Police shoot unarmed black man holding a cellphone in his own backyard 20 times after mistaking him for a car thief.
Sacramento Habbening
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after mistaking him for a different theif
Family interview
What's the problem? That they only killed one nigger? Tragic.
so the dumb nigger actually was running around vandalizing shit. it funny how they don't make that apparent until the very end of the fairly long (comparatively) article
nothing of value was lost but
i might be wrong but it seems like someone would be well within their rights to shoot both of the cops on the spot. some armed dude jumps into your backyard with a gun and surprises you, i think you have a right to feel a threat to your life and open fire.
I bet he had his PHD in physics too.
No nigger should have civil rights of any kind.
you know this technically might not be a swiss miss night happening, niggers only make actual habbenings when "they dindu nuffin" (translation: actively trying to do everything in their fucking power to get fucking shot)
fuck the nigger it's the point of the cops jumping the fence onto someone else's property pointing guns without any warrant or announcement that they are police and then opening fire that irritates me. this could have easily been a white man with a shotgun, and if it was he had every right to have that shotgun and every right to open fire.
In a normal situation I would agree with you however, in this instance I can empathize with the officer. Imagine scaling a wall and coming across a random nigger, I'd probably open fire too.
which ones the black 'man'?
Obviously, a white man can have rights in a literal interpretation of the country's founding principles not made by a Jew with subversive intent.
I'd have shot for less, of course in a purely self defense situation.
Which is why the police will also hang on DOTR.
Unfortunately, (((they))) allow them to exist in civil society so something like this is bound to happen.
Holla Forums has trouble remembering this sometimes
There are some who let their appreciation for just authority lend itself to appreciation for unjust authority working to undermine their own interests.
They chased the guy through the neighborhood back to his house
See, this is the fucking problem. If they don't want to be gunned down like animals, don't act like it
what…the fuck? He holds a knife and when told to drop it he starts running out the door. Why?
She actually says "me quiero matar!! Me quiero matar!!!" Which translates to "OP sucks cocks for living"
Nah it translates to "i wanna kill myself!!" Obv,iously out of grief. Common phrase among spanish speaking people.
Dumb nigger shouldn't have been running from the po-po in his own grandparent's yard, of course they will chase and then he ducks around a corner, comes back hands first with something in them. Boom. Lay him the fuck out and keep firing until dry. Reload, and if threat persists, continue to fire.
Do most the bangers in your hood scream "show me your hands", homie?
Oh shit. Did we lose another future brain surgeon? Top mathematician? How do we move forward?
More importantly, are the niggers going to start chimping out and laying waste to another one of their habitats?
No such thing as "pol."
But fuck niggers and fuck cops.
Obama's other son?
Sacramento-user here. Few things:
First, City Police here suck worse than the cops in your town. Decades of half-deliberate mismanagement by the spic mayor, the other spic mayor, the nigger basketball player (seriously), and the shit-slurping faggot in office right now have hollowed out the SPD and left almost nothing but mall security-tier losers. Conditions are so horrible, everybody worth a damn long ago transferred to Citrus Heights or the Sheriff's Department (Sheriff Jones lost his bid for Congress because niggers. He's not /ourguy/, but he's pretty based.) What's left is now commanded by a sheboon from the Berkeley PD, where she earned mad cred for not enforcing the fucking law against rioting chinks and nignogs, but slapped the bracelets on your white ass for hate speech in a heartbeat. There was a cop-on-nigger ass kicking here last year, and the city sold that poor cop like a slave by apologizing and offering a settlement to the violent nigger almost before the cop had made it home from the office that day. Zero support from above here, so watch this story for news that the city sabotaged its own defense.
Second, our cops are borderline illiterate cavemen who can't operate the safety on a gun. Several years ago, the cops shot a man in the head with a rifle while he was cuffed in the backseat of a cruiser. They said it was an accident. I've also personally witnessed SPD pigs kicking a white homeless veteran in the head and staging drag races on Fruitridge Rd. at 5 a.m., using the cars' PA system to announce it like Howard Cosell. They're stooges, though as I say, the Sheriff's Department is totally different.
