Elderly Swedish lady harassed by the police for being critical of Islam

I found this video on the net: youtube.com/watch?v=FH3wLgdMUgA

It is made by an Elderly Swedish lady, Christina, who was harassed and charged by the Swedish police for attacking Religion of Cuck™ online. She was called for six, several hours long interrogations, and they ransacked her house. In two days (14th, 14:30) she will be prosecuted in a Swedish Tingsrätt (district court).

I have added subtitles to the attached file, and I think it would be very useful to spread this video, as it is very moving and illustrative of the situation in Sweden.

Sorry for the poor quality. I suck at video stuff and had trouble getting under the file size limit, and so I will post the subtitles in case anyone can do it better.

Attached: Sweden2.webm (176x144 4.38 MB, 4.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot subtitles: pastebin.com/iwcPnJGK

How is it possible for Swedish police to do this to their own and let arabs destroy their country? It honest to god boggles my mind. From what ive been reading lately sweden is on the verge of having a full blown caliphate uprising. How can Swedes treat their own like this? With no empathy and no mercy. Do you have to be a full blown self hating marxist to hold any government sector position?

the police work for money.
jews have lots of money.

It can't be the money. Police in Sweden have been quiting in mass and theyve had to supplement the force with military personnel.

I'm surprised Swedish pensioners haven't just dusted off their battle axes and gone full Berserker. Can you imagine living in Sweden and being told you were terminally ill with only 6 months to live?

Money and social standing. If they protest not only do they lose their jew money but the jew media will smear them until their entire family is destitute and without any help or sympathy.
They go along to keep themselves from being punished, but in the end what is it worth if noe one has a future?
A lot of people are so high-time preferences that they do not understand what this implies for the future. You can also thank the jews for teaching whites to be post-modern and nihilistic, so they care even less about what is going on outside of their immediate surroundings.

A lot of it is probably about fear. You can see with this lady what happens to people who stand up for themselves. A few police officers have taken a stand and spoken out, but they're hounded in the media.

Attached: polishund.jpg (600x391, 43.44K)

Appaparently Fria Tider and (((Sr P4))) have already reported on it:

She is 65 years old, and wrote on Facebook (amongs other things)

Attached: puxa.jpg (500x333, 40.31K)

You hope too much. Good things don't happen.

Hitler happened.

No civlisation is ethernal, and especially a development as chaotic and violent as this will have to reach a crescendo.

Wasn't good enough, he didn't try to genocide them. Anything less than perfect permanent solutions are a waste of effort.

And that's why nothing should exist.

Show some respect. We'd be nowhere without him. If a literal God send isn't enough for you, kys.

No. A literal god isn't good enough because the gods are anti white. Otherwise we'd have killed every like by now.

Fuck respecting anyone when all that ever happens is kikes getting away. I will continue to scream until someone helps me kill myself in person.

Gadsden, Alabama. Broad Street Bridge. Bring a gun.

Oy vey!

Granny should be talking sense to the women in Sweden rather than to men and you only need to see voting patterns and polls to know why.

For every Nation in the West, it's time to start interrogating the police who went along with this illegal shit.

It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.


Cops are scared of actually dealing with criminals, so they tend to look busy by harassing people who aren't bothering anyone. When you see situations where the police go after someone really hard then there's usually a leftist group that reported her, or some kike in the police force wants to shut it down. It's sort of like how David Duke can get sent to prison for tax evasion despite overpaying his taxes that year. If the police wants to get you, they'll do anything they can. There has to be a specific foreign element influencing the situation for them to come after an old lady like this, though.

Most of the decent police have thrown in the towel and quit. Turns out letting criminals run wild isn't that popular among the rank and file. Left among the police is the quota-morons who would never become police had they not been immigrants or women and the politically correct left wing morons.

Stockholm police is down to half the workforce, they literally had 1 guy per 100 000 people this weekend.

The only part of Sweden where you get away with this is in the south of Sweden, Skåne. Partly because Skåne-people are the least PC among swedes and partly because the Malmö police is so busy with real crime they can't even be bothered with this BS when they get all the proofs and everything handed to them(there is a private law-organization behind all these prosecutions in Sweden lately, they literally surf around facebook looking for retirees writing stuff that could break the law regarding hatespeech).

