Seems there are stories every few weeks of another member resigning from this commission the leafs have going regarding dead injuns:
Perhaps there is a (((reason))) for all these (((unsolved))) murders? Post your leads here.
Seems there are stories every few weeks of another member resigning from this commission the leafs have going regarding dead injuns:
Perhaps there is a (((reason))) for all these (((unsolved))) murders? Post your leads here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe those gosh-darned lybyryls were right about white supremacist manpig serial killers all along!
Oh wait, that doesn't fit the narrative, so it can't possibly be true.
Try again, learningchoad.
Sounds more like Religion of Cuck™, and every other religion, than any group of (largely irreligious) people.
I'm normally classey enough not to name the jew. But you….. Common now…
INGAPORE: Marina Mahathir was a critic of the government even when her father, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, was Prime Minister of Malaysia between 1981 and 2003.
In fact, some wondered if she did it on purpose just so that she wouldn’t have to live in his shadow forever.
She rejects that.
“I am not conniving like that. I just say what I believe is the truth and what makes me comfortable, which never depends on whims, fancies or gossip.”
She points out that on some issues, she and her father have actually always been aligned.
“My own voice developed through my AIDS advocacy work and I am forever grateful to it. And my dad, being a doctor, understood it better than most. He was the first PM who met and talked with a HIV-positive person, without at first knowing she was, and the first person who officially talked about 'compulsory licensing' for anti-retroviral drugs.”
Today, as he has been drawn back into politics because of his vocal opposition to current Prime Minister Najib Razak, their views seem more aligned than ever in suggesting that Malaysia needs change.
At the age of 92, he has been named the prime ministerial candidate for the Malaysian opposition Pakatan Harapan coalition in the next election.
While in Singapore for a recent global leadership conference organised by YPO, the world's premier peer network of chief executives, Ms Marina took time out to discuss not just herself but her father.
She might have disagreed with him, but they always came across as close.
“My father and I never really had a problem and we never let our differences affect our relationship.”
Today, she admires and respects him for wanting to return to the political fray.
"The name does open doors and give me a platform. But (among his detractors), people get at me just because of my name which I think is unjust but what can I do? That's annoying. People start attacking you without knowing anything. Don’t even know you and make assumptions about you."
Not baked?
Sometimes you have to use the accessible numbers to make your point.
Getting back to the topic, interesting that (((Winnipeg))) is the go-to hot spot for aboriginal child prostitutes. Mayor (((Sam Katz))) sure liked his reserve hot dogs…
Can you just fuck off to another board already? I'm tired of seeing your autism all over the fucking place.
Its just more anti-white propaganda. It implies that only chug women are murdered and it also implies chugs arent the ones doing it to themsevles.
Sure thing, Schlomo.
That's exactly what has been happening.
jews aren't white, kike.
I've always liked metis. Good people.
when gas huffing alcoholics with fetal alcohol syndrome lead a risky life of homelessness, prostitution, and drug addiction it's not surprising if they run away, go missing etc. or they grow up in a house with abusive alcoholic FAS parents and they're smoking crack and drinking lysol at 14 its no surprise they run away instead of being raped by their cousins again.
if chugs would just put down the bottle and raise their children right they'd stop going missing
that's why they are all resigning, because they know all the fucking indians are expecting some deep insightful answers when THEY ARE THE PROBLEM and these people are realising they have nothing positive to tell them. how many hundreds of millions of dollars has the government wasted to find out indians are shitty parents and live high risk lives?
It's been at least 3 years since that form of shitposting started here. Whether it's still the same guy or an endless slew of copycats is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is they will never fuck off because the rules don't apply to them. Maybe they're mods. Maybe they have the mods in their pocket. You report them and you will get almost immediately dismissed.
But if you call them out in a thread, kinda like I'm doing right now, you are liable to get banned. Why? I don't fucking know. Over the past year I've been banned twice, once for calling out Rachposter and again for calling out the Angloposter, because apparently you shouldn't call out divisive anti-white influences on Holla Forums. Well, when the people in charge of this board refuse to do their job, you find yourself out of options and you have to identify the shill posts all by yourself to make sure newfags don't fall for them.
And as for the mod/vol that was banning people left, right and center for (((chronic shitposting))) a couple months back, you have my full permission
> there is a (((reason))) for all these (((unsolved))) murders?
Because they are not mixed and the injuns are trying to preserve their culture by not mixing with other races. Jews wanted everyone to be mixed and no more pure people left.
If that sperm drinker wannabe is here you may be onto something. Nothing like easy prey for the blood thirsty Juden, eh? Plus you get to blame whitey.
A shame what Winnipeg's turned into.
