8th gen gems

I know this gen's been shit but there has to be some diamonds in the rough. Aside from some Wii U games (Bayo 2, Splatoon and DK), Styx, Rayman Legends, Titanfall 2, Bloodborne and EDF 4.1, what else do we have as of now?

Get with the times goy

On the? On the what user? On the floor? On the couch? Where are they on?

I tried Ass Creed Unity recently, and I was surprised they improved on the combat and made it actually kinda challenging, or at least fun in the beginning, after which you get good equipement and can practicaly one shot everybody. The rest of the game is absolute shit, but there's one thing they did right, it's the art. If you love France and that period you should pirate it, just to see the clothes and the churches. Sainte-Chapelle is amazing, and so is Notre-Dame. The whole game has a good ambiance and the sea of people swarming Paris adds to the pleasure. But if you want to have an actual good time I wouldn't really recommend it. The combat's fun for a time but it has its limits. Of course the writing's absolute shit, and you see at least two niggers in important roles in it even though they were considered like trash at the time, and the whole climbing thing has been incredibly dumbed down. To be honest I just pirated it because I love french revolution and actually am french so I was kinda curious.


user, I'm sorry, but YOU ARE A NIGGER.
France doesn't have white people in it anymore.

Black Desert Online

Burgerland has way more niggers than any white countries on this planet except those in Africa, it's them who should be worried. Though you're right to a certain extant, France's youth is now 25% muslim. But people here are getting more and more pissed off, 60% of french people say they think islam is a bad thing for France, so I have hope.

Makes me think about what I saw yesterday. 35% of France thinks having a king may be a good idea, that kinda gives me hope, I would never have thought this country would even dare think about that anymore.

modern games are certainly more generic and are less imaginative and are more derivative, but in terms of actual quality games are actually better on average

I genuinely had the record scratch sound effect play in my head when I read this.
You're a fucking idiot.

No, i'm just actually old enough to remember that old games were on average worse.

If you were even at least 16 or so you'd know just two generations ago (hell, last generation if you count the wii) there was shovelware out the ass, and going even further back, that horribly buggy messes of games that were ACTUALLY SHIT and that had no polish was the standard, rather then the hilarious laughingstock exception like they are today.

Holla Forums likes to meme that X game or Y game is shit but the honest truth is most games Holla Forums thinks are shit are 6/10 or 7/10 games that are decent to good but not noteworthy in more then a few if any ways. Games that are actually *bad* are a fucking rarity now, wheras even back in gen 6 it was the standard thanks to shovelware.

I'm not even talking about the obvous increase in the amount of content, scale, graphics, and audio quality.

a lot of games the average Holla Forums user likes are generally shit (stalker, the witcher, morrowind are great examples), but there's been a noteworthy lack of decent games this gen with some ridiculously lengthy development times . There were objectively more games worth playing 3 years into any generation than there has been this one. That isn't to say there hasn't been good releases, but they have been few and far between. You are absolutely wrong about that.



Games today are garbage rehash shit that require day 1 patches and only sell because of massive marketing budgets(that you fall for every time). Your taste is shit.

What are you trying to prove?

a game requiring a patch isn't indicative of the quality of the games design. Or else pretty much all PC games would be shit, and as we all know there's at least a handful of good PC games in the systems history as a gaming platform.

Do you think Shards of Darkness will be more of the same? I kind of hope for more. Not sure more of what.
As for your question it really depends on what genre you're asking about.

See, but "worth playing" is a different metric. I agree there's less games worth playing, , but that doesn't means games are worse.

The overall average level of quality used to be lower, but there were also more truly excellent outliers. Wheras by any objective measure, most games now are like 8/10's (with even the worst AAA failures usually only being a 7/10 or a 6.5/10 at worst), but there are a lot less relatively fantastic/stellar games head and shoulders above the rest.

Plus, when pretty much everything ends up being around an 8/10, an 8/10 seems less impressive. we sort of take the amount of polish/graphical/audio fideality, and the general increase in scope games now have for granted.

So, basically, the 3 reasons modern games feel worse is:

1. They are less innovative and are deritive ("Rehashes")
2. There are less truly spectacular outliers, just a higher average quality
3. Due to 2. we take that higher standard of quality for granted.

Thanks for proving my point user: I even said games are more deritive and are less original, but that doesn't make them worse.

A 5th or 4th game in the series that's just a rehash of the original with slight improvements across every sequel where the original was a 9/10 game, means, shocker, that the 5th or 4th game is still a 9/10 or better, because that's how it fucking works.

It being a rehash doesn't make the music any worse, or the visual design, or the level design, or any of that other shit.

there is a higher level of polish across games which has raised the bottom line of quality, I can agree with that. I think that this also has introduced less uniqueness across games, less experimentation and more settling with what has proven to work. Instead of designing say, a clever new way of integrating a cover system, most developers will just use what has worked in popular titles like gears of war, making many games feel like gears of war clones. Having these methods so simply laid out ensure more games get them right on that basic level, but they ultimately lack an identity, nuance and this decreases their value as something worth playing. I think homogenization is a problem with the industry's way of developing games, to me this leads towards extreme stagnation.

Like the music industry?

I like music

Rainbow 6 Siege is the single diamond in the shit encrusted mountain that is Ubisoft's modern game library.

You forgot Outland, Rayman and Blood Dragon

You forgot South Park and the Rayman games.