Sweden is nowhere close a full blown caliphate uprising. The situation has more to do with crime then Religion of Cuck™ists, also Sweden is very segregated(most in Europe) so many white middle class people simply don't notice this. Police do as they are ordered, swedes always obey their betters unfortunately. A cultural trait handed down from Gustav Vasa.

sorry - 2 guys per 100 000.

Modern leftism in a nutshell.

Same as in the UK. We will always be serfs and peasants because of our peoples shit self-defeating slave mentality and our deference to authority and betters.

It's what they signed up for- to follow orders, and get paid.

This. Cops don't have morals, it's just a job. They do what their boss says and they get paid, or else they get fired (and can't get a job anywhere else). They are the enforcers of the establishment- if that establishment is ZOG, then they're going to be ZOGbots. Likewise, if the establishment is NatSoc, then they're going to be NatSocbots, which would be great. Basically, they are bodies filling suits, not real people with souls.

It is unfortunate, once upon a time this was our greatest strength. The trust we had in our people, in our society and our authorities turned against us, and used as a weapon to weaken and destroy us from within. It's truly sad but history teaches us that people can put up with alot of misery before they rebel. There will however come a time when they will have no other choice, our type of society simply isn't substainable with a large amount of brown people.

The amount of non-whites in Sweden btw just incase you or someone else is curious, is based on a 2015 estimate of trusted immigration scholar Tino Sanandaji 16% or actually was, now 3 years later with a migration of around 30 k each year it should land on 16.9%. So it's not french situation here, but the incredible incompetence of our politicians regarding police matters is making the order of society deteriorate a rapid pace.

I think it's important people on pol remain optimistic and willing to fight. I see many comments on here saying Sweden is a lost case already, France is cucked, Britain aswell so on and so on. Not one of us is even close to defeated, I wouldn't count out whites if we were 15-20% up against the rest of the population, much less 70-80% of the population.

Name of the company? This sounds like something we should be taking action on.

Their website: http s://www.juridikfronten.org/
Leader of the organisation and owner of the website: Martin Tunström, Helsingborg
Picture and linked in: http s://se.linkedin.com/in/martin-tunstr%C3%B6m-571b95b0
Article about him and some dealings he had with a leading swedish nationalsocialist: http s://www.nordfront.se/riktiga-hjaltar-istallet-for-politiskt-korrekta-feministiska-och-svenskfientliga-folkforradare.smr (starts about halfway through the article, just run it through google translate.

Just to clarify: Basically the article talks about a court case this guy did against him. He also talks about how the leader of this organisation has written anonymous debate articles and sent them to various alternative news websites and when it gets published sued them for hatespeech(after first calling them to demand money or he goes to court, a practice also known as blackmail).

Most cops have a ton of mental and emotional problems but that's another discussion. Of course they go after the old lady. It's that or Adbul with hand grenades and a Kalashnikov. Anyway I don't think this silences anyone. I think it wakes them up and makes them feel ashamed. I don't believe Swedes are lost. I think at the last moment, when they've been kicked in the ass for long enough they'll erupt in a rage and cleanse their lands. It will be a matter of survival and all life has it's at it's core preservation. jew media has fucked up their hands good and proper but empty words can't be enough to have them suicide themselves. If so our facts would have leftists dying in droves as truth always triumphs.

Negativity and defeatism has a tendency to fester. There is a reason why it used to be penalty by death to be defeatist as a soldier during times of war. We need to stop reacting to our enemies and start being pro-active. I think we need optimism and a hopeful alternative to our current situation, not more blackpilling.

It is literally the cops job. Wait? Did you think for second that cops jobs is been good boys and defend law and population? Ahahaha. Nope. Their job is to harass you under the orders of their superiors.

Well to be fair, most of the police has quit in frustration over shit like this.

Only for slave type of soldiers who politically correctly are called conscripts.

Maybe Sven should get an AK and a few hand grenades as well. You need to remember that the police aren't allies to us and that once they stop enforcing ZOG's laws out of fear of getting killed, we can have a real cleansing.

Not so easy in Sweden, especially not for someone without criminal connections. Maybe I could get a gun from some yugo or arab criminal, but that's it. Nordfront is rumored to have a stash and military arms and supples were stolen during the 90s. But obviously their state is unknown.

