Alt-Right death throes

It's at its final hour and basically they're infighting about whether or not they should just keep huckstering a dwindling amount of supporters for shekels or do activism and get their asses kicked by the trannies in Antifa. Of course them being Jewish shekel mongers the choice here for them is easy and they're going to milk the cattle for every shekel they can get.

The Alt Right has decided that outreach is too much of a risk to their shekels so they're going to retreat deeper into the internet and private gatherings (read: luring boys to conduct pedophilic Sodomy). Of course they're retreating into ground they can't hold since their access to internet infrastructure like youtube, social media and payment processors is getting cut off left and right. The situation for them will quickly become unsustainable as their numbers and shekels dwindle and will be exasperated as they turn on each other to compete for an ever shrinking pool of supporters. They have descended into an inescapable death spiral at the point of no return as numerous other internet fandoms before them.

This thorn in our side has finally gotten rid of itself. Of course these people will still be around for yet longer but they'll be /cow/ tier until they fade into irrelevancy and are forgotten.

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After successfully derailing the entire once 'jew-wise' movement into being a massive jew controlled pro-isreal , pro-republikike cheerleading squad who have forgone the ambition to deal with the genocidal zionist jews and instead devote all their energy now into triggering leftists and muslims, while praising Trump whether he sells arms to Saudi Arabia, releases pedo child slave employing, meth lab owning rabbis or takes away the guns

Nice blog fag.

The stench of cuckdom could me smelled from miles away with these guys and yet (((some people))) on Holla Forums have the balls to call this place alt-right.

I'm glad to see most of the altrighters dwindle, but on a broader level, it's probably not a good thing.
It means there wasn't enough fuel (within white civ) to kickstart a revolution/restoration. Oh well.

99% of everyone that jumped onto the 'fashy based' neoCon Aut-right train in the last few years were ex-leftists or staunch NeoCohenservative Republikikes or out and out homosexuals and jews
Which explains why these boards are all stillborn neoCon republican cheerleading hangouts now

Good, hopefully they an hero.

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After Charlottesville the Alt-Right could have kept escalating violence and popped off the race war. A lot of hay could have been made out of it but they backed off and went into hiding and wasted the whole opportunity of escalating tensions.

Putting aside that they're all Jews they have to go anyway. They're just in the way and won't do what has to be done. How are people that afraid of being associated with little street scuffles going to kickstart a revolution?

It's fine.
The energy is there and generation zyklon is waking up.
We're shaping minds.

Yeah that did surprise me. Cville send shockwaves around the world. A couple more big events like that and you'd have some serious shit brewing… but then they lost their nerve (or were instructed to i guess). I remember most people being surprised by the turnout. Even Trump had to 'cuck'. Trump understands numbers (ratings) if he understands anything, and if you can gather thousands of young white men in a place, then YOU BETTER TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

If anything, this "backing off" is the most damning evidence of being controlled-op.


I don't know, user… I think Dicky Spencer, Andrew Anglin and that fat Jew will lead the white race to total victory. Just give them like 20 more years, more shekels and make sure to put David Duke on your last will and testament so he can use that money to build a secret army.

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Charlottesville was Skokie 2.0, it's very unlikely that it could have been channeled into something positive.


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What, nigger? Also I'm white. I even have blond hair and blue eyes.

Also 2013 was 15 years ago you dumb low IQ shitskin

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Come on now, you're acting like the Alt Right are some type of violent cult. If anything antifa stopped being a thing in the US and only comes around to get punched sometimes.

Just grab your balls and create local right wing death squads with people you trust. Get grouped, move in groups and beat to death shitskins kikes and cucked antifags. We are and need to be violent. Don’t get disturbed by the shills trying to discard any idea like this with the "muh FBI muh CIA". If these plans are shilled and slid this much that’s because this is what is needed to do and this is what they fear. This will spark the race war that we all want and the DOTR will come this way and they know they cannot win against us. Think about it. Make groups. Encrypt communications. Trust carefully. Equip. Attack, shoot, KILL.

They were always controlled OP.

This is a concern too. Every right wing movement always gets derailed into the same old crazy neocon trash just like the tea party.

See, you always have to overdo it and end up looking like a batshit tinfoiler.


Maybe maybe not. The positivity/optics isn't as important as the raw numbers. People will shit on street marches etc, yeah sure, when it's 50 clowns, it's pathetic. But you get 5000- 10,000 men together, that's practically an Army Division. You better believe that's a serious thing.

It shows there's enough angry white men prepared to turn up somewhere who aren't sedated yet… AND they didn't need one LEADER to drag them there.

Logically, the first thing that should've been said post-cville was
"Next year we'll have 10,000. Tell your friends".
"You think you can dox-scare us. Well you're gonna make 10000 enemies." etc
But instead, everyone started infighting, and eventually decided that a big rally is not the right way to go. Seems pretty fishy to me.

This is why you don't PRcuck. Not even once. Quality is always better than quantity


t. former PRcuck who heavily regrets being one

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Is that shopped?

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It was a clusterfuck and likely (((controlled))), but yea, they could have at least kept the rabid commies in the streets and in front of cameras for all to see.
We really, really need a CHIMPOUT 2018
Provoke them when you can, just be sly about it… We could be just one 'poo swastika' away from greatness ;^)

Some of us didn't know, and didn't realize the kike had wormed his way into things like that. Now, many of us just ignore ecelebs (except maybe Metokur because he's funny) and media altogether.


