What happened between the two of them?
Will we be forced to speculate forever? Or do we have the facts?
What happened between the two of them?
Will we be forced to speculate forever? Or do we have the facts?
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The one on the right is a hack who can't finish a game despite having unlimited money.
Who cares? Whatever happened, happened. Doesn't change the current situation to know.
Man, that's fucking retarded logic.
Friendship ended with Konami. Now Sony is Kojima's best friend.
Maestro wanted to make video games great again.
Jewnami wanted to make pachinko.
Do the math.
Does Death Stranding look as good as Metal Gear?
Can Kojima really "do it again"?
Konami is the rich cuck of a husband. Kojima is the money-guzzling wife who takes more than she can give. They deserved each other while it lasted.
They haven't shown any gameplay yet, but since Kojima haven't made any bad game before, I wouldn't worry.
I wanna fuck Kojima.
Konami wanted quick and easy money, where as Kojima wanted to probably make his magnum opus and make a bunch of neat shit with the FOX Engine. I sorta get why Konami wanted the game out because console games were no longer pulling their weight and pachinko/mobile games made more money, but at the same time they basically killed or scared off all their talent before that, and they went psycho a few months before TPP launched.
Take it with a grain of salt. It's from Dorito Pope, and he's known for wanting Kojima-senpai to notice him.
Famous last words.
not an argument
Timeline of Konami x Kojima since MGSV
I'm not trying to argue, I'm trying to tell a retard that he sounds retarded. You retard.
Who convinced Konami to go full pachinko, and basically ignore the international market anyway? Doesn't seem like the work of the jews this time.
The Yakuza.
Maybe Yakuza run Konami. Then again that's just a joke rumor, I hope
This happened OP.
Pachinko's pretty much the only way to gamble in modern Japan so yeah, that's probably pretty likely.
What made Konami do it though, it's outright absurdity, I heard rumors of yakuza taking over the company but why destroy the company's only worthy asset. It's like they wanted to make a giant fiery shitstorm.
One on the right is a hack who wants to make movies instead of games, yet nobody will let him near a movie script
So he keeps over doing his game scripts till it looks like it was written by a 13 year old horny fanfic writer which was mauled by 20 dogs and weights about 20 tons, to which Konami went "Jesus christ we can't budget for this"
Konami told Kojima to knock that shit off, make the story manageable and smaller in scale, Kojima said no so Konami axed him, finished up what they had and released it as is
Kojima is the next Tim Schaefer, mark my words
Konami a shit. Kojima a shit. They no longer make shit together. The end.
Kojima needs to make more VN's. It's what he was he's best at.
I'm just going to leave this here:
In a recent Playstation trailer (3 weeks ago) they had the Outer Heaven, Foxhound and FOX Engine logos up on the scenery flags
one is a company aim at making money/profit, the other is a hack who is covered in spit and Del Cuck spunk
Here's the trailer BTW if you want to look for yourself
Konami has a long history of fucking with devs and their games. It's why we don't get real Castlevanias and why Igarashi left to make Bloodstained. It's why Tak hi Fujii left. It's why we have a Contra mobile game, why we have BIG BOSS and EROTIC VIOLENCE pachinko machines, why Silent Hills was canned completely and almost wiped out of existence, why METAL GEAR SURVIVE is a thing.
Konami just fucking hates video games.
I could definitely see kojima missing reasonable targets and dates, going overbudget etc.
At the same time, everything konami allegedly did in response didn't exactly help.
At least there was that odd transitional period where they weren't trying to kill every video game they had, but it just looked like they had absolutely no idea what they were doing.
There's the most likely scenario. Now to get all my (you)'s from assblasted fanboys who are going to remove Kojima's cock from their throats for only as long as it takes to whine about this post before reinserting it.
I feel that you're forgetting the fact that Konami rushed to destroy pretty much all of their franchises, not just the ones Kojima was involved in. I don't give a damn about Koji but all the IPs they dragged down with them to pachinko hell hurts me deep inside.
What MGSV actually had finished was excellent, don't be a fucking retard.
Man I miss E3 from back then. Many good memories.
That's subjective.
Oh, I'm not saying Konami doesn't pull some stupid shit too, but when I look at MGSV in particular, I see that as an overly ambitious project, made by someone who bit off more than he could chew that was going nowhere, and a company that understandably got fed up with it.
"What it actually had finished"? You think all 3 bases that you kept visiting over and over and over again to fulton some random guy was excellent? The retard might be you.
Aren't they good buddies? I'd say Kojima-senpai has noticed him.
We're dealing with Japanese so odds favour 'endless speculation'.
