Oi Veh Don't Marry Da Filthy Goyim!

'Antisemitism doesn't give Jews a right to be racist': Rice burning yid lawyer gets into very heated religious debate with his Jewish aunt after she tried to make him DUMP his non-Jewish girlfriend in viral texts

These texts are gold. Not realizing he would make the texts public, she speaks frankly what Jews believe, which is usually reserved for Jews only.

The good news is, more and more Jews are rejecting Jewish identity and race mixing with the Goyim. The Jewish poison is killing poison giver faster than everyone else. It is predicted that in perhaps a 100 years Jewish identity will be dead in America.

Also interesting is this woman's definition of Judaism. Judaism has become distorted from it's original Talmud Torah based system of belief and practice and has become obsession with the "Holocaust" and battling "antisemitism". When defining Judaism, she says:


Attached: Man_s_passionate_debate_with_Jewish_aunt_over_non-Jewish_girlfriend_Daily_Mail_Online_-_2018-03-14_15.19.08.png (675x758 5.99 MB, 1.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Hitler singlehandedly destroyed Judaism by transforming it into Holocaustianity and obsession with mundane racial politics. Holocaustianity is destined to die out quickly and does not have the staying power of Judaism. It is basically like if you hit someone over the head with a wrench so hard they develop Alzheimer from brain damage, start babbling like an idiot, then dwindles and dies.

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but the holocaust never happened. so more accurately, jews destroyed judaism with their lies.

HAHA, did kikes really think their anti-Christianity war was going to stop there? This is going to decimate religions as a whole.

You cannot erase a physical blood curse by simply stopping to praise Elohim the devourer.

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(That picture is still gold, though)

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Kek, Judaism is about perpetuating whatever the king Jews (whoever the fuck they are, Rothschilds?) want and has been for hundreds of years if not longer.


Niggers jews have literally always been mixed subhumans. 1 drop of kike blood is enough reason to kill them.

Fuck you kike. You all burn.

This is nothing more than a bullshit attempt at saving a few from the ovens.

this is how they eventually infiltrate asia, then say its also their ancestral land. they steal genes too, racemixing for them ia not important as long as they can say they own the genes of whoever follows or adopted their religion. they control the race narrative.

Accurate, but not what the poster was referring to. user was referring to the fact Hitler forced Judea to rip off it's mask during the war, exposing it's self, in it's entirety which was a new experience for the eternal tick, to the world. It therefore needed a new "mask" and "cloak" to mask it's self from public scrutiny. The mask was "Holocaustianity", while the cloak was "Anti-Semite" and it was the actions of Hitler and his government that forced them to create "Holocaustianity"

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Yes it did, user.
Never forget.


Only a cancerous and parasitic belief system.
Do as jew does enough times.
Become as jew is.

Fuck off, torfag.

Oh god the child surrogacy… This is just too good… The kikes have taken their own medicine, and its quite-literally destroying them.

There are so many more Whites than Jews… Is it possible we could simply breed them out of existence through concentrated efforts to prey upon their NatSoc fetish? I mean, they're mostly ugly as shit, granted, but if you just didn't raise your kids as Jewish at all and then ensured they mated back into the White population, and urged your grandchildren to do the same, shit, your great grandchildren would be Hitler-certified Europeans, and you'd have eliminated a Jewish gene-line.
They seem to really want to be White. Maybe we should mak- let them.

Can we turn the polyamory meme on them too and get it so we can have a White wife AND a kosher milker whose only purpose is the systematic extermination of her kind (which, horrifyingly, she'd probably get off on)?

Attached: Jews - Fellow White People.png (5052x2526, 1.44M)

Jews are trying to become Asian so they can mix into China, they have no qualms with race mixing.

Wonderful way to check my hitler dubs, user.
Tor only works if citizens use it, too, officer.


