No evidence or even a post info. Was in a post with Topless bald Gun girl from Florida on POL ..
First she is 19 and we all know she is really 22… it's alarming that the Mods can do this… lots of people are getting fake Pizza banned for reporting about Florida FALSE flag and now this…
Mods on Halfchan issuing permabans
Why do you think we would care? That place is even more jewed than here.
I'd permaban your ass too for posting that hideous creature
If you post the disgusting kikess at least have the decency to spoiler it.
I was banned for three years for saying this: "The British have played a very important part in the Jewish world order many of them knowingly. I feel bad for the average britbong but I don't really care that much. Saving Europe and America is much more important the Brits and Swedes will most likely serve as a warning that will be their great redemption"
Also why the fuck are you still going there?
I did nothing wrong , worth an appeal or Sage and move on ?
That's where you fucked up, faggot.
Welcome to the permaban club kid, now go fuck yourself.
Would you like a permaban here too?
They can just accuse you of Pozzagate without any evidence or post??? That goblina is 19!!! How the fuck!!!
Sometimes the reason changes, sometimes I can post a time or two but usually I get this
Bro, the mods on cuckchan are on record for having banned people for reporting nigger-porn spam threads.
That place is a complete shithole.
That's nice sport.
I want the mods to expose your posts.
There's no excuse for not doing so, you've already exposed yourself.
We can see that you're on, mods.
Or is this you I'm talking to 'Heil'?
Maybe you'd like to tell us why you made a word filter for civic nationalism into civic nationalism, eh?
Holla Forums is dead - "civic-nationalism word filtered to civic nationalism"
This Faggot had some serious paranoia issues.
Pretty severe accusation…. especially with zero evidence…
Even more reason for you to get the fuck out and not return.
If you're not smart enough to figure out how to evade an IP BAN, you have no business being anonymous. If you're not smart enough to have left cuckchan for good YEARS ago, then you have an even bigger problem that cannot be fixed with advice.
If you have been able to spend a day on that site (or any imageboard these days) in the last five years without a permaban, you are a faggot.
wat do if you use a repeater to steal your neighbor's wifi and have no way to reset IP?
inb4 nigger
Like giving money to Comcast or AT&T is better.
Because all the banned people are going to come here.
As if that's not who started this place.
gee, anuddah cuckchan shoah, color me surprised.
The mods there have been confirmed to be traitorous bastards for a long time, why do you think we all left?
**mods here aren't looking much better honestly, but for now there's nowhere else to go*"
Do you have any idea how many dead sites there are?
Boards that haven't had a post in years are still up… if you know how to find them.
Yea they started doing this a few months ago, they ban you for things like illegal content and dont tell you why on appeal.
i posted threads on both half chan and here. 10 replies in (15 minutes) and thread was deleted from half chan. thread didnt even last 5 minutes here. i guess (((banks))) telling their gun store/pawnshop owners that they cant sell bumpstocks, hicap mags, or rifles to 20 year olds is either off topic or too real.
Then post the picture so we can send it to all her friends.