Spread this shit.
The slogan directly refers to niggers claiming that
"Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa"
The antisemitic version of an anti-white slogan will 100% guarantee a mediacouverage whilst also
making sure to point out the sheer hypocrisy and the selective outrage of the establishment.
a) at very least forcing the media to address the genocide of boers in SA
b) at best universally naming the jew and having a decent pogrom in Borough Park.
The fist is for extra lefty confusion.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ya blew it.

Why not bring to light (((who))) owned the slave ships and ran the trade? Two for one.

Make it look like black people are the ones posting it

Fuck who owned the boats. Who owned and ran the companies. I bet European slavery trade started with a berg, burg, or stein.


Suggestions on how?

kek this right here. Dems denounced ties with Farrakhan, you could use that as an angle.

Use butterfly war tech to post it in nigger forums and make the niggers spread it themselves. make them want to ask for gibs and demand jew money.

I prefer the "Who owned the slave ship" posters
This poster makes it look like a threat from US, and that is how the media will see it

It doesn't matter if the fist is black, they will still say it's "white supremacist propaganda"

All we need to do it make it look like it's from black panther then it's from black ethnonationalists.

Checked, I can't wait to see the effect this has.

Not a bad idea

Lurk moar

I'd prefer a font that normalfags can read.

My initial intention, as I said, was to put a spotlight on South Africa and the best way to do it was by including a sprinkle of antisemitism.
If there is a way of editing the message of the poster to somehow imply the jewish monopoly over the slavetrade, then let me know about it.

OP's OC isn't bad, but it's too esoteric for true normie red-pilling. It needs to be explained. I didn't even know about the "honeymoon is over" SA stuff.


Fuck off

This is good
but maybe a different hash tag as groids won't understand the difference between jews and whites.

Just make it something like
something that is direct


More than just slave ships, Jews were the primary slave owners, too.
It's justified in their religion, spelled out in exacting detail what rights slaves have, how to treat slaves, etc.

Most whites were disgusted by the process because all too often whites were slaves, too. Of course, (((history))) has rewritten that story to Jewish benefit.

I like it it. If the negros were honest about slavery, the would be angry at the Jews. This can be a real meme.

"Black panther" is a made up movement. It is run by the same people behind the "alt-right".

this is great, can we get a European version though?



European continent's silhouette is too slim for a fist to fit in so probs this version will do.

This seems like a good idea. The minimum case outcome is coverage and some attention paid to the JQ. Maximum outcome is Helter Skelter, but with kikes.

Oh look another attention whore looking to dilute the effectiveness of the previous messages.

Previous messages ? You mean IOTBW?

Good call on the fist.

A move right out of Hitler's own playbook.

Bad advice. That still implies whites had something do do with slavery.

A better statistic is that 78% of slave owners in the US were jews.

The fuck is with the rash of attempted iotbw style campaigns
Most of them are shit 'spread muh poster personal army!' type shit threads

Is it all of your argument or is there more?


Steal it, retag it, it's yours. I, user, promise not to get my lawyers on you, user. Especially since I stole the original artwork. Kek.

Do you have the text that talks about this? Sounds like a good meme to be made.

If I said "Phase Two of IOTBW", would you be terribly triggered user?

Need source, would make good meme.

looks like a cigarette pack design kek
and too expensive to print

the eternal phase two ing
attempting necromancy with memes is not pretty
the fact it has to be called phase two to even be considered speaks of it's merit

shitpost it via dummy accounts

and the first one was black.



Go for it user, spare no attempts to assist the Boer and strike the kike.

Wasn't mine good enough?

I can see it already, o/hio/!

What if we started claiming that Jewish people are Amalek? They'll know it's a call for their genocide, but they wouldn't be able to talk about it without showing their own hand.

too low res

Anyone that knows the bible knows that calling people Amalek is a call for genocide and it can be easily shown through quoting the bible.
Jews openly call for genocide and raping women in "times of war" to raise morale, quite frequently. It simply gets ignored.
What do you think is going to happen if we do what you are saying, the normalfags won't even know that Jews also use that term.

We do need to raise awareness for that, but to point out that the problem is racial, so that Christcucks get BTFO with that bs that they only need to be converted. Promoting more racial versions of Christianity would also help, such as Christian Identity.


