Is there anything wrong with these?
Darksiders Thread
They have some faults. 2 is padded out the ass.
Did THQ plan games for the other two?
I was asking more about the HDs in general, since they're advertised at 60fps
First one is very good
second one was rushed but still enjoyable
They're okay, I remember playing II on the 360 and the achievements referenced memes though
For PC, Deathinitive definitely crashes more (shouldn't be unplayable, but it's bad) and I'm guessing the new effects don't always look amazing. They did add some interesting stuff like they changed the stats and levels of all the preorder items and put them in chests around the world and added some chests that give you extra skill points. White loot was made much less common and better loot a little more common. Health Steal and Wrath Steal are much rarer and only even become available (on non-uniques) when you get near the end of your first playthrough. These two stats are incredibly overpowered so arguably its for the best, but the combat in the game is honestly not that great anyway.
I don't know how good the PC version of Warmastered is, would like to hear if anyone has tried it out.
I guess you're talking about console then? No reason you can't get both at 60 on PC. I don't know if there's any performance differences for consoles.
Just as games, they're both pretty good, great dungeons and 2 has some really awe inspiring environments and music.
They're pretty good, you should definitely play the first one. Meanwhile I need to finish the second one.
First one is alright once you get the scythe, but overall you end up with a few "cool" combos and attacks you can do like pressing ecks ecks ecks why into hold ecks ecks hold ecks or ecks ecks ecks into right bumper into ecks to cancel some enemies animation because its fucking fast as shit, hold right bumper into ecks to knock off shit enemies to focus on the big fat one but that's pretty much it and you can become invincible if you use your wrath-based powerups with the left bumper into ecks, the same thing with the chaos form crap. I don't know what's up with 2 other than it has diablo like garbage but less gay puzzles.
if you have shadows at max, that probably it, the highest setting for shadows actually make the game crash for some unkown reason.
Also warmastered seems just like the normal version, but with "some" textures redone, some of them are actually very low resolution for some reason.
they are boring and the artstyle sucks, but no.
Kind of dull, although I liked the way it looked. Could never finish either of them and are still in my backlog
i like the first one's combat more but it only gets good when you get the cross blade which can cancel you animations and basically give you unlimited air attacks
I try and make some webm's as example but i'm still at the start of the game so I may take a little while.
I liked 2 more than 1.
For some reason everybody else thinks otherwise
Warmastered has some sound issues during cutscenes, and I was having problems getting mouse look to work with it.
1 is superior to 2
I was wondering about that shit. It sounds fucking awful.
Yeah. I heard that they're working on patching the game, but the sound level problem is low on their priority list.
I can easily see it. Both games are enjoyable on their own and it depends on what you are after. DS2's combat and gear is more fun and Death is a better character, but DS1 is a stronger experience with better pacing and dungeon layout.
You can't really compare the two - it is like trying to compare Dark Souls and Devil May Cry 4.
I agree with you actually.
2 had better ost and story in my opinion, also there were more options for weapons and attacks.
Also Death is much more relatable in my opinion, when he break his voice at the end of the game I actually got goose bumps: "I stand at last at the well of souls… with no idea what to do next!"
You shouldn't be so hard on DMC4.
Here is an example of a combo you can do with the crossblade. It defiantly makes combat more fun.
my Webm cut off the start ill make 2 more but i think you get the idea
got 2 more webms of why the crossblade is sweet if anyone cares.
Second game is a prequel, thus series can go fuck itself
very nice meme
First one is also up to its eyeballs in shit puzzles, second one has a lot more action and its more fun, but it's a prequel so its shit anyways
I only played the first one
it wasn't bad, but it wasn't very good either
pretty forgettable game
something about the pacing or puzzles just made it kinda boring at times
No its not, DS2 take place concurrently with DS1 most or less. Hell it's all about Death trying to clear War's name for the Apocalypse. Though some time fuckery does take place.
I thought it took place after DS1.
I swear
Kinda, DS2 starts after the opening of DS1 where War is convicted of starting the apocalypse too soon, and Death tries to clear his name. But from then on both stories are happening at the same time. It's not quite a full sequel but it's certainly not a prequel like that guy was getting butthurt about for some reason.
The setting for it is a bit odd. Basically, it's concurrent on the whole, but takes place somewhere after the apocalypse. Death isn't aware of his brother having been sent back to Earth (which either implies the Charred Council keeping him in the dark or it being during War's downtime), and when you go to Earth from Lostlight, Uriel mentions two things: The Destroyer is using the artifact Death needs (ergo, War hasn't fought him yet), and that if she ever sees War around she'll kill him (IE: She hasn't seen Death's brother since the Apocalypse). Also, Present-Era Shadow's Edge has Samiel notably absent and his castle ruined (IE: He's still imprisoned or at least not strong enough to return him). That would imply Darksiders II taking place during the century timeskip between the prologue and main saga of the first game.