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user how old are you? Fucking running joke for eternity is pic related.
Also, every other jew comedy joke about their mothers is 'why cant you meet a nice jewish girl and settle down?'

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Holy shit, that is the fuhrer in the seat in front of him. It looks like he is reading a newspaper.

Yet people seem very relaxed around him and free to joke and laugh at things that he could care less about. You wouldn't see people laughing like this behind Stalin's back.





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How many boomers do you think are actually on here? Most of Holla Forums, I would assume, is made up of disaffected Gen X/Millennials. When you make posts like that on Holla Forums you are just saying what everyone already knows. You gain no converts preaching to the choir.

Wow, thanks user

Judaism has become Holocaustianity.

you think 60 year olds post on here?

No Jew DNA

Not true, the aunt was complaining that if he has a child with an Asian woman, those child would not be Jewish. You are only Jewish if your mother is Jewish. It is an attempt to preserve a distinct genetic lineage.

Whether or not they are successful in preserving that identity is another discussion.

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Nice try Aaron


Phoneposting there boy-o?

Holy shit, spread this shit lol

I think that all of us goys should start befriending Jewish girls and black guys and hooking them up together. We need to bring diversity to the Jewish people.

Anti-racist Nazis unite!

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That would unironically be a good idea…

can't wait

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Jews have already been mixed with niggers. Mixing kikes with other races does literally nothing. Kill kikes, don't "befriend" them.

Sorry, Schlomo, you gotta learn to stop being such a bigot. There's only one race, the human race, and Jewish girls were meant for black men.

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I think so too. Black guys will end up thinking they're getting white girls and Jewish girls get to rebel against their rabbis. It's a win win all around.

So who's up for making a bunch of race play images where it's Jewish women wanting nigger or chink cock?

This. They have a thing for the Kardashian type. Make them think that is the average look of a jewish girl.


Turn on the nigger thirst for Khazar Milkers and let nature do the rest.

It just sorta goes to show the true "quality" of asian women if you think about it. Look at the whore dress shes wearing, the alcoholic drink shes drinking, The obviously dyed/expensive hair and accessories she has on, etc etc. Then consider WHO she is with, a kike lawyer (ie: money), who can buy her expensive shit and take her out constantly. She doesnt care that shes throwing away her own cultures religious background and upbringing by lighting fucking kike candles while with a supposed "atheist jew." None of that matters, what matters is how far up the social ladder she made it, and how much he spends on her.

And thats asian women in a nutshell, and especially so for the ones who end up with "white" men. They only care about status and wealth, which is a large part of the reason why birth rates are in the toilet in japan, men are expected to work 80 hour weeks, never see their family, and climb as high as possible until they burn out and die before retirement. Women on the other hand are expected to … well.. give birth to kids and thats about it. Consider the massive pressure for kids in asian nations, again japan especially, to spend all of their time at school and/or in clubs or working or basically just not being at home much, the "wife" isnt expected to do hardly anything except make meals and spend money (mostly on herself). Raising kids? Ha, they grow up in school and practically live there. For the girls its a place to meet men to marry, for the men its a place to build themselves up so they can support a wife and "family" they'll never see.

Asian women who marry white (or "white" in this case) men, are even worse. They almost exclusively marry wealthy men who can shower them with money and excitement. The ones who are here on visas and such marry low-tier men for citizenship, act "traditional" to win them over, and then divorce as soon as they find a wealthier man who can shower money on them like they're a princess.

And that, is why you don't shack up with some asian girl for any other reason than to fuck her and leave her without spawning any happas. Because at BEST, you'll be wealthy, but you're just going to be feeding a leech forever for access to her pussy. At worst you'll spawn some halfbreed freakshows and the mother wont even care to raise them and expect you to do it while also providing her a lavish lifestyle. In the end your kids will grow up hating you, hating her, hating their very existence, and probably get into porn or becoming a shooter.

Rice farming, get it right dummy.

It is much more effective to convert Jews than it is to kill them. I am working on one right now myself.

