Hollywood actress brings the foreskin theft industry into scope

Celebrity Fashion Trend: Facials Made from Cloned Baby Foreskin Cells
Actress Cate Blanchett revealed a shocking beauty secret in a recent interview saying that she is a big fan of facial cream made in part from cloned cells from the amputated foreskins.

March 18th, 2018 by Warner Todd Huston
on Breitbart

Attached: cate-blanchett-AFP-640x480.jpg (597x519 27.67 KB, 13.44K)

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Jews don't eat your foreskin, you antisemitic filth
They just slather it on their skin

Attached: jew - feed me foreskins.jpg (735x490, 92.04K)

How can average women read this in their magazines and not feel sick at the thought of their own sons being mutilated for the perversions of rich nasty kikes?

Women have no real empathy. Or any emotions for that matter. It's only an approximation. Hence they see their kids as a way to feel good about themselves only.

The intense hate i have for these hollywood people knows no limit

Any mother is outraged, "women" are blind sheep, and are in the middle of a men aren't worthy of respect facade. That's why.

yeah she looks like a foreskin face

Oprah endorsed skin cream made from foreskins a long time ago, this is barely new at all. But for normalfags to still not even know this shit is all the more reason to spread it right now.

It all makes sense now.

I wonder who the werewolves are?

Attached: romanianwitch.jpg (750x1000, 296.36K)