People from countries where guns are readily available must understand it is not as easy to get ahold of guns here as where they live. An imbalance I hope can be rectified somehow.

Absolutely heartbreaking, how can an elderly woman like that be so freely pushed around not just by these migrants, but the government, it's like, no empathy to this woman, who could be so monstrous?

Attached: Waaah!.jpg (320x257, 29.78K)

Thanks for translating, user. Here's a higher res webm made with your subtitles.

Attached: Elderly Swede harassed by police.webm (270x480, 10.83M)

Jews destroyed their country, arabs are just the sword.

On their homepage, they have a tag called "free speech". I clicked it. It's all about them trying to sue nationalist podcasts for not complying with the letter of the law of the free-speech part of the constitution. The irony is palpable.

Thanks, man. I managed to make one, but I just had trouble uploading it due to the file size limit (at least I think so, the "Posting" stopped at 100%).

This video hooktube.com/watch?v=HGQpVsa4YTg shows how. Diplomats and politicians sold you out to commies and muslims. Police are officers of the court and just do what they're told for the most part.

Nathatsgranskaren - Tomas Aberg, with the funny A.

He's on record admitting most of the people his private group reports to the government for hate speech are women over 65.

That's target numero uno for going after those reporting citizens for hate speech for speaking. Gonna need a Swede, the shit's all gibberish for me.

I can translate stuff if you want me to.

No no no. Those 15-16-17% are only those that were born abroad. Add their children and second generation immigrants and it becomes close to 30%. Including jews, gypsies, third/fourth generation immigrants (like the high yella mulatto Reinfeldt) the number is approximatively 35-40%. Since almost all immigrant groups have a higher nativity than ethnic swedes and since immigrants are not evenly distributed across Sweden this means that swedish children are a minority in a disturbingly large number of towns and cities.

Yes, a bullet to the head type of action for such organizations.

would be interesting to know how leftist she was in her youth. how many vibrants she fucked while on holiday in cuba or the caribbean…

i'm 100% she was once an enabled so no pity for her.

I agree, Schlomo. White women are all impure whores. I and my fellow whites should all date Asians or go our own way.



Sounds like leafland. Shit like this happens in (((Ontario))) or (((Alberta))) but try this in other places and you're laughed at.

Registry Registrant ID: C199978190-LROR
Registrant Name: Robin Enander
Registrant Organization: Samhallsmagasinet Avsnitt
Registrant Street: Rullstensgatan 27B
Registrant City: Umea
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code: 906 55
Registrant Country: SE
Registrant Phone: +46.737278856


The page savemysweden.com/tag/nathatsgranskaren/ is already in English, but here is a translation of the top article in näthatsgranskaren.se/blogg/. It's mainly Kikle Translate with some minor corrections. I have kept grammatical errors intact because I don't feel like correcting my enemy, and it's funny that a group of lawyers can't write proper Swedish. Most of it isn't very interesting, but there is some jucy stuff in part 2.
>About the Association Näthatsgranskaren's work and the hangout of our members

Part 2 (here's where the good stuff is at):

>How society is affected by these statements

>Doxing and threats to the members of the association
Poor little Thomas Åberg. The evil racists want to "demonise" a "accident" related to his hobby of helping and caring for animals. Those heartless bastards! Notice how they didn't tell you what poor little Thomas did. Well, let me tell you (source: nyatider.nu/djurplagare-bakom-nathatsgranskaren-lat-sina-djur-svalta-till-dods/). For several years he kept six yaks (he only reported the possession of five to the government) in an enclosure. However, during the time he kept them, he didn't give these animals any food or water, and they had to scavenge to survive. When the government looked into the issues, due to reports, half of them had starved to death. Poor little Thomas. How dare those evil racists be mean to him for starving animals to death.
In Swedish "En Svensk Tiger" means both "A Swedish Tiger" and "A Swede shuts the hell up". It was used as propaganda to encourage people to not say anything that could compromise Sweden's neutral position during WWII. See attached pic for an example.

Attached: En Svensk Tiger.jpg (1920x1039, 132.72K)

Is there anyway of finding out the names of those working for them? If not, what about the location of their office(s)?


Attached: Granny Swede haterz.png (594x1513, 349.41K)