
How and why did this ever become a thing to try and discredit legitimate criticisms about games?

How is wanting a functional product being 'entitled'? Is it really just a PR buzzword that companies use to try and discredit detractors or is there more to it?

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Basically that.

Blame EA for starting this during the ME3 fiasco. They probably threw shekels at gayming journos to start this shit line of reasoning.

I know there's a difference between complaints and complaining but "entitled" has become a buzzword used for both.


It really just doesn't make any sense to me that it caught on with the general gaming public so to speak. All you have to do is go to any game forum and browse around and you'll see people toss it out as though it has some kind of actual meaning to it or it's a legitimate response in any way shape or form.

Reminder that you're all of these if you dare to criticise my favorite game that I was paid to shill

What the hell does that even mean? Where is this being used?

You should look into the new Ghostbusters, all publications that started the "if you think it's bad your sexist" shit have ties to Sony. If they can silence detractors in a way that appeals to another group (be it feminists or SJWs) they create a feedback loop they can step away from getting maximum bang for their buck.

they want to give Entitled a negative connotation to make it easier to feed you shit, not only in videogames but everywhere in life
make you feel bad for thinking you are entitled to a good product for which you've payed, and thus make it easier for you to accept being fed garbage and lies
>you're just a self-entitled
even though you are entitled to factually accurate reporting and reviews

Just exactly who "they" are is up for speculation, but it's the people you never see pulling the strings of the puppets on show

You're not though, and the fact that they've convinced you that you are is one of the major bulwarks of their power.

What the fuck is "entitled" is supposed to mean anyway?
I paid money for this fucking product, of course I'm fucking entitled. I'm entitled to get a good fucking product for my money.

but I am entitled to factually accurate reporting and reviews, it's in the SPJ Code of Ethics
Now, this doesn't make me automatically believe anything any reporter say or write as true or factually accurate in any way

Once again, you're falling for their nonsensical PR, it's just a way for them to appear more honest than they are, and make you buy into them. When they betray your trust, you view it as a failure of a good system, rather than the intentional betrayal of your interest that it really is.

That's the fucking joke. Didn't like the 3-color ending to ME3? Didn't like the new DMC featuring Donte "Fuck you!" Emofaggot? Thought the latest console port sucked ass? You're an entitled shitlord who deserves nothing!

basically for shit where people try to make mountains out of molehills. like 30fps cap and being shocked and appaled that you have to pay extra for things made after the games release thinking you were entitled to them for free


Because fuck you goy, these are good, have 10/10 in reviews and you should buy!

Though a tad hyperbolic, this is a perfect example of an actual entitled gamer - practically every Japanese port to the PC over the past two years has had at least one retard spouting this kind of talk, acting like playing on PC somehow magically means they don't just deserve, but outright require a AAA standard of development for every game, regardless of circumstances behind the game.

I wish the media hadn't run the word "entitled" into the fucking ground, because thanks to them legitimately entitled behavior now gets brushed off, as the moment someone says it like it is and calls someone "entitled" they get bombarded with "HAHAHA YOU SAID THE E-WORD THAT MEANS YOUR ARGUMENT IMMEDIATELY LOSES ALL VALUE TOUGH LUCK BUCK-O, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME"


If it doesn't go up to 60FPS its trash

People only complain(and rightfully so) if it doesn't go to 60fps(which is perfectly valid)
Still shitty

It's a product, you paid for it. Quit being such a corporate cock sucking faggot. There's no excuses for these shit ports. These devs didn't "bestow" this game upon us, they created it to sell. Kill yourself.

Look at modern games that get ported, hell even games from 5 years ago, ports seem to retain their framerate lock needed for the console, a cinematic 30 fps.
Hell hardly anything gets at least 60 fps these days, and the consumer is just told to buy more expensive hardware because lel ur hardware sux n00b git gud, passing off the incompetence of the developers onto the consumer's wallet.


I would be scared of replying to the guy on the 4th picture in case he gets a boner from the reply.

It's a stupid way of telling people that they shouln't expect what they pay for. Just give them your shekels and stop whining, you should be glad to get that game in the first place. There are starving children in Africa who have to make do with Famiclones, and you're sitting here turning your nose up to the new Thief. Stop being so entitled to a good game when you pay for a good game, guys.
When you take that analogy and apply it to other things it starts to sound fucking stupid

It's shit posting by "professionals".
It literally tells you to get the fuck out of your hobby. The mature, retarded assholes, are now in charge. But being retarded, they don't realize that there is no market if they get theyr(Xeir) way.
Shit for shitters. Shit for the shit throne.