Anything sponsored by (((Spencer))) is kike controlled opposition. Learn. Ignore the kike and go around him, don't attend his (((rallies))) where the cameras can ID you.

This, and the fact that public events stopped shows that the masses are wise to this fact.

The next happening won't be a rally, it will be a spontaneous DOTR.

We see you kike. No shekels for you. Go gas yourself.

Fuck off sargon.

Yeah we need to keep the pressure ON. Then exploit the weaknesses, isolate the individual persons responsible and give them presents.


I just hope that after the implosion of this retarded alt-right charade, good old white nationalism can make a comeback and liberalism dies.

I suppose it would be a thorn in your side exposing your ineffectiveness and the fact you've never done anything but shitpost on a website no one uses.

The Chad is the thorn in the side of the incel.

The fact that sites like TRS and the Daily Stormnigger went from
Tells you a lot about the state of "the movement".

The original "alt right" is still going strong, it just abandoned the label.

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so much damage control ITT by alt kike

no one here has to prove anything to you datamining nubs

The trolling and memes aren't a bad thing on their own if they're done right. Can have a stronger impact on more people with less risk to your person and livelihood can also be fun. It's better than following people that do kosher rallies to "fight" against the system by following the system. It's the fact that the chans have essentially turned into PRcucks and republicans with battered wife syndrome that's so terrible.

We're not all diabetic.

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Making fun of retarded kike controlled opposition aside, do you have any sauce for that, OP.

/jew/ = altright
Holla Forums = alwaysright

(((They))) will move to new tactics such as using terrorist groups - staffed by Feds - like Atomwaffen to portray a new sense of danger, but the Alt-Right is finished. They will surely trot Spencer out now and again, he is a famous lefty celebrity now and if they want him to deliver “Roman” salutes on cue in front of the cameras he surely will.

I ass fucked Spencer at a convention!

All future right-wing groups gonna get lumped in with the alt-kike? Will we have to suffer these Redditers another year?

I don't even know half of these people.
Fuck off to cuckchan Holla Forums, they might actually know these z-grade e-celebs and give you some fuel for your D&C thread.

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All future retarded, Jewish run “right wing” groups will be lumped in with the alt-right, of course.

Into the gas chamber with you Hymie.

Nah, fuck off faggot.

the honeypot rally that was also false flagged isn't popular enough to get a sequel

So essentially, all hope is lost?
That's depressing.

1. The alt-right aren't an organization and frankly they spent a hell of a lot of political capital* getting 1000 people in one place at one time.
2. Getting shut down is devastating to political capital*
3. To expound upon this, the System went after several of the organizers and weighed many down with frivelous law suits. Why would they do this? To discourage future activities. This is basic stuff and the System does this to all opponents.

Anyway, all this out of the way, you mention that the alt-right is out of the way.
Out of the way of what exactly? An anonymous image board? There are no other White nationalist organizations that even come close to the alt-right in political capital*

What has to be done and have you done so yet or are you just mouthing off on an anonymous image board?

1. Street scuffles don't start revolutions. That is nigger thinking. Revolutions are the result of years if not decades of careful planning and organization. Yes. I said organization. Do you disagree with me? Go find a revolution that succeeded without it.

2. How many street scuffles have you been in?

And to expound upon this question, how many revolutions have you triggered by punching someone on the street?

*For those who are confused, political capital refers to the ability to achieve political action. Political action is everything related to politics. And politics is everything from hanging up a poster to holding a mass demonstration to overthrowing the government.

you butthurt you paid dicky spencer 10000 dollars to fuck you in the ass?
or salty that no one considers that an achievement?

You seem to forget, that faggot spencer tried. He had a speech set up in texas and less than 15 people showed up KEK! To make matters worse he had a camera on stage pointing at the crowd for documenting purposes. Holla Forums + sock accounts did a fantastic job of revealing who these kikes really were.

if you wanna follow kikes into battle be my guest

Because when the enemy uses that term, they mean Holla Forums.

Only time they battled none of these faggots were present.

1. The meme that everyone is a kike is retarded.
2. If everyone is a kike, then all hope is lost and our race is doomed. But even if that were true, I'd still fight in whatever way I could.

But to reiterate, I don't buy into the "everyone is a kike but me" meme.

Do you really want to go there?

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There is no dwindling, only growth. Jews and leeches like Cernovich, Loomer, and Milo are losing popularity, but isn't that what you wanted? They weren't pro-white enough and they're now less relevant.

Hey its the glow in the dark kike with the cringey template memes that convince no one. Hey keep posting those pics, you clearly have a firm grip on meme culture my friend.

Oh I'm sorry, did Nelhen not hire a gay jew to be his spokesman? No, he did. The funny thing about my "cringey template memes" is that all they do is state facts. Which makes the butthurt they cause extra delicious.

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True, but they become necessary when the enemy will physically attack real life organisations and gatherings. Where did TWP get some of their credibility?
Because they ran security at events (not only WN but also Trump and conservative ones) and had a proven track record of shutting down antifags.

