loyal group of friends going. Level up your oratory skills to spread the redpill and discontent with the ZOG system among the people you come across.
This was the agenda of natsoc Holla Forums for years prior to the election that flooded all Holla Forumss with retards who unironically believe in the democratic process.
Somebody removed this photo of Trump positioned right below the Washington Monument.
The original poster of the photo said that by positioning himself like that in the photo that he was signalling that he was doing the Freemason's bidding, or words to that effect.
Believe me, democracy has long proven itself to be shit and I don't have any faith in elections, especially after Trump. What you said is basically my game plan
It really is an eternal law, it seems. With jews, you always lose.
Thread Theme
tbqf it's probably just nigger holdovers who are dicks.
Godspeed, user.
Time to fight for my favorite Jewish overlords! I'm living like a goy and dying like a goy.
Personally, I think he was signaling his inner magical unicorn. Brony Trump confirmed.
But on who's terms? The top enemy is Israel / Saudi Arabia. Not Iran. Not Syria.
Saudi Arabia is a puppet of Israel, but they don't even come close to being a "top enemy", that classification is limited to the jews (all of them),
That would be impossible since the white persians have been extinct for approximatively 3000 years.
Are you familiar with Brzezinski?
Boltons basically the neocon version. Instead of isis and arab spring we get quagmires like iraq amd afghanistan.
Deep ties to basically every Republican administration of the last 35 years. Hands in many cookie jars literally doesn't align in any way shape or form with the supposed goals of the administration.
Deep ties to international law firms,think tanks, mega corporations, hardcore Christians and Zionists.
Unless this is literally the last chess move before utter chaos when it comes to draining the swamp… this is about as swampy as humanely possible for a pick.
5th actually
Because American politics has been generally a two-party system since the very beginning. In very very few situations do you see either one party, or a viable 3rd party form. It is why parties should be outlawed and the Constitution replaced with a rework of Switzerland's constitution for a country this size or fuck it and abolish the Federal Government and have each state fund its own fucking military. Until the two party system is removed, it will always be this horrible shit repeated over and over again.
I'm curious if Bolton is slimy enough to actually try to pull another Iraq they are trying and with his stellar neocon credentials this one made me scratch my head about like Nikki Haley at the UN. Oh well this should please the accelerationists greatly.
< vote for hillary
< don't vote
< waste your vote
You're kike filth. Curse your god.
Basically, the seasoned Holla Forumsacks were banned before being able to integrate all the young, new blood, and they in turn were easy to astroturf.
That's kike cocacola.
Why did you make it obvious you're a kike?
The only question being
Bannon or Kushner bux?
Cambridge Analytica says Bannon, but we know Kushner owns most of the chanboards that counted
If Trump is really playing N-dimensional chess he will do this to set up Bolton for some kind of failure which will enable Trump to remove Bolton from the board.
Bob Mercer is the guy with the real money.
McMaster crossed Trump and exposed himself as a black hat. He had to go.
Not a fan of Bolton because of his history, but Trump doesn't pick people for jobs and just let them "go at it" and run the whole thing according to their wishes, so I don't think Bolton will have anywhere near the same authority or role that he had in previous admins, and I don't think his opinion is going to be listened to. Trump tends to pick people for jobs to accomplish specific tasks and then fires them when they're done, or when they prove they can't do them, or when they cross him. He also has had a pretty good record of dealing with old insiders and given them their comeuppance R-Money, Rinse Penis, etc.
My guess is that Bolton is there to clean house that McMaster wouldn't, and to be a "bad cop" in some foreign policy drama.
From what I'm seeing, the schizoid anti-Whites absolutely hate this pick of Bolton. Pics related. Given the salt and where it's from, I'm not gonna be too quick to denounce the pick.
Happy (18) so far, the yid will probably add more while I'm drafting this Shlomo!
Torpedo as always adding value /sarc
SHILL BINGO! Got the winner with "Trumpstein"
a fu fu fu to you, kampfy you cunt!
I pray that some angry autiste doxs you and you end up skin alive in your synagogue
Hello, kike. I'm 100% sure you're a kike :^) Gas your yahweh.
Hey Saul, you butthurt that two of your cubicle-mates got shoahed after you responded to them positively?
John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Mike Pence running America's foreign policy.
Super bad based Trump!
He's really triggering those leftists and muslims now!
Kill yourself.
You forgot your smug loli anime girl JPG in the absence of anything logical or intelligent to say(Triggered by anime)
Good job changing IPs there, Leonard. Not too many () yet.
You're helping me fill out another SHILL BINGO card!
Still not an argument (and you replied to the wrong post).
My thought process - if Bolton is such a, "Warmonger," to the left, then other countries might fall in line like North Korea kind of has.
You are far too obvious.
Cry harder
I'm definitely voting Trump 20.
You have no power here
You have quite the stamina, torposter. I wonder what's the use of it on what the board has become now?
Enjoy your ban.
wew lad
What was the pic?
Alright I need a little shuteye, keep fucking the shills, doing excellent
What's going on? I don't know who Bolton is. I keep seeing conflicting info and I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Is Bolton a war hawk?(Read the thread before posting)
Lurk more, you fucking faggot.
tl;dr it's a good thing if Trump doesn't listen to Bolton, bad thing if he does.
Kek, shills are going insane.
Protip: the more you shill, the more we know we are right and the more we support Trump.
You are in a catch 22
check this kike's post history, imo.
Got it, thank you.
You can't do anything but sperg. It's hilarious
The real question is: "What is Trump going to do with Bolton?"
What skills does Bolton actually bring to the table?
He has his pro-kike, anti-everyone else views, yes, but as a tool, what skillsets does he have?
Wow the mod is a fucking moron. This could be a Euro user confused about American politics.
Who chose this fucking braindead faggot to be a mod anyway?(>implying Europeans don't know how to use search engines)
So uh, what board settings were changed?
Reported for D&C.
Probably another lolsorandum wordfilter.
But the wordfilters aren't random at all?
A bit too aggressive considering it resembles a aggressive war hawk policy about to be implemented. Even if it's some sort of cold war brinkmanship play, I don't think those replacements are suitable for it unless he intends to counterbalance the risk somehow.