This is a marketers wet dream and the sad thing is I doubt these people realize that they have been programmed better than the games they defend.

It's shit posting by "professionals".
It literally tells you to get the fuck out of your hobby. The mature, retarded assholes, are now in charge. But being retarded, they don't realize that there is no market if they get theyr(Xeir) way.
Shit for shitters. Shit for the shit throne.

I'm convinced the guy on the right IS a marketer himself. No one can be this insane.

What exactly is that image supposed to show? The PS3 one looks slightly darker and slightly more blurry, but that is probably just my imagination, since the diff shows nothing whatsoever and the normalized diff only shows the compression artefacts from the fact that the bottom one is captured from a fucking video, not to mention that the entire image is a jpeg. Also, the bottom image is one pixel short.

You got memed, user.

Questioning capitalism is wrong.

And you look just slightly more stupid. But if you look reeeally closely you see… ok. What's your point?


It's ok, we can just call you "commie" instead of entitled for that.


This is why the gaming industry is cancer. Normalfags. How do you believe No Man's Sky actually got hyped? You should look at the mainly normalfag game fanbases. Sims is a good example of how cancerous they can be.


The Mass Effect 3 ending controversy was where the concept of "entitled" gamers really started. I don't think I really need to elaborate on the nature of that controversy here. So companies, with their journalist lapdogs, will generally sweep legitimate criticisms of the game under the rug in favor of ad hominem attacks and focusing exclusively on what they perceive as the most asinine of criticisms.

Basically, it's a cheap attempt at social engineering to push normalfags to accept underwhelming products by demonizing anyone who calls out said absence of quality.

It's a way to take power away from the people who have standards and give it to the people who buy anything they see on E3. There's way more of the latter than the former, meaning more sales.

It also makes the masses feel superior for buying and liking your product, because you can make them feel above the "entitled gamers". Just cherrypick a few angry forum posts, screenshot them, and let your fanbase circlejerk over them

I'm sure it started before that.
Olivia from Bolivia tho.


You are absolutely entitled to a quality product if you're spending your money on it. That's the agreement set by every seller of a good or service, they are bound to deliver what the customers want.

I'm a fan of your argument, user, but it can easily be disassembled. Just argue that the fries and drink are dlc

Instead try the argument that dlc is more like closing off rooms of a house you own unless you pay a premium

It's a feminist tactic. Perhaps the whole "entitled gamer" thing came about before feminism tried to wrap its greasy paws around vidya, but the logic behind the accusation is the same. See, there are some women who hate men to the point that they have to look at every innocuous, well meaning gesture with paranoia, and so they try to find some ulterior motive behind it.
and on and on and on. The point is, they're operating under the idea that every man is out to get them and therefore every good gesture has some slant behind it. Maybe this mindset has some validity in specific circumstances, like when you know someone has a bad reputation but who suddenly changed their tune, but it's dangerous to apply to every single person on a general basis, especially when they've done you no wrong.

Applying this to vidya, shills, or morons who legitimately enjoy eating shit, want to deflect direct and meaningful criticisms in order to preserve the current state of the game in question, but they know they can't always formulate an argument against the more ironclad criticisms, so they'll instead resort to accusing the critic of being entitled. This very simple accusation is meant to paint said critic as selfish or narrow minded. If they can convince neutral parties that you're the antagonist, then they don't have to work to deconstruct your criticisms.

"You've got enemies? Good. That means you've actually stood up for something in your life"


everyone is wrong but me

The worst part about the "you're just entitled" thing is that OF COURSE I'M FUCKING ENTITLED

Fucking seriously, it's not like publishers are giving this shit out of the kindness of their own hearts, they expect money out of it. This whole "entitlement" thing is more or less them throwing a giant fucking temper tantrum over the fact that people don't want to pay $100+ for a steaming load of half-assed bullshit, and that those same people encourage others to not buy into it.

the "entitled" excuse is a thing boradly used against costumers nowadays, not just gamers.
Its a very dumb counter-complain mechanism

keks me every time

It's more becaise essential shit like the physics engine is tied to the framerate.
There're a couple games that got ported that, the moment you go abover 30fps, go full retard becasue the physics start to bug out.

