What's the excuse for this? Godzilla is more popular than it's ever been before. Evangelion is still really fucking popular and will probably peak whenever the final film releases in the next 5 years. Pacific Rim was popular enough to make a profit over it's massive fucking budget and they're currently filming the sequel as I type this. So what's the fucking excuse here? Do devs simply not respect the robot?
Where's My Pacific Rim/Evangelion Video Game?
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Closest you'll get
Hey that's really cool, another thing to add to the feature wish list. The destruction system is also breddy gud. Guess I'm gonna have to play EDF now
Here's your (you)
Char is everything that is wrong with Zeon.
Are you me? Holy shit, I've been thinking about this a lot.
EDF 5 soon
Hopefully PC port not at same time as Western release.
How the fuck did that end up there?
weebs truly have the shittiest of taste.
People enjoy it because giant robots and because it's about learning to enjoy the human experience. Not really much else to it.
Well i fucked up that greentext. I give up. You win. I'm a femboy cock sucking faggot.
I get it if you like the designs of evangelion but its barely a mecha anime at all. Wouldnt you be really disappointed if you went into evangelion expecting cool fights between giant robots and monsters?
Shame there's only two fucking levels of that out of the 90 in the whole game.
When thinking of this dream game, I'm more thinking about the gameplay concept of pilot mental health and the aspect of downtime between attacks. During the show and movies there are points where the Evas were inoperable for one reason or another in a fashion much like XCOM games having soldiers be down for a period of time to recover.
And the topic of pilot mental health because I was thinking of a darkest dungeon type system where pilots are pushed to a breaking point in terms of morale/sanity.
And the designs are really nice too, yeah. In short; I extrapolated pieces of Evangelion that would work well with this dream game, not the whole thing.
Hey, at least we got giant mech games, right?
Hasn't MWO devolved into pay2win trash?
Pacific Rim wasn't very good.
Still had cool robot and monster designs. And it's gets kudos for being one of the few Hollywood mecha movies.
What really surprise me is how few games Eva has, I mean they have fucking shaving kits, doritos, and coffee with eva slapped on but not a video game? And I know there were a few on the gameboy and PS2 I think, but come on, why aren't there more?
They already made two Pacific Rim video games
One is a freemium fighting game on PS3/360,the other is a mobile game.
There is a second movie in the works, shame that it will only exist to pander to the chinese audience.
Here you go.
Well Japan and China are what helped the movie turn a profit so I can't blame them.
No thanks
There's 31 games listed on wikipedia.
Here you go.
Well fuck me, I take it back.
Don't forget the city management part, where you get to build fortifications, weapon emplacement and supply points to use in the battle mode.
Evangelion Jo had such a mechanic.
It's there to pander to the cuck leftist audience.
I do, but there's nothing worth using it on in any other level.
There are plenty of missions where Erginius appears and there are plenty of missions where insects are easily beaten with Blam.
Get good
I just don't see how people like Pacific Rim. I thought it was incredibly boring.
The only other Erginus missions I can remember are the one where it runs in after you take out a bunch of dropships and the one where you try and bomb it when it's sleeping, and both I've called in a Balam on and in both the thing is actually just invincible. Balam is also slow as shit for killing anything smaller and easily outpaced by any of the small walkers or even the tanks and APCs. I've even tried using Balam on the tripods and it's dogshit for that too, on high difficulties their lasers just tear it to shreds and they all move too fast to keep up with to punch. Face it, the Balam is just a gimmick for the two real Erginus missions and not actually any good.
Killing off the best designs in the first 25 minutes without even seeing any of their attacks was fucking bullshit though, especially after all the advertisements showing them off.
Its a decent enough 7/10 movie
The can on the right looks so much more delicious. No idea why.
Make another thread you fucking nigger I fucking dare you
yaeh and now the booogayega got hands on sequel. fucking hell!
I'm ok with this, it isn't a bad actor and it fits the setting, JewJew putting him in for diversity sake on Star Wars pissed me off though
I want to succ Asuka's coffee.