And the fact two past premiers and five current chiefs of police are on tape with young injuns.
t. MI
Ever dealt with a chug squaw? They make the worst nigress seem like sweet tempered paragons of wisdom and cleanliness . Truly nasty characters. If they're getting wasted it's because they did something to bring it down on their own heads.
The missing bodies are all buried on the reservations.
Eat a dick, kike. You get banned because we don't like your kind here. They are doing their job handling you doing yours.
Keep pushing those kike 56ers. You will never be white, just like the kike you are trying to associate with America.
Anyone that has lived on or near a rez can attest to this. Men are shit too. I would almost say they are worse than niggers but in general they can at least be trusted to stick around their communities. Niggers you find everywhere.
Their entire mentality is take what isn't nailed down because someone else will and possession is ownership. Use people because they will use you etc. Almost like these are an ancient breed of kike (deni/neander offshoot) that came across the land brides after white man took a look.
Like anyone who has actually had to deal with injuns already knows, 80% of them were likely murdered by other injuns.
t. has dealt with injuns
Chug here, most of them were probably raped by drug dealers and killed. Natives aren't exactly known for being productive members of society. Almost every single other chug I've interacted with has been a complete degenerate.
You can get banned if you post pic related, ffs.
Forgot this:
5% of the population - 33% of accused of homicide (where the ethnicity was identified) were chugs.
males 2.5% of population - 29% of accused of homicide were chugs
females 2.5% of population - 61% of those accused of homicide were chugs
How much truth is there to my smartass retort regarding the government not giving a shit about injuns and pointing to the missing women as a clear example of that, I like to point out that if the goddamn indians would let police dig up on reservations they'd likely find most of them.
The commission is a poison pill. Nobody wants to be the one to put out a report that has the truth in it, because it will be Imperialism and Hate.
If they're lucky they will dig up one or two white serial killers who took out a few and they can spend all their time talking about that and ignoring all the shallow graves on reserve land.
Or or or or or or - you could just accept the fact that these women are mostly prostitutes who live in rural areas where catching and investigating a killer is near impossible. It's most likely just natives fucking each other over.
Hey I've been on the reserve plenty of times before.
They are simply killing each other. The different tribes haven't stoppped fighting each other just because Europeans came. Mohawk and Ojibway for example are still basically at war with each other. Amerindians don't see themselves as simply "Native American", they still know their respective histories and know themselves to belong to their particular tribes, and they go to the other reserves and kill members of an enemy tribe.
This is the case.
t. knower
They're killing one another. It isn't an uncommon thing in leafland. The reason why people keep quitting is because they aren't allowed to come to the conclusion that minorities are causing crime. I mean leafland media makes soviet censorship look like actual freedom.
user that's just irresponsible. You have to also mention that many of these whores are also junkies. I live in Canada and the way this missing women shit is presented is literally "clearly the cops don't care because these are women and they are also kinda-brown" and then you look at the missing women and it's prostitutes, addicts, prostituting addicts, and teenage runaways about 98% of the time. I have no doubt that a few serial killers have come up in the area over recent decades due to the happy hunting conditions, but one would have to be retarded to think that it's all government corruption and evil white men. I say they'd find most of these cunts if they'd let a proper investigation take place, but that would involve white men with shovels on their precious reservations so they deny that and call "muh racism!" Fuck em. They're basically as savage as niggers, but were here first and there's like 17 of them left so the far-right doesn't talk about their similar to blacks crime stats. This thread was the first time in a while I've seen such a thing mentioned.
Our popular conservative paper in my area is The Toronto Sun, which I had no idea was considered the right wing paper for decades because it's basically the same as the leftist trash media. It's like the pitch for the paper was "We take the New York Post, we get rid of any edge or classlessness that paper had, and then make it super polite and have a Thomas Sowell article every couple months. Bam! Conservative newspaper in print!"
The injun are dump animals that would rather be kings of a shithole than to be citizens of a country that every Mexican would kill to have citizenship of.
The sayanim are out in force I see.
It's owned by the National Post, the lolberg/Conrad Black vanity project now.
Is (((Lorrie Goldstein))) still the editor?
You know he suddenly resigned last year, right?
>the (((RCMP)))
Oh you mean the firearm seizing, coke-running, willy-nilly raping, (((RCMP)))?
Tell me more.
The kikes do a shitload of ritual murder out in the Kelowna to Golden area, from what I've heard.
Also, most of that domain's registration details (name of registrar, address, etc.) are private.
This is exactly what I was talking about in
Learn to properly link posts and threads newfag.
Working on it.
It's the three ">>>", right?
Maybe someone decided to finish the job. We should have wiped them out when we reclaimed our rightful land.