Yes, most blindly loyal fans and communities helped it become a thing.

"Entitled" started by EA/Bioware when people were dissatisfied with ME3. Basically, people who felt the game was a rushed shitty job of a game and didn't at all live up to ME2 in terms of quality.
So they pushed out this "Entitled Gamer" deflection to try and say that they didn't owe anybody anything and that they could make the games they wanted and it was only these "Entitled" losers that were complaining.
In a way they're right, but not listening to the people who are your potential customers with what they want is probably bad for business.

The game companies and video game media (that weren't directly video games in themselves) had done this really peculiar thing. See…at some point late in Xbox's lifespan and then early into the Xbox360 (I measure eras by console generations. Its just easier) the gaming media was pushing this sort of rise and acceptance of being a "nerd" or a "geek". This was helped along with the boom and widespread success of comic-based movie adaptations being done by Marvel and of course the Nolan batman movies. Jocks were on their way out, Gamers and nerds were the new rise in this technological wonderland of smart phones, video games, social media, APPS! EVERYONE IS MAKING APPS! and the best thing about gamers/nerds/geeks is that they were inclusive and open and sensitive and all that mattered to them was if you knew your shit or not.

Then, in the few years leading up to GamerGate they started painting the video game player as if they were some sort of ultra violent ultra misogynistic boogeyman with a dash of racism just for flavoring. But at the same time…describing them as completely ineffectual losers at life but somehow are still the most dangerous things on the planet. It was surreal and the game companies and game journalists started basically shitting on every person who would say that a video game is bad or didn't live up to expectations.
Do you remember how mad all the paid-for game review sites got about people not wanting to play DmC?
Do you remember how buttflustered those same sites got when people were proving that they would play Dragon's Crown and perhaps they enjoyed the site of big bouncing witch tits?
And of course, the "Entitled Gamer" thing was spawned out of that for EA/Bioware and Mass Effect 3. It stuck around for a while too.

However, I think its pretty much on its way out. When games are so shitty that even "normalfags" realize they've been duped, the jig is up.
No Man's Sky was that shitty dupe.

Have you been living under a rock? It's CURRENT YEAR.



Our favorite shill: archive.is/Lc4Za

here, let me translate for you.
"entitled" -> "white"

I still find it hilarious that some of the usual suspects are still trying to push the "STOP BEING ENTITLED" shit over NMS. Hello Games put out a half-assed product and lied about the contents of the game. They were radio silent for months to the point where everyone thought they took the money and ran. Those aren't things you do if you expect to keep doing business with people.

But what do I know, I'm just a guy who watched his dad do business for my entire childhood.

The board jew should wordfilter entitled into smart.

You know what's ridiculous? There are still NMS/Hello Games apologists running around the internet starting arguments and defending the game over anyone who says anything bad about NMS.

For fucking real?
Why? Are they that ingrained into that narrative?

Is it Sony trying to save face? They've been taking a bunch of losses lately you'd think they would change their marketing strategy.
But I guess they haven't learned their lessons from how they did Ghostbusters.

To give a serious answer, it's because normalfags keep saying "It's cool to be a nerd," but that's just blatantly untrue. It's cool be a "customer". As long as nerds and gamers are passionately buying things, they're "cool." But as soon as that passion has them criticizing something, they're whiny, entitled, manchildren who need to grow up and just BUY the thing. The media wants to have their cake and eat it too. They want the loyalty without the scrutiny. But both of those things are what makes nerds nerds.

The term "entitled" is most often Rovian projection to inoculate the accuser from accusations of entitlement.
It is projection from those who feel entitled to money, resources, influence, attention, etc. SJWs as an example.

Only if they don't expect commercial success.
If you want the public to pay for your art, you have to make art that the public wants to pay for, simple as that.

It's because Western culture has morphed into leftist hugbox "culture". No one is allowed to say mean things about anyone (that isn't straight, white and male), no one is allowed to be a "hater", safe spaces need to exist everywhere and criticism, no matter how mild or constructive, is frowned upon because everyone (that isn't straight, white and male) is a victim in need of protection.

So when the predominately white, straight and male gamers complain, they're being entitled shitlords oppressing poor PoC and womyn with their logic, facts and arguments.

Feelz > Realz

Some people also fell for it and reasoned that fans were "entitled" because they were asking Bioware to literally "change the ending" when in reality people were just expecting what was promised, that is, their choices in the whole series to have an impact, not to mention to have closure, ME3 original ending was just copy and paste, every other choice you made in earlier games was reduced to a cameo or a reference here and there.

