Which Way America
Paul Nehlen teams up with Kevin Macdonald author of The Culture of Critique to name the (((globalists))). You lazy fucks had better send this man some post-Trumpian meme magic.
Which Way America
Paul Nehlen teams up with Kevin Macdonald author of The Culture of Critique to name the (((globalists))). You lazy fucks had better send this man some post-Trumpian meme magic.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is how it starts.
Who dat?
I sure would love to see this go viral.
He is running to replace traitorous spic-loving Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
Stop this, hooktube now shows thumbnails.
This isn't your junior high class which moves at the pace of the slowest student (you). Why not research him for yourself instead of talking like a nigger.
I don't feel like googling random names mah nigga…
If you think politics can get us out of this mess you're pretty bluepilled. Guys like that will never make it in the ZOG.
Hitler didn't take over by popular votes but by force.
The US is too big and dispersed for that so I'm pretty blackpilled on it's future.
the best we'll see is a state full of separatists who're tired of being exploited by (((them))).
Just leave.
You're the only nigger in this thread.
A lazy faggot does't have any hope for the future… what a surprise. Kill yourself.
Blow your brains out, LITERAL NIGGER.
Most of the time people bitching about earlobe spacing do it unnecessarily, but jesus christ man what the fuck is wrong with your formatting? Learn to write nigger.
We can start posting that as a poster now.
lol try harder yid
First Arthur Jones, now this. My day is getting significantly better.
Haha, oh wow, what are you doing here, dumbass?
reddit, cuckchan, or whatever it is you came from, go back there.
Pictures are right there Anglin. We can all see them./
So you're a nigger
The reverse is true. Hitler tried staging a coup and was arrested and jailed. So he won democratically instead.
>the best we'll see is a state full of separatists who're tired of being exploited by (((them))).
Yeah, you're pretty blackpilled.
sounds like an endorsement to me. Wish I could vote.
Okay, so you want to gas him.
If being anything other than 1488 is justification to gas a White person, then 99% or more of Whites are your enemy.
Should we gas them too?
Paul Nehlen talks about the JQ on public television. He is publicizing the genocide of Whites in South Africa to millions of Americans.
Have you done the same and if not, why not?
Laughing at this post and all the replies had me in tears. user, you're the greatest unintentional comedian of the year.
He’s just an ADL kike. These people are shitting their pants that we have gone full JQ to presentable candidate in two years. Not only is our speed unbelievable, so is our acceleration. Step on that gas pedal, Nehlen.
If we get some Twitter 1A protection legislation because of this faceberg shit, consider the next election in the fuckinf bag.
Yeah. He could just be an idiot who fell for kike memes, but he's probably an ADL kike.
You're damn right that this acceleration is extraordinary. I never believed that I'd see the revolution in my lifetime. But now I believe it.
Art Jones is the real deal.
How fucking new are you?
My guess is, newer than him.
I've been here long enough to know your type. You have never lifted a finger for White people and have raised your hand against us many times.
You are a kike and you do not deserve to live.
On the issue of dual citizenship I created a masterfully worded petition on the lame white house .gov site. I can't find it and it never got over 300 signatures. (The signature count reached 300 then started going backwards)
Anyways the wording was terrific in that it didn't reveal any power level. If anyone can find it if be super grateful. It would be a great starting point for further write-ups as well.
I believe it was titled something close to
Require that elected officials be required to disclose dual citizenship as a prerequisite to running for public office. (Right now they don't even have to disclose it, but think they deserve to know every thot trump banged and every fine he spent)
Anyways help requested.
Pic related. Dual citizen. And he was close to becoming POTUS!
Can someone screencap this shill post and save it for later? I would do it myself but I'm not at my home computer.
Wow you just fucked up real bad kid.
Also, Holla Forums seems to be in rare form tonight. Kinda digging it.
it's the next Hitler. Send him your energy.
The guy is not even a Goebbels. At best he's some gauleiter no one remembers.
I'm hoping he just means kikes.
But really this is great we need 1,000's more like him all running for office and millions supporting them.
God gave him a latina woman, quit purity-spiraling.
Jesus Christ, where the hell did you come from?
Nice try faggot.
I've been here long enough to know your type…
(((RED ICE))) sure wants you to support him. They are shills, Eunuch is a shill, and so are you.
Get out.