The entire earth and every other planet is the rightful clay of the white man
Apparently not, editor-in-chief is now listed as a woman named Adrienne Batra, who describes herself as a libertarian fan of Ayn Rand and Margaret Thatcher. So it's not great, but it's not as bad as it could be.
I'll be honest, I kinda like Conrad Black, I don't agree with many his views but it seems like every time his name popped up in news it was something that annoyed the left, so that's at least something approaching a redeemable quality. Also if I have to pick a paper of the national papers here based on news and level I'd agree with their editorial staff, I'd go National Post. That's about the equivalent of saying "I came in second in a race with a group of retarded children."
This lad gets it. I lived on rez's all over the country…a lot of murders, incest, pedo shit goes on. They were all most likely killed by an uncle or cuz. Or they were Dene, banging a Cree…they literally still have tribal war amongst each other.
Both Toronto Sun & National Post are owned by the Washington Post aka Jeff Bezos aka Clowns now. Conrad Black hasn't owned the paper since way before he went to jail. The way he sold the paper is part of the reasons he went to jail. It's globalist garbage except for the occasional Conrad Black or Rex Murphy article.
Look up Kristine Marcy.
you haven't lived till you've taking a ride on a Vancouver bus at rush hour and a hideous chug with tertiary syphilis erupting in big red blotches on his face comes on board reeling drunk on Lysol Koolaid coctails and the staggers to the back to sit on the side bench and then just releases a huge load of liquid shit through his pants onto the bench from his lysol rotted guts that pours everywhere as the crowd recoils in horror and then get pour off the bus, preferring a driving rainstorm in the dark and cold to abiding even one more instant with this inhuman troglodyte.
The reason for unsolved murders is that reality is not like tv. Unless they are totally incompetent or admit guilt they aren't going to get caught.
Kikes want their land. End of story.
The fate of the Injuns is the same fate (((they))) want for whites. Mixed until your descendants are 1/16 white, their land, culture, and any remnants of identity are completely removed and replaced with consumerism, aimless degeneracy and substance abuse. The injuns were savages but don't think for a second that whites are immune from sharing a similar fate if the West doesn't turn its shit around. A thread of similarity can be drawn between communities ravaged by the Opioid Epidemic and a fucking Rez.
That doesn't sound right user. The media told us indians were peace loving tree huggers before ebil whitey came and stole their land.
I was one of those guys that got "chronic shitposting" bans multiple times. I was just posting like a normal Holla Forums poster writing my comments and contributing to threads, not trying to create any problems, but the ban reason I'd get was that.
Those comments are not good. So much white guilt in the comments there. I'm not even sure what to say for once, what to tell them to make them stop feeling that guilt?
she allegedly extorted VPD and RCMP officials to keep her out of court as a witness even though she must have known the women were disappearing on her property;
as a Kerrisdale realtor, she was a best (?) friend of Carole Taylor (former Vancouver City councilor) and Nancy Campbell while their husbands Art Philips and Gordon Campbell were creating bcIMC – perhaps the world’s first pooled pig-farm pension plan to kick-back major crime-scene benefits to a city police force;
This, it's a form of vampirism.
Ignore all rachposters
Do not reply to any rachposters
Do not link to any rachposts
Filter all rachposters
Anyone ever date or bang a chug squaw for any length of time? how good are they between the sheets?
it's a bucket list sorta thing I have
No Hitler. I cannot tell how many times I've found dead injuns in the woods because they figured trying to fuck with a neighboring tribe or armed whitey was a good idea.
Do you like GRIDS or any other STD because more often than not they've got em and no a condom does not stop the AIDS.
I've heard they're sweet, but lazy.
I'm sick of the faggy attitude so many people have these days. It's not even real "guilt," it's knowing that they have a chance to virtue signal and making good and god damned sure everyone sees how very pious and righteous they are. Do any of these dickheads ever pull up roots and go live in England? Ireland? Germany? France? Italy or Russia or Poland? No, they stay in the countries they were born in, that their great-grandfather' great-grandfathers tamed from literal wilderness, and vote for higher taxes and more brown people. It's vomit-inducing.
Go back to your hugbox
Would Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne be acceptable?
Holy shit this is how bad it has gotten now? Open transparent kike posting is getting majority support now? Shills completely outnumber actual people now? Fuck off and die Schlomo, "indigenous" bitches aren't missing or murdered any more than any other group. Their cases are solved just as often as any other case. Surprise, people die.
I really have to disagree with a lot of posters here. Not all of the tribes are the same. Some are highly militant and psychopathic, like plains Crees (who have completely ruined Winnipeg). Others are less militant and psychopathic. Personable even. I've met lots of decent Haidas, Nishkas, and Salish on the west cost. Met lots of decent Inuit up in Yellowknife and they're basically just second-rate Chinese people in looks and behaviour.
