Well look what I found. I knew kike chunsoft announced 999 and VLR on PC, but I did not expect a 2 in 1.
Let's take this occasion to fondly reminisce how crushingly disappointing ZTD was.
Zero Escape thread
I don't think ZTD was that bad, weaker than the other two but I enjoyed the puzzles.
Well, I liked it too, despite the strange changes in narration, up until the force quit boxes. After which it squanders most of what it built up and takes a huge dump on VLR. It just doesn't do its job in the third act.
How are they going to replicate 999's hardware gimmicks without the DS? The two screens were pretty important.
The second act with Carlos+Junpei and Sigma jumping to other timelines was great. But the third act really dropped the ball, it feels almost like it turned into another game. One that's sole purpose is to troll the players.
That's a legitimate question, yeah, especially if it's going to get bundled with VLR. I refuse to think whoever works on this would miss the whole dual screen meta aspect, so I'll choose to believe they know what they're doing and are trying to convey it in a completely different interface. Which is some wishful thinking.
What gimmicks?
After ZTD that's a hard pill to swallow
It's at least nice to see that 999 is getting remastered instead of just porting over the prerendered 240x160 DS images. Although it does look like it was remade in full 3D, which is disappointing.
Did you get the true ending?
Then you should understand why it's important that the game was taking place on two screens and not just one
No it doesn't
I don't remember a single thing reliant on dual screen unless you are talking about that stupid sudoku shit in which case its not a gimmick in the first place.
Then you weren't paying attention at all, nothing much more to say
hmm really made me think
How long are those games and how much actual gameplay is there ? And is the story actually good ?
I love point & click / escape games but I'm scared to have to read 100 hours of retarded japanese sci-fi.
Every single time
I see fucks like you talking about how reliant on dual screen 999 is and whenever someone asks to elaborate you dodge questions like a nigger dodging child support.
Maybe 20 hours apiece
It's like 50% puzzles and 50% reading
It's like 50% good
999 is pretty good and has some basic puzzles. Its also self contained beyond some throwaway shit so you can avoid playing anything beyond it.
shut the fuck up pal
So you've had this argument before and still don't understand? I absolutely can't help you, then
It's not like the explanation is subtle or nuanced, the dual-screen gimmick plays out in a very explicit and heavy-handed way. If you made it to the true ending and don't get the intention of the two screens then your eyes were glazed over while reading the ending or you're lying about getting the true ending
What I expected:
What we get:
Stop playing the game at C team's Circle of Fate ending, the story is then a continuous time loop and the future is always fucked. There that's a better ending than what we fucking got.
No you fucking cunt
How about you stop being a vague faggot and actually elaborate yourself?
Holy shit just go back and play the game
The dual screens was much less of a game mechanic and more so of a story mechanic, specifically when you flip the handheld upside down was to show you that both Junpei and Akane had achieved a link through space and time. YOU were specifically Junpei in that moment while you were helping Akane on the console.
You must have skipped all the reading to miss the significance of this moment.
How the fuck is that relevant to dual screen setup you fucking mong?
Have you never seen picture in picture done on a single screen? Are you seriously this retarded?
Seriously all this song and dance for something that can not only be easily done on a single screen but has been done in shlock movies to throwaway video games.
>specifically when you flip the handheld upside down was to show you that both Junpei and Akane had achieved a link through space and time
The game literally states that right before that moment.
All this time I thought it was something like the Tin pin slammer minigame from TWEWY but it ended up being that retarded sudoku shit that isn't even relevant to the hardware used.
I don't think ZTD was crushingly disappointing on the fact that every game had an extra character on the sideline that was hinted at but you honestly had no idea was there.
999 was dead Akane controlling everything
VLR was old Sigma and Akane being the old woman in K's armor
ZTD was obviously the hints all through the game at there being a 10th person
It kept true to the narrative, but i agree with to an extent. Loved the Sigma and Diana arc, and the Carlos, Akane and Junpei arc. The Eric, Mira and Boy arc is by far the weakest, the Boy being the best character.
I don't think it was disappointing from a story perspective, but they could have handled the 10th person in a much better way after the plot drop that was Diana and Sigma's arc.
I'm not getting into your argument, but I played 999 on emulator with the screens sideways instead of top-bottom, and enjoyed it very much. Didn't even think about the dual screen thing. Maybe it will be just like an emulator version, with higher resolution and option to choose how to order your screens?
>How the fuck is showing two separate scenes simultaneously relevant to dual screen setup
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed yourself, faggot
I only almost beat 999 before my save corrupted, and then I read spoilers for it because fuck playing through it again.
Is the rest of the series worth playing?
Yeah, funny
Virtues Last Reward is really good. As you can see from this thread, Zero Time Dilemma has a split down the middle. ZTD has its good moments but its overshadowed by an ending that feels more of a troll than it does as a final conclusion, and if you want to find out what happens to the characters you have to read Extra final files after you beat the game
TL;DR Virtues Last Reward is good, Zero Time Dilemma is iffy depending who you ask
Nearly everything is worth playing, user.
999 compared to the first sequel feels more like a fever dream, a standalone experience that didn't need continuation, only maybe a spiritual successor. In the sequel, unlike 999, you don't have to play through again and again through the first puzzle and then skip text until you hit the choices for other routes, you can hop instantly from scene to scene after the first playthrough (maybe even before but I didn't realise). This unfortunately makes the endgame of the last two or three hours literally hopping to a new scene, watching a cutscene more often than getting a puzzle room, and then with what you learn there you hop to another point and so on. This trend also continues in the third game, and I think it's worse for wear.
999 = nice little experience with weird relatable characters, alternate history and science, if you don't count the sudoku part, worthy of experiencing fully. The sequels are not as good and in the worst case scenario retcon your love for the first game.
VLR is good, yes, but as it's basically a full game that's just a setup for the last game (which is inferior to previous parts in every way) you gotta deduct some points.
Fair enough.
Jesus christ go back to halfchan with this attitude. While the rest of the zero escape series is absolutely worth playing, if your standards are that fucking low then the only thing for you to do is go off and die somewhere, preferably somewhere that won't inconvenience anyone any further.
Yeah thats fair I can agree with that. Can't stop me from fapping to Clover the whole time
I'd play a game like that.
katawa shoujo is cancer
your point?
what a waste of trips
Yeah because nothing has ever been able to show two different scenes simultaneously in anything ever because of the single screen limitation.
Christ off yourself you dumb fuck
They haven't and have been able to present it as a twist, no, not the way 999 needed to.
Big words from someone who couldn't even understand the ending of a video game, this isn't high literature