This is pretty retarded. Fuck racemixing, and especially not fucking kikes. Better solution, we just kill em all. As edgy as it sounds, it's definitely less edgy compared to how retarded your post was.

Seriously, this is fucking genius. I'll be doing my part whenever I come across any kikesses, especially if the they're friends with someone I know.

This is actually true. I had a bitch "travel and guidance"(don't ask, filler course) teacher who once said that unless a man has "money strapped on him", that she wouldn't touch them. This is the mentality of asian women. They are the kikes of the east, and it makes it worse when white men give up on white women and fall for the asian waifu meme.

Even if regular jews die out, orthodox jews have the birth rates of congo niggers.

Yup. Don't get me wrong, they play a good con-game around men they want to sink their claws into, though most women do. But if they arent interested in you and you get them talking, they'll tell you exactly what they think and are planning. They'll ham up the submissive/traditional meme, act demure and "charming" and "bashful" to a fucking T to attract who they want. But in the end, what they want, is someone to suck money from.

This is why when I hear "anime was a mistake" and such like that, I can't say its wrong. Its put a huge misconception in the minds of western white men who consume that media. They think asian women actually are like those characters at heart and that writers are creating from experience/reality. No, its a pure fantasy, its what they WISH reality was like, what they wish their women would act like, because they're so differnet from it that all they can do is live in that fantasy. But asian women in the west ham up those roles and play into those expectations perfectly until they get their claws in so deep you cant get them out.

Its sad, really. Some of them are quite attractive, but truth be told the more attractive they are, almost 100% the worse of a person they are. Of course that doesnt stop a lot of the ugly ones from being just as terrible

Funny, the only reason I came here in the first place was to figure out how to get the jewish girl I liked back. I already have the circumcision and the neurosis.

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Mein fucking sides.

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Oy vey, eh?

Pretty much.

Kek, and equally as retarded.

God bless this man, destroying the Jew long after he left us.

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The jews did it to themselves, there never was a holocaust. However, it is funny thinking that he unintentionally and unknowingly fucked up the jews before he escaped/died. Literally the true "If you beat me, I win."

Take your time and money away from (((them))) and support people who aren't (((them))) with your time and money.

This is the most effective thing to do. Your local business people who donated to Her can be easily looked up. There are lots of web sites which help you to look at who donated to who, use them when looking for a dentist, doctor, tire place, gas station, etc.

Look everybody up and starve the libtards. Shun Hollywood movies and shows, or if you really need to see them check them out from the library or buy a used DVD from the thrift store. They don't get a dime for a used movie. Find a local farmer who didn't give money to the DNC and join a CSA, etc.

Going out like a fat drunken lout and punching upper middle class Antifa larpers isn't going to do anything. Taking your dollar away from their mommies and daddies is.

One or two of the more degenerate posters might keep one around as a castrated living sex toy/pet. You should go warn /r9k/ or Holla Forums they are the ones most vulnerable to actually falling for that.

Hitler can never be beaten because Hitler was pure good. He was a moral man who chose to exit the world on his own accord. He was too good for us, but that doesn't mean he's done helping us.

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fucking lol, did one of you make this shit up?

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i fucked an asian escort once and it was disgusting. I left before our hour was up. never again.

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Good observation of Uncle Adolf's behavior in private.

Ive got a lot of pictures and such of Hitler being pretty casual, the whole image of him as some strong arm leader is dishonest. He was a man of the people and exuded love, not hate. Goebbels was also a very jovial man, after he met Hitler and got over the depression and sadness of his early life. He just loved to laugh, I dont think Hitler would ever mind lol

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the only nahtzee I know of that fit the media stereotype was Heydrich you don't hear about him often because he was part Jew

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He was not part Jew and you should stop spreading horseshit like that. Its a roman nose and the party race specialist declared him pure blood, free of any Juden.

