Is there any hope that Destiny 2 WON'T be shit?
Can Bungie actually unfuck this franchise and make it into what it could have been?
Or will it be the same garbage?
Destiny 2
It will be the same thing just more stuff in it.
Bigger shit maps that are rehashed, always online shit, HUNDREDS micro purchases, infinte guns with only one meta load out, etc.. there is a lot of things in this game that are bad and it will take alot of work to fix it.
Destiny 2? Isn't it just regular Destiny with more shit added to it? They're all add-ons to the base game.
This one will actually be a sequel. But I'm very pessimistic
I predict more planets, but still with nothing to explore. More shitty lore that doesn't explain what is going on.
I heard a rumor that there more RPG elements to the game, but if it's true it'll probably be casualized and gay
If there was matchmaking for every game type, Destiny would be more fun.
The base game will be shit, and some of the dlc might be mildly amusing. So the same as the first.
If they turned a profit they'll just do the same thing, if they didn't they'll double down on the bullshit they pulled because clearly shitting everything up with casual bullshit can only fail because it isn't done hard enough.
From what I've heard, they're ditching the engine they're using now for something new because it's notoriously difficult to add content to after the fact. Besides the repetitiveness of the game being a huge issue, the fact that there would be just fucking months of no content were what killed most hype for the game, regardless of its expansions. They also really need to fucking kill off their retarded app and put the lore cards in game. I just don't understand what it'ss there for or why you just can't put that information inside the game itself. Then again, could be another issue with the engine.
It will fall to the same vices that killed it the first time. They will blow all the budget on marketing, have no content, and then expect the player to shell out for every DLC and micro transaction like the good little goys they are. This industry never learns.
Depends on whose in charge and whether or not it's shit or "shit". I personally hope we'll get a good game out of it because I just want another 1998 for the vidya industry. Now I admit I never played Destiny beyond the beta but I liked the world & I see something interesting coming out of it in the right hands.
Hashtag literally came into the thread to make this exact post.
Might as well say that if they actually make a game this time with a story thats not trapped in a fucking e-book with nothing but pointless grind mechanics we could be talking here.
Actually having an open world that is not static every time you load in would be nice. You have no idea how much I want to explore the ruins of earth or go into the city. This game desperately screams out for an open world mechanic that is just not there.
They have the budget to make it happen, but knowing Activision nothing good will ever happen
I agree with what you said, and I would want to explore the rest of the solar system as well. This game has potential but it is all about the shekels
The only way to make a good "Destiny 2" is by starting over, somewhere else in the galaxy or the universe. Forget the shitshow that was Destiny 1. A new character with a proper race and background etc. that will make you different than the millions :^) of other players that you might encounter in the game. More exploration, less grind, a fair RNG system that would allow players who don't participate in raids to earn stuff and progress. A server browser or a matchmaking system for every type of game, a FoV slider.
But we know it's gonna be bad anyway.
There are some indications that they are largely going to start over, but I won't believe it until I see it
Absolutely fucking not. Anyone with a semblance of creative ability and objectively good taste in writing, music, and direction (Joe Staten, Marty O'Donnell, Jaime Greisemer, etc., etc., etc.) has either been fired or quit due to the massive incompetence and greed of Activision.
Bungie died in childbirth and Destiny was a stillborn.
Wouldn't hold your breath. There's so many things wrong with destiny that they're better off scrapping the whole game and starting completely fresh
Destiny honestly could've of been a good game with the people they had but Activision cucked them up.
who be this semen demon?
Mara Sov, the Queen of the Reef.
other then shitty business model it was an alright game glad i never bought it thou
Destiny 2 will be shit because Bungie is shit. They're not that same old company you used to love.
She kinda looks like Chiana from Farscape
I've heard some people are more hopeful that the devs will be able to actually make the game this time instead of it being scrapped and restarted with one year before release like the original was but I doubt the suits at both companies will be willing to not fuck everything up. I saw some potential in Destiny but it needs a lot of improvement to be considered good starting with ditching the retarded lore app and just putting the lore in game.
Fucking this. It was retarded that you couldn't play raids without already having a group of friends because it had no matchmaking. They didn't even have any kind of chat you could use to try and find a group so you either came with friends or get fucked you can't play any of the raid content ;)
Most things just need more depth, the races should affect your stats or the story, the factions should have some kind of effect and the speaker needs to kill himself.
They might have a better chance without Activision, but that's not going to happen. I actually expect there will be somehow even less content and more monetization for the next one.
While the game itself is pretty boring and mostly shit, though I did have fun playing with friends, so fuck you, I'm always curious: why does Bungie alone get most all the hate and Activision almost none? From what I remember, the original concept and design were pretty solid until Activision started interfering and making the decisions.
Unfortunately they've stated several times that characters would be ongoing throughout the series and would carry over to the next game, so they're pretty much fucked already in terms of having players start again from scratch.
Their excuse is that they're afraid that people might leave during a raid session. It's dumb because I heard that this kind of thing already happens, some people refuse to play with new players, others troll the unofficial LFG systems, etc.
If anyone is going to unfuck it it certainly won't be Bungie.
I know they don't have an actual reason because there is no reason why they can't implement the same matchmaking system they use for strikes. They just don't because of some bullshit about players being toxic or leaving, it's beyond retarded and ruins the endgame for anyone without an established group of friends who own the game. I don't want to try and find people through some fucking website and I don't want to have to look up some fucking app to see the lore either. Just let me jump in and play your shitty game Bungie, putting all these barriers in front of actually playing and enjoying the game are what kills it.
will there be lolis?
They have no reason to improve a game that relies on initial sales, not subscriptions. So why assume they'll even try to make a game that retains its players?
Retards always come here and wonder "M-MAYBE THIS TIME IT'LL BE GOOD?!?!" when there is zero evidence.
Can we just have Marathon come back?
I hope you enjoy playing as a paraplegic, transsexual black Muslim woman fighting against the white space patriarchy.
Also, the writer responsible for Marathon hasn't written anything game related since the last Marathon game came out. Do you think nuBungie won't fuck it up or do you masturbate to NTR?
Confirmed for being someone who has no fucking idea what they are talking about.
Bungie needs to make a game that retains players so they will continue to buy their DLCs and microtransactions. A series of shitty DLCs and microtransaction events could kill a game like Destiny. For another example see The Division.
Well, they can still make it appealing to the brass by staying faithful to the originals in terms of story and atmosphere, slightly refine the gameplay (reload at will and jumping), updating the graphics, keep the same enemies from Marathon 2 and just market it as the "Dark Souls of shooters". That's how I'll do it. Only those who are actually good at shooters will be able to do well in the campaign while MP will have Halo 3 system of gamemodes and customization (that was the original vision anyway for Marathon MP). Might want to add in a Machinima mode if the fans want to. Don't make it appeal to e-sports and let the community decide on its own if they'll make it competitive or not.
Plenty of retards fall for the "DLC means it's a whoooole new experience" meme. The quality of the DLC is hardly relevant when it comes to whales and normalfags.
You do know that the game had a season pass + 2 DLCs sold separately, right?
They should just do cosmetic eververse shit like emotes, sparrow horns, chroma colors and any other gay-ass faggot shit they want to add. But I think AAA is backing away from the DLC season pass shit with the next wave of unrevealed games. Ubisoft recently admitted it doesnt work.