Trolling and memes only work then the indented target can see them and their reaction can be amplified on various platforms.
But all the avenues used for shitposting like Twitter, Faceberg or Disqus are locked down tighter than a 14 year old virgin asshole now. Something like the NRO raids or pre-election Twitter shitposting won't be able to happen again, yet it's needed to refine our messaging.

Sorry buddy, your boomer tier memes are just background noise. Text over a picture does not a meme make. People see your images and are just confused as to whether you get paid per post or per hour to be a disinfo kike. Tell me, why did Kevin MacDonald agree to be Nehlen's spokesman if he isn't real against kikes? Or is Kevin a kike too now?

You're that same mentally ill faggot that's been posting these dumb memes for a year now. If that turkroach kikefy wasn't so intent on destroying this board you'd be gone in a second, but the fact that he doesn't ban you on sight tells us all we need to know. You're only a notch above the insanity of the ashes and elbows faggot.

Tell your superiors that you do not deserve whatever they are paying you.

It was always mean't to fail. To stifle the opposition by funneling normalfags into a controlled opposition filled with weirdos, spooks and kikes.

Just like any other grassroot-movements. Revolutions comes from above, has been like that since the 18th century. We can't be this naive in thinking we can simply reach out to people and just hope we get big enough to win elections and shit. It won't happen, even though i think (((they))) have started to dig their own graves because of all the bullshit they have been pulling from the left while letting real red-pills slip through the cracks and thus pushing every normalfag a little bit closer to home.

Ackshually, they're infighting about whether they should become 'civic/cultural nationalsts' as part of an effort to be more effective hucksters appealing to a larger audience of cucksters, or continue promoting themselves as ethno/racial nationalists.

They started up as a controlled opposition group that made itself known right around the primary US election. During that time, it was consistently and avidly attempting to force this assimilation and coopting of the growing rise of nationalism. It's only purpose in existence is to be groomed to be a sacrificial lamb for when the time is right. Example? The buried and memory holed speech that Hillary gave about the "alt right". It was meant to be a death blow to images boards like this. But it was laughed at, and quickly buried under with the news cycle as the attempt failed. Milo dick hopping from GG to (((alt-right))) should've sent enough red flags already as he was trying to monopolize on shit.

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M8, that was never what this faux-movement was about.
Theres more than enough fuel within White civilization to kickstart a revolution/restoration, but these faggots were never going to be a catalyst - they were never intended for such to begin with. They were intended to become the controlled-op head of such, but that largely failed, and now they're trying to pivot their operation toward civic/cultural nationalism.

Actually, those memes are pretty legit, and Paul Nehlen is a huge faggot.

Agreed. And in fact the NSDAP had been waging a virtual war with the Marxists for over a decade before they attained any real power. My point is not that street fighting is pointless, but that it shouldn't be the goal. Besides, the White nationalists at Charlottesville did engage in street brawls and they did very well.
OP says that antifa beats them up. But that's only something that antifa themselves believe.

Having your leaders cry and the senate unanimously denounce you kind of weakens the efforts of the legit bros who may have done any streetfighting. That, and the cameras known to be everywhere ahead of time should have warned people it was a setup.

Better is the kind of shit that even some of the same groups have done, just show up at an event without prior warning and let the faggots break themselves attacking you. Don't announce your intentions months in advance like a tard.

That's easier said than done. Small scale events that only involve a dozen people or so may get away with the Identity Evropa style "flash mob" tactics. But you'll never get 1000 or even 500 people at one place for an event like that without lots of planning.

Besides, what is the pont of a demonstration or protest that no one knows about?

Nice boomerpost, kike. Tell your superiors to put you back in the mail room.

I don't like the altright but this is just pure bs.

the TWP? had a dozen people at a park once and fended off a shrieking mob and defense-killed a mutt commie. I don't recall posters going up months in advance for that Unlike Dicky Spencer and Kike Enoch doing anything ever. The meme equivalent of overly planned failure and wasted time would be /mbmc/ except that was so pre-neutered no one needed to oppose it.

I'll find you a few quotes later when I get back
mass ns movements died 50 years ago

All that asshurt and yet you can't disprove a single thing my cringey template memes actually say. All you can do is cry about it. Really activates the almonds

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I guess Hitler signing the Havaara agreement makes him a kike shill too.


no. usually he cuts his hair to hide his skull shape but if you see at other pictures of him, that's the shape of his head, no photoshop needed.

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I care nothing about spencer, enough so that I never want to see pictures of him. That you keep posting strangely shopped pics of him says loads more about you than anyone else.

That's good to hear. I fantasize about exacting bloody revenge on antifa idiots. They are so disgusting and so completely unaware of what they're doing that I feel a personal anger directed towards them.
Anyway, you claim that mass NS movements died 50 years ago. I disagree. You cannot accomplish anything in politics* without a large base of support.
Besides, ultimately complete revolution is necessary in order to preserve our race. You simply cannot wage a war against the System without 2 things;
1. Broad support among a large subsection of the population. and
2. Money. Lots and lots of money. Money buys weapons, equipment, propaganda, salaries, and bribes.
And having lots of sympathetic individuals in the population donating their money to a just cause is critical because we will not find a single capitalist willing to risk his position by helping us. We're ruled by traitors.

yes. it says that I believe it's wrong to hate someone merely for the shape of his skull.

There's loads of legitimate reasons to not like spencer, but your diseased minds only focuses on these weird shops because you are brain damaged. You killing yourself would be a great benefit to everyone.