They use "entitled" in place of "self-entitled" and still fail, they try to say that no matter how much you paid, you are literally trying to hurt "their artistic integrity/vision" by not liking the product.

Even SNES games ran at 60FPS as far as I can remember, weren't XBone and PS4 on E3 highlighted for stuff that was supposed to run at "Full 1080p 60FPS" or some shit?

I am pretty sure Ramsay would destroy a business model like that instantly.

There's a reason why I refrain from calling video games art these days.
"art" is being used too much as a sort of shield. An excuse to push out shitty things that are just barely playable games.




But what about all the leftists, feminists and the subhumans?

Then TBBT happened.
Also, way before GG was a thing, remember the Kayne & Lynch review that got someone fired?

Reminds me of Demolition Man

Feel free to not watch it.

Art cannot be created by a team of hundreds from focus group results with the intent to sell to the lowest common denominator.

Games are not art, art can sometimes be in the form of a game.

People just need to learn the distinction between art done for the artist (drawthreads to some extent, art blogs such as DA) and art done for an audience (films, books, and vidya).
The problem with the games as art crowd is that they all want to not only get paid, but make a living off of art that isn't even made for an audience.


That reminds me, fucking Kojima seems to be getting worse now that Konami doesn't have him on a leash, that Death Stranding thing that gets so much praise still doesn't look like a game, reminds me of the early The Last Guardian trailers, nothing resembling any gameplay in there.

I think the most offensive thing about fedoralords is how close they are to a decent outfit, usually. From the waist up, sans katana, this guy is actually pretty well dressed. Could use some facial hair so he doesn't look like he still wets the bed but otherwise a solid 8/10. Then he's got those fucking camoflage pants and boots. jesus christ what was he thinking. Even the trilby is excusable in comparison to that series of bad choices.


Look at these entitled Bongs not understanding the glory of poo in the loo cultural heritage. Entitled savages I say.

Just cook at home, people.

that's pretty shitty

Man I just want to play videogames without all the political/racial bullshit. Fucking internet needs clickbait though.

Or, you know, don't let in shit monkeys into your country.

Not like your kind is any better Carlos.

Now that's entitlement.

where in their holy poo in loo book did their god tell them to do that?

How enriching! Let us all eat shit for multiculturalism.

Also worth watching

user, that game is literally about the Jews.

Yeah I remember that review thing too.
I had long since considered review sites little more than just commercials.
You can still somewhat trust smaller youtubers and such but the actual websites where their representatives go to even BIGGER comercial digs like E3? Can't trust them.
Also, E3 is nothing but advertisement too. Anything said or done at E3 should be taken as bullshit that is subject to change.

You can, you just need to be willing to ignore it all.
I play video games to play video games.

It shows just how stuck in the bronze age some of those cultures really are.
Remember the majority of the populace, at best, shits in a hole they squat over. While there are some arguments that such a thing is healthier, you still just have an open hole filled with shit.
On top of that, the lack of toilet paper is just because of how POOR people tend to be.

The only cultural thing that really comes into play here is which hand you only use to wipe your ass with and which hand you use to shake other people's hands.

Just jews being jews. They've seen they can make a killing now shoveling shit down people's throats and making them pay out the ass for it too. They don't have to do jackshit now to make millions and millions of dollars so why the hell go back to actually making games now? And if they can shove propaganda in em as well even goddamn better. Then they have the audacity to sit there and bitch about people pirating now because most people who work to earn their money can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars for a complete game that's mediocre at best while kids can spend endless amounts of their parents money. That's why every game is aimed at them now

I meant, The Big Bang Theory, the TV show that popularized "nerd culture"

The popularization started before TBBT.
TBBT only gave "normalfags" a show they could use as a point of emulation or try to relate to those "nerds".
Regardless though, that show was cancer.

Computer Engineering
Uhh no..

I did give it a try. There was a marathon being played and I watched 3 episodes, back to back. Out of all that time I had maybe a small chortle at something. I don't even remember what it was.
It was after watching it I realized it was just blackface but with "nerds".

You just need to remind them that commercial products created with the dual purpose of being entertainment and art can be judged as both. Also remind them that being art is not a signifier of quality - art can still be shit based on its artistic merits.

