Operation Irish Eyes - Make St. Patrick's Day a Right Wing Pro-Gun Holiday

A proposal.

St. Patties day is coming up. It's a day when leftist urbanite Americans with 10 percent Irish ancestry go to the bar and declare that "everyone is Irish on St. Patrick Day." Which we know is not true. Whites and POC all have a romantic notion about what it is to be Irish, and co-opt it themselves for to get drunk and have sex. We need to take back this romanticism for not only Irish, the greater Celtic world, and for Whites, but also for our politics.

Guns and gun grabbing is what we need to focus on.

Ireland would not be free if ever man, woman, and child wasn't armed against the British. Every Leftist piece of trash knows this.

I can already hear what you are saying "Muh IRA are Marxist." Yes, they were, but your average leftist doesn't know this, and if he finds out in the course of Red Pilling him or her, we can use it to shame him for being a cuckold, because we can point out even his idols would not disarm men, women, and children, and anyone that would try to do so would be label a British Traitors.

If you are American, and you have even a small amount of Irish ancestry, then you should shame any cucks and women by calling them traitors or something else to imply they are not real Irish in "spirit" or betraying their ancestors. Point out to people with no Irish ancestry that want to celebrate St. Patty's Day by saying "everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day" that they aren't if they support gun control.

Also, if we meme this hard enough, and ignore anything else but guns being crucial in keeping the Irish free, we will also undermine the Le 53% meme. Most white Americans are of mixed European decent, but most are 100% White. A lot of D&C has been devoted at deviding the different ethnic backgrounds of White Americans, particularly of Irish Americans or the fact that most are not full blooded Irish.

We can use this against them. No historical Irish person would give their guns to the British in the past. It is more unifying fact than how much Irish blood one has. Because Ireland was freed with arms. Even in America, the Molly Maguires fought with arms against their exploiters in Pennsylvania.

We need to make having having Irish ancestry be synonymous with being pro-gun, and call anyone that signals otherwise as spitting on their ancestors grave, and not being Irish in blood or spirit.

How will this be done?

1. Post romantic Irish music to Normie Book and Twitter. Try to get female followers especially to relate to it. Women love Irish music, and so do non-redpilled men.

2. After a few hours or a day has passed, and it gets closer and closer to St. Patrick's Day, start to explicitly state that you can only be Irish or celebrate St. Patrick's Day if you support gun-rights, and be very firm that anyone who is for gun grabs is betraying the Irish race and their ancestors, and can't be Irish on St. Patrick's Day or any other day.

It has historical precedent and truth to it. And I believe we can make St. Patrick's Day a right wing celebration. They want to take everything from us and turn it against it, we need to take everything away from them instead. They must not feel comfortable ever in their own bodies until they support right wing causes and are pro-gun. No Leftish hipster should be able to feel comfortable identifying with men that would not give up their guns, while they signal that they are just like them.

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Fuck off fag

Call me when you can keep 100 niggers out of Lisdoonvarna before making grandiose plans like this.

"Grandiose Plan," …. shaming Leftists on Facebook and Twitter. Sooooo grandiose.
(Also, you clearly didn't read, this is for Americans, American Irish, and the American gun debate.)

One shekel has been deposited into your plastic Jewish green hat factory.

Holy fucking shit you cretin.
Pattie is short for patricia.
Paddy is short for patrick.

Not done on purpose.

tenious link in the logic of the idea proposed to propagate
also relies on others to do work for you which will never work
people share funny ideas or do fun stuff
not argue with people on face and lose social credit over fucking nothing
y cant you meme properly OP? Must be all the dick you suck

I realized the other day the term 'gaul', as in having the gaul to do something, usually wrong or harmful, has been intentionally redefined to aid in the artificial decay of the Celtic people.

Easy, since all non abrahamic european culture is Celtic.
From Iberia to Siberia.
Gaul will rise again.

Also its a shit idea trying to use the irish to push pro-gun ideas. Ireland dislikes firearms in general(except shotguns for farmers). The Gardai (cops to you) dont even carry guns except for specialist response units, and most people wont ever see one of those in person

I wonder.

