So has anyone actually played Tranny?
How bad is it?
Worth a pirate ?
So has anyone actually played Tranny?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even worth a pirate.
don't bother
Irredeemably so. You should literally kill yourself for even considering it, literally. #coolkidshitoncrpgs
To summary:
- Crapload of SJW rubbish, but at least you get to kill them all annoying cunts
- "Help a gayfag barbarian get the biggest dick in town in his ass" sidequest
- "Womyn are braver sex, men are idiots"
- "Male can't be alpha"
- Short campaign that got cut short with cliffhanger (like Deus Ex: MD)
- Combat is as fun as watching old people fuck, but at least spellcrafting is okay
- Wasted a bunch of good characters
Marx is like so last month :^)
I'll give you the ending thing though
Are you serious.
Holla Forums, when will you get it through your autistic head? You're not welcome here or anywhere else actually.
It's actually a quest to find him the best fuckboi in town. Because that's what a game where the big bad won is all about I guess.
I'm itching for some good old PC D&D RPG.
Is ToEE just the better of the bunch?
There were several threads like weeks ago and people posting screenshots of it. Yes, I do shit you not, my friend. Some dialogues you will not find if you play a male character though (that cunt Eb)
And here I was thinking Holla Forums was dead, oh well at least 4amfags got proper fucked earlier.
Yeah, the joke edits since you brave sjw hunters only had muh claims and two .jpegs pulled from half/v/. Funny how all of you missed the lesbian widow murderess quest in leth's crossing.
Depends on what you want. ToEE is the closest to D&D in terms of mechanics but it has stability issues and some aspects feel half baked.
Oy vey r8 my voryer
Bait. But what the heck, I am taking it anyways.
It's the type of game where things are very easy to miss, you div (4 main fucking routes that closes and open doors/quests) and MC gender plays a large role in dialogue. Also that quest was pretty trash straightforward unmemorable side quest.
For example: First encounter with Eb. You can answer her questions and ask some of your own and it will turned into a discussion. If MC is male, it get cut short, if MC is female, you get women is the braver sex and men are idiot rant. First 10 minutes into the game
Bitching-In-Shadows If you are male, you get greeted by male can't be alpha routine.
The fuckboi quest I don't get this quest on my 2 playthroughs, maybe you have to side with SC and give SC town control in conquest to get it. IDK.
Now bugger off, you Holla Forums bastard.
Is this an edit?
I've pirated it and got that rant when I played as a male. I think it depends on what dialouge choices you pick
First, go fuck yourself. I'm not going to pretend I was here before HW but when I first came around local anons prided themselves on calling out bullshit. I don't plan to shit on their memory so some random asshole will be impressed with my edge.
You can get that regardless since it's based on loyalty/fear.
Check related.
So you haven't even seen it for yourself but feel compelled to repeat it as a god given? Listen and believe indeed.
Ex Holla Forumstard and the occasional fa/tg/uy actually. Also occasionally stormfag but hey, we all need hobbies away from vidya :^)
wrong ;)
Fuck off to Holla Forums.
But can you fuck the whole tribe?
Shit game if you can't, tbh.
No, it's as boring as Pillars both story and gameplay wise.
Funnily enough they're harder to rile up then Holla Forums these days. But seriously, most of you fuckers don't even mention the truly cringy shit: the wewuz female grandmastersmith, the casually married lesbians turned deadly love triangle, the /furry/ tier erp if you chose to dominate rather then exterminate the walking carpets…
Also no mention of SS like df shit, Barik using "degenerate" as if he's part of Holla Forums, the Songbird being the proto waifu, the Lantry being the ultimate bro or lackey. Hell, just you being able to kill everyone and feel good while doing it should count for something.
You /tg/ cucks disgust me more than Holla Forums.
I don't see an answer for my question in that post. . .
You can literally fuck with the whole tribe. I used fireballs and killing blow moonman magic with marking ice fields but I'll leave the details to you :^)
Is /leftytg/ a thing yet? :^)
tbh, fam I see no problem of torrenting the game. The real issue is the retards buying the game.
It's a shit game regardless, even if you're one of those MUH GAMEPLAY faggots. Sawyer made sure to suck any and all enjoyment out of it.
This. Combat blows, story blows, game got cut short, and the crap-flavored cherry on top are the SJW rubbish.
Even the mainstream does not like it that much.
