Your kid's definitely not white
Half jews aren't white. Pull that up Jamie. Powerful, my kids aren't white either.
Your kid's definitely not white
Half jews aren't white. Pull that up Jamie. Powerful, my kids aren't white either.
They already are.
What is the timestamp on this?
That is a little disappointing that he says it and then the subject changes I was hoping that they would elaborate on it more.
Not to defend Joe, but he sounds sarcastic.
If anybody had doubts where Joe's politics, you shouldn't after watching that. He's been a typical Hollywood liberal since day one.
just throw some antiwhite bullshit his way to review, see what happens
Sounds sarcastic to me.
Sounds like he's tired of it all.
Why are they all so smug when talking about that particular subject?
He's just a moderate cuck. He can be gently nudged in the right direction slowly over time.
Those types just think they're doing the right thing by sticking to the middle path.
They simply don't know enough.
I always thought we should have a celebrity red-pilling division where we actively seek out and educate public figures. With the truth on your side, it can be very effective.
Rogan is a syncopath.
He'll say whatever the other side wants him to say. And he was probably (((payed))) for this propaganda.
Holy trips confirm that beating the Jews at their own celebrity game is most impactful.
Sometimes It feels like I'm stuck in a time-loop reading peoples comments. Many of us BTFO Joe a long time ago. It's like there's a never ending continuous flow of newfags and it never stops. I'm becoming burnt out. Don't know how much longer I can keep repeating myself. I know I should stop and spend the rest of my time on family, but I can't stop.
elaborate, how did you btfo rogan?
It's okay brother, were all ghosts here, we haunt these walls as new souls, unknown to them, arrive to join us. Our specter is one of time, weaving in and out of it, as if it were just another plane for us traverse. There is nothing new under the sun, and there is nothing forgotten in the darkness where we are doomed to roam for enternity. Join us unbound souls, join us.
*in the stable, prospersous countries they've produced
If your arguments were so telling that your adversary felt forced to give in on account of those listening and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day.
The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, and if nothing had happened.
Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct.
so pretty much
Watch the expression of the guy he calls out for being a 1/2 Jew, lol priceless, you can see the pain rollover his face instantly.
Can ((libertarianism)) get more degenerate?
It recoils as if struck.
I'm kind of wondering if he's under the false assumption that once white people become a minority in their own countries (not just globally) the world will stop blaming all of its problems on white people. of course as we know that's wrong because even in countries where there's hardly any white people, somehow white people are still the problem.
on a side note I do kind of hope that in the future we drop the name " white people" and just start using Caucasian or go back to "European" and just focus on wherever somebody originates from. (Swiss, German, Italian, etc.)
I'm sure there's probably a good number of
actors and actresses working today that are fairly in the know about the JQ, especially if they work with them on a regular basis. and they know that if they ever made their actual opinions known it would be more than just their careers in danger. Tim Allen essentially confirmed this in a short interview (right before the election) where he basically said that most actors wouldn't dare speak their actual beliefs especially in this (((political climate))).
we've see what happens to people in Hollywood that step just a tiny bit out of line, some of them are able to recover (Mel Gibson, Gary Oldman). but most of them don't.
< Being a minority is bad
< A white diaspora is bad
When you're a minority, often it's possible to make a lot more money than the host population :^)
(more) basically, read The Culture of Critique trilogy+1.
the moment Joe Rogan would come out as anything but a jew lover he would lose everything he cares about
some of his best friends are jews
Rogan is an irish name
What about you? Have you read the Culture of Critique series?
Yeah and degenerate into a disgusting race of perpetually damned traitors like the jews. No thanks. I'd rather preserve our race's heritage of freedom and conquest.
< I want stuff
gas yourself nigger
you're sure in a rush to toss away our birthright aren't you (((friend)))?
checked and keked
Send that mother fucker to South Africa to let him get a taste of his future.
Oh you silly faggots. Didn't you even stop to think WHY he was saying that?
It wasn't sarcasm.
Joe's wife is a Jew.
Rob- Many of the readers may not be familiar with your story. Your life has taken a rather interesting twist involving your dad and his recent remarriage. Care to fill them in on this?
Rob- So your stepmother is only 4 years your elder. Would you say the two of you are more like friends, or have the both of you strive for the more traditional step mother-daughter relationship?
