Total Ass Cancer

So now that totalhalibut is most likely impotent as fuck and barely has any energy and what little he has he spends bitching about buh trump and racistsss.
Since he probably can't fuck his wife, do you think a jamal does it while he watches?

Other urls found in this thread:

It is selfish for him to put his own fat disgusting ass over the future of his nation.

Thats what I said about Trump

Aww, still sad you lost?

When is he going to just die already?

We all lost

Doesn't he live in the UK? Why would he care about Trump?

Except the white race. Major victory for us, you non-humans are fucked.

ok darkie


Hey look, a leftist putting upon an unfounded air of superiority. It's not like this is the exact reason they've been completely rejected by the populace.

Totalfaggot pls go and stay go.

Why do leftists always resort to unwarranted smug and frail pitiful projections? Are arguments really so hard to come by for your kind?


He moved to the US years ago for work (and because he isn't that big a fan of the UK but still isn't above using the flag as part of his image). He isn't a US citizen though, so he couldn't vote.

What's your GOTY of 2016, anons?
Mine is either Dungeon Rats or Furi

Trump has had the stance for ages that keeping the preexisting condition clause so insurance companies couldn't drop you was the one thing he wanted to keep from Obamacare. So the one thing he's so pissy about was never even going to happen. Fucker didn't even do any research and only bought into the bullshit the media because it supported his confirmation bias. And this is coming from a fucker who supported gamergate and was personally on the receiving end of the media's ire for it. How can someone be this fucking retarded?

They can't comprehend arguments because they are not sentient. They've been trained not to reason.

Next time you want to do this make a LOL thread.

He lives in the States with his wife and wife's son (Kek). He got majorly butthurt she voted independent because Obamacare was the reason he could afford his treatment, nevermind the fact its costing the average normalfag an arm and a leg. Oh his wife has cancer now too. Double kek.

Did cancer make him completely delusional?

I hate Trump, and I didn't want him (or Shillary), but I didn't blow a fucking gasket just because the system worked in a way that didn't cater to my own selfish ass. This is how the system works. You either agree with the system or you don't, you can't only agree with it when your guy gets in.
It's like the legal system. Sure it's riddled with flaws, but the basic intention is to operate in the greatest interest of the most people, not to cater to spoiled liberals (and I say this as a liberal).

Not now that she has upgraded her stankpuss into a

Wow you're either really new or a sweet, naive boy. Flee this place.

Cancer and leftism always go hand in hand

Damn, this is too good to be true. These libshits keep on crying. These next four years are going to be fucking great.

but user he has over 9000IQ points.


I didn't say that's exactly how it works, but that's what the intention is. That's why the basic framework for the current system was initially set up 300 or so years ago. There are failures (such as the entire bipartisan system), but the idea is sound. If Trump does what he said he was going to do and flushes out the collusion, the lobbyists, and the corruption in DC it'll be a damn good start to fixing the issue. I don't really trust that he will, but it would be a nice surprise.

reminder to report retarded Holla Forums threads

I guess that means just being near totalasscancer is enough to give you radiation exposure.
Either that or totalfaggot got so assmad at Trump winning he literally went nuclear is leaking radiation becoming a biological hazard.

Makes sense, her son got one the year after TB got one as well.

Nah, fam.

Why is this thread bump locked?

A lot of the deadbeats are crying, afraid their welfare state is going to dry up. It's fun to watch them squirm.



(2) now.~


Bets on who gets cancer next in their family?

There's only three of them and all three got the tumors already. I guess it'll be one of their dogs or cats.

I meant like their relatives or friends.

That's fucking wrong, Trump has been saying that he won't allow insurance companies to drop you for pre-existing conditions since at least February. He wants to drop the monopoly part of Obamacare, not the anti-kikery provisions.

If he thinks he's gonna die of ass cancer I would expect him to at least fact check the problem. This fucking retard has his life on the line and not even that is enough to make him check his sources. What a colossal fucking mongoloid.

His PC.

Best part is he spent hours typing insults to portions of his fan base instead of just spending the few minutes it would take to find the truth. It cost him his relevance, and that's hilarious.

Has anyone looked if there is a difference in the view count before and after the stuff in OP's post?

They are so up their own ass that even the threat of life is not enough to make them stick their head out.

Wasn't it called global warming?