That may be the case, but you should always try to make your own opinion as long you don't need to waste money to do so.
Heuristics exist for a reason user.
You /leftfurry/ cucks need to go back :^)
Did you miss the part I told you to pirate it? Also, I never played the game but I'm torrenting it right now to see for myself how it is.
Yeah, it called /tg/.
t. faggot surprised the non-gameplay is shit
Keep shilling /leftscurv/ well, did you see me write how it's a good game?or how you shouldn't pirate it, or anything else?
And why the fuck should I listen to you instead of playing the game myself? Jesus Christ, user. I'm not saying you are wrong to shit on the game, but stop being such a fucking retard about people actually trying something.
Or maybe you are just one of the /leftpol/, Holla Forums, faggots that tries to give Holla Forums a bad name by acting like retards.
It doesn't matter anyway.
I've tried almost everygame in this genre and the most I could get was fallout 2 with 7 hours. I love the deep customization and having a part and all but hate everything else.
No, he's just a /tg/ cuck. They're all bottom bitches like him.
But seriously, there is no point in trying any game by nuObsidian. They're BioWare 2.0.
To actually talk about the vidya (which I know is against the rules or some shit), it's pretty decent, but it's way too short. It really needs more content.
On the other hand, going around and exploring the tiers is pretty fun. However, they half-assed the "EVIL HAS WON" aspect, which sucks. I would love it if you could stay loyal to the BBEG for example.
And this sort of shit is pretty consistent through the game. There's a lot of good ideas, but they're kind of half-assed.
It's set at the end of the bronze-age, which is kinda cool. But we don't see them do anything with that information.
We have Holla Forums (The Chorus) and Holla Forums (The Disfavoured) on the same side, hating eachother, which is cool. But you're very limited in how you approach this conflict.
The combat is okay, I guess. Just play it on easy and it will be over soon enough. You can collect oodles of loot, too, but do you really care about the loot you get?
When all of it is just shit-with-numbers then you don't really care, do you?
It had a lot of potential and doesn't really live up to it, but it's worth a torrent to check out.
Go back to reddit, you fucking idiot.
There's so many better CRPGs that you can go replay instead OP.
ToEE and IWD
back to reddit with you
I didn't say anything on where I stood because it wasn't interesting.
I merely said, that the whole Disfavoured/Chorus thing was interesting.
Maybe you should fuck off back to reddit yourself, m'lady?
wait, how can you crush spit?
I wonder what parts you consider decent. Because it can't be the fucking writing, graphics or gameplay.
No reason what so ever.
Were you molested by a d20 or something? I can imagine those being painful to sit on. :^)
You pretend it's the bourgeois imperialistic pig-dogs instead? :^)
it has some actual C&C and interesting premise and artstyle, but the writing is meh and the combat is pathetically boring to the point where it actually drags everything else down
What's the point of choices when I could give less of a shit about the consequences?
ToEE with Temple+ mod will make you cry D&D tears.
without it, there's only the cool factor of 'holy shit, my actions actually had a consequence', but that won't carry an entire game
One autist is remaking the whole of Icewind Dale in ToEE.
I no
I just wish Greyhawk wasn't such a shit setting
Too bad, it's not like Forgotten Realms is any better.
You play ToEE for the gameplay.
I preordered it.
Absolute shit
The only redeeming features about the game are Sirin, Lantry, Graven Ashe, and the magic system quite frankly. Its biggest weakness is dropping the ball like a fucking meteor half-way through Act 2 and never picking it up again.
Well I hope you finally learned your lesson.
I liberated a copy and played through the first few hours or so. It seems to be okay - the art style is very Tumblrish and there are elements of the writing that seem pretty SJWy (for example, women are explicitly the dominant gender). I thought their spell system was fun but otherwise the aesthetic of the game overall is slowly turning me away from it. I doubt I'll finish it, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't a diehard RPG fan.
whos she? i wanna fuck her
I bet you participated in the kikestarter as well.
/tg/ dosnt care about this game, I think there was a single mention in a thread about /tg/ related vidya (mentioning how bad it is)
also this guy likely dosnt browse /tg/ he is probably Holla Forums trying to start shit.
They share the same userbase.
It's kind of an achievement to make a ruleset that is so bland that even /tg/ doesn't care about it.
/tg/ is redpilled as fuck, always has been.