It's not a tenious link in logic. Every year I see Kikes, POC, and liberal hipsters go to the bar are claim that everyone is Irish on FB or other places online. And then spout Neo-Leftist dribble without a beat.

Irish and Irish national imagery is very Pro-Gun. I feel that the memes are strongly in this direction and I'm correct.

I do admit that it relies on the work of others. And that it hits at the soft underbelly of people's ideas, so it can either be a hit or miss. But if it hits, I think it's a big hit. But doing propaganda work is nothing Holla Forums hasn't not done in the past. The biggest weakness is that it would take numbers, but we are many.

This is clearly for American Irish. … can you read?

ah yeah fair enough boss, carry on

Let's fully Fash Celtic culture.

So, you are saying Americans are retards scholomo? Or you just don't want to wake them up to the pro-gun truth of Irish and Irish American history?

One shot paddy could handle 100 nogs.

ffs I didnt embed it.

Fucking this, didn't even finish after you suggested calling everyone that wasn't Irish "in spirit" a cuck. Shit campaign OP.

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I was saying Irish-Americans are retards, at least in my experience the ones who loudly proclaim themselves irish without a fucking notion what they're on about.
I bet you think religion was the cause of the troubles.

The left and Zog uses the "Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's day" all the time. You just want them to continue to cuck decent people on that, and not use it against them?

And you want to counter that with, "you're not Irish "in spirit" if you don't support gun rights,"? m8 stop.

No. I don't think religion was the cause of the trouble at all. Cromwell was close to the Jews anyway.

And so, you think Irish Americans are retards, and want to continue to keep them in the dark of their history. That's some circular logic there. They are retards, and keep them that way, instead of red-pilling them. If they are dumb, they can be used, if they are smart, they can see the truth. But your saying just to continue to keep them in the dark and oppressed either way.

The nose knows.

The Irish have always expelled traitors from their ranks historically. Could work very well now. They are a people that despise traitors, now and in the past. Which is why I believe this is a good campaign.

No. Its really not.

I've always used the joke "What's the difference of Martin Luther King day and St. Patrick's day?"
On St. Patrick's day, everyone wants to be Irish

You are trying to use the history and identity of the Irish and link them to being pro-gun.
The Irish are not a pro gun people. The majority here think a hunting rifle or shotgun should be the limit for a private owner. The police are not armed, a circumstance people here are quite happy about.

You're ideas are shit.
Go ahead call me schlomo again, won't change anything.

You really have a long nose there.

There are more people of Irish decent in America and outside of Ireland than there are in Ireland. But, keep on focusing on the country I am not focusing on.

I am talking about an American campaign. If it's successful here, we can project it over there eventually.


You could try to incorporate the fact that Current Year Ireland is trying to accept a gorillion refugees, which would make the Irish in IRELAND, non-ethnically Irish, but the magic dirt DURR YOU'RE BORN HERE Irish instead


And you are so hard on making any of that matters when it doesn't matter. But Irish can use Jewish Kabbalah against the Jews themselves.

The Irish are a pro-gun people.

I prefer my Anglo heritage tbh

I have Anglo heritage too, as well as Irish. Most Irish Americans have both, since Anglos and Irish were more in the cities, while German Americans were more rural.

I don't intend to edge up any Anglo hate, unless it makes England more conservative. I don't see anyway in how to do that anyway, and mostly focusing on Irish America.

In America, and outside Ireland, any Irish really don't care about Anglo hate, unless it's about Ireland proper. I think there would be very little blowback in pushing Pro-Gun feelings with Irish American identitarianism, since most Irish Americans have a romantic notion about their background.

They have a mixed-race literal faggot as Prime Minister and are ruled by the EU.

Oh look, a black pilling faggot or kike that doesn't want you to use history and memes because of the (((current year.)))

Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia (half of it is Europe at least), San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine say hi! Also the UK once Brexit is finally achieved.