They exist. By definition they shouldn't.
top wew this new mod is twice as braindead as kikey
He must have gone to bed already, how pathetic.
Ruined your IP in the first four words.
Mods don't report.
I'm just calling it how I see it. Other nations would be paying attention to who Trump picks for his positions and try to interpret what policy they should expect as a result.
Oh yeah, totally not obvious shilling now
thanks spam fag
Dilbertman talking about levels of persuasion.
But of fucking course. Friday is the deadline for the shutdown and the democrats are showing this 2200 pages bill which barely no-one will ever reach to finish reading it, forcing the republicans to vote or not.
the blame lies squarely on Ryan first, then Mcconnell. if Trump signs that garbage then he owns it.
It just passed the congress.
At first I liked Dilbertman but as time wore on he started to sound like an icon-worshipping dicksucker. He does like Trump a good deal solely because of the triggering salt effect he has on liberals, I know that and can't fault him for it, but it seems the more he talks about Trump these days the more he basically says "this guy is a master chess player everything he does is an amazing move thought about ten turns in advance!"
From RT:
The US House of Representatives and Senate has approved, at the 11th hour, a $1.3 trillion spending package, narrowly averting a federal government shutdown. Funds were due to run out on Friday.
The bill, proposing a record increase in military funding, has been sent to President Donald Trump for enactment into law. The House approved the budget earlier on Thursday morning and passed it on to the Senate for approval.
Trump is widely anticipated to approve the bill, to avoid a government shutdown, after the Senate voted 65-32 to pass the budget.
House Majority Speaker Paul Ryan expressed his satisfaction with the deal. "This bill starts construction on the wall. It turns the Gateway decision over to the Trump administration. It funds our war on opioids. It invests in infrastructure. It funds school safety and mental health," he said at a press conference on Thursday.
But the bill will leave a bitter taste for fiscal conservatives, with a projected budget deficit of more than $800 billion for 2018.
“This omnibus doesn’t just forget the promises we made to voters, it flatly rejects them,” Representative Mark Meadows, head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said, after the House vote on Thursday. “This is wrong. This is not the limited government conservatism our voters demand.”
Yea what the fuck does he know anyway. Trump is a Bolton puppet now.
Forgot pic.
Dilbertman is what happens when a liberal keeps huffing his own farts for years and years on end, and has never considered he might be suffering from Dunning-Kruger.
The worst thing about "smart" people is they never fucking question any of the information they have. They think they have perfect information over every single possible situation, the stupid fuckers.
Holy shit. Did Trump flip Bolton? Lefties seem to be freaking out over him becoming the new NSA, when usually they march in lockstep with neo-cohen/neo-liberal agenda fed to them by the corporate media.
I'm concerned about this pick as well, but it's important to remember that Mattis is Sec of Defense and has been Trump's primary advisor on military matters since the campaign. Mattis, for all his faults, is not a neocon or an idiot and realizes that starting more large scale conflicts is a terrible idea. Trump has already made Mattis and his wing of the military-industrial complex happy by keeping Afghanistan as giant live fire weapons testing range for the foreseeable future, and by basically giving military contractors all the funds they want. Still, it's a situation that needs to be watched closely. Like other anons I said, I sense a good cop/bad cop routine from picking Bolton. As soon as talks and deals with NK and Iran are finalized, Bolton will be dumped and replaced.
Total dumb fucks. We ww3 naow.
Now that would be interesting.
Dilbertman is a liberal? I'm pretty sure the guy hates liberals. Or are you saying he's a "classical liberal" who hates progressives? Either way I agree with your point about him being way too smug and cocksure of his own opinions. He says some things that come across as elitist and yet you know the dude would never honestly challenge his belief system.
The /x/ tier mason poster said that the Mueller thing would wind down now. If Stormy suddenly has an accident (also implied by the poster), that would be most intriguing.
He has always been a "classical liberal." He's a literal cuck irl as well, iirc.
C'mon anons. Stop sniffing your own farts less you turn out like Dilbertman.
I love these new mods. Very aggressive. Keep the energy flowing.
The thing I hate most is how the stupid fucks always think they know all the probabilities and possibilities. It's not just arrogance in regards to their reasoning, but it's arrogance to assume they have perfect causal knowledge of things, when life is complicated as fuck and everything depends on probabilities and system dynamics.
The one commonality you'll see among the dumbest "smart people," regardless of political leaning (because you see this type of reasoning in (((certain))) right-wingers too) is that they completely fail to understand systems, scale or emergent properties. They conceptually can't grasp it, because if you actually grasp the concepts, your entire worldview will shatter and you'll realize how asinine everyone else's opinions really are, and if you're a dumbfuck like they are, then they have an existential crisis because they've suddenly realized they're an asinine presumptuous retard.
Now, what usually happens is their amygdala kicks into overdrive and they get a fight/flight response and they "just don't think about it." That's the main problem with the truly stupid fucks on this planet, instead of thinking hard when something conflicts with their current beliefs, they have a kneejerk reaction due to fear.
le dilbertman is an extreme example because instead of confronting the things that actually frighten him, he keeps making more and more complicated models to try to circumvent the "scary ideas" that are actually intruding into his consciousness. He'll write entire books dancing around a subject because he's such a fucking coward he can't speak plainly about anything.
quoted from the neocunt's wiki:
"Several Trump associates claim Bolton was not chosen, in part, due to Trump's disdain for Bolton's signature mustache."
It is possible to want to high five Trump and, continuing the downward trajectory of your arm, punch him hard in his fucking nuts.
As much as I despise neocon seditionistas, communists, dual-citizen jew traitors and any globalists…ffs, they are mostly all jews…I would kill all the white traitors first. Then I would start on every ethnic who thought white men deserve to die, every last one of them.
If white men can rid themselves of evil jewish corruption (the whites who enabled the jews to trap them get the bullet for sexual weakness or greed) and get our communities cleaned up we could then assist 3rd world countries to provide a standard of life that keeps their citizens within their own borders.
Hopefully, this hiring is a `keep your enemies closer' moment.
Ikr complete cuck.
Very interesting.