If he's really jew-wise, why does he have a jew sodomite for a campaign manager?
Convenient timing for the "#notallnazis" bullshit theyre going to start spreading.
God hates race-mixing
The Hebrew god was quite fond of it. Even Moses took an Ethiopian bride, and god punished those who opposed him for it.
Nehlen posted a lot on Reddit Alt-Right and is a straight Nazi.
I like him.
Funny how no one brought up Kike Eunuch, except you.
This guy HAD to have been lurking in here
Some people don't like him (pic related)
Is that image real? Holy shit
That is a Jewish/Mainstream Christianity lie. Stop believing what they tell you.
What? How is that 'funny'? It's the same mentality and argument being put forward. It's not that hard to comprehend.
Looks like Nehlen is dealing with his own "what have you done lately" faggot because he's criticizing amren for disinviting him to speak.
OP is probably Nehlen tbh
Will give him credit though, other than that he seems pretty solid from what I've seen. His transformation has been entertaining if nothing else.
Here >>11401850
Why the fuck has no one mentioned the non stop Kevin McDonald shilling happening here in the last month?
Grow some damn balls Paul, either admit your one of us or fuck off.
He's already sewered his campaign so he might as well go full out.
mexicans detected
I'm just posting to laugh at you
looks just spanish to me
I don't think it discredits him
If this is the biggest dirt there is, then he's pretty good.
Also TRS and stormer hate him now because muh optics
They are. Biblical israelites were filthy levantine heebs, you christcuckold.
God bless Hadrian.
Anyone who denounces this man is a shill. He's everything we've been asking for except he's not a great orator. Signal amp him. Meme him. The further he gets the further we get.
Bumping for culture of critique
Its on my list
pls stop
Hitler got 99% of the votes without force, what the fuck are you shills drinking.
Moloch dipshit, Satan is a different being.
No they are not newb,
Jew = tribe of judah
abraham- had 8 son one was Judah.
Israel had 12 tribes.
Jews = 1/12th of Israel.
Jews lived in Judea and were at war with Israel later in its history. In the early 1900's when Jews moved back to Judea the place they lived before their expulsion, they called it Israel and acted as if they were the chosen people.
However Abraham and God gave their blessing to Joseph the brother that Judah sold into slavery to the Egyptians out of jealousy.
Classic Jew move to confuse the names so they are chosen. The Europeans are Israel.
Weimar Germany didn’t use popular voting for elections, it was purely parliamentary runoff voting, and yes Hitler was elected to power. He took over when Hindenburg died. Nothing Hitler did while taking power was illegal in Germany at that time. Some of the stuff once he was in power was questionable, but he was the Chancellor, and no one there complained.
I don’t care for Paul Nehlen’s methods or tone. I haven’t even met the guy in person yet, and I don’t even care for him. He made one approach to me and couldn’t even speak straightforward, but in ridiculous riddles and innuendo.
I pointed that out to someone the other day, he got mad that I pointed out that Jews were just one of the Tribes, and most of them are converts.
Biblical Israeli’s were the Keltois. The Aryans were the Israelis. Get it through your skull. White Europeans were the chosen. They are worlds most opposed and oppressed people when they betray their roots. It happens every single time they beer away from their ancestors, they get targeted and pushed to the brink of extinction.
this is going to be the next "there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish" reply bait posts
Hitler did eventually get the popular vote, legit too. Before that, he got a plurality.
I just went down the hooktube rabbit hole and watched 20 minutes of Japanese girls dancing hypnotically to weird music. Fuck you.
Since I have nothing better to do right now, here are some of my favorites.
pic related is how you removes all the crap on screen.
This is because the jewish fairytales are plagiarized Persian stories.
Same thing.
The people speak the third branch of the Indo-european language.
They were the Persian people under Babylonian rule.
Keltic genocide did not begin until the end of the first century az.
Wonderful information, user.
All of jewish history was created by this man:
In the first century.
The Romans hate him.
And how do expect a Nationalist Socialist board, where some of its participants have bothered to read the history and ideology, to believe this?
I think over at Comedy Central, most of the people who work there are high on something. If they didn't do drugs they wouldn't have had the pronounced deficiencies in mental capacity that led them to actually name, not only half, but Holla Forums in a video recently. Something making stupid lib-tier jokes about the concept of "redpills". Little did they know they may have directed several million peole world wide to a board that happens to have stickied some very interesting things.