Rob- By looking at your website,, I could see you have done some traveling. Where is your favorite place so far?
In one signature bit, Schimmel joked about making obscene suggestions to a lady from the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Its like some of you still don't understand how this works.
Classic. Never trust kike lovers.
damn, i knew rogan was a liberal of sorts but to hear that coming from his mouth is slightly surprising. at least he's honest. meh, it's a good reason to never watch his shit ever again.
Oh, right this bit?
Did you put the pieces together yet?
She had her Jew child with another Jew, a 'Canadian' by all accounts that even mention it, then she went on and snagged herself a big dumb goy fighter with a buncha money, that will of course make its way back into the hands of the tribe thanks to her extremely-Semitic usage of her vagina.
Never forgot lads: Jews use their women as weapons.
They are quite-literally utilized to lure in stupid horny goyim, such that the Jew can go all gene-stealer AND so that when the goy croaks the kikes get all his shekels.
I'm amazed how many of you don't yet realize that the entire 'kosher milkers' meme is nothing but a Jewish psyop to allow them to more-effectively employ their females as biological weapons.
I'm frankly amazed that it took me coming into the thread for people on h8/pol/ to see a Hollywood White guy making comments about how happy he is Whites are being demographically replaced, without thinking, 'Wheres the Jew?'.
okay, this guy belongs in the bin.
Memes and genes are truly the only things that matter.
That was sarcasm, moron. Holy shit can you not tell?
Nah. He just gets it.
Is a kid who is 25% Jew, 25% Mexican and 50% European mystery-meat 'White'?
Of course not.
Are Joes children White, being 50% Jewish?
Of course not.
Joe Rogan is a jester, a bisexual dope who has boiled his brain in bong resin and has never hunted except with an actual outdoorsman standing over his shoulder, and his Jewish wife has no-doubt convinced him that the browning of America is good for his mischling children (including his full-blooded Jewish step-daughter from the Canadian heeb his wife was fucking before she decided to give up on being a Womyn in STEM to pursue being a Jewish Hollyweirdo married to a wealthy goy).
Rogan knows his daughters aren't White, and his kike wife has no-doubt been whispering in his ear for a long time now (in between cucking him with other fighters and Hollyweird celebs - not that he cares all that much, being a pot-smoking bisexual), so he doesn't give a shit about the future of Whites.
The question is not about dreams. A man can dream. But practically the world is huge, and full of niggers. How do you propose to become the majority.
But sure, call everyone with practical proposals a kike.
Not to mention they marry them into low income but high status families using financial connections. It's how Britain was subverted in the 1700-1800s.
top fucking kek
So tell me. What is your legitimate proposal other than "omg I hate niggers" and then going back to binge-watching TV and jacking off to porn?
No, TRS, you fucking faggots, we're not doing your gay as fuck "Lets become White Jews!" 5PT shit.
Just kill yourself already.
So have you read the Culture of Critique series?
Been a rogan fan for a long time, since 2006. Saw him live, met him, etc… have a pic with him, you get it.
He is 100% full of shit and does whatever he thinks is popular with whoever is his audience or in front of him that he is talking to. He very rarely will actually challenge anyone unless he's put up to do it ahead of time and has prepared. He challenged Stefan Molyneux only after the Young Turks bitch was on and she hates Stef, told Joe to bring up his wife and a bunch of other garbage.
He was at his most "woke" or "moderate/libertarian" when he lived in Colorado. He has been living in a very elite, wealthy neighborhood near LA for a long time now and has a very left wing wife who voted for Clinton. He himself was very surprised that Trump won.
He'll never be /ourguy/ or even close. The best we can hope for is that his millions of beta cuck fanboys who never miss a JRE will eventually get into "harder" stuff and just use him as an entry point into people who are real thinkers with real opinions. Every Joe Rogan does is just getting his "mind blown" by animal facts, ancient civilizations, viral videos, etc… that's been his formula for years. He'll have an interesting guest on every once in a while but in between are 100s of idiots like Tony the Lobster who are just B level comics at best who leach off him for their careers.
Pic related is the average Joe Rogan fanboy's life when they're waiting for his show to come on.
Here's a proposal: Let's not embrace White diaspora and the reduction of our folk to a minority that will be stomped upon as has transpired in literally every single case where such has transpired.
