Post well-designed enemies

Post well-designed enemies.

SMT enemies

Also well-designed = practical, aim for clarity rather than aesthetics right?


After you…


Mechanically speaking? Can't say there are any outside of boss fights. Some Zelda enemies are okay, I guess but get really tedious after a couple encounters.

Depends, do you mean in terms of physical design, or design of how they are in combat?


Alright, you know what, I changed my mind. I'll give you two bestiaries full of perfectly-designed enemies.

Serious Sam's entire design revolves around its enemy variety and patterns. Meanwhile, Quake has some pretty damn interesting AI patterns, especially for a 20 year old game.



These things

the pic to the left has an alien-looking aesthetic, with smooth curves, sharp points, and a beetle-like sheen to contrast the soft, boxy, plastic-like aesthetic of the humans.
the pic to the right is almost indistinguishable from the aesthetics of the Spartans aside from the different anatomy.

Aside from the weird fins on the side of the one on the left, they look exactly the fucking same, what kind of drugs are you on?

halo did follow good design rules (or did in the ones i played). you could easily identify any of them on the field, they color-coded their various threat levels, and it actually would have multiple enemy types in a single engagement, which i feel is something really lacking in shooters these days

halo, for all it's flaws, followed core design principles fairly well.
then you get this shit

I love bloodborne's designs

just because it has tiny eyes?

Do you mean style or game design? Both is shit in those games. But I must say I kinda like the Atorias armor… it's stolen from Berserk, though.

One on the left is closer to it's Halo 1 design. Halo 3 elites were just too bulky.

Say what you want about the rest of the game, pic related is incredibly well-designed, both from A E S T H E T I C standpoint, and from gameplay standpoint.

I'll give you the aesthetic.


That's probably the best designed enemy in any souls gamr


most encounters are in areas that you can set up traps/ hack some robots and shit. you dont have to just unload all your weapons into them user

It gave me a lot of trouble but I loved this fight.


It's preparation - the enemy.


Music was bretty gud, too.

In evey title released, Halo objectively did a lot of things extremely well. It was not experimental, but what was there was for the most part very polished

Into the fucking trash it goes

How do you make guards in a stealth game scarier?

Turn them into demonically possessed Undead.

Entirety of Killing floor but Siren is my favorite in terms of design/challenge.
Not difficult to take out but not a threat to be ignored either.

This. Its animation is amazingly aggressive.

For me it will be all of Dead Space.

SMT does have good designs but those are Persona you faggot. Persona =/= SMT

Pretty sure the pics were unrelated to that statement since he said SMT enemies, meaning the demons.

Then he should have posted them instead.

Notice how just about every area they haunt tend to be in pristine condition, even if surrounded by nothing but ruin?
I wonder if they actually go around repairing the structures whenever they're not laughing at shitty thieves.

I have to admit Phalanx is the most creative turd monster I've seen in a game.

That would actually be very neat and fit right into the pre-existing canon.

Well by Kek I suppose you're right.


I wanna fuck anzu


Most things Kirby are well designed.

PSO's attempt at demonic enemies was really unique. I was disappointed when PSO2 went with the Bayonetta approach.

I want to kiss her nipples

Why are elites so cute?



I want her to get a job

I want to turn her into a loli housewife

Dark Falz Disneyland was kinda cool, though
I'd check 'em, if you know what i mean


Maybe in the next life, friendo. Time to check if my noose-tying is still up to snuff ;_;


PSO's Dark-type enemies were fantastic
i actually want to make a group of enemies for my game with that aesthetic (including the moving lights, those were the best part)


She's so "well-designed", the rest of the game's practically worthless.



Bad times.

The revenant from doom, dangerous at all times but plenty of other enemies to prioritize depending on the situation



The Heavens Smiles are perfect as far as how they're done in the story.

It isn't enough that they look like they're excited to sacrifice themselves to kill you. No, they are also invisible, and the only indicator that they're nearby is a low-volume giggle. You need to turn up the volume to hear it, and that makes it all worse when they grab you and laugh as loud as they can, the smile being the last thing you see.

Also, the regeneradors in RE4. Seeing something creepy on an operating table, only to turn around and see it lunging at you? It's almost as bad as those Smiles.

I assure you, my heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of amour.

What ever gives you such lust for her form? What of her causes these bestial urges?


The R-Type series has a lot of great enemy designs. Surprised I've never seen any rule 34 on them.

That a really weird vagina.


Looks like the Eye of Evil or w/e from Berserk. Maybe that's where the inspiration went or came from. I like all these bosses you can climb on and around.


R-Type was created before Berserk so it would be Berserk copying the design. R-Type did a decent knock of the xenomorph though.