I forgot to explain the asterisk.
*By "politics" I am not talking about voting for "da demo-kratz" or "dee repub-likanz." Instead, I am talking about POLITICS which encompasses everything from hanging up a political poster to overthrowing a government. That is a political action. Everything relating to how society is run is politics. Unfortunately, so many idiots fail to understand this and start wringing their hands and shitting their pants that I need to constantly reiterate this and include asterisks and little basic descriptions. I'm not saying you are one of these complete fucking idiots, however I know from experience that if I fail to explain this, I'll get 5 of these complete morons shitting their pants and telling me, "POLITICS?? FUCK YOU NIGGER FAGG!!!!111 POLITICS IZ FOR LOOOOSERS!!!111 YOUR TELLING PEEEPOL TO VOTE IN ELECTIONS YOU CIA JEW!!!111" and so on.

Stopped liking red ice long ago.

"Alternative" is a faggot leftover hippie word that ends up in dogpuke like pics related and should never be used by any self-respecting human. It was mincing faggot Dickie "ooh I just love Depeche Mode" Spencer who came up with it after all.

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Nehlen married a spic, has a gay kike for a spokesman, and says there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish. He's a fraud and there's nothing you can do about it but get incandescently butthurt

Comparing him to Hitler gave me a hearty chuckle though so thanks for that, my autistically screeching friend

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Why do you think the first legitimate house contender who is hostile on the JQ would hire a jewish spokesman? Just think about that for just one second. The answer to that question is similar to why we have a braindead neurosurgeon as HUD secretary.

No but post another one of your nehlen template memes, all they need is a memegenerator watermark and they'd be perfect.

For the same reason he married a spic. He's an absolute fraud.



Can you be hostile to a jew and be married to a pic? Is that possible?

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You can't be pro-white and married to a spic. Also, Paul would really resent your implication that he's hostile to jews

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no, the common consensus is mass appeal died with rockwell. mass being mass man aka normalfag breaking bad viewers and niggerball cheerers and women
guns are cheap. internet is cheap. lists are cheap. propaganda needs to be agile but the Systems controls are consistently years behind.

otherwise I don't think we disagree

Use this one simple trick to defeat alt-kike retards who try to trap you in the clutches of ZOG democracy:

Can't vote your way out of white genocide.

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You're just as disingenuous as I remember, and I know you're paid by some dipshit group to shill against anyone seemingly pro-white. Let me guess, I should wait for Hitler?

be the hitler you want to see in the world

Good film.

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no, TRS faggot, take action into your own fucking hands and stop following these retarded pieces of shit who only care about harvesting your shekels for their (((business))) when most of these faggots were or are on six figure salaries. These fucking faggot retards don't even have a basic redpill section on their fucking website, all they give a shit about is keeping you (((distracted))) with radio shows that constist 90% of shitposting, unless wyou want real content, then you need to pay

You know, I seem to remember something about Hitler; there was ONE. One fucking Fuhrer, and a nation of people ready to follow. Not everyone can be a Hitler, some of us just wanted a family and a dream, and all this site offers is 'get a gun/read a book/prepare for the end'.

It's nationalist disaster prepping, it's just deciding that someone will rally the troops besides yourself and stocking up on a bunch of nonsense to wait for the dildo decline to get faster, when you can make a glorious unwinnable last stand. Fuck's sake, the alt-right had problems, but at least they went outside. I mean, you won, they can't save us, but you guys? Fucking hell Holla Forums, you're even worse, you've actually deluded yourself into an end-times prophecy and expected Hitler Jesus to pop up and lead us all. Fucking Christ, man, the Happening isn't coming from a bunch of soldiers waiting. It needs action, it needs motivation, and most of us want a leader, not to lead.

Fuck it, I can't talk to my own boss without fear in my spine, and you expect me to believe in myself? I wanted to believe in someone to aspire to be, and now I have nothing. I'm sure you're going to tell me to kill myself for this, but I don't really care. No one can save me but myself I guess, but I can't save myself so I can't be saved. You won. I will have a barren tree, carry on the bug-lite lifestyle amass a small hovel before I'm mowed down by communist niggers. Congratulations, I am blackpill. I am broken now. Go ahead, tell me I'm a cuck, tell me I'm a shill, it's just white boi on the other side. The Horseshoe is real. And it's a noose. I am going to die alone. I am going to die alone. Go ahead, screencap this, spread it all over, tell the world you broke a man who wanted white identity. Be proud of that, be proud you killed my belief in a better tomorrow. You earned it.

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Nothing can be accomplished without getting a large subset of the public to desire something.
The reason why broad support among the public is necessary in order to wage a guerilla war is obvious. You need support both monetary and physical from members of the public in order to fight the System. It is simply impossible for a tiny minority that is hated by the public to seize power. That has never happened once in history.

No they aren't and neither are hundreds of thousands of anti-tank weapons, tens of thousands of tons of explosives, hundreds of thousands of anti-aircraft weapons, and tens of millions of individual units of every day supplies needed in order to keep an asymmetric army in operation.
Want proof? Look at Syria or Al-quieda. Do you think ISIS or Jebhet Fetah Al Sham or whatever they're called now just manufacture all their explosives in their basements using ice packs and firecrackers? No they purchase these things off of the immense international weapons market. Or take the IRA. They didn't manufacture their most effective, reliable, and powerful bombs in mother's basement. They bought them. And our enemy is a hell of a lot more determined to kill us than the enemy they faced.
Just how on earth do you expect to wage an assymetric war against the world's most powerful military with a virturally unlimited budjet if you're a poorfag with a few poorfag friends?