Trips confirmed it. That cunt was trying to set the boards on each other, I mean look at that smug smileys at the end of the post.
The absolute bastard (´꒳`)
/tg/ has been a hive of leftist filth since 09, faggot. I've seen faggots like you claim 8/tg/ isn't like that but it's a lie.
Have you ever seen a fucking "world building" tread? Nothing but WE WUZ shit.
Nigger that's the WHOLE point of tabletop RPGs. I've played all those games sans Eclipse Phase and not once on a pre-established setting. The ambience is the icing on the cake, but generally, you buy those games for the mechanics, and run them in a setting of your own. /tg/ is nothing like Holla Forums in the sense that you own the game you buy in every single aspect. Don't like a mechanic, you strip it out, don't like a piece of lore, you ignore it. Full-Holla Forumsirgins don't understand this.
I understand what pathetic worms you are.
Ignoring shit aspects of the lore or rules is perfectly normal and necessary for PnP you cuck because, guess what, there is not setting that is 100% uncucked and there never was.
That's pretty much the same as calling someone a cuck for buying a game for the gameplay, which is what Holla Forums generally glorifies.
Nice strawman you massive autist, never said it's better, keep your inferiority complex is check. It does work differently though, by nature. You cannot judge vidya by the same standards you judge a ttRPG or vice-versa.
Again keep your inferiority complex in check m8, not shitting on vidya, I'm here for a reason. What I tried to convey is that people that have no experience with ttRPGs and try to see it as a vidyagame are going to be wrong.
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Yeah, he's a cuck if he gives money to a leftist developer. I never said it doesn't apply to people here as well, did I cuckold?
Seems pretty straightforward to me. But then again, I'm not the numale trying to justify his pathetic purchasing habits.
Yeah, you come here to shit up threads. /tg/ is a cemetery, mostly because it's a leftist shithole and the majority of /tg/ stayed on cuckchan like the good goyim you are.
Everyone call tell you're a cuck.
Know that you're the only one shitting up thread here, posting cuck memes instead of actually discussing games, but I'll bite despite the buzzwords.
While I understand the idea of not giving SJW devs money and I kinda stand behind it, there's a limit here user. A single SJW paragraph does not ruin an entire game worth of mechanics, ala Shadowrun 5e. Because, you know, poisoned well fallacy and that's kind of similar to SJW not giving money to games because the protagonist isn't black, and half the games you mentioned on your first post aren't -even- pozzed. EP is probably the only one that's irredeemably so, WoD depends on edition.
No shit mate, where the fuck do you think you are? Cuckchan?
Hence why I keep calling you a cuck.
Hey, you don't need to justify yourself to me. I already despise you for the weak willed shitstain you are. By all means, keep enabling them and watch it get worse. It's not like I give a particular fuck about /tg/ shit, I'm just laughing at your desperate attempts to justify your behavior.
Good for them, they stand by their convictions, which makes me respect them infinitely more than I do you. This is what you don't seem to grasp because you're a spineless mangina.
The authors of Eclipse Phase ban anyone that speaks out against feminism, and I needn't go into detail about just how degenerate and biased the lore of EC is.
Pathfinder has trannies, male pregnancy, tentacle monsters that get men pregnant and all manner of strong womyn PoC.
World of Darkness has pronouns, trigger warnings, male pregnancies, hairy armpits on women, and a bunch of other stuff. You're not worth me going through my image folder and posting that shit.
Eh, hairy armpits were the worldwide norm before penicillin. You can't blame that on feminism.
by that logic aliens is horrible leftist propaganda
White Wolf have always been liberal cucks. This isn't some super secret new discovery. Same with pretty much every other PnP developer. What exactly is your argument here?
I'm going to ignore all the buzzwords and muh moral high ground shit for the shake of keeping the discussion game related. Also the fact that you are in a place where Holla Forums shit is allowed doesn't mean you should bring it to every damn board to virtue signal. Keep it vidya.
Pathfinder DOES have weird fetish stuff on Golarion, I'll give you that, and EP is pozzed AF. World of Darkness though heavily, heavily depends on the edition. By going to your image folder you probably mean posting that one paragraph at the beginning of the book, that you don't even know to which edition it belongs. Judging the entire WoD on the newest pozzed edition is akin to judging Baldur's Gate based on Siege of Dragonspear
Were hippies around before penicillin became a thing?
You're paying them to shit on you, that's what this comes down to. This is why I keep making fun of you.