Let's resist that.
Let's call those who promote the embrace of such - like you - a kike-faggot pushing degenerate nonsense.
Let's continue to NOT be ethnocuckolds. Given the circumstances, it seems to have been working out pretty well for us - certainly better than pursuing a path of Darwinian self-destruction, of the sort you're promoting.
That should work.
Rogan as in Seth Rogan. He's a jerw, dumb asses.
Are you retarded? He doesn't even know his real father. His cuck of a father left when he was 7 after he realized his wife cheated on him.
Rogan is on the verge of being redpilled though, and his shrill harpy jew wife is likely helping in that.
This bot is weird.
Wait, so Joe hasn't done 23andMe? Seriously?
He's gotta be a kike. Why else would he avoid testing his DNA?
Wew lad.
Most folks haven't, TRS.
And could you stand out a bit more?
As far as we know, JRE is Italian.
On the verge of a redpill? We can hope so.
I was interested in what Rogan had to say 10 years ago. I found more interesting orators and content over 9 years ago. It shouldn't have taken this for you to lose interest in him.
Married to a Jew? Doubtful.
So who you're married to decides your genetics now…. LOL
So this is why Sam Hyde wants to put subliminal messages in peoples head to assassinate this guy, along with Lena Dunham and John Oliver, Ken Lewis, Jon Corzine, and a few others.
Nope, but it speaks volumes as to the likelihood of you being 'on the verge of a redpill'.
Literal cuckold married to a liberal Jewess in LA, with two mischling kids?
Yeah, don't think that 'redpill' is gonna be forthcoming nigger.
Joe is smart, he is just playing the liberal roll.
Sometimes you get the word out by playing the roll of the enemy.
that image
fucking cuckchan
Nah but it does decide your kids genetics, which is arguably a bigger problem.
Hey man I'm just being optimistic… he has a big following and if we could even just get him to agree on one of our issues, it would be a win.
:^) You know I'm right. Rogan is a kike. That's why he won't get his DNA tested. His show is entirely centered around exploring the human experience, yet he hasn't had his DNA tested?!
role, you idiot
I think a bigger problem is his kid being raised by a mom with those political views in California with a silver spoon.
Hey man, I'm just being honest… He has a big following of stoned imbeciles whom he acts to help keep lost in the darkness, and given he is married to a Jew, has mischling children, and works in Hollyweird, thus there will never be a 'win' in that context.
Wont have =/= Hasn't had
His show is centered around exploring the human experience? HAH! TRS, you appear to have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Rogan's podcast is about promoting other Hollyweird scumbags' careers, keeping his fanbase heavily drugged and entirely distracted.
The JRE podcast is no more about exploring human experience than Rick and Morty or the Your Mom's House podcast.
In what way could the political views of the Jewess he came into be a bigger issue than that she's a Jewess and his children are mischling half-rats?
What about those of us who are made up of 5 or more different european nationalities?
He’s a Jewish manlet, I thought that all gentiles knew that Jews want to genocide whites, they teach their little children that white people are their eternal enemy (Amalek) and even have feasts pantomiming cannabalism of whites.
Stop watching this idiot.
Not sure if stupid or kike.
OHHHHHhhh YOU are a kike!!!
kek @ so many crazy mentally crapped out kikes. Fuck they're stupid. Kikes are so goddamn fucking stupid.
Make an argument, sodomite.
Yes, fuckwit, that's the point.
Lads, this is what a common kike is like:
Loud-mouthed, rude, and dumb af.
It's just weird. The snarl on his face on top of it. WTF is wrong with these people? They have a viciousness about being against themselves.
Alex Jones is the same way.
Reminder Rogan's kids are two young blonde girls who will have to live in this nightmare world of Chinese Communism and South American crime.
No, Rogan is a kike.
I know this, because Rogan hasn't done the 23and Me thing. There can be only one reason he doesn't want to get tested (other than that he probably is a rapist keek).
He's not a Jew. Stop calling everyone a Jew. It mixes shit up
No he's not. Not in his bio
:^) ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
^ kike shill keek
Wtf is keek? If he's a Jew just show us asshole
God you TRSodomites are awful.
