to high levels of plastic pollution in the environment.
It has been observed that plastic fibre has reached an extreme level of concentration in the world due to the difficulty of filtering them and the common use of plastics. Plastics have also been observed to act as xenoestrogens in the body.
Autism has been studied as a form of "extreme male brain" due to exposure to higher levels of testosterone during fetal development. It would lead to the establishment then, after an individual with a brain oriented toward the male dominated activities is met with the feminizing effects of plastic pollution in childhood, of a balanced personality in adulthood.
The xenoestrogens however would cause problems for the remaining three quarters of the population with typical hormonal levels; women would shift toward the female extreme (bipolar disorder) and typical men toward the female norm. That is the reason for all the disorders of personality in the last 20 years.
Just as lead piping led to the degeneration of the Roman mind, it may be that plastic packaging is doing the same to the world in the 21st century.
Not sure whether this is the right board to post this but it seems to make a lot of sense.