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I don't get same vibe from Mussolini. Seemed like he was the strong arm leader type not that it's a bad thing necessarily.

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I dont have nice things to say about Mussolini. He shouldnt have invaded Greece, he was vain and invaded places merely so he could have his triumph. He worked against Hitler and had to be repeatedly bailed out, possibly at the cost of the entire war. Who knows what would have happened if Italy didnt run up a trade bill that was to be paid off at the end of the war while charging the Germans full price for any materials they required in return, up front, not taking into account the debt they already had ran up themselves. A little bit more co-operation, you know?

I've always wanted to have this picture framed and hung at my desk to tell everyone it's me, dad, and uncle Adolf.

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beautifull id dubs my friend
the spirit of Hitler is invincible

slightly off topic and a lightweight blogpost but, while perusing the thread and doing some thinking, i remembered being a kid in school and learning the term "melting pot" I then did a little research of the origins of the term.

>It was a metaphor for the idealized process of immigration and colonization by which different nationalities, cultures and "races" (a term that could encompass nationality, ethnicity and race proper) were to blend into a new, virtuous community, and it was connected to utopian visions of the emergence of an American "new man". While "melting" was in common use the exact term "melting pot" came into general usage in 1908, after the premiere of the play The Melting Pot by (((Israel Zangwill)))

(((Israel Zangwill)))

Every. Fucking. Time.

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Rub a couple shekels together then throw them into an oven.

Has anyone started sending nigger dicks to mom yet?

Pics, not physical ones I mean.

Quit being stupid. That stuff is half allegory, and half metaphor.

I m fully of the position that Mussolini is the primary reason Germany lost WWII. Not the Italians, just that man made far too many mistakes from a position of power. Far too arrogant for his own good.

do you really think that is true?

The Problem is that they are also spreading their shitty genes, but it's still better if they have 1 mixed child than 3 or 4 that will then race mix.


Religion doesn't matter, Jews are a corrosive force whether they practice their repulsive religion or not.

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Hitler killed himself.

There is more evidence that he fled overseas though.

Hitler spent a lot of time with his people, and always had his female secretaries around, often at the behest of his generals. I think he like to keep a family atmosphere. Every evening saw an informal dinner/conversation. He was genuine.

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Did he?

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She's a big girl.

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Oy Moshe, muh natzes!

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Dr. Moshe I'm Cia

That wasn't even Hitler's fault, because it didn't happen. It was jews grasping for more than they could hold.

Attached: The Origins of Holocaustianity.webm (480x360, 7.68M)

That's some shit I did not know about the hollycaust. I am even more upset now.

Miss you.

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Many muslims cooperated with kikes in muslim occupied Spain

>Pedophilic (((Joseph Cohen))) served only half sentence
Fascinating stuff right here.

Why? Could you elaborate?

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Never apologize for telling the truth user.
It's what Holla Forums used to be about.
Which is why we were always right.

Because Spain had and still does have strong Christian heritage. Do you not know about the inquisition?
Some will have been undoubtedly trying to destroy Christianity, others will just have been backing whichever side they thought was winning.

The last batch of FOIA releases actually support the submarine escape theory. Its certainly more plausible than the official story of some dubious remains being burned and dumped into a river.

That's a decent exploitable template, though. Boomer faggots need to be forced to the bottom of any social totem pole for their treachery.

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As far [[[]]] mix with rice eaters ans apefricans. it shouldn't be a problem. let's meme "Moshe , the yellow fever worshiper".

It's like pottery.

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That face remindsme a video game for PS1:
Parasite Jewish

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Truth. Boomers are obsessed with being exactly the way society expects them to be, especially if the television says so. It's creepy and disgusting, but it's the way it is. If you control the culture, you control the boomers.

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Seeing that picture, and knowing what Herr and Frau Goebbels later had to do to keep their little kids safe from the Red Army.