I suggest if this board gets swamped that the owner extend the amount of threads viewable on a single page, as well as the number of stickies so we can at least put an anchor on some quality non-slide threads. Please report my post so they can see this for informative purposes.
How can someone be trusted to be pro-white when they themselves will have non-white children? In Aryan culture the family of even an Earl was a model for the health of his subjects to live by.
2:33 They even mentioned this board specifically.
And to think that they thought that was a good idea. As the comments suggest: >!Panic Mode!<
I see this all the time, white men who are into nationalism but they have chink wives and stuff. I don't get it.
A year and a half after November 8th, you still have not realised that it's not about the messenger, but about the message? I wouldn't care if he'd even married a nigress, as long as his message is helping more of our people wake up.
We aren't hoping for someone pro-white. We're hoping for someone who is finally not anti-white. Trump is in this category, mostly, but is quite cucked on the kike. But this is not strange, because kikes suck up hard to power, and attempt to integrate themselves with the elites, for all its benefits.
Yeah, qanon is definitely interesting. So much butthurt it's hilarious. I'm not clear why they're so butthurt about qanon. Now, qanon is quite intelligent, and not really sassy, like that nigger puppet of the kikes in that video. They have so many ways of being completely fake. Their emotions are so utterly phony, and everything they do is so painfully shit. I couldn't finish the video. Could you?
The Persians didn’t even exist when the Keltois were around. We are talking about 3000BC here, not some post-Sumerian mixed Aryans called Persians. We are talking about the real ones, that walked on Earth and conquered everything in sight.
The Keltois were the first truly dominant civilization on the planet. They invented chainmail and functional swords. Just about every major advancement that we see from the ancient era came from them. Even the Pharoahs are genetically related to them.
You guys need to read more.
< you guys
Um. So you're a nigger or what?
So who here has read the Culture of Critique series?
That explains why this guy has been so heavily promoted by TRS/DS and the rest of the aut-kike.
I expect these details (((edited))) from this thread and pinned to the top of this board.
Just like any time someone demonstrates NASA astronauts or the current 'based fashy NeoCons' being promoted here at any one time are all freemasons.
You will see he has learned the truth about the kike.
Has he any children with that jewess?
She's not a kike, oh vilest snake, oh hell's shit, oh nigger of the orient.
And again I say:
You didn't, oh kike, oh oppressor, oh thief, oh rapist, oh cannibal.
You write a combination of an Anglinbot Wéév coded AI program
Again you write before any response was made
So let's examine your posts in this thread
Q is telling the Trumpcucks to sit back and continue to do nothing as we all wait for Trump to become Hitler, because he really is a secret nazi and will rout the jews from Washington
Despite all evidence to the contrary…
Then you act as Nehlens personal PR agent, insisting a kike faced jewess isn't a kike faced jewess, and post mindless abuse as you have that appears to be a Wéév programmed bot autoresponse.
Someone is finally addressing the JQ and there's endless slander against him here, unsurprising really.
no HEWUZ keltois
Why don't you faggots go out and run for office? If everyone from pol ran someone would get in, stop larping on the internet. These nwo shills take over because they aren't sampling each other's farts in cyberspace
Indeed! The kike oppresses us with much dissimulation. They did this to Jesus Christ as well, they said, "it is by Beezebub that he drives out demons!"
Basically, "no u!", says the kike.
< you faggots
Hello, kike. Behold, hell has no limits for the kikes, indeed the fire is rising.
Lol so I'm a Jew because I said to go out and actually get put into office? I think your yamika might be a little tight there.
14 indeed
The absolute state of (((you)))
Want to know how I know you're not from around here?
You gave it away, faggot. You said "you faggots," indicating your outgroup view.
Yes, we, not you, the kike who pretends to not be a kike to call others kikes.
As Kevin MacDonald has said, there is of the Chinese (who are similar), the kike, much dissimulation.
You're not supposed to spoon feed the shills. Luckily he had about 4 other tells you didn't mention
< t. kike who thinks Americans all identify as cowboys
Truth. Sometimes one wishes for a superior adversary, but this is nonsense. It is better to crush them.
tbh I don't see why this isn't stickied.
Hmmm seems like the true Jew is afraid of people actually getting into office and securing some power.