McMaster is pure trash. Most shitlibs criticize Israel for being "racist" against the brown Palestinians. It's nothing noteworthy. He hates white people, Russia, and is a treacherous snake who wants Trump to b impeached.
Bolton has been a war monger in the past - because he worked in war monger administrations, but he's not a hardline ideologue like McMaster who will do anything to advance shitlibbery. Bolton is a more subservient type of person, he is more likely to follow orders.
To be honest, those of us that would like to see a mushroom crowd over Iran have a lot to be excited about with Bolton in the mix. I mean, this is Holla Forums, don't you want to see a nuke go off in your life time? Iran isn't the Aryan nation of old, it's full of disgusting Arabs the world won't even miss.
I'd rather see Israel glassed. I don't know of any Iranians working at the Federal Reserve.
With all this in mind, what happens next?
Oh no, white children having a father figure in their lives, how terrible.
That's not going to happen. Plus why would you want to kill qt's like this IDF soldier (shameless stollen from >>>/jewess/)
Have fun raising your wives' kids, lol.
Idiots keep parroting the idiotic WW3 mantra. What nonsense, really, who will come to Iran's defense if US/Israel decide to irradiate it?
Bolton is pretty fucking based to be honest.(>honest)
You know Andrew Jackson raised a native American child as his own. All the children he raised weren't his own. Even Andrew Jackson Jr.
People who still think the Iraq War was a good idea
1. John Bolton
2. ???
You see that image of his "girlfriend"? That's not what a nice set of white genes looks like. That's some partial white partial hispanic (or perhaps flip) at best.
Iran is a low and relatively insignificant priority. Glassing Iran would be "bad" in that it would be directly doing Israel's will in the middle east like fucking always. If we want to wreck the middle east and purge it of stupid sandniggers, fine, but they're stupid sandniggers who have laughable militaries and require foreign contracts to even have a shadow of a hope of remaining competitive; such a wrecking must come AFTER we utterly wipe Israel off the fucking planet.
You're putting the cart before the horse. Purging kikes and erasing Israel is priority number one as far as foreign policy is concerned.
Since I know IDF is watching this thread, here are some images for their enjoyment.
Godspeed and good luck out there user, I'm about done with this shit as well.
It's time to form RL squads, hope you have some m8s that aren't complete chickenshit when things get rough.
She's French, german, italian, Anglo stock you dumb faggot.
Hey man, it's not my genetic line dying out.
Is the new vol skeletor? You better do your work in the European time, then there's less trash that a certain autist abuses it to spam.
On the other hand, I'd approve Bolton being hired. It fits quite well with the Chaos God President. More unpredictability and I'd prefer Best Korea experiencing new fireworks so that it makes more commies cry.
No Valhalla for you, only darkness.
My point is you'll never rise to the caliber of man Jackson is. Or even Dilbertman Kel.
Some people masturbate to anime.
Other people raise their wives' kids and pretend like their lives are somehow more significant.
Different strokes.
And I don't give a shit how much you insist otherwise, that is not caucasian. There is a good chunk of genes in there that is non-white, and I bet the kids don't look white either. But hey, at least their mom has a sugar daddy right? You definitely know the right path this country should be on insofar as society is concerned!
9/11 but worse or he elected a figurehead.
The timing of this announcement was curious.
Spending Bill Passed
Here's something everyone needs to look at:
The list goes on and on.
I read they're only allowed to repair existing fences, and add a secondary fence along stretches where a fence already exists.
Can't he just veto it?
He'll sign it, this is deep multidimensional chess user.
Post the names of those people in senate who voted for the bill in thread
Great bill Mr. President, good to sign!
One more round.
The President can still veto bills so hopefully he'll read it before signing it in.
IDK. They just finished voting on it I guess. Canadian parliament is still in session too and it's like 2am. Strange day.
Will do.
If someone could make a thread that would be ideal. I'm exhausted and the OP would be terrible. Might already be one tbh. It's been about 10 minutes since I last checked.
I sure as fuck hope so. Otherwise, something is very wrong.
Oh yes, yes indeed. Did you elect him to train a better zog enforcer, or build a wall? I don't think the military budget is more important.
Everyone here hated McMaster since he replaced Flynn, you can't gaslight us on that, you fucking shill. McMaster also needed to go because someone on his team leaked to the libtard media about the Putin phone call where Trump congratulated him.
The good news is that even T_D are waking up to this disaster.
you have no source for that, because you made it up
The bill is public now isn't it? Can't we check?
Here's the bill you dumb faggot
I heard that on Fox News as well, but I havent seen the bill. They were saying how it specifically states the 'barrier' money was not to be used on a concrete barrier but for existing fences. (or something along those lines)
We'll hear more about it in the coming days for sure.
THE FINAL DRAFT is what I'm talking about nigger brain. There were negotiations going on all night. I'll find it myself.
fuck off, shill
Guys. I'm blackpilling pretty fucking hard over here right now. Between this and the budget bill I've realized I wasn't tired of winning. I need to start winning again….
Wut do? Take a hiatus. Grind out the work to try to prevent both from happening? I'm not sure it's possible but I don't know what to do. I may take a vacation. Or a bullet.
NO ONE ON FOX SAID THAT. Tucker, etc. were complaining because it didn't fund the whole thing. There's no evidence that Trump can't decide how to spend the money.
Are you fags even trying anymore? You don't even know how to use the terms.
Oh shit, the CLOUD ACT passed in this omnibus bill too.
The post you responded to is deleted but if I understand right through context, that user was correct if he mentioned that the 1.6 billion dollars is NOT allowed to be used to fund any wall. It's expressly only allowed to be used for "secondary border structures" or something, fixing fences that already exist, adding only 33 miles of fence to the southern border, and/or building bollards. The 1.6B is not allowed to be used for building any border wall or prototypes for it.
If you think that's incorrect you'd better start doing some google searches, I know there are a few links in this thread somewhere that point to articles that discuss that specific aspect of the bill.
Calm your fucking tits faggot. I heard that said.
Nice image that has nothing to do with the wall, retard, what we we're discussing.
We /WW3/ next month. Watch.