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Which kinda sounds exactly like how Bin Laden got "killed"

Gen-X, reporting for duty.

You are damn right, enough with this jewish supremacist bigotry.

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What's funny is there are a ton of pics/gifs where Goebbels is just laughing his ass off around Hitler. At their core they really were just regular people. There's a reason why the Germans loved them and why Stalin was despised.

He became a man with a mission, a purpose. Prior to National Socialism he wasn't very far off from where many men find themselves today.

Because the kikes were instrumental in the Moorish invasion of Iberia. The kikes essentially opened city gates for them and let them in. This is why the Inquisition included converting/kicking out kikes, and not just Muslims. The Iberians allows the kikes to live with them, side by side, and that was the thanks they got. Jews and Muslims have always bedfellows.

The kikes pozzed themselves to begin with by trying to push anti-white shit in their (((media))). As it stands even many jews unironically believe they are white and when they see the jew media push anti-white and pozz it's also by extension and unintentionally anti-jew since they are essentially white looking through their genestealing and they get the same pozzed propaganda that will be the death of whites and their tribe. The jews accidentally pozzed themselves in their poisonous quest against whites.

That's a loud of crap m8, Jews consider lineage incredibly important. In Israel you can't marry a jew who has high caste Jewish ancestry and a jew who doesn't have that lineage.



This is great. Maybe a combination of the blacks' lazy fatherhood and poor financial decision making will negate the attributes of the jew.

This is just theater for the dimwitted masses for jews to portray themselves as enlightened and progressive. jews are not against race-mixing, in fact, sending their males to infiltrate other races is how they gain power in every society.

The male jew defiling the "shiksa" while having a contrived argument with some "racist" jew is a form of negging. I.e. "well you're not one of us chosen people, shiksa, but I still love you." He'll just force her to convert or raise the offspring as kikes anyway.

Any kind of mixing with kikes is to be avoided, and the Asian bitch should be ashamed of herself for cucking her own race with someone who no doubts hates it and wants to destroy it.

Also notice how none of these stories ever involve a jewish girl's love for a White, Asian or black man, as jews hate it when their females have sex with outgroups. It's always the male kike doing the cucking. This is a subtle way for jews to brag about their males cucking other races. Learn how to infer things, people.

Yep and hopefully Saladin is rolling his grave, that stupid sandnigger thinking the biggest backstabbing traitors in history wouldn't backstab his precious mudslimes too. All major languages from the Rhine to the Levant have the phrase along the lines of "never trust a Jew" for a reason.

My extended family in italy used to tell me the story of that time the duce came trough the town.
He must have stayed in a hotel in one of the tiny villages in the area and the people working in the fields met him strolling trough the beautiful alpine nature way early in the morning, heiling casually.

Of course like most italians he wasnt particularly useful when we needed him the most.

Are you a gook subhuman? Reading his text he seems better than most gook "males" will ever be it doesn't change the fact he has mostly white blood so he's better than you by default and he doesn't even "feel" like a kike. Unironically I think this is a top lad and he seems very white to me, even though he isn't but still. He's so white he's doing what countless other white men are doing, knowing the fact that white/kike women cannot compete with superior Asian women.

its working

you some kind of faggot or something? :^)

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I know she's a Jew but it seems like she's just a typical jealous roastie knowing that a jewess lost out on marrying a rich lawyer to a chink woman. Caucasian women are nothing but trash, just ask the owner of this website himself, he knows.

Tor was a mistake.

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(((They))) are truly pathological when it comes to those ebil nahtzees. I thought they were sick harping on about the six-gorillion to the goyim, but to do it to each other? That's fucking nuts.

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Not white but a kike still outranks a gook just by looking more like and having more white blood, even if it's stolen.

jew man settling for non jew woman, particularly a gook woman = failed jew

This will not end well

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This seriously needs to get yuge.

The ovens are ready.