Your butthurt from the idea of meaningful action. Though I suppose you'd rub ur mutilated boners together at the idea of stapling flyers around town, which has no lasting impact.
Did and normies see those flyers and then run for City council? No. Did they see them and then decide to support nationalism and get woke to the globalist threat? No
I can't understand how, if I'm a Jewish operator, telling you to take your message, facts, and veiws out to the people and to get elected into office would be of benefit to me.
You have not said it's a bad idea, you instead call me a traitor for pointing out that larping on a "social pressure release" forum won't help in rl
Because they are necessary to capture the energy of anyone or group who could effect a change. As long as you are here debating the value of memes you aren't participating in actual politics. Go scream in a chat room and argue about whos a kike, shill, Patriot, retard, ect it will have no effect on the people actually outside controlling policy and law
Literally, nothing will happen. FSBfag that posted this is LARPing. Kys by chopping off your dick and choking on it.
Nice try to D&C 'Murrica. D&C actual kikes instead. Oh, you can't – that's illegal in the USSR.
What he says is excellent, but he has some Jewish ties and other problems.
Is Terry Still alive? Last I heard, he was out in the boonies hiding from the CIA niggers.
People have been calling each other faggots on imageboards since imageboards became a thing
Have another.
Your countersignalling is proof that you're either a subversive Kike, or a few weakminded fool.
He got 29% of the vote without force. After taking power, he made all other parties illegal. Obviously he got 99% of the vote then.
Orator Skill: 4/10
Weak kike'ing. You get a 2/10 and a report.
This is an incoherent mess jumping from topic to topic every sentence like he just compiled random posts. I have no idea what he expects the average intelligence blue collar viewer to take away from this. Stick to one topic, we don't need a honest telling of your entire worldview within a minute, this is information overload hitting a bunch of different topics.
And fix your flag, that shredded mess is a disgrace, you're not making due on a battlefield.
This campaign is a joke. Who is running it?
Just because something appeals to Holla Forumslacks doesn't make it good or effective propaganda.
fuckin pol amiright?
hi paul :^)
don't forget to push campaign finance reform so elections don't require millions of dollars from (((donors))) which go right back to (((media))) to oust the good goy zogbots too
here's a webm of op
Reported for not even fucking TRYING, you Yiddish motherfucker.
Except that’s totally meaningless. Campaign on ending the Federal Reserve. Not auditing it. Not regulating it. Not maintaining it in any capacity. ==End. The. Fed.==
Fucking wonderful. Thanks, Jim. I hit enter twice.
then gas yourself
He's not getting into office. He lost by a landslide last time, and now, by naming the jew, he's completely alienated his base of cuckservative retards.
Another great success for Holla Forums's brilliant tactic of using RAC song lyrics to appeal to normal people.
Reported for being illiterate. You had your chance, you fucking kike.
I can smell your sweaty yarmulke from here
You were already reported. It’s over.
I bet you feel strong, Moishe :^) There's a first time for everything :^)
If you have problem with marrying jews you don't belong on this board!
Bump. We’re taking our countries back. You can’t stop us.
Can we hire him a voice coach or convince him to start smoking? I love the guy and he needs to power up his voice.
>Paul Nehlen teams up with Kevin Macdonald author of The Culture of Critique to name the (((globalists)))
Exactly. Nehlen is so legit that he hired a literal faggot kike to be he spokesman. It doesn't get more redpilled than that, right, fellow nazis?
Interesting choice of words
This isn't about winning an election. It's about changing the world, one voice, one message, one interaction at a time.
Have you guys branded him as AH so he'll no chance whatsoever or freaked over some Jew he knows. Keep it professional and be happy there's a conversation, this is a long game.
Yep. It's even short long game really. Remember, it was the kikes who did most of the raping in Hollywood, in the Weinstein affair.
don't bother, this guy makes more or less the same memes with different people in the fore of the israeli flag. he's trolling.
Doctor Kevin MacDonald is a guy that Nehlen learned from. Apparently Nehlen read a book. However, I have yet to see any evidence that Dr. MacDonald endorses Nehlen in any way.
lol this kike is mad as fuck right now.
Can you actually respond to any of the quotes on his memes about Nehlen, Eunuch, and Spencer?
Then you haven’t been looking. MacDonald is on his fucking campaign staff.
Man, the kikes really don't want us supporting him.
