Hey, fucklord BO and nigger mods, you can't stop me now.
Hey, fucklord BO and nigger mods, you can't stop me now.
bui, as much as you spam the site don't you realize you are our greatest ally? thanks bruh.
anonymoose the virgin scriptkiddie, bui the chad spammer
Famous last words if I ever saw them
It's literally just the board owner right now, and I highly doubt he gives a shit about some angry virgin with a list of proxies being an obnoxious cunt.
I'm not into computers, but that looks like a batch script running through cmd on Windows 7, but it doesn't have the little symbol, which could easily be removed or possibly another similar program.
Yet again, I'm not into computers, so I may be incorrect.
It's a .NET app I wrote
It's a dos-based app, probably on .net, running in win7.
Also, it looks like it was written by an autistic fifteen year old virgin NEET. babby's first script, as it were.
t. computer technician.
Mudskin Shotgun Hero detected
I'd tell you to kill yourself but I think you would just fuck that up too.
Thanks user, I don't know jack shit about computers.
Isn't .net for retards who are completely married to Microsoft?
anything written with .net will never be cross compatible unless used in something like wine. .net is getting old though, this is the future
having used linux for several years now I just gotta say…
It is an enormous pain in the ass
I's like they were literally trying to frustrate, enrage, and waste the time of users as much as possible.
I mean, seriously, WTF
However, it is neither (((windows))) nor (((macintosh))), so I stick with it.
It works well enough.
If the internet went down, though, it would become completely unusable.
Bit of a potential problem.
(yes, I know that there are many linux distros and "linux" is a category rather than a specific product, and they can be very different and that my experience is limited to 2 specific distros and blah, blah, blah)
I think i used 3 distros after windows deleted my fedora partitions.
Inb4 dual boot fag
That sucks, I love C#
did mods died?
RIP in piss kikepfy, realcoonman, yogapig et al.
Boasting (usually about chutzpah) is one of the many things kikes cannot shake and will forever reveal them.
This Smiley of Sphincter?