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Thanks for that, user. Funny ever our posts were structured similarly. I figured Holla Forums knew already but thought i could share my own personal ((("aha"))) moment in case there were a few others who didn't know. Its goes with the "jews only want diversity in white countries and not their own" redpill. I just found pic 3 in my massive folder of redpill saves. kms

Jared Taylor "White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century"

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i'll tell you a secret it's the same as old judaism,only before they felt the lashes of egyptian slavers and shieeet.

Gotta be honest, the first time she called him Moshe I momentarily read it as her accusing him of being a shill.

If all crime and disputes stopped and people just got along and acted reasonable, courts, lawyers, law enforcement, alphabets, military, would not need to exist. I'll prebanish Dr. Ackchully and establish that, yes something still needs to be there, but it's it interesting how people "grow up to be lawyers", like they make the conscious decision at 12 or something to work hard at prep school so they can one day help bring justice to the world? Or do the opposite and prevent justice but lets just assume they are "good" lawyers. Isn't it weird how these people walk into a situation confidently, like confident enough that they would dedicate like ten years of their life towards it, because they know that the chaos from crime will still be there? In one year, there are what, a million criminal/civil court cases? And certain institutions have a monopoly on the CURE for the lack of human integrity. Hmm. Just seems odd and discouraging how humans are almost predestined to fuck up at a high ass rate. That doesn't give me much hope for the future.

There are literally people who are lawyers, then have kids, they send them to private schools, and they become lawyers. It isn't talked about, but part of the equation is problems existing. If there are no problems then that lawyer is forced to work at McDonalds. You can deny the fact that there is a conspiracy to keep crime and conning happening, but now that we are aware that nothing is being done to stop this problem for good, there is a conspiracy if you still choose to ignore this. Fucking millions and millions of government employees, yet the same problems happen over and over. That is either a deliberate act, or these people are fucking retarded. Either way they should not be in charge of deciding where humanity goes next.

Revenge-fucking kikesses should be encouraged, but not marrying or having kids with them.

Horrible idea. Play with fire, don't be surprised when you get burnt. Getting the worldstar community to do the dirty work, however….

This is the reason why we are in the shit that we are in right now.
Paranoid traditionalist Jews going "OY VEY THE GOYIM HATE US SO LET'S SCREW THEM OVER FIRST BEFORE THEY GET THE CHANCE!" vs. liberal globalist Jews going "To hell with traditional culture and religion and ethnicity and all that jazz! I'm going to do everything in my power to remove these factors from the earth and then humanity will be at peace."
This is a microcosm of why we can't have nice things.

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oh my god, it is like Holla Forums is right about (((them))) or something…


That is some goy pilpul right there.

The zeroth goal of any organization is to perpetuate itself.

Sometimes it's really nice to just hear them admit it. Laughed at the part about muh holocaust.

Underrated postings brother. I hope more read this and even screen cap it. Then proceed to get buckets of cash and try dating a chinkette and see what happens.



The latest genealogical research shows strong evidence that if there's any genetic component to Judaism at all, it comes from MALE Jewish merchants traveling from the near east into southern Europe who took shiksa wives from among the local populations during their travels and then converted them. It was from the women where the Ashkenazim derived their white-looking appearance. Let an uppity JAP know this then next time she's acting smug.

I'm starting to think that the marriage of Baal and Ishtar was tactically unsound. Baal's hand-rubbing sappers work well with Ishtar's screaming hordes of feminists (and "Astaroth"/"Allah"'s screaming hordes of suicide bombers), but their leadership methods are incompatible. Baal's all about secret societies with strata of awareness, while Ishtar's goon squads never have any idea who or what they're working for and are too enraged to care.
It worked well for millennia, but it's starting to crack under the pressure of the modern age, with minions having trouble deciding which side they're working for; Israelis demanding their women wear burkas and Muslims becoming homosexuals. Conflicting loyalties are creating fracture points in the alliance between the two Babylonian hiveminds.