Except I'm neither buying someone's feminist fanfiction (EP) nor letting a single paragraphs of "You can be whatever gender" ruin a whole game for me. Once again, people buy ttRPGs mostly for mechanics, don't try and pretend you are on any moral high ground about an industry you clearly don't understand.
So you don't even know what you yourself are arguing?
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Sure it was. Keep lying and see if anyone buys it.
You have not read my post at all and at this point you just want to shit up the thread posting cuck memes. Have it your way.
This is who you are enabling. This is what you have turned your hobby into. Be proud, for you are the best goyim of them all.
In the case of WW it was, just directed at goths instead of SJWs. You still don't seem to have a coherent argument going.
Because goths are as bad as the Marxist, sure. My point is that oWoD didn't have pronouns and trigger warning and safe words and all the other stupid shit they've added.
Was it The Shoah: Day of the Rope? No, of course not, but could a person play it without being repulsed by the content and explicitly told they're literally Hitler for merely breathing? Yes.
That's the difference between then and now. Back then they didn't insult you for being white, male and heterosexual and daring to look upon their product.
They helped vote Trump into power for goodness sake, who already denounced them and their alt-right movement
Honestly I wouldn't call oWoD a safe space at all, it was edgy as fuck though. It pandered to a different audience that really didn't care about safe spaces.
And another thread derailed and shitposted to oblivion by politics.
Does Holla Forums stand for politics?
There was/is a lot of overlap. Both goths and modern SJWs are deeply troubled people psychologically and PnP gives them the sort of escapism they crave. Certainly you'll have a hard time finding "fash" goths, considering it's a community with lots and lots of sexual and mental deviancy.
The jump from goth pandering to SJW pandering isn't big at all. Especially with Werewolf, which had the added themes of Wiccaism and early feminism.
No, it stands for Holla Forums's auxillary board with video game theme.
Here I was thinking Holla Forums was Holla Forums with video game banners. Looks like I was wrong, it's /*pol/ with video game banners.
You're still avoiding debating the point I made. Goths were never as bad as leftists tend to be. Some of them have mutated into Marxist vermin, yes, but back then oWoD wasn't Tumblr: The Play Pretend Experience.
You can strawman all you want and claim /tg/ was always pozzed but oWoD was nothing like nWoD.
I could give less of a shit about their kinky sex and mental problems. Stop playing stupid, you know full well what my issue with the left is.
That's what all board are though.
No, they have their own themes.
Not /a/, they keep out topics that aren't anime and manga
What else would you call the old Changeling then?
Yeah, it's Holla Forums with "insert name of hobby here".
Like they discuss anything but waifus anyway.
Hobo simulator.
Then you'd be wrong. Old Changeling literally was a Special Snowflake normalfags Suck Boohoo setting.
You forgot Tunon - he doesn't give two shits about anyone and just wants to do his fucking job. He listens to you and takes your council and takes a giant fucking dump on the lesbian barbarian when she starts to talk (and you can agree with him and tell her to shut her god damn trap). He can listen and reason with you and accept your judgement and bend his knee to you. What got me to keep playing was wanting to see more of him
So, you're arguing that having a module about otherkin makes it leftist by default?
That's a pretty weak claim to make.
I never argued that oWoD was exactly as bad. nWoD is undoubtedly worse in pretty much all regards except rules. I was arguing that WW has always been full of liberal shit, as evidenced by Changeling or the way they wrote the Black Furies.
Oh please, BF were based on amazons, if anything it was fendom fetish fuel.
There's a world of difference between shitty liberal drivel and YOU'RE A WHITE MALE tier leftist insanity.
Most of Holla Forums used to be reasonably liberal before they were told to go die in a ditch because they dared complain no one was making products for them anymore.
Changeling The Dreaming in OWoD was kinda shit and didn't have much going for it. Changeling the Lost from NWoD is a far more interesting setting to explore. Not that it makes the rest of the NWoD better though, but credit where credit is due this was one of the best settings to explore along with Wraith the Oblivion from OWoD.
One always leads to the other by way of progressive logic. "There must always be something to complain about."
is this game fun?