I rather enjoyed both, but it becomes very clear that THQ was trying to rush Vigil to just get Darksiders 2 out the door. The first Darksiders feels like a more polished game.
That's the joke.
I've played both, and the second one much more extensively, mostly because of the Arena, and the fact that DS2 is one of the few good hack and slashers that exists for PC, even if it IS a fucking port. I understand very few of the games in this genre are ever made for PC simply because they're basically designed solely for controller layouts, and play far better with them, but it's a shame the PC doesn't get more games in the vein of Bayonetta or DMC.
Anyway, I enjoyed the second a bit more. The combat feels better, it's slightly more complex when you understand the gear and spell options available to you, and attempting to get through all 100 stages of the arena without getting fucked is probably the most fun I've had with a hack n slash in forever. 2 also has better looking worlds and more fleshed out areas, although some dungeons are pretty lackluster and could have used a bit more Legend of Zelda creativity in them. It's pretty clear that the Darksiders franchise was essentially an homage to Zelda to begin with, actually.
And finally, fuck those goddamn corrupted angel bitches. I still have no idea what their mechanics are, every time I fight them in the arena I basically have to play it by ear and attack whenever I think they're open, which half the time they aren't. It also seems impossible to reliably dodge their attacks when there are more than one of them.
>proceed to make halfassed remastered versions of DS and shitty VR games that are also in third person
I have 0 hope for DS3, the new DAH! and anything new in the series Nordic has under their belt.
new meme?
DSII my man. You can't buy the original anymore.
oh shit
apparently it's only broken if you crank up the shadows, but good thing piracy is a thing :^)
My point is Gunfire has been added to the same shitlist Spark Unlimited occupied and I have 0 hope for anything THQ nordic shits out. I'm more than willing to be proven wrong on this but I'm just not that big of an optimist.
Looks like buying Darksiders I gives you both the original and the Warmastered edition. Pretty sure Nordic did something similar for the Titan Quest remaster they released. Maybe they've learned.
Deathinitive certainly could have been better but I don't think one poor remaster is a good reason to hate Gunfire. Nordic and Gunfire haven't really proven that they can do great things yet but it'd be a waste to not give them a chance.
This, picked up 2 on a sale and I think I'm fucking done. Got told I needed to get three things to fight a boss, fought the boss, got told to collect three people, got to one of the people who then told me to go and get three things before he'd come with me.
Fun game, but fuck, I don't think I can keep dealing with this shit. Is it worth persevering if I just bumrush this fucking dungeon and proceed? I like the combat and I'm interested in seeing the rest of the plot.
Oh well nothing lost
The filesize.
Steam store page says the Warmastered Edition is 36GB.
then why do you care? if you like the combat what does it matter if they throw lackluster plot excuses at you, as long as they make sense? If you like the combat all that should matter to you is going new places and fighting new enemies, getting new gear, etc. To address that issue anyway, the game really is not very long, so I'm wondering about your attention span. I mean it's not short either, but I have beaten the game several times, at least once on the highest difficulty, and I only have 40 hours in it (although I may be forgetting the hours I put into my pirated version before I bought the game).
m8 those are some australian speeds
tfw no nbn
If you think DSII is going to get better narrative/quest wise you'll be better off refunding. The game completely loses steam by the third area(Earth) and in the fourth it just ends abruptly. Just enjoy the combat and if you really want to get the most out of it go for no armor and below average scythes to actually get the chance to combo your way through enemies instead of steam rolling.
I never said that, I said that I don't like getting the same fucking objective shoved in my face every ten feet. At the very least they could mix it up a bit.
It's more that there's a ton of running through dungeons with the same palate and puzzles, I can enjoy the gameplay, but it feels aggravating to be given the runaround to such a degree that it feels like I'm accomplishing nothing along the way.
I'm only at the second area, I know it isn't very long, but I'm maybe seven hours in and I've been told to collect three things upwards to fifteen times now? Always three things, always. It's kind of obnoxious that they couldn't even include a little bit of variety at this point.
I mean, I'm not asking for shakespear, if losing steam means less bullshit runaround to collect three fucking objects to shove into a wall then it sounds like an improvement to me.
I should probably clarify that by 'area' I don't mean dungeon or anything like that. I mean the second landmass, the dead lands or whatever.
Just wait until you see the aftermath of bringing those three undead guys back to that sky barge or whatever it is. Not even Death is amused.
So when's 3 supposed to come out?
It's a pretty decent remaster. The game and cutscenes are much better looking, the gameplay is still as fun as I remember it being even though I never beat it. My only complaint is that for some reason the mouse movement is awful, as in it will stick on the screen every couple seconds for 7+ seconds at a time, it's annoying as fuck.