Take your fucking meds Ricky
There you go, read it carefully. This is the version that was passed.
I asked for proof that the wall can be funded with the money allocated, you posted something about an Israel related boycott. Fuck offl.
Calm yourself user. Here's a post from another user that goes over small generalizations of the massive bill
Also this user here just posted proof as well
It specifically says that the money can only be used for what it's stated, and what it's only stating is funding for the fencing. Primary fencing and secondary fencing. Are you going to scream about no proof now?
Now kindly fucking off yourself immediately you insufferable sack of human fucking waste.
Someone in the other thread posted that Trump can't veto because 65 votes were for, is that true? Does this mean there isn't going to be a wall?
The president can veto any bill, but if he does, the bill still has a chance to become a law if 2/3 of both Houses vote for it. If the establishment faggots have more than 2/3 majority in the House and Senate who are obeying their jewish overlords then yes, they can override Trump's veto.
Well I guess that's that for the wall. See you guys in Iran.
I'm get vibes like with Mike Pence, Bolton is a follower not a leader. He's somebody that knows the system but is going to just follow Trump instead of trying to undermine him like McMaster was always doing.
There won't be any war with Syria or Iran if Trump doesn't want one
Not looking good.
Welp, time to lay off the internet for the next week while this board turns into r/enoughtrumpspam again.
It's Jew-tier semantics that can go in any direction you want. And the President is making it go into a Wall.
Spring cleaning lads.
I told you this was going to happen.
Trump is now feelingg strong enough and he is firing everyone who isn't 100% on board with what he envisioned during his campaign
One has to wonder why the fuck it took so long to get rid of that kike puppet.
I think you're right. I don't like Bolton and I wouldn't want him serving in any other administration, but Trump is extremely forceful. I don't think he minds differing opinions as long as he has the final say. You can still find it worrying the Bolton has the ear of the president, but I think his hire was more about personality than policy. I think he's meant to keep the Norks and the Iranians off guard leading up to negations. In terms of domestic policy, I think he's being brought in to ferret out the leakers and bust heads. There's also the matter of loyalty. Bolton has publicly suggested the Russia investigation is a hoax/false flag. Trump may feel as though Bolton is on his side in a way McMaster never was.
Uh no they're mass censoring
how do you explain the fact that Bolton called the Russian investigation an Obama hoax? very few government employees, past or present, have been so bold. I doubt if anybody likes Bolton, but not everything is black and white. war with Russia is the Jew's endgame. why is Bolton questioning the narrative? I personally think he's trying to prove his loyalty to Trump. Bolton has a well earned reputation for being a bloodthirsty madman - even his fellow neocons like Kristol don't like him. that being said, Trump has tacitly admitted to using the madman strategy in his dealings with North Korea. Is it not possible he's doing the same with Bolton? Bolton has stated that he supports an invasion of North Korea and Iran. do you think, now with Bolton as his advisor, that Trump is going to scrap his upcoming meeting with Kim? or is he going to use Bolton as leverage during the negotiation? Trump will not win a second term if he gets America embroiled in another war and he knows that. but at the same time he cannot appear weak or reluctant to fight. Bolton is meant to put the fear of god into people, both friends and enemies, and so far it seems to be working.
no longer works
curious what it was
There's little question who is in charge. They serve him, his agenda. If he wants to make peace by strength and deals, it's probably better to have another be bad cop than he, and probably helpful to have an admin that's ready for any actions. It's easy to get black pilled looking at things on the surface because of the way Trump does things, but I see him making effective moves on nearly all policy fronts. I'm not hawkish against iran particularly but we know Trump's style and manner of leadership won't allow the relationship to stay the way his predecessor left it. If he can get another FP win with this, it will bode well for other things..
this is fucked.if you cant see whats going on with trump after this? i dont think you'll ever see. Everything is being exposed lately yet people dont care
wtf i love zionism now
pls dont ban me
yeah, it's still the kikes. fuck off trump supporting redditard
mod is a redditor named (((skeletor)))
check the logs, (((27 year bans)))
hitler agrees that this new mod needs to go.
his name, (((skeletor))) is part of a psyop to portray germans as skeletons which dates back to fucking commie soviet propaganda and is universally used by controlled opposition groups like the SIEGEfags and alt-kike.
Based mods!
I am sure we will both be gassed soon. Just know that this board will be /r/zognald when we're all (((banned))) fuck it
This autist is right. Trump is supposed to be meeting with Kim Jong-Un in a couple of months and he immediately surrounds himself with hawks. Trump is playing good cop, bad cop. NK will now fear not making a deal with Trump and letting his advisors determine the next step.
These are the strongest shills they have and they achieve nothing but rack up posts and get deleted promptly. Lmao
You just know the world's gone crazy when the only anons on Holla Forums upset at the appointments of uber neocon isreali first kikes throughout Trump's admin are salty leftists and muslim shills
I presume you're taking the piss, Imkampfy has always been doing this, usually with added smug loli anime girl JPG images and other retarded non-responses to anyone proving Holla Forums is kiked
The mod is still Imkifefy
You are not from here.
Fact of the matter is, Holla Forums is stronger than ever and you are crying because you can't do anything about it
didn't bother after the first two lines.You faggots glow brighter than cia
Holy shit skeletor, you're pushing 20 hours here. Do you do this for free?
Yeah there wouldn't be so many jIDF hasbara here on /pol were the móds not removing every single legit user for the last few years while backing the same jIDF hasbara trolls
The real problem is the cult of Trump that moved here from r/t_D and compromised mods that ban and delete all unsolicited opinions of Trump. This place will never be anything more than an echo chamber of MAGApedes as long as the compromised mods remain in charge.
The way this thread is going, I'm expecting a whole bunch of embedded videos of autistic red helicopters after kikey sperges out.
I think I've seen enough, no wall, no mass deportations, no jailing of treacherous dems, neocons in the cabinet, becoming best friends with the Saudis - a complete 180 of his campaign rhetoric, ramping up the anti-Iran sentiment. Keep waiting and banning all dissenting discussion that doesn't fit into the narrative your team of cucks is trying to push.
