zogald shills infesting the board again, time to hire me as a vol and oust the reddit menace
i will also ban kutteth: the paranoid schizophrenic on sight as well
go back to the_zogald, you dumb fucking putin shills!
zogald shills infesting the board again, time to hire me as a vol and oust the reddit menace
i will also ban kutteth: the paranoid schizophrenic on sight as well
go back to the_zogald, you dumb fucking putin shills!
Other urls found in this thread:
fine example of a shill gone insane.
Trump has harmed our movement by getting idiot niggers like you to infest our site
enough. fuck off back to reddit. The only shills here are JIDF niggers like you promoting trump's zionist ass
fuck you nigger
ok shill
it's not the fact you elected him it's the fact you defend his blatantly anti-white actions.
elections are fucking meaningless anyway.
the shill has gone insane.
you're just going to spam the same faggotry you spam every thread.
you are a paid shill tbh, trying to make trump voters look like retarded spammers.
ya got me shill
That faggot wrote a book? Didn't know he could even read.
trumpeddditors have jumped the shark with the shilling for CIA niggers.
you have my axe OP.
You can't make a separate thread shilling yourself for vol faggot.
this too tbh, they think a CIA controlled glow in the dark foreign policy could be anything other than terrible. absolute faggotry.
What a little contrarian faggot you are, feel special?
spam more, trumpnigger. i bet you don't even watch animu and you only post that shit because you desperately want to fit in
A thread died for this, you raging homo
lmao good.
you have lost your precious little shill mind
fuck right off. i can smell your obesity through my monitor.
What do they pay you in?
You need to go back user.
Your first thread was even poorer than this one.
I wish I had some chick-fil-a tbh.
Where's that deportation force, moshe?
Several stores have raised purchase age to 21 after trumps comments, and several states have introduced bills which are likely to pass. Washington recently confiscated a man's gun because of reports from his neighbors, which is full on stasi-tier.
It's like watching a shill lose their mind in real time.
the only shills here are pro-trump reddit niggers like you.
What happened with your promises of spamming your precious high quality /int*/ memes?
Don't tell me that your characteristic and autism is this meme?
Oh, so it was you. That faggot, who cried at "volunteer applications" thread, begging to be hired. And constantly bitched at everyone like some whore who blames everyone instead his own very existence.
What a loser. Get a life.
No, faggot. Your very life is a shitposting in failure. You screech 24/7 as if this is your hobby, which practically explains of you having no life. Constantly being butthurt over a site which you failed over theses years to do what? To prove yourself that you're right on something? To make yourself feel good?
This is you, a miserable cunt who is obsessed over a board and the imageboard itself that resulted with you being a laughing stock in the entire world.
That's all that you got? Fucking Christ, how bathetic.
Cry more with your bitch tears because in the end, your precious little dream dies with you in failures as it always did in your life.
you still support the most openly zionist president un us history lmao
Okay, this is obviously kukfy false flagging, try harder next time
cry moar
Shalom, rabbi. Going for that bingo are we?
reddit bongo xDDDDD
only by helping Assad oppose the zog
This is what happens when you let cuckchanners do slide threads. They samefag on their own thread hoping it can stay on the catalog for 2 hours then suddenly they never return because they can't survive outside their containment site.
This is all that he has left. Bitching and crying.
reddit still dodging the points i make and resorting to insults and circlejerking
ebin :^)
come on reddit, have anything to add to the discussion? :^)
is this the dubs thread?
not for you.
wew, congratulations!
You'd be ruling over a dead board.
I thought you types wanted Holla Forums to die because "Jim is ebil" anyways.
Holla Forums is already a reddit shithole so who cares lmao
Also imagine getting your shitter shattered over a red hat.
Hi Holla Forums.
I hope this image physically hurts you.
nice trips, i hate kikes, why would it.
didnt this shill
get doxxed by someone when he made an OP and told everyone he was posting from the same country as trumps wife is from?
yes. he's dumb enough to click on ip sniffers lmao
found it. you think he gets payed or does he shill for free?
shill has gone insane
you are batshit crazy.
Love the salt.
Keep it coming
I guess even the Good Goy Trump couldn't mobilize the American masses to support a full scale invasion of Syria. Kikes still got something out of his presidency though; amnesty for beaners, even less deportations than King Nigger, embassy in Jerusalem, and most importantly a yuge milestone for future gun grab. The goyim got outplayed once again. The White electorate was completely pacified and quietly went back to sleep.
For the record OP you had potential. But if you don't get that ego, that messiah complex, and that unwarranted self importance under control then you're going to end up just like poor old Hans. As a crispy critter… afu~fu~fu~fu~
the jig is up shill. go back to yugoslavia
btw, zundel was a shit board - it linked the BO's patreon at the top and was formatted like a directory. end/pol/ has a redpill thread that some nigger derailed with book spam and became a decent resource and /pdfs/ is unironically a better alternative to his autism cage.
I overall agree, but a surprising amount of people do support a syrian invasion and this bothers my booty.
Go back to kekistan, retard.
Our movement is the radical national socialist agenda. Kekistan is a trumpnigger circlejerk.
At least it was a good laugh.
Radical = Nothing to my right but the wall
Revolutionary = Anti-system.
The exact words WLP used, only he would occasionally say "fanatic" which has since had the definition skewed to mean 'unstable supporter'
We don't need unstable hobbyists fucking everything up, like you goddamn trumpcucks.
ebin meme there, fellow pede!
This faggot sholdnt even be allowed a computer.
Get those super WI aids and die.