Think about it.

And by the way, we lack organization. Nothing can be accomplished without organization. Lone wolves attacking at random are merely used by those who already have organization to accomplish their own ends.

You point out that the internet is cheap and I agree. But we are communicating on an anonymous image board that can be shut down faster than you can say "ADL." if the System feels threatened. When the censorship really begins, our only means of reaching the public will be through subterfuge. And this all costs money.

And again I must reiterate, without broad support among some subsets of the White population, we simply cannot hope to succeed in a violent struggle. If violence alone was the key to power, the kikes wouldn't have wasted their time on taking compete control of the means of propaganda.

On the flip side, by garnering support from a large subset of the population, we would be in effect striking at the System's ability to fund the police state. Angry citizens find ways around handing their money over to a government they view as evil. Angry citizens don't tell local police of bands of armed White nationalists hiding in the woods.
Angry citizens find ways to throw monkey wrenches in the System's gears. WN cops find ways to accidentally allow a band of armed nationalists to raid their police stations. WN bureaucrats misfile reports that might prove vital for the System's war effort. WN gas station owners leave fuel behind a dumpster to be picked up by guerilla fighters.
And angry citizens supply information to operatives that help fight the war effort.

In short, you cannot wage an effective war against the System without a large body of disgruntled citizens.

And by the way, can you think of any revolution in history that succeeded without millions of dollars in donations? I can't.
The sinews of war are infinite money ~Marcus Tullius Cicero
Only through organization comes power ~Dr. William Pierce.

get your own shit straight before you complain about others then.
seriously get your shit straight

unless there is a generic 2A uprising, there won't be any need for 100k antiair weapons. I'm not talking about a convential war with the system and I don't know how you've been so misled you think that's viable.
you're saying we need to be more symmetric. that's backwards.
el oh el

You misunderstand everything.

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no one thinks that, go back to TRS and suck jewish e-celeb circumcized dick, you vermin >>>/bog/

You appear to believe that the war against the System will be cheap. Okay, explain how this is so.
What do you envision?

And again, name for me one war that has ever been won by poorfags with no support of any note among the public.

It's as if you want to fight a boxing match with both hands tied behind your back and with a blindfold on.

Only if you want it that way.

But explain how you'll win an assymetric war against the most powerful military machine on earth with
1. No money
2. No public support of note
3. and no support from within the System from police officers, bureaucrats, etc.

basically every insurgency, minus a few like malaysia
of course they had outside support, but they didn't have to go courting the bux

lol, you haven't been in the military have you. turn off the power, kill the dollar, stop the fuel, many ways to make the most powerful into a bunch of expensive paperweights sitting on concrete in the midwest and niggers and spics fighting over rations.

take what you can get, but face it, the ZOGbots are enemies and there is no reason to imagine allies in the stronghold of the enemy

That's not true. Every insurgency from the IRA to ISIS has had broad support from the areas that they operated in and everyone with even an elementary knowledge of history knows this. Every successful insurgency has also had access to millions of dollars in funding, often from the public that supports them (though in many cases from banditry, foreign funding, engaging in illicit trades like drugs, or from rich benefactors)

How? You have no money, no organization, and little to no support from the public.

Again, how?


I think you overestimate your own power and the power of potential poorfag revolutionaries.

Again, no revolution has ever succeeded without support from the inside. This support includes information, subversion, and cash flow.

I think you have a naive view on insurgencies. They're not spur of the moment things that 10 guys and a dog can pull off. They're massive war efforts that cost millions of dollars (and that just in poor countries with weak militaries) and great amounts of planning and organization.
The myth of a bunch of lightly armed country folk rising up and overthrowing the government is just a myth.

it can be hard to resist the black pill sometimes
I have felt those feels

the only thing that I know for sure is that spreading the truth, the "redpill," far and wide is extremely important.
the more White people who recognize that there are only two choices moving forward, the better.
the two choices being White genocide (if the status quo continues) or White nationalism (having a future again).
also, that jews are heavily involved in the forces behind this nightmare

don't lose hope
things are starting to turn around
more and more White people are waking up
and we are pissed

I think this describes everything you've said itt

I'm the one who is arguing that you need money, public support, and organization in order to overthrow the most powerful military on earth.
You're the one arguing that revolutions are cheap, that we don't need support from the public, and that we don't need support from anyone.

I challenge you to imagine a situation where you are right.
Explain how to defeat the most powerful police state on the planet with only what you can buy with your personal funds and what you can make in your basement. Without any support from the public of note. And without support from within the military, the police force, or from within the machinery of the System.

I suspect that you cannot think of a situation where this would be possible. I suspect this because
1. It has never happened in all of human history
2. It doesn't pass the basic logic test.

that's not what I'm arguing, I'm simply agreeing with most people like seejfag and pierce that the MASS movement is dead as long as beer and football flow.
this is more accurate than the most powerful military. some like the britbongs are more oppressive but in a tiny area.