Indeed voting for NeoCon jews perhaps wasn't the best strategical tactic to employ, especially if your stated aim was to remove ZOG
I don't think this is entirely accurate. I think the truth is that the extent of paid shilling and the all-encompassing nature of dissent banning is actually underestimated. I think the overwhelming majority of pro-Trump stuff here is and has been paid shills and automated bots.
The real chess was Trump's fraudulent campaign and initial appointments. He is weeding everyone out who isn't an Adelson stooge. I bet Kelly ends up going next.
Fucking baste! Can't wait to go to war for our (((greatest ally))) and die for greater Israel!
Wow the mod is a fucking moron. This could be a Euro user confused about American politics.
Who chose this fucking braindead faggot to be a mod anyway?
0e3c1f is the new brain damaged faggot mod by the way
This is like replacing colon cancer with brain cancer.
Donald Trump really puts the "Zionist" in "Zionist Occupation Government."
Keep bleeding )
You need to get over this "hurr durr reddit hurr durr" thing. I am no more from reddit than I am Vidmax or YouTube or 4chan or Holla Forums or any other site I peruse. I go where I can find entertaining content. And, believe it or not, reddit does have that. It isn't all "muh normalfags" and whatnot. It's not like Holla Forums or even this board are perfect.
Almost makes you suspicious of who the "we" was whenever all the fashy based MAGApedes would state
When all that's occured is that ZOG manipulated braindead goys into cheering on ZOGin some confusingly illogical plan to remove ZOG
I sometimes wonder if we can trust Anglin, Kike Eunoch, Imkampfy and all the based jews telling us Trump is /ourgoy/
I will only trust these alt-right figureheads for another 6 terms before I quit trusting lying isreali kikes
Ara ara, skeletor has gone to sleep and there's no mod on duty at the moment. Are you sure you'll be able to handle some anti-Trump talk on here without based mods banning any dissenting opinions.
Trump is a confirmed enforcer of ZOG will, you won't get a wall and amerigoblins will be dying for Israel in the middle east for the foreseeable future. Have fun!
This has completely fucked you up
Does it make you upset that you've gotten a lowly position of a shill instead of a mod? You don't even have the power to delete posts here lmao. All this assuming you're not a pajeet bot, you certainly have the intellect to pass as one.
The only good thing to come out of any of this in my mind is that all the retarded blue-pilled spastics who championed ZOG for 2016 and spammed "Shareblue" any time anyone proved Trump is the ZOG slime pretending to be red-pilled goys,might end up dying in a ditch for Greater isreal.
No better reward for braindead zogbots
Sadly Mike Enoch, Anglin and the rest of CIA-frauds in the movement won;t need to join up,they already done their duty for their isreali nation…
Hopefully Trump will do something funny and draft up his kekistani MAGApede supporters. It would truly be poetic justice.
Honestly if even one single legit pol/ak ever fell for the Trumpstein scam for just one second they already marked themselves out as unworthy of life as any Hillary supporter.
If you campaigned tirelessly for ZOG expecting anything other than ZOG as a result for your efforts, you genuinely deserve no less than death.
The very first fucking step of the red-pill is to understand that both Republikikes and Demoncunts are jewish illusions to enslave the goy
McMaster is NASCAR team owner Joe Gibbs.
I wouldn't be so harsh. Some people have genuinely believed that he was an outsider but the telltale sign were his family's jewish connections that were eventually revealed and the Israel visit. There were other things here and there like the fact that he failed to fulfill most of his 100 day promises but for any real Holla Forumsack the wall kiss made it obvious.
This place is a pile of shit and most people who post here are subhuman trash but getting the mods frustrated enough to show their colous to everyone and maybe break someone out of the trump delusion stupor makes it worth to come back every couple of months. I'll be sure to return when Trump signs away his chance to get the funding for his wall and declares war on the "rogue state" of Iran.
There were only two types of people fully onboard the MAGA train
Retards and lying kikes
I would rather live in perpetual solitude than share any airspace with either of those groups
Just my opinion mind
Now now user, there are communities out there of national socialists who want to gas the jews and recognize Trump for the fake that he is. No need to resign yourself to solitude.
What's the "Muslim Axis of Power"?
Turkey via the (((Donmeh))) and Saudi Arabia via the (((Wahhabi))) are literally subverted by Kikes, and also developed facto allies of Israel.
Muslims in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are designed facto /ourguys/, especially the Shiites in Syria and Iran.
Shiites are not our enemies, don't commit terror attacks, and most importantly we don't give them 3 billion $ a year and we don't have to fight their wars for them.
You have a very inaccurate view of geopolitics. There is no real "Muslim Power Block"… Unless you mean OPEC or something. I don't wish for them in the West, obviously, and the "SHIITE AXIS" (like Qaddafi earlier) did more to stop the mass migration than anyone else, while JEWS wanted to open the gates!
When Trump said that he'd be neutral about the Palestine-Israel conflict, I was hoping that he would be like Buchanan in his foreign policy. I was absolutely 100% wrong. Donald has been Zogald all along, and the frothing MAGApede shills can screech and flail all they like.
The only thing Trump has been 100% clear, open and honest about since he stood for election is his devotion to serving jewry
All nonwhites are our enemies.
This, though not mexicans, not niggers, not run of the incest mill sandniggers but semites take absolute priority to eliminate.
You're an idiot who doesn't understand foreign policy.
You don't just declare war on a nation because they're not White.
If so, you're LITERALLY part of the problem, and almost as bad as a war-mongering Jew!
National Socialism is about Nationalism for ALL peoples.
The Waffen SS was the biggest multi-racial fighting force in history, with many non-White volunteers.
I want WHITE NATIONS TO STAY WHITE, and that means keeping migrants OUT.
This requires good, strong leadership (like Qaddafi in Libya). Qaddafi was NOT our enemy. Obama and Hillary removed him from power, and as a result mudslimes poured into Italy.
Mods are in full damage control mode in this thread. This shit is hilarious.
Ban us all so we can petition this board away from you /r/TheDonald shills and get back to our shitposting and laughing at the apocalypse. This shit is just sad.
Oh, and fuck Trump for selling us all out.