Half of those are dating sims/VN shit though, and if that list includes the pachinko machines and pachinko video games(Yeah that's right) then forget it. Evangelion has only had 3 real games. The N64 game, the PS2 game and Battle Orchestra. None of them are that great and are rushed pieces of shit which makes no sense because the series makes so much fucking money.
There's also Jo, which is rather mediocre, and the PS2 game has a PSP remake with additional scenarios.
Problem is that you really can't make a good Evangelion game. Every fight was gimmicky and relied on Misato's batshit thinking more than technological advances and firepower.
Correction: You can't make a canon Evangelion game good. But there are all sorts of licensed games that go non-canon and are much better as a result.
I think both I and OP want a game where you beat the shit out of monsters, and an eva game where that happens and isn't a VN would be fun.
Not just devolved remember, $500 for "Golden Mechs" that gave you more shit than you could possibly earn in a years worth of gameplay time.
There's, what, three or four instances where an Eva gets to beat on an Angel. The Third and the Fourth were a curbstomp, these two were complete bitches. By the time you get to Ramiel it's basically suicide to fight it head on, and Zeruel will just crush you.
Gaghiel and Sandalphon can be fought, but only within their element, so it's still gimmicky shit.
It could be good in a boss rush type way, where they are more puzzle than bosses, like SotC.
fuck outta here fucking weeb
Well looks like Holla Forums is a hivemind once more since I've been thinking about this a lot as well. Another thing I had in mind was that there was different factions in this game, and depending on who you helped out, you unlocked new mechs, weapons and skills, and even pilots. I was wondering if the pilots should be randomly generated with choice to customize aesthetically like Darkest Dungeon or Xcom, or you recruit randomly from a pool like Valkyria Chronicles.
The one on the left looks cool and refreshing while the one on the right looks warm and comfy to me.
How do you manage to even play games?
Also confirmed not having played any of the mission packs and therefore don't know shit about video games. git gud faget.
Words of a pleb
And you dare to call other people bad
How dare you reply?
Play titanfall 2
Literally no matter what the number of players if the difficulty is above normal and you don't need the Balam to fight Erginus there is zero reason to bring one. Every other vehicle, medical vans and helicopters included, is better at dealing with everything else.
Anyone who knows their shit about EDF can tell you are just a whining casual.
If you aren't lying you're a fucking casual and you should kill yourself
I had a feeling you were a cuckchanner but this pretty much confirms it
Spotted the casual who hasn't played inferno, the Balam melts in seconds to attacks from literally any enemy and will eat every attack from every enemy. As I said before you're better off with literally any other vehicle in the game, the Balam is nothing but a waste of a slot.
You can keep shitposting all you want, I know it's shit, you know it's shit, everyone who's ever touched the game knows it's shit. You're just wasting your time and not fooling anyone.
Guard posts, nigger. 60% less damage taken. A fucking Busterlord with only 16,000 health can wade through Hector fire like it's fucking nothing, and you say a Balam with 625,000 health melts in seconds?
Confirmed absolutely lowest lifeform for talking shit about the Caravan and helicopters. Infinite healing is always useful on tough missions and helicopters are king on any mission without flying enemies, especially with a decoy on them.
That's why you are the only person saying it is shit while others are telling you you're full of shit.
"Others" being literally just you two shitposters who prove over and over again you don't know what you're talking about.
Mate please, you're embarassing yourself.
Anyone whos played the game extensevely knows that you're full of shit
Look at all that useless metal melting in seconds and doing nothing, without a guard post or power post even.
go to >>>/tg/ and find someone to play Adeptus Evangelion with you.
There should be a game like XCOM but you send your mechs around the world to fight the giant monsters, you can customize your mechs a ton, they and their pilots have stats, permadeath, different events, realtime gameplay
play as weak nerd
cry at absent father
cry at dead mother
cry more
im so weak
nice game faggots
Real talk, mass produced evas are shit. They pose zero thread and were able to defeat 02 simply because it run out of batter and turned off.
Shinji could just get out using standard cable and wreck their shit with standard weapons without any super modes and what nots.
He's the single worst protagonist in anime, or rather entire fictional media history.
No contest.
Sage for offtopic.