Third, all of the SPD shootings happen within five miles of each other in South Sacramento. This is the purest Niggertown you can imagine, with lean, hungry-looking crackheads following you around and liquor stores where you can get a lid of tar with your single Swisher Sweet. It's scary and depressing at the same time. Gas the whole area, and Sacramento would have lower crime rates than Reykjavik. South Sac is where nigger gangs are bashing in the doors of chink store owners to rob them at home, and it's the origin of Rooftop Koreans. The street in pic related is Franklin Blvd., which runs across Niggertown.
Long story short: These cops were statistically likely to be fuckups, though their command is to blame. Watch for imminent betrayal of the cops by their Proud Wakandan Police Chief, and the nigging isn't close to stopping.
nigger cops
Don't be so sure. BLM just announced it was going to follow around SPD police to start some shit.
look at in the video from
at around 0:16-0:17 looks dark skinned. plus nogs will use anything to chimp whether their own kind did it or not
user plz move
Target-rich environment. Plans already afoot
Good lord. And that's a good post, albeit a scary tale as well. Hopefully you can evacuate soon.
Dyncorp in action
Yep, sounds like California all right. The depth of dysfunction is truly breathtaking.
No but he ran from the cops he knew exactly who they were.
What a clever nigger.
All municipal peace forces ar shit.
All should be disarmed.
All should have the right to carry firearm as private citizen.
Shootings no longer taxpayer issue.
All "imashootanigga" larpers go to Sheriff, once elected, and properly trained.
They certainly are not even close to being Police Sergeant Murphy or Sheriff Andy Taylor, not even Marshal Matt Dillon. They are all somewhere between Deputy Barny Fife and a psychopathic murderer, since they respond differently along a scale of yell at you and kill you for not listening.
For not listening.
Good, and this is wrong how? all of them should be shot on site along with the rat jews that brought them across the pond.
Nothing was lost.
Cops actually did a good deed what?
Uh, that's LA, during the LA riots. another shithole
Probably mexican cops.
It's nice to know I'm not alone here. I'm getting out of here as soon as I can though.
niggers and all shitskins ect.. cannot lead or hold any authoritative role in any white created society or into chaos.No matter how much we have tried to teach them it has always been a fools errand as they simply do not have the mental capacity to grasp why we are better than them and conform to fit in or even to better their own shitstained genetical failure of existence.
Still waiting for riots over that crying man who got magdumped in a hotel hallway.
Dead niggers are always good, but it could have just as easily been a white man. Read . American cops are batshit insane, the absolute slightest perceived potential risk to their personal safety and they instantly go into full murder-mode. The escalation of force is unreal, remember Daniel Shaver that they had crying and crawling on the floor like a slug- one wrong twitch, and they waste him like he's just an insect to squish. He was white. Don't let your brain shut off because it was a nog this time, this is a real problem.
Dubs and they chimp out and start a riot.
Some cops absolutely are like that, but equally whenever you see a nigger limiting video there's the same pattern of them refusing to comply with orders even with multiple guns drawn on them, arguing, violently resisting arrest and/or making sudden movements towards gun concealment locations like the waist.
Partly the problem is diversity and ZOG governance have made the cops feel like they're at war. Most of the rest is politically-driven mission creep, where forces have acquired more funding and power through militarization and sending a SWAT team (also having a SWAT team in the first place) when they once would have sent a few beat officers.
helicopter footage ripped from daily mail
How soon before criminals start doing this? In some places, they already imitate the police. This is all moving towards police doing whatever they please and moving towards disarming people so they don't shoot back at the police. Much of this is part of disarming and training people to accept police rule in the long run.
Norcal cops dont fuck around. I have a gf that knew this black guy from a couple years ago. She worked st his church and was a youth pastor there and helped him along through college. Yeah he was a nig but he wasnt that bad just a useless member of society, not an aggressive one. So he Tries selling a pocket knife to someone cause he is homeless now. Then after enough calls of a homeless nig trying to sell knives the cops get called on him and they just blast the fucker lmao literally just standing there in the park lot. Never found the knife on him even. Funny shit, happened in Napa
It's a real problem because of niggers. It's really not a hard concept to grasp. Police are not allowed to be racist but they are fully aware of crime statistics. All their training generally has a white man committing the crime.