I really like Holla Forums because of their attention to detail and their weaopnized autism. But it's still most of the land mass of Europe under the EU. Or under Nato, or some other ZOG imperium.

But ignoring that. Irish culture is world wide and not exclusive to Ireland. And it's WHITE AS FUCK. It's used in cultural memes from Lord of the Rings to Zelda, and it's our's, Irish, Celtic, and Whites.

It's a think we can use and generalize. And in the end of the day, when someone thinks Celtic and Irish, they think medieval weapons and IRA carrying machine guns, after they are done thinking about about Leprechauns and beer.

Kikes can only take that away if we let them, and we don't have too. Irish fought for hundreds of years with guns against the British, and people think about that. They don't think about recent events in the last 10 to 20 years.

An alternative would be to help LGBTQ it up. Then it will red pill a lot of Irish Americans. I mean really get it where those faggots are having sex in public and everything. Like total degenerate filth.

Celebrations like St. Patrick's Day are for a successful and in command culture. Such rewards should not be available to those too much cowards to retake their land.

What's that got to do with calling Ireland free? It's not.

I see where you are coming from with that. And I agree for anyone other set of circumstances.

But Gun Rights are a serious issue right now. All across suburban and urban American, ZOG and leftists just used children to walk out of school to protest guns. They are using our own children as propaganda.

I think we need to wake up the white race and any sectors of the white race to protecting their gun rights. It's really hard to meme Anglos supporting guns, and there are not many of them in America. But the Irish actually have a cultural tradition of arming themselves and being numerous in their decedents.

Normally, I would just be willing to let things be LGBTQ up until normal healthy because are disgusted.

But Irish culture is White and Celtic, and we should be able to use it as a weapon against the Jews, POC, and Neo-Libral cucks. We need to start weaponizing our Ethnic heritages outside of 1930's German memes. And the fact that we don't, particularly when we are in a meme war and in a gun grab crisis is us being lazy.

I totally get where you are coming from. But we have a cultural meme, "Celticism" that the world loves, and we don't use it when we can, should, and need too.

And yet, most of it is not under the British Crown. You know what I mean, I know nothing is free.

But Irish men of the past weren't cuckolds that got bogged down in the details and fault to keep their country free from outside rule with the price of their blood, and they did so on and off for hundreds of years.

I'm sure Holla Forums would be doing real well if it thought like that in everything.

You're trying to use Ireland as an example of a free country and pro-gun. It's neither.

Try Switzerland instead.

Yep, and you can push tradition as well, and hopefully stoke attacks on mosques.

The Irish people werent really armed against the British, the rebellion wasnt even very popular, they had like 45% voter turnout for the first Republican elections lmao. The fact is that the smarter classes were already more concerned with the kikes and world Communism at the end of the previous stage of British rule.

And during the troubles, every Irish rebel ignored those governmental rules.

The memes for pro-gun attitudes are within that nation and race regardless, because they ignored the law, and got guns illegally regardless to rebel.

There is not a large world wide Swiss community. And my target are Irish Americans, White Americans, and those who have affinity for Irish and Celtic things. Most people don't have any romantic notions about the Swiss, beyond cheese, clocks, and chocolate. So that would not work. There is no Swiss holiday celebrated world wide. There is with Irish Whites.

It would work with Irish Americans and larger Celtic culture.

And yet the rebellion was successful. The Brits were pushed out regardless.

Most of America is never going to like Holla Forums, but we can be successful regardless. And we need to be successful pushing a pro-gun stance in many sectors of white society regardless.

Are you talking about the pro-EU, pro-immigrant, pro-fag IRA?


As long as they had armed resistance they had resistance, correct? 10% dude. Realize most people are NPC/fence-sitters and it gets alittle simpler.

Killing a British a soldier is pretty much the same as killing a fag. I don't know how the Irish could be fighting for gay rights when they were killing so many of them.

The IRA are fake nationalists like the SNP. They hated Britain at the time because Britain was more nationalist at the time. Now they're part of the "peace process" because Britain is controlled by cultural marxists and the EU. (Same thing of course.)