I came a little when I saw them dnd mechanics, but I don't want to play something with a shit story
Sure, but you'd think they would dial it back a bit when they see how much money it's costing them. Then again, there's the MUH MECHANICS faggot in this thread that would likely keep throwing money at them no matter how much they shit on him.
emulate panzer dragoon saga instead
Much like how Holla Forums finds that "there must always be something to complain about?:^)
Let me put it this way, it's made by Sawyer, and Sawyer hates fun. He hates fun builds, he hates fun powers, he hates fun challenges. He will strip away all of that until he attains the purity of "balance". Either that or he'll spend the whole dev cycle coming up with ways to feature rape in his game.
It's a boring game with incredibly shit gameplay. About the only positive thing you could say about it is that it has reactivity, but you won't give a flying fuck about any of your choices or consequences because the writing is abysmal.
No game is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with pointing out other games that did things better.
and it would still be better than tyranny.
Is a boring game, warcraft wanna be
Choices are lame
Everything is ugly
The story is bad
The Trailer and the intro give you some expectation but it fades away really fast
Holla Forums loves to complain, but people here don't actively undermine a company that doesn't adhere to their ideology. Perhaps we should start doing so.
I think that is the takeaway personally. The multiple-choice conquests gave you interesting ideas and actually had quite a bit of impact during the first segment with the first Edict (Sirin didn't want to join my party because of it for example), but past that point it is basically playing through the same segments only with different enemies. At first I was willing to overlook the bland combat system (much the same way people say to ignore the shit combat of Planescape: Torment because the story is worth it) but it just became shit very quickly. I couldn't stomach another playthrough.
Do you even know where you are?Did you even read half the fucking thread?
you're basically in /schadenfreude/
I haven't played Tranny yet but if read it right Women in "good" Kingdoms are pretty much the dominant gender who are the only ones allowed to own land, while in the "evil" Empire everybody is actually equal.
When i read that it seemed like it's supposed to be some sort of satire?
What did they make of that in the game?
By "undermine" I meant "Worming their way into a position of power inside the company and then fucking it up with drama and mismanagement from within."
why? why did they have to pollute everything with shitty politics? what happened with reason and common sense?
Women own and inherit land, men own and inherit ships. Too bad the nation you're in isn't actually a seafaring nation.
They won and so they got rid of the pretentious little shitter.
Are you going to tell me that's to blame? If I recall correctly, Avellone took credit for Kreia in KOTOR 2 and Ulysses and the majority of the DLC plot in New Vegas. Going from those two games (never checked Alpha Protocol writing credits properly), you can already tell the kind of writing style he prefers - and it's jarring as fuck, especially when these characters start blatantly poking holes at central themes in the setting. Normally, that would be fine if there's some sort of payoff to the subversion, but he botches it again and again (Ulysses and the entirety of Lonesome Road is very much guilty of this). That being said,
I'd attribute it to them mixing with and hiring from the indie clique and orbiters, inability to create a clear and central vision for their games, and key members of the team disappearing between NV and PoE. It isn't just Avellone, however you care to stretch it.
Nah, this game only needs some more cowboy whores cucking you and a couple of goon memes and it'll be a great spiritual successor to NV. Maybe add a catchy phrase like what can check the privilege of a cisman?
So… exactly like how SJW's are destroying comics and attempting to destroy games?
cry some more
Game is shit, you're evil in the most PC way possible.
Can someone recommend a game where you can be the cruelest motherfucker that walked the earth? The only ones I know that did that well, without adding any kind of reasoning to it (I'm Cmd Shepard and I'm nasty because it's neccessary!) are the KotOR games and PS:T. Even if it felt a bit exaggerated/hard to take seriously, it was really fun. It was what I was expecting from this game.
His characters was the only interesting thing in pillars.
Alpha Protocol and New Vegas I guess.
I agree with you about Lonesome Road, but Kreia is a great character, and KotOR2 remains the best written Star Wars fiction we have
I know lots of people here don't like Jade empire, but it certainly lets you do that
I don't like asia themed games or anything else, but fuck it, I'm desperate enough to try new stuff. Thanks.
You can get up to some pretty heinous shit in Mask of the Betrayer, IIRC.
How dare user wanting to talk about videogames in the videogame board instead of politics!
Fuck off and find another hobby then, nigger.
If only, this thread has gone from mentioning political bias in a videogame, which is fine, to be completely derailed by politics
this is TOEE not POE you mongoloid, it was made by Troika not Obshit
I don't buy any of the tabletops that I play or run. I also sometimes play with homebrew content or house rules. Does this make me a cuck?