They are literally trained to treat everyone like niggers because otherwise it'd be racist. This is why people say just be nice to the police because being hostile turns on their training and makes them think you're a nigger.
Welcome to America where everyone is or is treated like a nigger or spic.
Sounds like they caught him breaking into someone's house, to me.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Something else…
How much you wanna bet the house he was breaking into was a black family residence, or other minority? But the "news" won't tell anyone until the riots are well underway.
Fixed that for you.
You're welcome.
Wouldnt want those darned internet Nazis pointing out what isn't would you? (((They))) know perfectly well majority of people won't read that wall of text to the end.
Or Dillon Taylor, an unarmed, white, 20-year-old, who was shot dead by a black police officer for NOT crawling on the ground when ordered to.
Interesting side note, when I tried to google this incident to get the victim's full name, I put in "salt lake city unarmed white youth shot by black cop" And the first page of returns was all about a 50 year old black guy shot by Salt Lake City cops…even more proof that google is shunting your searches to where THEY want you to go, if you didn't already know that.
In any case, it's not just white cops shooting people at the drop of a hat, it's the nigger cops, too.
If you're going to use an empire approved search engine, use Bing. It's less pozzed.
Big fucking deal, FSBfag.
Oh shit. I'm so worried. GTFO, FSBfag.
Once again the zogcops get away with manslaughter
Found full videos uploaded by the department
Shooting begins after 7:40 in the embedded video ( officer #1)
Shooting begins after 8:00 ( officer #2)
Helicopter thermal view of shooting takes place after 0:55
the fact that you don't know where rooftop Koreans originated just proves that you don't know a goddamn thing. post discarded.
It sounds ridiculous until you read the goddamn article.
It might help your jewgle search if you didn't call the spic dillon taylor a h'white male.
I've got a solution you guys have probably never heard of this before, it's called segregation.
It's when you separate blacks from whites and they can police themselves in their own little nigger hamlets.
Good. Let this be a lesson to the rest of you niggers. It doesn't pay to be black. Kill yourselves while you still have the chance.
Fuck off nigger
Yeah, we forget your marxist doctrines all the time. Reported.
Reminds of me Chicago. People think that it's the whole city that's full of crime but it's mostly South Side populated by niggers. The rest is alright.
Criminal dies,
Zogbots hopefully gets put in pirson, or shot by other angry blacks.
Win win
This, it’s not as if they hopped some random nigger’s fence and blasted him. They tracked his ass back to his residence. It’s also likely that we will eventually find out that he has a long string of felonies and was known to the local police department.
that's english/niggerspeak, not spanish at all.
t. spaniard
I have family in LE, and basically these people are trained to treat every suspect as nigger. This leads to very bad results that often get memory holed when it occurs to White people
Unrelated question, but where can I read in great detail about how much race mixing occurred in Religion of Cuck™ic Spain, and if you had to guess, how much Berber blood does the average Spaniard have?
Hi /leftpol/ as a white person I have never had an unpleasant encounter with law enforcement, nor do I know anybody who has except one guy who was arrested for DUI and verbally abused the police on the way to the station. They stopped the car and beat the shit out of him. He likes to whine about it but most people just laugh at his stupidity.
Did you mouth off to a cop at one of your rally slash riots and get clubbed you pussy?
Berbers aren’t even a real thing, they’re just rape babies taken from stolen European women over a long time.
The eternal Nafri likes to rape.
He was just trying to find food and a pen to fill out a job application.
Oy Vey! We should raise taxes and find more rights to remove.
Whites did this by having shit worth stealing. Communism would solve that problem!
I'm not /leftpol/, I'm just telling you the current state of LE affairs. Modern cops are corrupt ZOGbots who will happily put a bullet in White people if the situation arises. Most of these officers only care about MUH PENSION and nothing else. The good side to this is that they would be equally as ruthless under the right leadership as well.
You didn't really answer my question though. How much North African race mixing took place in !slamic Spain, and where can I look this up?
Filtered and reported.
Good. Fuck him.
I'm on a university computer, I really don't give a shit if I get reported or banned
Fuck cops and niggers too.