He didn't get 23andMe done. His whole show is about exploring human experience, and being like "yeah man, wow, mammoths, maybe we were all trees or fungus" keek
But gee, (((WHAT A COINCIDENCE))) he doesn't get his 23andMe.
Nigger wtf is keek and where did you come from? (((23andMe))) just lies about the results. Who would be stupid enough to pay for that? Even Leftist news reported on this.
Pictured: a kike.
Checked for
Its the form of kek expressed by someone who has little-to-no knowledge of the chans.
>(((23andMe))) just lies about the results
It doesn't care dude, its just here to shitpost.
mfw I'm the only non Deep State person left here.
What did you expect on a e-celeb thread. Go back to cuckchan you faggot. The term you are looking for is jew, not deep state.
That's completely insane. 23andMe doesn't lie about their results. What did they tell you? That you're a nigger?
Yeah, and I really hate that. I'd like to take one for the medical insight if nothing else. My family has a history of cancer, but that might just be because they lived in a heavily polluted area (I moved away from home after high school).
Yes, they do. It has been investigate multiple times, with identical twins sending their DNA to multiple services and coming back with wildly differing results. 23andme was caught on tape adding in African ancestry to white people's results "to fuck with racists".
Nailed it.
Rogan will suck off his guests as long as they don't trigger some ingrained dislike (e.g. by being fat and questioning the WE WUZ-tier Atlantis shit he loves like Sargon of Mossad).
That was a different company.
Rogan's a kike. 100% sure.
joa rogan is a useful idiot for cultural marxism
(making it plainer)
23andMe is a company which has not been challenged in any major way, on their genealogical value. One issue that I know of is that they don't have much information on the Netherlands, so when you get an area, you have to think, "well, it could be a related area."
the most rotten individuals have gfs, because most women are the most rotten individuals themselves. so they get a lot to talk about.
Might be on to something there.
The lips are bang on.
Ugh. And the eye folds.
The more I look, the more I see a disgusting crypto-kike.
I used to listen to him a lot until about 3 years ago, when I discovered The Daily Shoah (inb4 TDS shill). But I guess being right wing is like people describe porn addictions, it's hard to go back to normie-tier shit after being immersed in 14/88-level jokes etc.
Strangely though, I've been on Holla Forums since it was called /new/ on 4chan. It took TDS to take me from vaguely right-wing libertarian to full WN.
you should kill yourself my dude
Lul'd fucking hard at this. Goddamn, this screen cap says everything about the video.
top kek was that fibonacci sequence necessary
the word is sycophant - but you are right. Rogan plays a pretty obvious eager to please game with people he likes. He is surrounded by liberal fags almost all the time, except for his hunting buddies.
Rogan is probably a literal fag cuck. He married a jew that was married to a black musician. Black dude died in a car wreck. He has a half black jew step daughter that took his Rogan surname. I would bet money that rogan likes watching his wife get blacked, and probably likes to hear her say how good it is. Rogan was fucking pissey when weinstein was critical of open relationships.
Having said all that, I am honestly a tad triggered that Rogan went full libtard. "huh dur can't wait for whites to be a minority." fucking faggot cuck.
Just like Merkel, Schultz, and many EU commisioners who claim to be (((white))) and (((christian))) and are actually cryptokikes which can be derrived from their past. Mehehehehe, keep being niave. kikes hide their ethnicity because they are deathly afraid of whites to a near paranoid degree because of mcrollercauster.
Rogan is a kike /thread
This, you shall know them by their fruits.
Kikes hate Jesus to this day because he called them out big time, more than Hitler or Martin Luther. It's why (((they))) have infiltrated most major denominations, including the RCC. Only Orthodox, Syriac, and a few out of the way 'non-denominational' individual churches have escaped their claws.
Your mega church that worships Israel? Yeah, chances are they're supporting it because of subversion.
not only is this guy a burntout kettlebellboy bald manlet, he is painfully unfunny and unoriginal. I tune in if the guest is good/interesting but i watched a clip earlier today. The clip involved joeeeeeee and his broooooo getting stooooned and watching the scottish pug nazi video. The scottish commie literally says one word and joe pipes up " holy fuck cant even understand the guy. why cant he speak english"
Looked like sarcasm. You see him sort of scoff when saying it.
This is why you don't do drugs, kids.
Holy shit, for a holocaust there seems to be a fuck load of survivors floating around.