You don't find any of that even a little suspicious?
Pro kike aside hes a fuckin terrible candidate. Just watch any of his speechs and you'll want to off yourself within minutes.
Who do we vote for, shlomo?
The majority of this board wouldn't even be able to vote for him if they wanted to, and he has no chance of winning. Yes or no question: do you find the things listed in suspicious at all or not?
He's just collecting names and addresses of ebil racists for his kosher masters. Trump is proof that there is no domestic solution to the jewish problem.
The best thing white people can do now is not get riled up into war with China, Russia and Iran. There will be war. No doubt about it. China is not going down without a fight like Europe. Let the niggers and spics lose it for the jews.
Oh such kike butthurt.
(pic unrelated)
Kevin. MacDonald.
Thanks for playing. You’re a kike: confirmed.
Try again.
What's wrong with kikes? Daniel Nusbaum is one.
gtfo and kys
If Nehlen is legit, you faggots shouldn't have so much trouble addressing his blatant contradictions and suspicious connections.
if he was legit, he would not be getting press coverage. only controled op pets like (((laura sutherland))) get coverage.
i love seeing kikes like you and your children die.
You really triggered that leftist, muslim antisemite
Oy vey, sharebloo amirite fellow goyim
archive of said tweet??
It's easy to spot the kikes: They won't discuss Kevin MacDonald's theories.
His theory that the jews are simply the victims of biology?
"What does his books say?" is a question not said of those stepping up to the plate to discuss his theories. I believe you are a kike.
I will answer your question quite simply: no.
I think you would understand this better if you read Kevin MacDonald.
Remember to filter shills, their goal is to waste your time reading garbage instead of useful posts
He will reply to me calling me a kike, which is a useless post. Shills are constantly calling each other kikes to waste your time.
>(((you))): useless post ("nothing will happen")
The purpose of a post like this is to distract you from far more important posts that you could be reading
Remember to filter, report and ignore
checked, freaky trips man.
kike shills need their throats slit
Look at how scared they are. Here's an example:
Take note of this powerful meme. Notice how this type of logic can be applied to anyone who is not literally Hitler.
Even Hitler himself could be criticized for having a jewish division in his army or for "only" putting jews into concentration camps.
Let's recap:
This man, Paul Nehlen, stands against globalism and pretty much named the jew, not to mention that he openly shilled for Culture Of Critique, a more than redpilled book than names the jew in detail. I wouldn't care if he was a himself jew, he is actively working against jewish interests.
Remember, whenever you are in doubt just ask yourself:
"Is this person working for or against jewish interests?"
Also remember:
"The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves"
So don't be shy on supporting anyone, but don't be afraid to drop them instantly if they are lagging behind, dampening/diverting energy (Spencer & co), diluting or omitting important information (InfoWars), yelling out racial swears at normies rather than informing them (IRL groups), ruining muh PR (IRL groups - scary; Spencer & co - disgusting; InfoWars - insane).
Stop focusing on something that you can never possibly know (a person's mind) and focus on the impact of their actions.
A person's intentions are not important, only what they do Of course they are, but it's completely useless to waste time being focused on them
Why truncate the best part of that webm?
gee, i wonder why?
Worthwhile contribution. Thank you good sir.
Take your bronze age kike histories you call scripture and go suck a kike on a stick's dick. We must burn away the shackles of ALL semetic influence, which includes your thorny crowned pal Yeshua. I understand that this is hard for those who have always been in the church, however, monotheism is a kike trick to hide away the animus mundi, the world soul and all of its manifestations. Go read some late Jung and get back to us.
I LIKED THE VIDEO HOPE HE IS THE REAL DEAL AND NOT CONTROLLED OPPOSITION something fucky though as if he has LEARNED OF THE POWER THAT IS Holla Forums and thinks that HE CAN and or deserves our BLESSINGS maybe he's A LURKER or he for REAL but a wise man once said IF IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE it probably do be like he say but not SO TAKE MUH AUTISTIC RANT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT i don't wanna be all BUZZ KILL SO it may all be true im leaning towards DEFINITELY MAYBE
I'm making the assertion that they were too Jewish to even plagiarize it and rewrite it themselves as the chosen ones.
They really just involved themselves in mis-translations. Hid the fact that other more prominent tribes were favored by god lumped all the tribes together and acted like the story was completely about them even though they are a small unfavored group of a larger favored group.