The average White cop is more likely to shoot an innocent White man over an innocent nigger according to most studies on this subject. This is because they understand that White people (community wise) never retaliate when they murder an unarmed White person.
Do those studies also account for there simply being 5 times more white people than niggers, and a lot of cops not going near black neighborhoods?
Plus there just not being all that many innocent nigs?
Yes they do
hahaha great news! The tranny 'mom' is a crossed eye coon lol.
You lost, friendo?
Spaniard here, very little as most muslims in Spain were simply converts, in fact, it was looked down upon, as Muslim Spain was racially segregated into classes, with the middle eastern muslims as the top minority, and everyone else who was white as the common rabble. At most 10% of the population has at least 5% north african, everyone else is pretty much clean. That said, in most cases that 5% north african comes from neolithic times.
t. Spaniard who has done his research.
was meant for , sorry.
I believe you (I am of Spanish heritage myself), but what would I want to cite when burgers claim that we're Moors? Finding info on this subject is difficult, especially when English is my first language.
He was most likely a thief himself to begin with. Just a different one.
Well, there's the classic phenotype map as shown, but that's just a piece of the puzzle, there's this long research on the matter.
I will now sage for HIGHLY off topic.
Oh, forgot to add this:
Two subclades of North African Y-chromosome haplogroup E3b and Middle Eastern haplogroup J (labeled E-M81 and J-M267) are considered unrelated to the Neolithic migrations into Europe, making them useful in detecting historical admixture from Berbers and Arabs or earlier Semitic peoples. These markers exist at combined frequencies of 3% in Catalans of Northern Spain and 6.4% in Andalusians of Southern Spain (for a total of between 1.5% and 3.2% admixture), confirming that gene flow from Phoenicians/Carthaginians and Religion of Cuck™ic Moors was minimal.
"An analysis of 11 Alu insertion polymorphisms…has been performed in several NW African…and Iberian…populations. Genetic distances and principal component analyses show a clear differentiation of NW African and Iberian groups of samples, suggesting a strong genetic barrier matching the geographical Mediterranean Sea barrier. The restriction to gene flow may be attributed to the navigational hazards across the Straits, but cultural factors must also have played a role. … Iberian samples show a substantial degree of homogeneity and fall within the cluster of European-based genetic diversity."
Previous Y-chromosome and mtDNA analysis[12] already pointed to Paleolithic ancestry among populations in the Iberian Peninsula. Although this methodology does not provide strong inferences on genetic population structure, it is useful in tracing parts of the routes of migration in the populating of Europe. Both Y-chromosome haplogroups R1b and Mtdna haplogroup H, reach frequencies above 60% in most of Iberia, R1b peaking at 90% in the Basque region.[13] This shows an ancestral bond between Iberia and the rest of western Europe, and in particular with Atlantic Europe, which share high frequencies of these haplogroups. Y-chromosome and mtDNA analysis seems to support the theory according to which founder populations in northern Iberia colonized the rest of western Europe at the end of the last glaciation.[14]
A European wide study including Spaniards states: No significant correlation is apparent between North African admixture and geography. Genetic exchanges across the Mediterranean Sea, and especially in its western-most part where the geographic distance between continents is smallest (Spain), seem to have been limited or very limited, establishing the North African contribution at between 2.5% to 3.4%. [17] [18]
In fact, a European wide study including Spaniards states: No significant correlation is apparent between North African admixture and geography. Genetic exchanges across the Mediterranean Sea, and especially in its western-most part where the geographic distance between continents is smallest (Spain), seem to have been limited or very limited, establishing the North African contribution at 2.5/3.4%. [8] [9]
Forgot to sage, please forgive me for this derailment.
why are J1 and J2 the same color? am i a fucking jew? or am i greco-roman, etc etc
Cite the studies. Remember you claimed more than one.
Don’t worry, you’ve been filtered for off topic bullshit.
Sounds great, but sadly it’s not legal. White flight is doing almost as good a job but the Jewish slumlords keep moving niggers into white areas with the support of Jewish legislators and lawmakers.
my sides
Thanks nibba
Behold, the asian autobahn. Hitler would be proud. Why isn't Trump building one?
Hold on there buddy, if the cops catch you in the act of stealing a car and you run away before successfully stealing the car they didn't mistake you for a thief.