90% or better nonwhites, women, and traitors. If trump ordered a waco 3.0 tomorrow, you think the deltafags and HRT and white nasty girls would revolt?
bootlickers who are enemies unless you have power over them
no, just no.
money isn't necessary for weapons when the normalfag can easily gear up himself and his family in a couple months if he had any will, and when such money is jewland funbux anyhow. Unless you're a billionaire, you don't have anti-air now regardless.

Now, I feel that I need to point something out.
The term "mass movement" is not descriptive. It's more of a meme than anything else.
So I must assume that "mass movement" means "a struggle that has broad appeal to a large subset of the public due to propaganda from a group of elites"
This is how "Mass movements" throughout all of history have been. The notion of "the people" spontaniously rising up and wanting things is a myth.

Anyway, Pierce did not oppose what I just outlined. In fact it was the entire raison d'etre of his efforts to create a pro-White media and organization to lead it. He failed unfortunately. But he outlined over and over again in his broadcasts that he sought to "create a means of effectively communicating with the public." He stated many times that if he had had control of a major news corporation for just a few months, he could have achieved his revolution.
This is what a "mass movement" looks like in real life. A large subset of the public directed by a small group of manipulators who set the narrative.

I disagree about the US military. I think you underestimate how effective it is and underestmate how much the regime has planned for suppressing a White nationalists.

Okay, so you buy a flack vest, 50 cans of baked beans, an AR-15, 5,000 rounds of ammo, and some camo. Now what?

"mass" has a long established meaning and if you want to ignore that, then say so before you go off into other shit

and I was part of it and I've been harping on the subject for years that they are not our friends and they won't side with us
he did great work but that would never have happened. that's why I'm saying we must use what we have. An user with bots is worth more than someone trying to earn shekels to buy a newspaper.

It's basic knowledge that the masses are asses. You knew this already I presume.
This is why democracy doesn't work.

Well, I cannot argue with your experience. However, you were in the military and now you're here, trying to overthrow the kikes and restore White rule to White nations. I doubt you were the only White Patriot in the military.

You said earlier that the US military is not in a state to fight an insurrection against the US government. I presume this is from your experience in the military. Why do you believe that they'd be toppled easily in an insurgency?

I agree. But our position isn't enviable. Anons with bots won't overthrow the government.

lol I got purged because I wasn't enough of a bot
they can't COIN against literal retards, they aren't set up to do anything but to defeat a woefully undermatched and unimaginative conventional force.
I didn't say that. My point was trying to be more conventional is a liability

I didn't mean to imply that was the goal, you have to let the government overthrow itself

Damn. How did they find you out?

How so?

I am the guy who ran /trs/, I am not a trs supporter. I do however support pro-white candidates who force jews to trip all over themselves, as Nehlen does regularly. Nehlen's 'Shall not censor' legislation would do wonders for us, but you're a kike so you obviously don't care about anything.

um, because I wasn't enough of a bot but not subversive like a nigger or fag? I don't know what to tell you, it's a meme for a reason
shit, this is either a huge topic or an incredibly simple one depending on how you look at it. I would suggest going and lurking /k/

I only glanced at the images you responded to and mistook Nehlen for some TRSodomite. Nehlen is compromized by miscegenation but he is very pro-white. Consider my statement retracted.

Nehlen has appeared on FTN, but he is far from a sodomite. He is absolutely on our side regarding the jewish question and the white people politics. He is our test balloon, even if he isn't perfect. We can use him as our test lab for the palatability of messaging. Nehlen is a very good case study in advancing our cause, even if he's just the next step after Trump and not our final goal.

Destroying the system =/= as overthrowing the system. Even without support from a large subset of the population you can make the system stop functioning. What happens when the system stops functioning? The status quo doesn't continue. For the state to continue bringing in millions of racial aliens and providing for their every need it needs to function well. What happens when the state can't provide for the needs of these aliens anymore? 1000 fanatical white men operating as lone wolves willing to do anything could bring this entire system to its knees.

The goal right now is not to overthrow the system but to stoke tensions to the maximum possible extent and throw wrenches in the system so that it cannot function or cannot function well. That creates vacuums and opportunity for actual vanguard organisation.

This is precisely why anons need to read Siege and stay the fuck away from the alt kike.

Let's ignore the complexities for a minute and imagine this scenario. Say you manage all on your lonesome with a few other random anons to shut down the power grid. This is unlikely as you aren't coordinating with anyone so everything is left to chance. But let's ignore this most basic rule of warfare for now.
The System has collapsed! HUZZAH!
D…does that mean that you're in power now?
No. No it does not. You weren't organized. Those who were organized simply seize power in the vacuum. That means the neo-cons who run the military.
Great job.