They are arch-typically Jewish, as such they will be the same character for eternity. Today the story is about how Aryans are greatly out numbered throughout the world, all our lands, technical and artistic creations and civilizations are wanted by the barbaric animalistic races. We are being attacked from within our family from a jealous sibling, they have the power to do so because they have the Aryan blood.
The jew is a type of Aryan and our brother but he is clearly least favored by god. Due to his jealousy of our beauty and oneness with god he seeks to destroy us and sell us into slavery.
The stories in the bible are arch-typical stories. The story of abraham and joseph and judah is a simplistic story that speaks to deeper arch typical realities..
Anyone who rages about the bible being Jewish crap is a fucking plebeian. It is the story of our people. The jew is a jealous meddling brother but an Aryan. He cant leave us alone because we have what he wants, the love and favor of our father the God of light.
this is a reply to
that >>
and also
take note brothers, the correct term is kike. never trust someone that spells out the full word (((Jewish))) with a capital J.
Kill yourself
Kevin. MacDonald.
Are you listening?!
You can do it Nehlen-san!
(checked) underrated post
The big news here:
Kevin. MacDonald.
indeed, colleague
I'm pretty sure he just means as it relates to political office.
Holy shit they're pissing themselves.
was this supposed to be funny? it's just partisan propaganda with a couple prop gags thrown in
Could you make it through it? It's sort of like sexposition (neologism for a sex scene which has boring bits of back story intermixed).
Call it joke-news-position. Gotta keep the dolts entertained.
No, they're using the autists who fall for the Q LARP to paint all conservatives as retards.
No, they've been advocating for kikes in the White nationalist movement.
qanon pisses the CIA off a lot. This amuses me.
This whole Q user thing struck me as a LARP at best or disinfo at worst. But now (((comedy central))) is trying to discredit it. Does that mean there's something to it or what?
Obviously. qanon hasn't been right all the time.
The Russia-Russia-Russia story is readily discredited, simply: The ones who have such a long history of lying to us are telling us we should believe them. That is, the CIA, and of course MI-6. What kind of stupid fucker believes them?
Cursed be the one who believes them.
I find shills so funny at this point. An user in another thread made a joke about how the shills will claim the rope will snap when they're being hanged; or that our general is a traitor who will side with them. It's just so accurate; they kick and they scream every step of the way, never giving up an inch of ground. Every outcome is always what's bad for Holla Forums. I honestly cannot imagine people, "people", or (((people))), who actually post these things.
Also the fact that Holla Forums is actually supporting IRL people instead of immediately calling them D&C is pretty good. It kind of created a self-fulfilling prophecy where actual National Socialists never got any support because everyone called them controlled opposition; then actual controlled opposition became the only figureheads within the movement because they had FBI support. Being able to support /our guys/ would cause the far-right to grow exponentially; however, it's important to keep your guard up, there are a lot of people who should not be associated with.
It's well poisoning disinformation, where they trot out its believers to discredit conspiracy theorists as a whole. It's like flat-Earherism and DallasButtplug, but tailored for Trump supporters.
Or any of the time.
^ found the CIA/NSA agent. how keekish.
So what the agent entered with was a basic "this is what those stupid white niggers desire/fear, construct upon that the desired implant belief".
,,\, -.- ,/,,
Obviously, I must be the kike, not the autist shilling for a LARPer who claims the jew world order is really "Nazi World Order" and Merkel is Hitler's daughter, because his goal was apparently to genocide White people through multiculturalism, or something.
kikes don't care about qanon.
also, (1)
qanon should be taken at face value. Believe everything he says. This is advisable, at this point, given the shilling against him.
So what is it now? Is one as bad as the other? Are European Hispanics considered the same human garbage as the American mystery meat invaders? Did you mean to say Sephardic?
If you can't clearly formulate criticism for Nehlen's political platform then you're not doing your cause a favor.
Lads, if you have not read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique series, do so now.
jajajajaja god sent him a latina not an española you ignorant retard. me caigo en tu puta madre for trying to conflate the two
Its the same retarded shit that Alex Jones says.
That's because Alex Jones and QAnon both work for the same entity:
U.S. Special Operations Command.
If Q had any ties to government entities, wouldn't he at least be able to make some kind of prediction accurately, instead of having to edit posts to pretend to have prior knowledge of super sekrit messages hidden in Trump's tweets?