It's for crosslinks from other boards. ">>" is for this board (internal).
And chinks and gooks are basically just second rate cockroaches in looks and behavior.
I hope you like fatties. Even if you manage to find a skinny squaw, it won't take long for her to balloon up. Also, she's had more dicks in her than a bus station men's room.
We all know kikes are cannibalistic rapists, sadists and torturers. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle.
wir mussen die juden ausrotten.
Nick hess is a murderer
Sure thing Schlomo.
You keep making these strawmen and hitting them, but it's really not very effective, kike.
You keep pretending there's an issue to care about and telling goyim to feel guilty, but it's really not very effective, kike.
My halfbrother's dog was shot and killed with a .22 by one of his daughters because she was angry at him for (allegedly) cheating on her with her younger sister. Always gets my cock rock hard, tbh.
Skimmed through it. This report looks like a shitshow. I'm not surprised people are resigning from it because it's an embarrassment. They have already decided the conclusion so they will never be able to find the truth.
Generally they are asking for more free things like free busing along the dangerous part of the highway, gifts of goodwill, and more money for the commission but not in a way that's colonialist or patriarchal.
They lament the fact that abbos are overrepresented in prison and as victims of murder without coming to the obvious conclusion that those two facts are connected.
You might be able to have a Natsoc Newspaper delivered in that area:
You really do suck at this.
Podesta emails someone sent him a newsletter with massive amounts of information on Canadian Indian women that have went missing. I believe it was labeled something like "You should take a look at this." Full autism style by some woman. It was long, but looked like it might be pizza related.
Still more people than you'll ever be, kike.
It's starting.
Chugs are still better than kikes, lol.
Wait, are there actual investigations going?
What the fuck timeline are we in?
Yes, everyone is better than you.
Not by Canada. By their owners.
The only one I've ever seen that's been in any way attractive was probably 95%+ white, almost as pale as me, blue eyes and the only thing that was a real giveaway as to her having any non-European ancestry at all was jet black hair which you will not see in the European populations that created Canada and the US.
Also she had a dumb hippie name because her parents were dude weed types.
Anyway most of this is probably just them killing each other and officials getting sacked for pointing out what is obviously true but I also wouldn't be surprised if there's some Shlomo action in there too.
These people aren't as bad as blacks generally because the crime they commit isn't typically as severe as blacks. They're still over represented in prison though because they do commit a lot of petty and moderate type crime consistent with their average IQ being in the high 80s, low 90s probably thanks to the fact that they have significant European admixture – thanks to French degenerates that will fuck anything.
Everybody is killing chugs. Its the same shit with the abbos in Australia. Serial killers and pedophiles realize there's a population the cops don't give enough of a fuck about to bother defending and set upon them like wolves. It wouldn't surprise me if kikes are in on the frenzy though.
Yeah it's called look how big Canada is - and these people live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.
I highly doubt there's Jewish involvement in this stuff. What they don't advertise is that the number of missing men from these communities is greater than the women by 25-50% and the reservations that they live on having absolutely fucking nothing going on for them. I imagine that a large number of suicides are called "missing" so as to not depress the ever-loving shit out of people paying attention to the news, and most of them went "missing" at two hands of their own indigenous neighbors.
Which means 100% involvement.
Drty cops are the kike's mason pets, they sure are nervous…
have a bump
This - they're pretty relaxed and mainly a danger to themselves. Back east is another matter.
Hi kike, I disagree. They're probably raptured for ritual sacrifice, sold to prostitution or slavery, since they're injuns nobody is going to make a fuss about it.
This. Being shocked about murders innawoods is laughable but rest assured they'll try to blame whitey for this somehow.
Libs are still having trouble getting a proper identity politics movement going in leafland. For some odd reason multicultural communities has worked in leafland bc everyone retreats back into their communities and leaves everyone else alone.
Problem for libs is they let in too many different cultures and theres no one issue that can tie everyone together. The "muh colonialsts" angle really doesn't work because leafs don't have a strong military past and fought a war against those ebil colonialist americans. The mil today are "peacekeepers".
Only people causing a flair up in race relations are lib politicians (obviously) and now there's a massive backlash from every race throughout the country. Natives are their last resort (muh colonialists) but there aren't enough whites left to rail against and nonwhites couldn't give a flying fuck.
Kike alert.
I'm not convinced that there's some conspiracy going on. There's no statistically significant difference in the rate at which abo and non-abo womens murder cases are solved. Among the solved cases, there's nothing really abnormal about the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator: they're being murdered by people they know.
It just comes down to no one wanting to admit that aboriginal women are being killed by aboriginal men and that their communities are simply more violent.