Video games where you can learn Japanese

Are there any video games that teach you moon? You know, like those learning games we used to have as kids, only fun. I need to exodus from the fall of western civilisation and its poz.

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There's some Japanese tutor thing on the NDS, but I'm not sure how much of a game it actually is.
The best way will always be to learn the basics and then playing regular games in Japanese. Children's games like pokemon don't use very complicated language or kanji.

Yea. Try the fanmade patches from Pokémon Black/White, Black2/White2
I had no choice but to use Japanese characters sometimes. I forgot what versions.




"Hey user, wanna learn Japanese?"

I guess theres Slime Forest Adventure

Why would you? Japan has been irrelevant since like 1998.


Is there any point to learning Nihhonspeek besides vidya?

Japanese always seemed like a rather lame language to me. Its just an offshoot of Chinese corrupted by some Latin (ironic given Japans historically xenophobic government policies)

I've personally always wanted to learn Chinese do to its prevalence yet other worldliness compared to Latin/Germanic languages I've grown accustomed to as a westerner. Or perhaps even becoming fluent in Latin itself so I can read old Roman books or something

What point is there to learn anything language? Do you plan to visit the country? Will it in your job or on your CV? Do you want to expand your understanding of other countries? Do you want to learn it.
Learn another language or don't. I won't make up your fag mind for you.

Roman literature is pleb tier. I want to lean Russian so I can fully experience Tarkovsky spiritually and read Gogol in it's original language. Pushkin and Arseny are emotionally a lot more comprehensible in Russian too.

Because then you can talk to qt japanese girls and move to japan.

Well, as China continues emerging as a world power, learning Chinese may be a valuable asset

You mean Italian?


No, ancient romans. They just feel too much like a pompous fantasy novel to me. I can't emotionally invest in something so otherwordly.

how can one have taste as shit as this.

Got you covered.

This. Chinese are the jews of the orient but somehow manage to smell worse and don't have the common decency to at least pretend to be clean. I grew up in a largely chinese neighbourhood and never before have I seen a people so disgusting. They fucking piss in the street and throw garbage on the road because apparently buying rubbish bags is too expensive for them. The one I lived with wouldn't use toilet paper and just wash her fucking underwear in the sink when the skids got too big. She somehow managed to splatter period blood all over the toilet floor and seat too THEN NOT EVEN FUCKING CLEAN IT UP. Not only that but they will try their utmost to weasel out of doing fucking anything and try to kike you out of a few extra cents every time you do business with them. At least jews pretend to fit in by learning the language but chinks don't even do that. They'll haggle like a drawer of cutlery falling down the stairs and keep at it until, through sheer exhaustion, the shopkeeper gives in. They pull the "me no speaky englesh" all the fucking time when they get into trouble with the law too. Chatting away in semi-decent english but when they smash into your car and hear the words "pay" or "fault" they suddenly can't speak or understand a word.
Don't even fucking bother with those subhumans. There's a reason why literally no one in asia likes them.

This is complete nonsense. No offense, but none of that is remotely true. Japanese and Chinese have nothing in common besides Kanji being borrowed from the written Chinese language. They aren't related at all. Chinese is SVO (like English), Japanese is SOV. Chinese is a tonal language, Japanese is not. The list goes on. Chinese and Japanese are completely non-related and dissimilar, with the exception of kanji.

This. Japanese is actually more related to Finnish than it is to Chinese.

But the Horde never made it to Japan.

I recently found a channel seemingly devoted to discussing how shit China is. I say "seemingly" because their actual intent is to just talk about what it's like for someone out of the Anglo-sphere to live in China, but they have on more than one ocassion said, "You know how you've heard such-such is really bad in China? Well, it is."

Selfish, filthy, short-minded, uninspired savages. Don't spend a single of iota of time, effort or money with the Chinese; it is economic dead end.

Form what I understand the idea of the Altaic language family is highly speculative and not that well-supported. I'm 100% convinced Japanese and Korean are related, in the very least because their respective grammars are almost identical, but any relation to the Turkic languages, etc., doesn't seem well established.

Regardless, Japanese and Chinese are not related at all, despite being spoken by people living so closely to one another. Kind of similar to how Basque isn't an Indo-European language, despite being spoken in north-western Spain.

There's a bit of a linguistics meme about Japanese being a Turanic language. Evidence is dubious, but the fact that it's a serious proposal is evidence enough that Japanese and Mandarin are not related.

well this was illuminating, is it possible that the fuckery is really because the people they're selling to aren't Chinese so they feel they can get away with it?

Chinese is a disgusting language, along with korean.
The "half the world speaks chinese" meme is utter fucking nonsense.
Other places use Japanese, and most media and technology is either developed in korea or japan. Knowing chinese gets you what? A shitty contracting job where you have to deal with other people who speak chinese on a regular basis?
At least I can read porn with Japanese.

No, they're the indians. The jews of the east are the japs, koreans are the arabs.


You were saying?





I think korean's love for jews is more comparable to american protestant's love for israel. The japs are like jews in their love for sexual degeneracy and materialism. The koreans are escapists too, but looks like they haven't reached the japanese level of materialism yet, and at least they got a few legit religious people there.

it's even worse, they're importing whiteys

those are the disease fucking over japan

Here you go op

As in pikeys? Nu-males? Or just regular tosspots?

I heard you have to be actually skilled in things that matters like science, nano-engineering, etc. Just to get a chance to get in

Well such high tech will work too but on accounts of natives they have more of a labor problem.

You don't need a game to learn hiragana. All you need is a weekend and