It's also a bunch of jews telling a blonde (((white))) woman she's a stupid whore.

Not in today's understanding of "art". If you hate it then you obviously just don't get it and who cares its all relativistic anyway.

Blondes being bimbos/dumb has been a joke for a long long time. Don't act like that's some jew media conspiracy.

There's nothing with blackface.

Yeah it has been a "joke". Who are the comedians? Jews.

Pick one, libtard

Don't bother arguing with the poltard, every problem in life is because DA JOOOOOOOOOS

Cuck harder faggot

It came from self-entitled "journalists" back in the days of TORtanic and DmC.

Go back to your women's studies class, leftard.

That was Jeff Gerstmann from Gamespot, who along with everyone from Giant Bomb turned into the very thing he fought against, kowtowing to cucks and SJWs and lashing out at gamers. And now he's basically back to square one as Gamespot and GB are now both owned by CBS.

then movies cannot be art either, nor can any paintings commissioned by the catholic church post-council of trent

It's time to leave.

>>>Holla Forums

Sorry that people tire of having you idiots injecting your stupid shit into every unrelated conversation across the entire site. Go back to your fucking containment board if you want to get your dick sucked for fucking crying about DA JOOOOOOOOOS.

How about both of you fuck off so the thread can die peacefully

Entire Western civilisation is about Jews. We can thank Christfags for that. It wasn't until the 60s and 70s that my country finally liberated itself from religion completely.


Go home schlomo.

You are more than welcome to make aliyah.

Hell that debatable given how often non-white communities devolve into constant death and violence

i'm afraid it's more than just them , this industry was always filled to the brim with gigantic faggots. Apparently the jewery and corporate yupie culture of the publishers that was killing off good titles and/or franchises Timesplitters 4 RIP nev4r5get was also keeping the massive amounts of faggotry by developers , that yearned to free themselves from their yoke mostly at bay , now with the ascendace of self-publishing and the expansion of social media they have become way more prevalent to the people buying their games.
It really beckons belief sometimes that from the minds of people that react so poorly at some politically incorrect joke ,going jimmy the greek on some dumb muh opreshun jigaboo , having the "wrong opinion"and becoming literal doormats if the right kind of leftovers of humanity ask them to provided it's for the "greater good" ; we got some of the better videogames of our childhood

It's like hearing some paraplegic genetic dead end singing with a voice that you would expect from a purebred and making you wonder
>what the hell was god even thinking when giving such a beatiful voice to such a creature?
>and making him a socialist to boot

If I'm paying money for your product you better believe I'm entitled.

Of course gamers are entitled. What's wrong with being entitled? If you pay 60$ for something you better be entitled.

It means the video game industry has to *try*.
Fortunately, through something resembling orwellian thought processes, we've managed to convince gamers that they shouldn't stand up for themselves and demand quality.

It's probably too late to come back from this now. People will never denounce Steam. They'll never denounce paid DLC, and DRM, episodic gaming, season passes, digital distribution, restrictive EULAs, or anything else, ever again.


They believe that it's an unjustified entitlement since artists are properly entitled to make a living off their work, which is fundamentally retarded when you're talking about something on the public market.

OMG these gamers are liek so entitled, they think just because they pay money they should get a properly functioning, completed, bug-free, well-thought out product. They should be happy they're giving their money to clever and oh so progressive artists such as ourselves, we deserve money for our ideas even if we can't even half-assedly implement them!

They won't denounce it they'll just gradually get less and less satisfaction from games which will translate to them buying fewer and fewer games until one day they'll buy none all while still sucking that corporate dick. Which will leave all the developers and producers in a complete quandary as to why the market is crashing when all their loyal customers say nothing but good things about them online.

Giving him a bag of sugar sugar to help with that buttfucking mountain of lemons he just handed that poor bastard.

You're mistaken. "Art" is a label used by modern artists to sell shit that doesn't make sense to retards. All modern art is a way to turn advertising and consensus into a direct business, and that's why games are being infected by it. If marketing sells products, why put in effort?

Homogeneous doesn't mean peaceful.

time to leave, nu/pol/ numale

Oy vey, I know right? These goyim smh.

At a certain point you guys just sound indistinct from the tards yelling about lizard aliens controlling humanity.

Are developers really this entitled?

What would cold sterile reviews be like?

Youtube video montage w/o jump cuts. Split screen with view of gameplay/k+m to show how it actually plays. Annotated. No voice.