Because we're degenerates user-kun

I used to terrify my little sister by sneaking up on her and doing the the regenerator breathing/gasping. I'll have to try it again next time I visit.

Whoa, now. We're just discussing what makes her so well designed, for an enemy.

Do not sexualise the Wraith.

I can't help but notice you neglected to mention Vicar Amelia

She's pretty aesthetic


I didn't know that Xenosaga had that much crazy design behind it. It looked kinda meh in game.

Stop posting bosses anons.

It is far harder to design an interesting normal mob enemy than making a a boss

Lucky ID you've got there, I'd go gambling with you.
It's very rare for 3D models look exactly like how the official art does, but with Xenosaga I'd say they got it pretty well. But that could be because of how well animated some of them are, such as the Larva Face.

Yes, great Asst h i c cs

I was surprised at how much of a psychological hold these enemies try to take on the player.
If they catch you off guard, getting the key can be a really scary experience.

How about DDDA cyclops, the original cyclops myths were based on dwarf elephant skulls and they incorporated it into the game design





I still think the Gaping Dragon is one of the most original designs they made. Only aesthetically. As a boss it sucks

Somebody purged a bunch of Vicar Amilia off of R34 and E621. I remember her as a dickgirl and shit.


Yeah there was one pic like that. It's a shame most if not all of her lewd art is deviantart tier. At least there is lots of pretty SFW stuff.

Probably the only good-looking enemy in a modern Persona. It could almost pass for a Kaneko design.


would you an elite

i would

tfw no cuddles

Back when I first played Halo I used to hug a big pillow and pretend it was the Arbiter. He looked so strong.

So many good monsters.

Did you have all the merchandise and movies, and pray to him every night before bed, thanking him for the life you've been given?

Wasn't she literally built for sex?


Well, not to the producers demanding a "species" monster, but the designer himself probably realised about halfway through just what a shitty game he was working on, and decided to use the opportunity in order to mold the very idol of his lust with his peers.

Yes. Ever since I was like 14. Not a girl elite either. I wonder if there's a name for what's wrong with me.

its called being a fag

Does Bloodborne run any better on the neo? I plan on getting a ps4 some years down the line, but really I only want it for this game.

I was surprised at how much of a psychological hold these enemies try to take on the player.
If they catch you off guard, getting the key can be a really scary experience.

edited for typos


No they don't look exactly the same, he's talking about the subtle details like the difference in reflection of the armor material (which is different from the human's aesthetic and even Master Chief) and things like the placement and size of the shoulder pads and the guards. Also note that the one on the left has a different type of legs that makes the elite look less human. You won't notice them if you don't pay attention, but collectively those small details adds to the "alien" quality that you'll subconsciously pick up when seeing both a marine and an elite standing together. The HALO 3 elites also look like brutes sometimes in the same game, and they got rid of the under suit from pic 2 and it's this vague maybe skintight suit.

I played that pic related. I can't remember the name.

IMO the best RE enemy ever.

If there's one thing they did right with the FP in 2, its that they fixed one of my chief complaints about the FP from 1.

Ib, rpg maker.

They also made him swole as fuck, which I don't mind.

Shame about everything else, though.

Yeah KF2 just sort of did the roid treatment sequels do for some reason.


Won't unless they go back and patch it to run on the new hardware, and I haven't heard that they have any intention of doing so. Don't expect it to break 30 either way


I had been hearing that on the ps4 it has major frame drops so I didn't know if, at the very least, it kept a consistent 30 fps on the pro.

If not I may just by a PS4 when it gets super cheap. Dark Souls + Lovecraft is pretty much my dream game.

Yes, if there is a lot of effects or things happening you will see the frames drop
Neither Sony or FromSoft have announced a patch, so it will have the same performance on the Pro. I don't think they would keep it a secret seeing as BB is a potential system seller for them

I beg to differ.



Looks like the normfags are here again.

Normalfag, please take the redpill.

Norm is cool, though.

this shit is nightmare fuel


That's actually a pretty good pick, their appearance does a good job of naturally telling you everything you need to know about them from a gameplay perspective.



nigger, the appearance and how symmetrical a face is shows how good their genetic stock is. The face/skull has a lot of bones in it that need to fit together closely and fuse during childhood. If they have mixed heritage the bones for lower jaw won't fit the teeth or their cheek bones won't fit their skull etc. Other parts of the body don't have bones that fuse so close to the skin without layers of fat and muscle over them so the face is the best way of telling if your girl has impure genetics.

She is neither of those things.

Except her "genetic stock" is mainly unaffected. Her appearance and mindset alone is the result of a curse, which isn't rewriting her genetic code. That's like saying somebody who's face was splashed with acid is a bad choice. It won't affect the lineage.