He deserved to get shot. If you run from the police they will shoot you.
Clearly his grandmothers home, not his
Honestly… police should not be patrolling crappy areas and looking for criminals.
It is a waste of tax payer money and only leads to problems.
In fact police should be evenly spread between low and high crime areas equally. There is no reason a property owner in a nice area (who pays for the police) should have to wait 4 hours when their house is robbed because the police force is playing ghetto babysitter.
Also unless it is a damn bank robber or murder suspect there is no reason to jump fences in dark unknown places to deal with petty shit crime.
Police should only be responding or on the lookout for major crimes.
They should not be chasing around drug dealers and hoping to find warrants on people.
It's a waste of money and resources.
Drug dealers and users should be shot on sight.
The U.S. could have had this decades ago if the Fed didn't demolish free markets and democracy.
Yeah your logic has been attempted. Then what happens is a new one takes their place.
Wanna really end drug dealing? Then stop the clowns and multi national banks from importing it. Prosecute the accountants and banks who launder the money and shoot them on site. Kill the pilots and boat captains who bring it in.
Execute the pharmacy execs and doctors who pushed mad opiates to their patients then cut them off cold turkey after addicting them.
And most importantly… don't fucking invade Afghanistan when the Taliban had all but eliminated opium production and encourage the farmers to start growing poppies again. This heroine epidemic sure came out of nowhere.
But hey if you want to bankrupt our society by chasing jamal around the ghetto for selling 20 rocks of crack go for it.
Maybe he's even a gang leader!!! That will fix it!!! (6 months later same thing happens with Jamal 2.0 after 3 months of gang war)
You can't get anything done in the U.S. because of the kiked bureaucracy that "democracy" has brought you. Isn't it embarrassing that Trump doesn't even have the power to build a wall and arrest those going against his immigration policy? How many important projects are stalled because the congressman in charge of an area is some retarded nigger, or corrupt kike that requires a bribe before anything proceeds.
I don't disagree. The war an drugs needs to visit the deeply entrenched crime families
Yeah, I'm a kike because I notice that the United States is becoming a 3rd world nation and elected leaders don't even have the power to fix it. Gas yourself.
You cant know black people or be a decent human being? You know this is pol right? We hate nigs, spics, jews and want everyone to move where they belong. Though I'd like to see all Jews and black and probably 90% of hispanics culled completely. Doesnt mean you have to be a dick about it. We dont support mindless killing. We also dont mind it if its in our favour though either.
that's not an instance in which you would greentext, either. Try harder.
You're completely right, but I would like to add one point. So what about implementing a ==two strike== program because three strikes are too lenient? First time a nigger is caught with drugs, (doesn't matter whether they are selling, buying, or using) the state takes a testicle or an ovary. Second time the state takes the other, effectively sterilizing the bad behavior. If it happens a third time, just go ahead and euthanize the worthless animal because they have proven that they have no worth to society and only want to continue in worthless Nigger behavior. ==Simple As That==
It's the worst place in the world for innovators.
He's at least a half-breed.
Want to really get rid of drug dealers? Make drugs unprofitable.
There are two ways of doing so.
Fact is, drug users are fuckint ants, squash 2 and 4 will reappear, they will take drugs no matter if legal or not and no matter from where, so the smartest way is to fuck with drugs is by getting rid of dealers and not the users. Once the dealers are out of the way and the billions of profit gone, the entire drug trade and phenomenon will basically vanish within a few years. Only thing left will be gradually sending drug users into work institutes like duterte does to get addicts clean and give them simple jobs.
Personally I understand your passion for the community but it just seems like were giving gang bangers free vacectomies thst some libtard company will likely get exclusive dick clipping rights and botch half the procedures anyway.
Especially since we would need to add the dick clip appeals system and waste even more money.
It's a very libtard answer but the only common sense policy.. besides extra judicial killings of all pharma, for profit prison, "tough on drugs" politicians, doctors and money launderers is extremely regulated legalization.
In America there are cases of prisons suing municipalities for not providing enough prisoners based on their contract. Thst is literally the most fucked
Thing in American society and an issue I would imagine the far left and right would actually agree on.. that shit should not happen and it should not be financed by public money. Drug users are the easy
Quota targets while child rapists walk free.