Yeah. If you are part a well disciplined organization that would be very doable. A well organized organization can do great things. Like simultaneously shut down the power grid all over the USA and then the next day, simultaneously attack banks and infrastructure the next week. Organizations have the ability to raise millions of dollars and sabotage the System on a grand scale.
But I suspect you believe that organizations are gay. Instead, you're on your own and you expect to take down the System as a bunch of disorganized lone wolves.
That's naïve and has never once worked. You know what happens to lone wolves? Look at history for your answer.
You have 1000 fanatical White men.
At best, 80% chicken out as you know, people are more effective, more brave, more clever in groups than on their own so now you have 200 lone wolves.
Most of these are inexperienced in making explosives or evading the authorities. But once again we'll be VERY generous and say that only 5% fuck up, get caught, or kill themselves. This I think is very optimistic for a bunch of undisciplined lone wolves. History has not been so kind.
So now there are 150 lone wolves. They attack at random. There is no coordination at all so everything they do is very ineffective. In addition, most of their attacks are executed poorly. Inexperience and lack of resources guarantees that most of the attacks will be duds. So you have a bunch of random, poorly executed lone wolf attacks against the System. Never on the same day. Never coordinated. Never sharing resources or offering advice. Instead, every "terrorist" is learning as he goes and planning his own attacks.
Also ineffective is target selection. I presume that you believe that most of your 1000 and now 150 terrorists are Holla Forumsacks. I've been here a long time and I have noticed to my dismay that many anons do not have a good sense of target selection. If you've been here for a while I think you know this as well. Most of your 150 surviving "terrorists" will be attacking irrelevant objects instead of critical infrastructure.
Since you lack any help from the inside ie WN security guards at dams, WN construction workers to help you get detonators, WN police to tip you off if your in danger, etc your choice of targets is even more restricted. You cannot access much of the most critical infrastructure. And doing so will always be a great risk.
And finally, I ask you to recall basic human osychology. Most of these lone wolves will either cease their activity after their first, ineffective attack (and go into hiding). At best, the most dedicated will strike once every month or so. Gradually improving in their ability to make bombs and plan. Over thr course of the next few years, most will get caught due to lack of experience.
Almost none of the attacks will be effective.

You know that this is true. Look up how "terrorists" like Tim McVeigh, Bob Matthiews, and others like them fucked up. I know you think you wouldn't make those mistakes. You're a smart guy and would never be so careless.
It's easy to think that behind your computer. But I suspect that in your heart, you know I am correct. If you really believed that I was wrong and that Siege was the way to go, you wouldn't be telling me about your 1000 anons who don't exist. You'd be out there right now trying to take down an electric substation.
But you're not.
You know why.

You need to fuck off back to TRS, everything you've posted ITT is pure alt-kike cancer.

Attached: trsdisposal.png (347x441, 139.48K)

It's about creating revolutionary conditions where an actual vanguard can be built. The system is too strong to build a vanguard right now. It'd be shut down so fast your head would spin. The power grid doesn't simply go down in isolation and that's the end of it. In large population centres when critical infrastructure goes down there are secondary and tertiary and so on effects to that. If the right places are targeted there could be chain reactions of other critical infrastructure going down due to riots. Or critical infrastructure going down during a riot to compound the effect of the riot. If this happens in multiple cities simultaneously it could strain the system to a breaking point.

These kind of events don't happen in vacuums either. They can have long lasting effects and effects on mass psychology. If you have 1000 fanatical men that'll do anything you'll looking at operations being carried out on a daily basis. You're also looking at retaliatory actions being carried out which will also put strain on the system.

It doesn't have to be 1000 fanatics. It could be 10000 fanatics. The point is that it doesn't require millions of people. A small number of lone wolves could absolutely bring the system to its knees. You're only looking at the direct effects of operations that lone wolves carry out which in isolation aren't great effects at all. But, it doesn't happen in isolation and it's about what happens in response of these operations that puts the real strain on the system.

Normally I try to avoid complete morons such as yourself, but your position intrigues me.
You say that Bob Matthiews was working for the government (that's the definition of a psyop)
Bob Matthiews was a loyal member of William Pierce's "Organi… I mean, "National Alliance." As well as his personal friend. Are you saying that William Pierce was a government agent as well?
Expounding upon this, I suspect you believe or claim to believe that every single "terrorist" action ever committed by a White nationalist or indeed any organization or ideology is a psyop. Am I correct? Or can you name a single action or organization that exists today that is NOT part of your psyop conspiracy?

Allow me to make a prediction; You won't answer either question because to do so exposes you for what you are. An anti-White traitor who wants to convince White Patriots that every organization out there is a psyop and that every single act of resistance ever committed by a White Patriot was actually a psyop.

I feel like you ignored all my main points.

That's not possible with desperate, disorganized, inexperienced lone wolves operating on their own with no plan and no help.
This is basic human psychology. Groups accomplish more than individuals acting on their own.

I'd love for that to happen. However your 1000 fanatics have so far failed to do this. I was speaking theoretically about your 1000 anons before but in reality there are 1000 fanatics or so. And so far, not a single one has ever attacked an electronic substation or hydro dam or bank or mail hub. That's a 100% chicken out rate. 100%
So once again, reality proves my point. Individuals acting as lone wolves cannot and will not accomplish anything. Listen to William Pierce.

Lone wolves with a record of a 100% chicken out rate make this impossible. Once again, reality proves my point.

Yeah. And if this board is the best of the best of your fanatics, none of the things you mentioned are at all likely to happen.

Again, you ignored my point. A basic understanding of human psychology is all it takes to dispell the notion that lone wolves can accomplish anything. That and Holla Forums
Also, lone wolves can't accomplish operations. Operations need organization.

You think there are 10,000 fanatics on Holla Forums?
Maybe. Maybe not. I doubt it. But if there are, they have a 100% failure rate for conducting attacks against the System.
Once again, reality backs me up and discredits you.
Stop being so naïve. Study history and try to find a single instance of lone wolves accomplishing anything without organization.