I know this and state this in my first post. They still heavily supported guns and had guns. Which is the point, it undermines leftist narratives on guns, when they parties and heroes they worship overseas where jacked up to the teeth with guns.

The memeing I am proposing undermines all of that.

Yes, of course they had guns. So they could kill the real nationalists and force cultural marxism on the people in the name of "nationalism". In the latter years anyway. Of course they weren't technically cultural marxists in the early 1900s. But probably many were communists.

Yeah, like Che Guevara and his fellow communists. Are you going to push them as well? It's not exactly a secret that the left used guns to kill people.

No, I'm pushing for guns for whites, period and nothing else. Unlike you that is sliding and yet ironically constantly bumping my thread with inane arguments not about pushing pro-gun memes for whites.

I keep on saying I just want guns for whites and to wake up whites to be pro-gun, and you keep on trying to lead me down some other path or statement other than that.

You're pushing a left-wing terrorist group to people as an example to follow. Those are the sorts that people should take up arms against, not take up arms with.

great idea

Can we get an IRA day too?

Attached: jeremy-corbyn-laughing-at-IRA-bomb-victims[1].jpg (750x499, 249.8K)

Hello, Kike.

Attached: Oliver Cromwell.jpg (1252x626, 380.48K)

This reddit kike will never learn.

Hey this sounds great. The Jews hate the Irish more than the Russians almost. Today is a great moment for Irish revivalism to kick it into high-gear. Irish have one of the largest diasporas across the world. This is an untapped resource in many aspects. Irish make up a large part of the populist wave hitting across the West. Much of Irish creative work gets hijacked and misapplied because the Irish tend to not label themselves as Irish. I've been making it a point lately to make it known a lot of this work is coming from Irish origin. The results have been great to date. A lot of progress is happening. Yesterday, I came across someone who admitted he used to bash the Irish, but no longer does. He said he now admires and respects the Irish. An amount of Irish Populist self-promotion inside their work will have a very positive outcome. This also prevents other groups from twisting the same material & content months and years later down the road, against the Irish. Something I've encountered quite a lot.I'd say a good 40% or higher of this Populist crowd is Irish and always has been. Most of the heavy hitters at the tip of the spear I've come across were.

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British propaganda operates identical to Jewish propaganda. Regardless if the practitioner is ethnically Jew. In other words, the British have been under Jewish influence for so long that their cultural traits and way of thinking has become a watered down form of Jewry. Dismantling British propaganda is very easy to do.

Something to note, are the two different British propaganda methods. One is intellectual and heavily focused on dates, names & quotes. The second, and more commonly encountered methods of British propaganda is middle-school bully tier antics. As a response, the methods of counter-semitism are equally applied to the British, with identical positive results.

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You are walking down the right path, though I see you falling into some basic traps. You're going on the defense letting them set a false narrative. This places you into their sandbox, where you then move around in a continued dialog, losing the average observer. There are methods of immediately identifying these semite discussion traits. You obviously have years of experience and a great foundation going for yourself, though I can see a few minor flaws in your deployment that are getting you trapped by base human manipulation. It maybe sounds very complex, but it isn't… it's childish to be clear.

I'd like to send you further explanation on how to improve your dialog, but not here.

Attached: Enoch Powell - British Marxist Activist.jpg (1280x800, 312.64K)



We already have a Pro-Gun Holiday, it's called Christmas and black Friday.

>(((nigger friday)))

(((You're))) only mad because it's true

Attached: christmas-ad-vintage-christmas.jpg (736x1070, 104.59K)

Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
Dancing and being appreciated for it is beyond the realm of possibility for unaesthetic autistic white bois.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
The key to dancing is to be beautiful.
Prove me wrong.
Dancing and being appreciated for it is beyond the realm of possibility for unaesthetic autistic white bois.
The key to dancing is to be beautiful.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
The key to dancing is to be beautiful.
The key to dancing is to be beautiful.
The key to dancing is to be beautiful.
Prove me wrong.
884549 regards, THE /FRINGE/ COMMUNITY lololol