You are a literal cuckold. The way miscegenation and racemixing works all non whites are a threat to the white race's purity and existence. Besides the Earth is our birthright, only after cleansing it of subhumans can we turn it into paradise for all whites.
Don't worry though, you can hang out with your gook girlfriend off the same tree.
People hated him because there was a jewish campaign against him. Remember after Syria when for some reason Thernovich decided that he was the one who was really to blame?
But speaking of gaslighting, do you really think you're going to convince anybody that the neo-cohens were really "/ourguys/" all along, and that one of Trump's biggest appeals is that he was supposed to be an end to their Israel-first trotskyite foreign policy?
After reading them some, I don't disagree with all of your other posts here, although before this latest development, I wasn't so harsh on Trump, but let's cut out all the bullshit. Answer me this:
1. Do you think the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and the fire-bombing of Tokyo, which did even more immediate damage than the other two combined) were a GOOD thing? Lots of non-Whites died as a result, after all!
2. Would you honestly support a conventional, boots-on-the-ground, war with Iran, or bombing (or even nuking!) Iran???
What if Russia nuked the U. S. in return with its new "invincible" ballistic missile?
*isn't, it's early.
Also, about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you do know (((who))) was behind those attacks, right?
Julius Oppenheimer, a Jew, led the Manhattan Project, which was almost entirely Jewish!
Bleeding almost as hard as every man, woman, and child will be when our boys make them pay for questioning the divinity of G-d's chosen children.
Shit, I need to wake up.
Bolton in!
You have to keep in mind that the very worst case scenario such as you describe WILL be the final red pill that Joe (and by proxy Jill) six-pack will need. There won't be an incompetent US troop left standing if they go up against 90 million already insane Iranians and Syrians. The entire US forces number 2 million including reserves, against around 15 million able-bodied devout nut jobs and another 30-40 million civilian agitators. Secondly, the US economy will be in free-fall by the end of the first year. It won't be worth the paper it's printed on.
No, in the context of bombing Hilter's allies it was not a good thing. At the same time his faith in the japs and their retarded sense of honor that prevented them from attacking the USSR from the east was one of the factors that lost the Axis the war. Plus, it was America that nuked them and to begin with, they were at war over a provocation, America's embargo on Japan.
Outside that context I don't really care if non whites get nuked.
Before claiming the Earth for the white race all white nations have to be on board first, and if their government is loyal to the zog or like in Russia's case, their monetary gain, they have to be brought into the fold first. In any case Israel and China pose the greatest threat in my opinion. I'm no general so I expect someone more competent can develop a plan of action. I'm not american but this is all obviously assuming that america or some other country purges the parasites and useful idiot shabbos goyim first. Unity is paramount and all facets of society need to be controlled to achieve that.
To clarify, I mean that China and Israel are the biggest threats after white countries but whereas the end goal with kikes of the west and the east is extermination, white nations can be subverted and brought into the fold peacefully. We live in the age of datamining and targeted advertisements so it is hardly impossible.
Historically speaking, many Japanese supported the idea of attacking the Soviets.
The single biggest cause of defeat for Japan (and the Axis) was possibly the intense factionalism in the Japanese military between the Army and Navy.
The "Strike North plan" (Hoku-shin Ron) that was promoted by Fascists like Sadao Araki and Anti-Communists like Kenkichi Ueda, and favoured by most of the Army.
However, the defeat at Khalkhin Gol in 1939 made the plan unpopular, and when the Navy gained more influence politically, the plan became impossible to implement, even though the Army still supported it.
Nevertheless, the presence of the Japanese (and Russian Fascists like Konstantin Rodzaevsky and his brigade) in Manchuria diverted many Soviet troops away from the front with Germany.
NONE OF THIS justifies the use of Jewish-developed murder weapons against civilian populations of the enemies of ZOG, and as a matter of fact, the platform we're communicating on right now wouldn't even EXIST if it weren't for Japanese culture.
Show some respect.
Further point I feel needs mentioning. If by some chance a nationalist insurrection is about to succeed anywhere outside America, its military industrial complex must either not exist or be tied up in something else, preferably the former in short term interest and latter in the long term. As it stands it is the western world's best and only deterrent against China and potentially Russia but sadly it is controlled by the zog and will surely crack down on any "terrorist" organizations trying to remove their kiked systems of government.
I see an opportunity to get registered democrats (goyim implied) to start villainizing Neocohens. Neocon Don has a nice ring to it.
In that case, we should ally with Rodrigo Duterte, Assad, and the other enemies of ZOG.
This "exterminationist" approach is only bound to get all of us killed. We don't need any more enemies; ZOG ISA already powerful enough.
Speaks volumes of the worth of a people if your argument for respecting them is an internet forum website format and perhaps anime. In all honesty though, I believe the japs are probably the only non whites whose status as potential honorary aryans has any merit. Not for the above reasons but for their past alliance with the Third Reich and their more recent achievements in science, robotics and pretty agreeable ancient culture of respecting nature and dismembering chinks.
This. Get Ken O'Keefe and Michael Scheuer on the case.
We'll see about that but at the very least there must be population limits set upon them as well as firm travel laws. No economic migrants and no gibs should be something very fundamental less that future generations grow foolishly compassionate.
Fucking this. It's like Best Korea all over again
Do you not even know who Konstantin Rodzaevsky was?
He wasn't a "Jap".
But I digress…
Some of your comments sound like pure LARPing.
It's time to quit sitting on the fence.
I support Assad, Duterte, Putin (for the most part, for pragmatic reasons), and most other enemies of ZOG. This includes Iran.
Also, in Europe, I support the Nationalist movements of Orban, Salvini, and the others in Slovakia, Austria, Poland, etc.
Unfortunately, Europe is still cucked by the Holohoax industry.
Calling people 'cucks' because they don't want the world to devolve into nuclear war is totally counterproductive.
Marketing Nationalism/Fascism as peaceful Isolationism is not only factually correct, it's also great PR.
You wouldn't have called Charles Lindbergh and the America First Committee 'cucks', would you?
Nuclear disarmament of Iran would make an enemy of Israel standing in the way of Greater Israel manifesting would only help the kikes at the moment, you retarded zogbot shill.