RAGE moar
back to slovenia, trumpcuck
4cuck tier
It's likely that both posters are him. He probably wanted a way to brag about being from Slovenia, and thought he could scare posters into not criticizing Trump if they thought their location would be leaked.
well the two posters kept talking on about something, untill one of them started blabbering in their language. the thrad is still up tho, you can look it up
youre the one shitposting and screeching allover the thread.
learn how to do damage control fag.
I'm just laughing at how triggered you are.
You're retarded. I'm mod an I larped as soup agent
joke's on you, I really am one
fuck off kike
post with capcode then, LARPing kike
Just when l was starting to get bored it suddenly gets interesting. Please continue.
You have no idea what you're stepping into SSS -slovenian secret services don't play around
i thought you were a mod. legitimately have no clue who's jewing who anymore.
i fear no glowie.
Drown yourself in semen.
im not zundel btw. i was in that thread applying multiple times
and hanz is doing just fine. he has his own board now at >>>/hanz/
Drown yourself in semen.
Heil's in charge these days. The moar you know
Sounds gross. I'll pass.
Drown yourself in semen.
just come clean fam you were a mod at one point, i know you'd have banned me know if you still are.
Correct. But for the truly stupid, it's better to let them run their course first. I might have made an exception for you. At least until l got bored.
But enough about me. Enjoy your thread. I'm sure it will work this time. fu~fu~fu~
I'm mostly here to make fun of hypocrites that simultaneously support trump and decry zionism. I'm really not sure if they're true believers or it's all part of some ebin shitposting campaign designed to annoy the few people left that take imageboards seriously.
I'm perfectly content posting on other boards that haven't lost their unique cultural aspects.
The battered housewife that keeps crawling back…
That would be the trumpniggers lmao. They're the ones that keep getting fucked with and excusing it as chess.
Drown yourself in semen.
Drown yourself in semen.
what has trump actually done against his constituents up to this point?
even talk about banning guns and attacking syria. i'm eternally asshurt about the "empty" airfield.
Erika is worst girl and original > PS3 sprites :^)
i mean, what has he actually done though
nigger detected.
bombed fucking syria, said things that shift the overton window towards a more anti-gun stance.
Syria? No invasion/regime change
DACA? Nope
Embassy? israel claimed jerusalem as it's capital during the sixties
Guns? Seeing the pattern yet?
I'll pass thx.
Doesn't matter since he fucking attacked them
Yep, the spics are still protected
And yet they didn't have an embassy there.
Yes, guns are already getting harsher laws put in place.
didnt he just bomb an airport in syria where (((they))) said gas was and no gas was released in the process and nothing actually came of this attack because we warned russia prior who then warned syria?
ok, but what has he actually done against my gun rights? has he passed any gun laws?
is that really all you have?
Drown yourself in semen.
One-off attacks and regime change aren't really the same. Nobody accepts jerusalem because muh two state solution.
I'm also retarded. I said sixties when it was really the forties. The 1948 Arab-israli war to be exact.
Drown yourself in semen.
you really seem to have an obsession with cum. are you jewish? or some other flavor of subhuman. if you were asking them to drown in shit, i wouldnt even be asking.
And I never called it regime change, I called it interventionism, which it is. Any interventionism is inexcusable. Any gun-control rhetoric is outright treason.
How's about you stop engaging in discussion with imkikey, you retarded sack of shit newfag. You should know the response to him by default. You should know what he looks like by default. Fuck the hell off.
he thinks it's rach when they have completely different posting styles. blart pls go
Imkikey deserves only one reply, user.
kikey is the ponyfucked / edgelord. I'm thinking this is nacht or moonman. i don't really care too much though.
Yeah, this is 100% imkikey false flagging
Except he's saging the thread.
l love this part btw
Got any profs that I'm a roach? Tie me to those pictures. Be the first. If you're going to post them you should know that shirtless me is my favorite. Followed closely by 420 me. I never really liked passport me for some reason. afu~fu~fu~fu~
They all seem to do pretty much the same thing here:
disrupt any genuine discussion about dealing with jews, keep the board firmly of the jewish ZOG-train and ban anyone pointing outmost of the stickies are promoting NeoCon jews, post endless smug loli anime girl JPGs in the absence of anything intelligent to say in defence of them protecting jews openly trolling Holla Forums et cetera
Drown yourself in semen.
stay triggered
Stay ban evading.
So fucking obvious.
why would I ban myself?
loving how this absolutely blows shills the fuck
Your tears, my god, they taste like honey
Sorry, obvious kike paid shill, but heil doesn't behave like this.
12 year old females are not "little girls".
I have news for you, CTR.
You lost
keep crying
That image of trumpstein drinking something nondescript, are we to assume the liquid is flowing from his best buddy Netanyahu?
fresh OC for our assmad shill friend here
Fuck I don't even know who is doing more to "discredit" Trump. This shit is so cringe worthy.
Keep crying in your shitty thread
I thought ironic shitposting was insta-banned on this board less the retards think they can shit up the place?
i hope you have some candles because this thread looks like your funeral
I'm sure you're first in line moshe.
When there aren't any mods awake doing the job, nothing gets done.
Lurk more.
I see that extra chromosome is treating you poorly. You should kill your kike parents for bringing you into this world.
Its just sad after seeing an user get b& yesterday in the CIA director thread for an obvious joke.
are you really gonna push it so far someone just takes that pic to MSpaint and writes cum under it?
Nice strawman. Way to be a kike. Bump, by the way, since it triggers you.
Global report.
Hey. I am the individual you are looking for. As it happens the creator of that thread is not me and you are a delusional idiot. It will be funny to watch you worm your way into power just to use your power to ban a ton of anons you think are me.
Regards, the boogieman.