From what I remember reading. Konami wanted its employees to fail. Something with stock market strategy, if you project a loss, and you deliever a loss, stock prices go up. Its easier to fail then to succeed so they purposely engineered their product to do bad. Now you obviously also can't say thats what you are doing with your company because thats illegal.
As for what they actually did to employees, id badges would stop working. Entire departments where moved in a single day. Some departments where even dissolved with employees having no idea where they where suppose to go. Many got so fed up they quit.
I mean that Geoff might be a bit biased in this case.
Tommy, it is incorrect.
I love how they didn't have fluent English speakers even present the games
u can muuuve your fat body free-reee
I see that the Konami shills finally learned english
Probably the usual shit that happens when an auteur type gets too in love with himself, coupled with the fact that Konami was holding a gun to their own head.
I don't really care either way, I find Kojima kinda overrated as a writer. I'm kind of anticipating Death Stranding, but this motherfucker better be in control of the tone, because he's amazingly good at destroying serious scenes and turn them into cringefests.
Didn't Konami force certain people to work as lowly janitors? Shit is fucked man.
You can hate both.
he's the Kubruck of games, except the industry stopped trusting him in search of the bottom line.
I can see how those rumors started. The Yakuza does run a lot of Pachinko parlors.
Kubrick made 2001: A Space Odyssey which is an objectively retarded movie that only people on drugs enjoyed.
Name one.
There are some unfinished like MGSV and straight up non-games ones like , but not a single bad one.
It's not an opinion, it's a reality, you can't prove me wrong.
inb4 someone tries to talk shit about Penguin Adventure
Good job on revealing your pleb taste
Most of his movies are quite good but 2001 is absolute dogshit. Prove me wrong.
Back the fuck off!!?
Video games aren't Konami's cashcow like most developers/publishers. They earn more from most other things they handle, whereas video game profits for them are usually wire-thin
I think all the Metal Gear games are shit, mediocre gameplay and absolutely shit writing. Snatcher and Policenauts would have to be the worst Kojima games, since they're interactive novels, and you know that Kojima is a worse writer than quentin uno farto. I haven't played Zone of the Enders, but I already hate the art direction so much. Has Kojima even made a remotely good game?
It has a lot of replayability, but yeah, the gameplay itself is shit.
Don't fall for b8 user.
shit aesthetics = shit game
Aren't MGS games the video game equivalent of Space Odyssey? They're inconsistent, retarded, autistic, but have good graphics regardless.
Go read the books nigger.
He delayed MGSV over and over again without really working much and instead was on dates with this Joost or what her name is all the time doing normalfag shit.
According to the MGSV composer he got a salary, so he basically wanted to get it as long as possible and therefore never finished the game.
Just wanted to get all those Jap shekels to hire more shitty actors for his awful movie games in the future that never talk (because not enough shekels for that).
I.e. he is actually a terrible human being and overrated as fuck. Yet weeaboos and neckbeards love him.
Is there a bigger waste of time? If I wanted science, I'd pick up an academically approved scientific journal. If I wanted fiction, I'd pick up Dostoyevski.
I don't care if you're baiting. I got nothing to say to you other than for you to go fuck yourself
cucks in one post
Video games, movies, television.
Also, fantasy.
Only movies, right? Not art cinema or kino. Yeb, you nailed it.
But at least video games make your brain numb so you wouldn't care that it's a waste of time anyway. Science fiction is just boring and severely lacks artistic value.
Did you rike it?
I thought that it sold really well. Especially for being a a paid demo that's better than the main game.
I think it didn't break the 3 million mark in the end, for such anticipated game I think it didn't turn quite a profit, and Konami must have noticed.
Theres also the Asscreed symbol up there too. It's probably just a reference.
Oh, it's not a game trailer. WTF is this? Sony's answer to Captain N?
Some of it is bullshit tho.
I don't know about the first one, but the second one got fucked midway through production because the director turned into a cunt. And everyone knows higher-ups can't tell a studio is poisoned with bullshit until it's too late.
Whoever they outsourced the porting to fucked up.
Any kind of competent engine would cost a lot to make. The tragedy here is that such an engine would have even saved them money in the long run, but it's wasted on Pachinko FMVs now.
The thing is, Konami thought Kojima's name would print money so they put it on LoS, it backfires, the costs of FOX Engine and MGSV look like a huge risk and potential loss in the end, Kojima is not a saint and sure thing Konami execs aren't either but people don't see it from both perspectives.
Furthermore, just look at Death Stranding, anyone except big companies with no idea about videogames would be quite worried if the only thing shown so far is only expensive looking cinematics, there is no game so far, only the usual Kojima 4th wall 2d33p4u shit that he keeps adding exponentially in every single thing he produces.