Pretty much the only nations we are giving aide to now are friends of Israel (and of course, BILLIONS) to Israel itself.
Population limits on Africa, sure–although letting nature run its course and cutting off migration would accomplish the same thing.
I'm an American, though, and I have to face the facts. We have the highest population of Jews and Zionist lapdogs of any country in the world.
They own us, and the way things are going, U. S. Foreign Policy is just going to be an extension of Israel.
So obviously, if that's the way it is, we MUST agitate for PEACE and not WAR even more than normal.
The military must be purged and restructured so it serves WHITE interests, NOT JEWISH.
UNTIL THEN, any desire to "nuke non-White countries" will ONLY serve the interests of Jews.
This should be obvious.
Nobody in particular as everyone is cucked in one way or another. I try to convert as many people as I can in hopes of finding someone with superb oratory talent among other talented people. As it stands there are only a handful of nationalist groups in Europe that aren't civnat cucks and have a chance of gaining power and none at all in the US at least to my knowledge. Alt right is a bad joke.
We'll have to agree to disagree on the non whites living in their respective countries for now but what is truly important is getting the jews' hands off of Europe, America and Australia as soon as possible. We can argue and decide our course of action once we are successful.
I need to get going now and since my posts will almost certainly be deleted by the time I get back, I will leave you with a sieg heil!
I'm assuming these idiot losers from shareblue post their shit freely because it's 2AM here in the northern hemisphere, but wtf man, you faggots can't even do shilling right it's utterly disgraceful.
You niggers go back to >>>/cuckchan/ and never return, ever.
Yes, that's right, Iran is a powerful, deadly foe and a huge threat to Israel. They totally aren't inbred half-kike cave monkeys who would go down in a month like Iraqis did. So scary, these mighty, 4-foot tall warriors are. kek
The only people who can be enthusiastic about Bolton are Jews shilling for Israel. Everyone else here is taking ten steps back and reevaluating their support of Donald Trump, and often he comes up short. It turns out that peace at any cost is more important to Holla Forums than conservative domestic progress. There is zero question about it: with John Bolton in office, Jews will find a way to push America into a final war for Israel.
(Since America will cease to exist after this last war war for Israel, why don't we just attack all of Israel's enemies at once, fulfilling the Jehova-mandated holy purpose as servant of Judea? For the insane Zionist, this makes sense.)
The fact is, if we attack any more of Israel's targets, especially Syria and Iran, America will be destroyed in a war. Deny a river all you like, but the truth of a horrific backlash is as sure as simple cause and effect. If America is so driven that it MUST attack other countries just so it can exist, then for America war on its own soil becomes inevitable. Thank you for making a deal with corrupt treasonous devil-worshipping Jews to enforce a conservative domestic policy, Donald Trump. I'm now preparing for World War 3.
Fellow goy, just please keep voting for the (((GOP))) who keep cucking left. If you just vote for them everything will be okay! It's just 6 gorillionD chess!
The High Fiver, Low Driver.
I can just imagine that…
it's hilarious because they lost all influence and all they can do is spam helplessly in impotent rage
Since you're here defending this, do you think appointing Bolton is a good move? Are the trotskyite neo-cohens /ourguys/?
Apedre hit a new low.
From the Fuckshack:
>But even considering all of this, here’s the thing: he isn’t any worse than HR McMaster, who he is replacing.
Those shills are also very for the budget. They wrote a whole piece blasting Rand Paul for opposing it.
Anglin is a fed shill pushing civic nationalism and opposition to the race war. Him and Azzmador and their handlers are worried the actual race war is being prepared to break out and they are trying to secure the existence of black people in America and a future for mulatto children.
Pic 3 shows Azzmador trying to exert his influence over pro-whites and force them to either embrace white genocide or be disbarred from the club.
I hardly pay attention to them and just cap the posts that show up in by chance.. their actual timelines are pure cancer.
They are right in the sense that violence wouldn't accomplish anything right now, I think their strategy is more to create the paradigm where you have to either put all your faith in the jew-party system, or want people to go out shooting niggers today.
No, they are saying to just vote. They are saying Ricky Bobby, they are saying "white identity isnt enough to hold us together" which is a real ricky bobby quote. They are "American Nationalists" which is just a civic nationalist by another name, go look up "cultural nationalist" - its NOT what we are. Its anti-civicnationalist, it says blacks are part of American culture.
Also while not promoting violence because thats illegal, violence obviously would be helpful and if you study any actual resistance movement they end up blowing shit up while voting at the same time. Its called armalite and ballot box, and its why guerilla movements have political arms.
No guerilla movement, impotent political arm.
Is civicnationalist a filter word or did I just typo that?
Nehlens wife is Asian and he says hes pro-israel, just putting that out there. Then again the only image I have saved of him contradicts that because it says Assad protects Christians and Israel kills them. Someone showed me a cap of Nehlen with pro-Israel rhetoric.
The Cancer is all over gab. We should all raid Gab and make their lives miserable. A unified coalition of concerned citizens to counter the cancer they spread. We can turn public discourse into 8Gab
Spazzmador muted me for some off-the-cuff remark/joke that pointed out how idiotic and retarded their constant kvetching is. I saw Dennis Wise's response to pic.3 and although he did mention that patriotism =/= Terrorism, it sounded almost as though Dennis told him to go fuck himself.
Pic related:
According to the logs of Moderation banning records
They always have been
The only way to avoid being banned from here was to promote international jewry and all their controlled opposition.
Theres two factions on gab, youre only getting the outrageous shillposting from fake pro-whites. If you look at the 3rd image of azzmador in
He gets 3x as many downvotes as upvotes and the guy who shit on him has 44 - 1. That suggests Azzmador and Anglins subversion attempt is failing and theres a backlash.
Well Ill take your word that hes not for it anymore, however thats obviously not D&C propaganda when its a valid concern for anyone who is pro-white. You cant simply dismiss negative things people have said in the past as if they dont matter and only shills would even bring them up. Thats pretty shitty logic you got there bud.
Heimbach has a lot of hot takes, you wana defend him for being pro-israel anti-racist and having rallies for based black confederate soldiers?
no I'm not…
Stop shilling for Nehlen and his shitskin wife on this board.