If some fuck wants to be a dope head let them do so in certain earmarked buildings and areas where the dope is grown and consumed and not allowed to leave.
Even repurposed prisons would work. Anyone who tries to bring drugs out gets shot on the spot. Anyone who uses outside of these safe areas is also shot.
I am 100% against criminalizing health issues (addiction) I am also 100% for extreme punishment for any effects it has on society.
What are you talking about? Just looks like a multi-lane highway, to me. We have them all over the U.S.
It's a solar panel.
Oh, so a multi-trillion dollar autistic project for something that doesn’t work, provides no power, and physically cannot be built with the resources available on Earth itself. Fuck off, commie.
it's the first of many great futuristic technologies the Chinese will enjoy while you and your kind slave away in Kim Jong Un's prisons.
No one is falling for your bullshit. Go back to /r/futurology and suck the UBI cock there.
Hold up, are you claiming solar panels don't exist? That they don't work? That it's just a meme? Or are you simply referring to the solar panel highway concept?
Take five seconds to gather some context clues about the discussion and maybe you’ll get your questions answered before you even ask them.
Looking at every post you've made in this thread it's incredible you haven't died from blood loss from the incredible amount pouring from your vagina.
The conversation is about solar roadways, not solar panels. There was a multimillion dollar kikestarter scam for getting them in America, but it turned out shit doesn't work well, catches fire, is damaged over time by tires and small rocks, and is generally just a giant fucking waste of resources and money.
I don't know why you're quoting the person in this conversation that points out solar roadways don't work, instead of the tards who are arguing against him. Are you retarded?
Its funny because solar is a terrible form of energy even after its installed, the sharp peaks and valleys in the power grid it causes fry TVs and computers all the time
Well, that's a problem the Chinese have to worry about while you get to worry about how close the riots will be during the next brown president's reign of terror.
That's fucking retarded, we can barely keep our streets intact as they are. Good luck paying for and fixing all that shit constantly. It would make more sense to put the solar panels next to the street or above it, although that's still retarded because solar panels are the most cost effective in super empty zones with no clouds, that shit wouldn't make sense in the north where it's cloudy all the time and snowing a quarter of the year.
The riots will be in a different country, friend I'll have worse things to worry about than niggers
Because phone fags like me find it difficult to select the correct post
You faggots should see the roads up here even the newly built ones that are far and few during the winter, as frostheaves here can make nice flat sections of road crack and raise a foot or more in random locations and roads get totally damaged several years before they are even resurfaced.
That's damn fine police work
This as well, except here we have snow from October to April with occasional outlier storms and I'm in the continental U.S., not Alaska.
it's not Americans saying that it's D&C kike shills, they are the ones pushing the "X is not white" agenda.
…the only reason automakers made electric cars in the first place was because of a federal mandate
everything North of chicago and NYC can get snow anytime from september to early May
I know that, I'm in northern Maine, both of those cities are hours south of me.
A nigger criminal getting shot dead makes a lot of sense statically.
Why mutt cops always keep yelling at dead people they just killed on all videos?
What do they mean by that.
Cops miss 93% of the time when shooting at night. So they ask the criminal if they are still alive. If so, they fire another 30 rounds into them.
cops treat whites like niggers
cops are honorary jews. they treat the police force as if it were it's own race
Reminder American cops are essentially a state-approved mafia Cops that unload a magazine for pulling up your shorts or having Britain-tier cuckery. Is there no other way?
A low IQ is a fascinating thing to observe
I live in MA. they just repaved my street after that big storm a couple weeks ago. We had a few more inches since and a bit yesterday and it looks like a troglodyte burst out of the fucking ground overnight in front of my house. It's a goddamned mess. I honestly don't even know what would prevent that from happening but solar roads will never work here. Not that they are going to work in China either, vid related.
You are a kike or a race traitor. Cops hang on dotr.
Daily reminder that police are the willing and eager foot-soldiers of ZOG. Just because serve as good animal control doesn't mean thay they wouldn't need purged in the future along with kikes and race-traitors
A guy needs to be retarded or Jewish before he defends niggers