Ready to Ride on Biden?
Ready to Ride on Biden?
looks like you are
Ready to make a good thread? No? Then fuck off.
Big if true, tbh.
If Biden runs it will be as cover for another mystery star dem candidate. His apparent pedophilic proclivities would preclude him from a successful run. What’s the game?
Biden/Weinstein 2020. Meme it!
KEK lel lighten up Holla Forums
Biden isn't black or Mexican, so that is a problem… always something else going on in the background tbh
There are so many fucked up videos of him feeling up children. I hope he runs because there is so much potential for edits.
I dare them to try and run a fuckin old white guy with their base, the propaganda is going to be so easy I can't wait.
Imagine being named after the thing that sprays water up your asshole when you're done having a shit.
u cis scum
>white male candidate
lol ain't gonna happen
They've got literally no one else?
Doubt he will run, they just tease us because of how fun it would be.
this picture cracks me up every time I see it. its just so bizarre, its like something to of an old SNL skit.
Yeah it barely looks real, googled to confirm
They really don't have anyone else. Who can they run? Pocahontas? No Refunds? One of the apes they trot out in congress? I hope Biden runs. The amount of video of him touching little girls would make a pedo blush.
There is no way in hell they run this creepy kike in 2020
Fuck off jew.
Did anyone here ever figure out what biden was whispering into this girls ear?
His older than Trump and a FUCKING WHITE MALE
he isn't running
This. The Democrats attacked Ronald Reagan for being too old and he was elected when he was 68. Joe Biden's, what, 77? He and Bernie are almost as old as my grandparents.
I thought kamala harris was the likely one.
Not enough experience, and Lieden's too old. They have nothing.
Will he make Anime real?
Nope, and neither are the mud people the Dems rely upon. Biden will flop like Clinton did in 08 if laid against a Brown woman or a socialist Jew.
Honestly, he's not the super cool, witty, genius politician the left attempted to make him into. They essentially had to lock him away from the public after the first couple years because the dumb shit has even less of a mental filter than Trump does. Couple that with his weird obsession with touching children, smelling hair, and saying creepy things to teen girls, and we could meme this guy into an utterly brutal defeat in 2020.
like i said in the thread when Maxine Waters talked about running in 2020
Please post all photos and videos of Biden being creepy so we can all save them before they get scrubbed from the web forever.
These are all I have
You're all just Biden your time faggots. The man has been unleashed by King Nigger.
I think he'll get rekt. The Obama-craze ended surprisingly quickly after he left office, and it's not like anyone has fucking nostalgia for that awful period of history, If the dems want even a chance of winning then their ticket needs to be a nonwhite and a socialist, both with a good history of siding with establishment liberals.
Do you really think Jose Stalomez would have a better chance?
Their Presidential candidate needs to seem reasonable and well-spoken. (Obama may have been the only nonwhite who fits this roll) The issue is that they need to make up for having a socialist candidate by running a famous nonwhite, or vice-versa.
Biden is worse, he's a pedo
Anti-aging medicine has not progressed to this point yet
He is a pedophile, though.
and that's exactly whats going to happen. 2019/20 election windup is going to be the second coming of our memetic awakening, mark my word.
At least he has that NAMBLA vote secured.
we need to sic the drawthreads of loli and delicious on this scene, draw cute girls looking all nervous as biden fondles their shoulders and kisses their hair
He's a true pedophile, not just a CIA-made dupe. Every time I see Biden around children, he gets creepier.
theres a video of biden trying to grope a young girl on the senate floor and jeff sessions of all people slaps his pervert hand away (i think its sessions granddaughter) i'll look for it but if someone has it post it
Just spam him fondling kids and various people. Images and videos exist already. Also do so D&C with OMFG ANOTHER WHITE MALE!? REALLY IN 2018!? WHY NO OPRAH OR MICHELLE?
His SS man said that he would walk around the house naked when his wife wasn't around. This is with the SS men in the house.
There's no way he doesn't have serious skeletons
Nah. He's drawing fire for whatever shitskin they run
wtf is biden even thinking there? It looks like a totally instinctual reaction for him to touch every child he sees.
He's white so he's fair game in the normiesphere. Dems probably see that as a weakness bc then they'll be forced to defend their insane ideas
(((they))) are prepping him up in advance
Some further research, found two hits of that image on google apart from the one on reddit.
In one post, it says "Georgetown" with same shill text, in the other it's "DC"
The third is in some russian, probably the PR agent who took the picture.
Reddit it eating this shill-story up without even questioning it.
Gropey McGroperson is not a viable candidate.
Does Hebrew insanity know no bounds?
Because losing with a creepy old hag wasn't bad enough, now they want to lose with a creepy old pedophile.
Fuck you and Fuck Biden.
Saved. Good shit, user. Boomers don't give a fuck about much but risk to their precious few grand children is one of those things. These will spread like wildfire on normieweb.
Interesting how even though the rematch will be more rigged than the original, the jews can't find a spic or nigger to make the win look legitimate.
biden - im so horny right now
this will never happen
He won't win. The only reason he's probably running at all is to, like you said, make the Democratic primary look legitimate for whoever they really want to give the nomination.
The entertainment wing is throwing its weight behind Booker, hence that awful mayor show.
Daily reminder Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer were the ones tasked with burying the investigation of WACO and are both Judeo-Satanic pedophiles.
Do it faggot