Open Borders For Israel

With the news of Israel deporting their immigrants that came from Africa, this is a good time to spread Open Borders For Israel hashtags on Twatter. #OpenBordersForIsrael has trended a few times and I have seen threads like this made here before. I have made some OC that I have tweeted a few times and want to share it with y'all to hopefully get the trend going again.

Here you go fellas. Enjoy.

Attached: bordersisrael2.jpg (860x320 325.13 KB, 131.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I made some and posted them here too.

Our greatest ally is exempt from the open borders requirement.

greatest ally

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It's not surprising at all but so jewy and funny that they want the US to have open borders but have theirs closed.

One of the easiest things to point out to normies.

This isn't a bad thread, so I'm assuming you're a cuckchan immigrant.

Attached: 1475933472229.jpg (1659x1080, 161.02K)

No, I've lurked for a long ass time and sometimes comment but I may have posted here or on 4chan like 3 times ever.

Made another.

Attached: bordersisrael3.jpg (640x360, 166.01K)

Clearly not. We have standards, cunt.

Attached: ethio_israel_no_apartheid.jpg (800x600 561.7 KB, 590.23K)

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Thank you for your contributions.

Make some fake jew celeb social media accounts and use them to spread it.

Attached: Seth tweet.PNG (777x583, 343.95K)

Here's the Seth quote without the twitter background

Attached: seth open borders.jpg (999x461, 49.85K)

I could swear I just saw a post about Gex and before I could click it to read it, it vanished. WTF?

Attached: panicked jew.png (244x312, 67.42K)

I thought the whole compromised mods thing was just an autist sperging out. Are you telling me that its not?



#Holla Forums2018

How risky do you Anons think it would be to post pic related around campus?

Attached: obfi.png (681x880, 25.8K)


unfortunately, cordiality is not one of them


Israel is the promised land for all slaves.

We need to get Blacks in the US to signal boost it. And to view it as a racist attack against them.

Zero percent, you fucking pussy. Holy fucking shit. It's okay to be white. Post that, too. Honestly, I don't like this "reversal" campaign that people keep pushing. If normalfags see kikes screaming "open borders for white nations" and we scream "open borders for israel", THEY WILL THINK THAT OPEN BORDERS ARE GOOD, PERIOD. It's about manufacturing consensus. Kikes win if we do this.

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