>But in his own telling, he is locked in an epochal struggle with a far more worthy competitor: a (((shadowy international puppet-master))) whose dangerous ideas and limitless resources put him on par with the great invaders and occupiers defeated across centuries of Hungarian history.
>The scenes of hundreds of thousands of people making their way through the continent - replayed endlessly on television for months - came at a fortuitous time for Orban. His popularity had been starting to slip as the focus turned to plans for a tax increase and to (((alleged))) Fidesz corruption.
>Soros has long advocated what he describes as a (((more humane approach))) to those displaced by war and oppression, of whom there are a record 66 million worldwide, according to U.N. data. He has poured billions of dollars into groups, parties and politicians that work on behalf of asylum seekers and other marginalized groups, and has denounced leaders who use xenophobia to whip up support.
>Instead, he spent nearly the entire 25-minute address depicting what he described as a "clash of civilizations" between the patriotic defenders of a traditional Christian nation and "international forces" that want to repopulate Europe with Africans.
> 'A superior power," she said, smiling knowingly. "I don't want to give any names.
Good,its completely natural to tell jews and their shabbos puppets to fuck off with (((barbara specters))) multi cultural mode and further completely alright for Iran/North Korea not to have a jew owned central bank.The problem is an experimental country of rootless whores created by a disgusting kike who made all of it's money by a massive disinfo operation to buy everything at pennies on the dollar realatively then using central banks to get their way by enslaving nations and spewing a salivating frothy jew mess of bullshit propaganda that has only lasted because of kike usury as without that they always get expelled from their hosts once it is clear as it is in this day an age that rat jews are ass cancer to everyone even themselves.
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was (compared to the other European countries) pretty tolerant towards other religions though.
Samuel Nguyen
Which is why they ended up collapsing.
I think they've learned their lesson this time.
Daniel Martinez
Which in Lithuania is viewed as an era of oppression and subjugation for some reason. Today's Lithuanians really don't like Poles. Meanwhile Poles are rather indifferent to them, which is why this development is surprising.
Poland is 99% ethnic Poles now. Should another "Commonwealth" happen, it will probably be rather a decentralized version of a small EU with no political power. So you could say that.
Anyway, get em Orban, also funny how they tried to include, that Orban should be glad for Soros helping him when Hungary was under Soviet occupation. A very competent leader for not selling his people to neither the Chinese or the (((Globalists)))
Jaxson Hill
for reference on the jewish paradise that was the commonwealth, its the same process everytime
Lithuania was the last country in EU that was forcefuly christianised. So yeah, christianity, polonisation and kikes then started raping everything apart.
Michael Edwards
For this, I have much respect for Orban. He was groomed to be a Kike puppet, but he didn't play ball. He's not perfect by any means, his government (like all since the fall of communism) has it's fair share of corruption, but at root he is a Hungarian patriot, and the best choice on offer in Hungary at the moment.
There are two major events of recent history that still dominate the Hungarian political psyche. The treaty of Trianon, where Hungary was savagely carved up, leaving 1 in 3 ethnic Hungarians living outside the new border, and the Revolution of 1956, where they attempted to cast off the communism that had been forced on them, only to be crushed by the Soviets. A significant proportion of Hungarians recognize that both these events were basically cases of Hungary being fucked over by the Kikes. They're consequently the most Jew-wise country in Europe.
Camden Bailey
When you say (((Soviets))) you really should clarify (((Soviets)))
Depends, their friends, the Poles have also experienced a huge amount of backstabbing from the kikes and actually from everyone.
Mason Murphy
Lithuanians are minority in their own capital, so they are desperately trying to ethnically cleanse Poles.
Also, grand duchy of lithuania was majority Belarusian, and ruled by Lithuanians so polonized culturally and mixed with polish aristocracy they became Poles.
Ethan Smith
Kek. He says it as if its some unproven conspiracy theory while all of europe is being flooded with nogs.
Noah Williams
Meaning every name involved is a kike.
Mason Nelson
If you don't know their M.O. by now…
Black is white and white is black, because they said so, and they'll stifle anyone who disagrees.
Just name the fucking kike! Oh, wait, they did and the Western media went conveniently deaf at that exact second.
Luke Adams
Better yet… You know, there is another option for dealing with wealthy scheming kikes, you know?
I mean, I know this is a wild idea and all, but hear me out… What if… I say, what if…
What if… Guys, hear me out…
… What if…
… Guy, what if…
… When you kill your enemies, you win?
I know, its a wild idea, I don't think anyone has ever had it before, and certainly they've never tried it - *cough* Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix *cough*… But I think it might just work.
Jason Clark
You know what user, I think you're onto something here. Might be worth a shot.
Christopher Sanders
This. Search for Quantum Fund.
Matthew White
Hold on, I thought he was a "collaborator" for the Germans. I always saw him as an example of being unable to trust jews, as they'll turn their back on you first chance.