Whoa wtf who is this guy? We must meme. Also laffoutloud at the shill kvetching at his slightly tanned wife. You may have snuck your rat boltonback into the wh, but that fact that his guy is running for office means interesting times are ahead.
This Eagle was just looking for a mate, you decided to stick your full beak into it’s business.
You dun goofd. Germany was almost entirely white and Hitler won by swaying the vote, the problem is we dont have pure white countries anymore so we cant just do the same things Uncle Adolf did in order to achieve our glorious National Socialist countries.
Some more traitorous Taylor quotes.
he literally said she's latina you disingenuous fuck
Have you read the Culture of Critique series?
I've never heard the end of that
It's shocking, but that's how they are.
I'm guessing most of you alt-kikes have punchable faces.
< who is Kevin MacDonald
< what is this thread even about
< I totally don't know
< I hate all of you, but I'm totally one of you
t. juden
KMac is highly overrated, and hardly the be all and end all when it comes to the jewish problem.
How much do they pay you to say this shit?
Who do you prefer? Certainly, MacD addresses, with deep knowledge, the kikes and their tricks.
Also, that there will be, at the state level in any state, actual talk of the JQ is so incredibly remarkable.
KMac denies the conspiratorial natural of the jew, and paints them as the victims of evolution. The Banjo Billy quote in is spot on.
WNs have been running losing campaigns for ever, even Traitor Glenn Miller did it a few times. This is nothing new. The only one who's interesting this time around is Arthur Jones, who managed to get the nomination, and actually has a solid track record.
What are you saying is conspiratorial, that MacD neglects? So far as I have read, there is no evidence of MacD denying concerted efforts and collaboration internationally. It is true that he considers them to have engaged in a group strategy, to select for high intelligence and collectivism. If that's insulting, well, MacD does point out they are strongest verbally.
But we cannnot deny their ability to mold public opinion. A child named Kasky is out duping bimbos who watch daytime television, in recent history. Yes, a full-blown kike, and an "actor", complete with a demonstration of his facade, his face which contorts arbitrarily. We cannot deny he has high verbal intelligence.
< this is nothing new
We have a lot of old ground to cover before we can go full Fascist. We must at least make it to the point of the 1950's, where it is permissible in polite society to express disdain for the kike.
Surely we must worry at the sheer level of attacks on the campaign. How shall we consider INCREDIBLE PROGRESS not progress? For example, how is it even possible this wasn't stickied? Well, I have my theories, that's for certain!
yeah, missed the part where it said to marry latinas though
"Latinas" are mestizos - they are part Spanish (WHITE) and part Amerindian (and possibly some black as well).
He didn't marry an Indian, and he married her before he came under such a great attack by the kikes, that forced him to reexamine his beliefs.
And curse Yahweh and curse Israel.
no shit latinos are amerindian mongrels what's your point? should we start marrying quadroons b/c they are part white too? see you on dotr race traitor
You offer no intellectual discussion. Do you propose he divorce her? The fact you aren't reasonable indicates you are certainly opposed to progress for the White people, and curse your religion, your yahweh, and your israel.
yes, divorce her and don't marry spics to begin with. fucking retard
I'm not quite sure if you're being serious with your contradictory OP, but FYI, the God in the old testament is the same God as the God in the new testament
^ kike
jej no. He has to be an Odin. He must bear his burden. White men know this.
To bad Ford didn't run for President like Hitler wanted.
Aryans are a Global Minority
White Americans are an Aryan Minority
Nippon is Honorary Aryan
Hating Anime makes you a Good Goy
Ban Genital Mutilation to Remove Semites
Stop the Genocide of the White American People
^ probably an (((esteemed))) kike professor
lel get fucked by your fav black cucks rabbi
As I suspected. A nigger and a kike.
It's not precisely untrue. What's up with this fapping for elections? Fuck lot of good they've done, over the years. At best, they've kept people believing they should have control.
We do what we can, but mostly what we can do is monkey wrench the designs of the kikes. It helps, but we aren't able to enact any plans of our own, at least not through the government.
If we get the wall, indeed, it will be the first time in MY lifetime a true grassroots desire became reality, material reality. (laws come and go, without effect, because of kikes and kike-educated spic judges and so on, the corrupt, the liars, the deceitful).