Favorite fascist symbol?

Personally, I think the wolfsangel is pretty badass, for not being that common. Hakenkreuz is a close second though.(every template thread is a template template template)

Attached: nazi-werewolf-wolfsangel.jpg (311x311, 11.17K)

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German is such a beautiful lenguage

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I'm actually not familiar with that first one, good shit user

Dubs prove my point

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What would make a super low key tattoo or upper arm sleeve? Would an "American" eagle in black and white be too obvious?

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The sun cross is the wheel and the sun and the cycle of seasons

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Enjoy your ban retard

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What's the origin on the first pic?? That's fucking awesome.

The Brotherhood of the Snake

The Brotherhood of the Snake relates to the House of Orange monarchy that goes back to the Sumerian gods, the custodial rulers, who mated with human women. This brotherhood is an essential one that revered the reptilian gods.

The Black Knights trace their origin back to the Knights Templar. The Nazis had one of their manuscripts, which once belonged to the scribes of Israel. It explained that the Hebrew god was El Shaddai, otherwise known as Satan.

Sorry for the shittt pasta. It wasn't even cooked right I fucking suck

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Thanks user. Time to do some research for my own sake. Very interesting!

And for these, all of em are fantastic, design and meaning.

Man, this is such beautiful art. We really need to infiltrate art, it is partly the reason why the left has done this much damage to society.

Where are getting all this information from? I thought this was just the anti partisan guerrilla warfare badge. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Partisan_Guerrilla_Warfare_Badge

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