I know you will not actually do so because YOU know just as well as I do that I'm right. They never have. Not once in history.

We agree. 1 million unorganized people cannot accomplish one tenth of 1000 organized people.

Not without organization. Holla Forums has a 100% failure rate for this kind of thing. What's YOUR rate of successful attacks against the System? I'll bet that it's 0%.
Multiply this by 1000 and you'll get an approximate rate of success if there were 1000 of you.

However if I had just 100 of you and I ORGANIZED you lot, and you were brave, I could bring down the System in a few years. Maybe even a few months.
But 1000 of you on your own? Impossible. Look at a mirror and ask yourself what YOU have done to destroy the System.

You have this naive idea that 1000 people can be COORDINATED by nothing. That's childish.
You also have this naive idea that war is easy. And that 100% of your disorganized, inexperienced fanatics will have a 100% success rate. Yet reality debunks this. Look at yourself.

Hate me all you like. You know I'm right and YOU are the proof.

Want a great example of what lone wolves can accomplish?
Lone wolf Muslims have been trying to bring down the USA for decades. Yet due to teh effectiveness of the American Intelligence agencies and their own incompetance, they have failed to establish any sort of effective organization within the USA. So they rely on lone wolves.
How's that been working out?

Not too well.
And by the way, those idiot Muslims still have a higher success rate than your "1000 fanatics" do.

And yet you want to try more of what has failed so effectively for them?

Another thing that amuses me is you have yet to do a single one of the things you want others to do. If you're being serious, you're a coward. You're waiting for OTHERS to do things first. Things that you advise OTHERS to do. And honestly I doubt that you'd lift a finger even if a Holla Forumsack fell for your meme and detonated a bomb somewhere. I think you'd just listen to this guy and say that it was a psyop.

And even if, EVEN IF you did have the guts to live by your creed, this guy and THOUSANDS of other idiots like him would denounce you as a psyop. That is guarenteed.

Think about that.

The problem with organisation at this point is that it exponentially increases the odds of being caught based on the numbers of people involved. The organisation will only be as strong as the weakest link. Just two people coordinating together there are high chances of getting caught. Ten and very high chances. One hundred? Almost guaranteed, a near certainty.

You're right to a large extent.
Yes, more people does lead to greater chances of traitors. At least I think that's what you were implying by "getting caught"
But again the flip side is that individuals acting alone cannot accomplish much when compared to what two or ten could.
One individual might at best toss a inscendrary device at an electronic substation and then hunker down for months not doing anything. While ten could stage an armed attack on an electric power station and destroy it completely one day and the next week, take out a bridge. Teams > individuals.

However I think I have allowed myself to become carried away. I am not advocating violence now. That comes later.
Now is the time for building organizations like Pierce attempted to do. Organizations that will form into bases of support for when the time comes for violence.
An individual on his own against the world cannot accomplish much. But a member of an organization can rely on his comrades to advance. Let's use Golden Dawn as an example and compare and contrast with a gaggle of lone wolfers.
In order to be independent from the System, you need a way to support yourself. You cannot do that effectively without a job. In Greece, if you're outed as a crime thinker, you can rely on the infrastructure of the Golden Dawn. You need not hide your political views because the organization can provide you with a job or help or support in times of need.
On the otherhand, the lone wolfer cannot confide in anyone, cannot speak his mind out of fear of financial insecurity, cannot learn from or be supported by others. He is alone.

Jews did not take control of the West by acting as lone wolves. They did so through their networking and organization.
Please ponder this before responding. Think about what YOU could achieve yourself if there existed a pro-White organization with political power, money, and even implied territoriality. Imagine how easy it would be to take over a company.
First you get a man on the inside and through him, higher fellow White Patriots. You keep quiet about it at first, but steadily you build up control by filling the critical positions with co-conspirators.
Eventually you have effective control over the business. Now the nominal owners have a problem. If they try to fire you or any of your co-conspirators, you can bring the entire company down. Your co-conspirators in the bureaucracy can wreck the companies financial institutions from the inside while the outside organization can apply… we'll say "pressure" from the outside.
This is one example of many and I'm sure you can think of thousands of benefits to teamwork. And this is not farcical. This is what jews have been doing for hundreds of years.
Organization allows for everything from this imagined "hostile takeover" of a business to simple things like giving career asistance to a brother who was fired for crime-think.

Organization = power.

Now what options does a lone White man have?

To reiterate, I don't advocate violence until we have the organizational abilities to not be destroyed by the System. I advocate effective strategies that have worked for centuries and work to this day.

You don't need 1000/10k fanatics to do lone-wolf terrorism… you need them to play the "occupy" game.

In America, currently, ZOG is not going to massacre its own citizens. They didn't with that Bundy stand off. 10k could occupy any statehouse in America just by showing up and walking in. But you need a visionary/organizer to get that sort of thing happening which you just don't have.

Siege a shit, and so is Atomwaffen. They're led by fucking satanists, and James Mason is a fucking retard. All accelerationism will get you without a massive population wiling to support and cover for you is locked up, maybe dead at best. You filthy IM fags are just as bad as the Aut-Kike.

Jesus, what are these boomer-tier memes doing on pol? What happened to this place?