What I mean is that around here the only caps I see of Gab tend to be shills, but that its not actually just shills on gab. They are the minority and its mostly people who agree that there are no good Jews, for example.
To the mod who deleted my post: I was joking about shills needing to rp as the thing they hate the most and still sticking out like a sore thumb.
Destroy Bolton Now
wat you doing Mordecai? Last week it was the exact opposite.
So Trump selects a neocon with dual U.S./Israel Citizenship as his NSA. Still playing 44D chess or compromised by Israel? You decide. Get ready for war with Iran.
Checked with a square ruler. Double checked for truth
Good work, fellow user. Don't forget drumpf humped a 10/10 porn star too. Keep the faith my brother. We will soon remove him and install New Hitler.
All of the "conservative" kikes are praising this move as the greatest hiring ever. For them to say this about a goy proves hes an israel first war hawk.
and he didn't have to sign a bill but he did. War is coming unless Iran submits to being kiked.
And Pompeo became a representative riding on the back of the tea party. Kek.
He's soyed on Iran and Chosenland, but excellent on the UN (downsize it, "remove the top ten floors.") Potentially useful, if only to get Nikki Haley rowing in the same direction now that there's no Tillerson to goad her.
Preview that shit, fuck
Serves no purpose other than Bad Cop to negotiating a NK/SK rapprochement/Iranian/Palestinian shit. Gets either the first or third, and it's an actual Nobel Peace Prize – which he will want, if he's serious about 1-upping Obongo. IG report should be the trigger setting things in motion.
The Shabbos Goyim.
Unitinu expresses displeasure with Bolton. This is a good sign. It makes sense to freak out about someone connected to the Bush administration getting anywhere near power, but if Rice hates him, he definitely wasn't central to their endless war plan.
Oh, kek. I just noticed. Chafee, Hagel, and Voinovich are all kike surnames. There's more going on than is immediately apparent.
Seems like the kikes hate Bolton in ways that they don't hate other Bush administration staff. I have a good feeling about him.
you're a fucking idiot mate
Click here to find out how. Yeah, I just don't think this is a big deal. Unless they come up with something better than phony gas attacks to try and get the US involved in a new foreign war, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
The MEK is a terrorist movement that seeks to overthrow the government of Iran. Its ideology is an eclectic mix of Religion of Cuck™ism, Feminism, Marxism, and personality cultism. It was listed as a terrorist organization for the murder of several Americans in the 1970s. In the 1980s the MEK fought against Iran and has no support in Iran because of this betrayal.
The MEK was delisted as a terrorist organization by the US and other Western governments after years of lobbying that involved paying many politicians "speaking fees". One of the greatest supporters of the MEK while they were listed as a terrorist group by the US government was John Bolton. This was patently illegal to coordinate with and take money from a terrorist organization, yet no one has been charged.
John Bolton's support of this organization should be of concern to everyone. His willingness to consort with terrorists and cultists reflects poor judgement at best and disloyalty at worst. He has routinely subverted American interests and the cause of international peace.
MEK paid John Bolton while they were listed as a terrorist organization.
MEK paid many US politicians “speaking fees” notably Rudolph Giuliani. John Bolton spoke and attended numerous functions during this time.
MEK Continued Terrorism
More on the MEK
Headline: John Bolton was paid by terrorists.
All sources:
Email these sources because they will be the first to cover the story. If it doesn’t pick up at least it’s on the web now. Make an email with a tl;dr and brief proof. First sentence gives the headline; anything after that provides context, i.e. significance. For every news source that covers your story add them to your media email. Make a pastebin with multiple links and archives to include in your email. You can get more prestigious sources if they see they’re getting scooped.
Get these guys to retweet you. Use a sock puppet Twitter. Make sure you tailor it for your audience. Include a simple SFW infographic if you can. Links and videos are the gold standard. Use SFW hashtags and hijack at least one popular hashtag. The news will move on your email if they see a buzz on Twitter.
Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this.
Use to watch to see how much your message is spreading and if you are getting censored.
Israel pays them to conduct terrorism and espionage in Iran. This is John Bolton's connection to Mossad.
He doesn't want a WWIII. If WWIII happens then he is pretty much dead as we are. Nobody want WWIII.
BTFO Anti NeoCon trump kike shills
You leftists, muslims and antisemites are all so salty still that our NeoCon Republican agenda has won.
Ha Ha Ha I personally don't see what you're all complaining about you fashy based jewoCon voting patriots, if you didn't want our total jew control then why did you fashy based NeoCon supporting goys vote total NeoCon jewish control for?
Talk about dumb cattle marching themselves into the abattoir!
Get with the program goy, for future reference:
If you don't want a jew world order to enslave your children's children, then may I suggest you don't vote for the jew world order's puppets next time.
We win, and the dumb goy lose, and the best ever mods since Judas Iscariot can't help Rubbing your noses in it daily and making you beg for even more
Every day on Holla Forums we have been reminding you dumbfuck republicuck goy that you don't own nothing.
Least of all Holla Forums which has been under our control since way before Trump decided to stand as President to accelerate the jew world order.
Now remember while you goys are guests on Holla Forums please observe our rules:
1, Do not dare criticise our choice of Trump, you're just dumb cattle who we tell you who to vote for and then you can die in the wars we create for you with honour, serving your jewish masters and making you cheer your own demise on, got that?
2, This is our board naow, how you like that bitches?
Don't believe us jews own everything here?
Just try and post criticism of Trump, Bannon or Kushner
Try and dare make genuinely antisemitic content here
Try and promote a genuine white organisation here
Try to dare expose the oldest known frauds like Le Pen, Gert Wilders or any of the NeoCon zionist jews Trump appointed to the cabinet.
Go on goy, test us, you know we own Holla Forums and all you can do is praise ZOG or get banned.
Now if you have any further queries about what else you can do to serve the jew world order, just browse through the based sticky threads here and follow Imkampfy's hotpocktX directions,cheer every bill that hands over America to ZOG, and thank the mods every time we ban any legit user.
All your boards are belong to us!
Le LoL xD xD xD
John Bolton is a Soros plant.