Its the only way I can get this whole thing to make sense to me, I can deal with a company and a creator no longer getting along due to simple creative differences, but I cant understand a company enforcing orwellion practices on its employees before its last major game releases, heavily invests in the dying pachinko fad, and on top of that doesnt understand why they're so hated.
Actually rumor is that Konami has ties with the Yakuza, very likely.
With all the crazy shit that happened this year this would be the least shocking reveal if it were true. Even then though if they arent Yakuza they're still horribly handling their business.
To be fair, corporate bullying is a tradition in Japan, even the ConMan at Capcom got it, he decided to step down before breaking and that's why Tsujimoto was so salty at him.
Okay, what's with the Kojima threads recently?
Konami wanted to move away from video games and MGS5 was in development while the move was happening.
I know they are fake, but still funny as shit.
This is the best, and the best part about it is it's real
Retarded ass nip logic, that and they never valued their devs at all in the first place.
I'll say both guys, Kojima and the President/CEO, had a petty argument which just got worse. Kojima went overbudget and behind schedule, inflating the design goals to places his team couldn't reach because he wanted MGS V to be so much and do so much. Konami were having no more of that and ended the budget. The spat got worse so Kojima and his team gets JUSTified.
Remember that Konami wanted to leave the gaming market at the time. They had a division that was costing them hundreds of millions for the same hundreds of millions in return, very little profit. They felt they could just axe the division and invest that money more wisely into gyms and gambling.
Konami are shit for what they did to his team and the conditions they imposed on KojiPro, no doubt. However, at the end of the day, gaming is a business and it needs to make money. They saw MGSV becoming this horribly bloated, over expensive beast made by an infamous ideas guy who needs to be bought down to Earth. Kojima fucked up by making something he was not equipped enough to truly make (I remember an interview where he said he felt depressed after seeing GTA V, making MGS V feel inadequate or something along those lines) and missing deadlines and overspending. They even cut Hayter who cost like a million overall for MGS 4 and it wasn't enough.
Both fucked up but one got to become a victim, a martyr and is beloved despite his fuck up and the other is hated.
But that post wasn't even an argument in the first place.
You Stefbot posters are the funniest chucklefucks ever.
Absolutely on point. This.
Why doesn't Hideki Kojo just admit and pay for his war game crimes?
Kojima cheated on Konami and was dumped for that. :^)
I read in some latinland web that Kojima was opposed to the idea of transforming his Metal Gear Series in a Pachislot machine and a spinoff of Raiden.
The most accepted rumor is that Konami treated Kojima team like shit and Kojima expresed his discontent to the head of the company. In japanese bussiness is a clear Lack of respect towards their bosses because they believe in the seven virtues of Bushidou and is well know that the head of Konami believe that he is a reincarnation of a warlord and he have a large collection of samurai armors and katanas in his 3 floor Penthouse near Tokyo.
In Japan when someone has to be fired he/she is instead bullied into quitting (so there is no compensation), the bullying usually includes menial but repetitive tasks and other stuff, Inafune instead opted to just quit way before the bullying took a toll on his sanity, for a Japanese exec, if you go your merry way and don't break it is "dishonorable" and all that shit because you left on your terms and not theirs.
Konami dindu nufin!
Did those niggers get to fuck joostein in front of kojima?
We wuz devs n shieeet
post more pigs
poz pigs
How do you think he'd react if someone called him Ojama at an autograph signing or something?
Anyone that isn't autistic can figure out that the reaction will be most likely negative.
Depends on what yakuza really, they can go from chaotic good to lawful evil
This is probably the closest to what actually happened. It was most likely the both party's fault but the public perception is due to another factor. Konami clammed up and let the people stir.
While this mess happened, Many major games that the public show clear interest in were canceled for seemingly no reason. In hindsight, they probably were canceled because the projected budget made Konami uncomfortable and MGSV wasn't canceled simply because it ate up too much money already and konami wanted to recoup the losses. But because they didn't say anything, all we saw was Pachinko and anti kojima and when the treatment of their employees came out, no one could look at it from their perspective at all.
Biggest joke is that MGSV despite its massive budget, still made substantial profit. So they kicked its head director, and a majority of the team behind it for nothing.
Personally, I got no beef with kojima. I find his plots rather silly, but no one can deny that he doesn't put effort into what he works on. His failures come not from malice, or greed but over-ambition. Which is somewhat admirable. Doesn't excuse his failures or justify them, but it explains why the public came to his side.
He was late, but not overbudget, apparently. Though, since time is money, he probably did end up costing Konami more than they were anticipating. Still, though, five or six months isn't enough to do what they did to him and his team. I mean they blocked him from receiving his dorito award for fuck's sake.