I don't like the communist fist.

source is a calculation made from the data in this image
1.6% of the population were slave owners, 1.25% of the population were both jew and slave owners
means that 1.25% / 1.6% = 78.125% of all slave owners were jews

this image should be completed with this information, it's one of the most critical piece of data about us slavery


It would be useful to mention how Jews treated their slaves. For example, did they circumcised them (like the bible commands)? Need info and sources on that.

Holy shit. When I get off work (and the coffee kicks in) I'm going to research this. If this is true, we should be banging this drum 24/7.

Um, I think that's probably not meme-worthy. Stop thinking about black dick.

you should also inform niggers that the jews are the ones who can pay reparations: the occupy-wallstreet movement was crashed by soros-controled SJWs because the OWS crowd would have been called antisemitic after the original ones realized that 90% of the 1% are jews

This can't be stressed enough. It would also be useful to get numbers on how many slaves the Jews had, to present their share in the Slave ownership.

A primer in memetics

Low impact memes: "who owned the slave ships?"

Maximum bants memes: "who owned the slaves?"

I agree this is bad optics and bad memeing. Meme responsibly people.

It does call out lolbergs as kikes tho

that would be hard to find, and would present bias in the fate of the slaves depending on owner's profession
plantation owners who used a large number of farm workers may have treated them as well as ordinary peasants, to keep thems functional
brothel owners who employed a lot less were probably using them in hellish ways with high turnover
you would have to dig jewish archives to identify the most degenerates, and this sort of knowledge has long been buried

god-tier bants: "who brought the slaves?"

Couldn't leave this quad unchecked.



Attached: 0b37e34cd49ea454a9c831d698c19f57853ed7609912733a314e9ebdcb6c407b.gif (296x572, 119.07K)

Fresh from Fox News.

Attached: lols.jpg (600x600, 49.73K)

top kek

here you go niggers

Attached: preview-jewish-privilege-1-1.jpg (1940x1296, 974.66K)

This isn't aimed at blacks by the way because they can't into reading or math, its aimed at lefties and jews to cause maximum confusion, D&C, butthurt, and kvetching

the BLM signature is a nice touch, lefties would become racists by trying to protest these facts

It even looks like a lefty meme with lots of text spam and bad formatting lol

Needs to be distilled into a condense easily digestible, yet convincingly math-backed format

i made this. i'll post a much better version later since this has a lot of clutter and whatnot and is therefore not achieving maximum potency

Attached: slave owner population jewish.jpg (2048x1683, 512.96K)

Do you guys know any more of their slogans?
Meseems we could concoct more of those memes.

Attached: Kill_the_Jew_Kill_the_Banker.jpg (360x301, 38.26K)

oh, by the way, the people in this pic now become liable of being accused of being;
because they pretend to make an apology on behalf of jews without asking them if they wanted to, if they are protesting slavery in america
because they commit cultural appropriation if they apologise for slavery commited by moslems against either blacks, slavs or europeans
if they themselves are jews and pretend to be White people while they were more guilty of the crimes their own ancestors commited

turning this rhetoric into a readable meme would be spectacular

Attached: 34424so-sorry-large.ab94b306.jpg (680x383, 41.6K)

alright guys here's a version i made that's the dimensions of a paper so you can print it out and hand it to your friends and family and even put it on a t shirt or the side of your car.

also here's the sources for further use so i can copy/paste them and also if anyone else wants to use them to make a better version. it also includes the source from the slave ship thing.
Rodriguez, p 385
Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.
US Government Consensus, 1860

Attached: slave owned ships jews.png (824x1174 98.9 KB, 174.02K)

Fantastic work user

we also need a d&c version now

I'll try to find the sources and make sure they're bulletproof and clean up the citations.

Any idea what rodriguez, p 385 refers to? that could be any number of texts?

also we need to archive sources

The first link, jewish virtual library cites these sources:

Ira M. Sheskin and Arnold Dashefsky (Editors), “Jewish Population in the United States, 2012.” American Jewish Year Book (2012) (Dordrecht: Springer) p. 143-211;
American Jewish Historical Society, American Jewish Desk Reference, (The Philip Leff Group, Inc., 1999), p. 35;
American Jewish Year Book 2006 (NY: American Jewish Committee, 2006);
North American Jewish Databank (2010);
North American Jewish Databank (2011);
The American Jewish Population Project.

The second link seems to break down Jewish immigration and population by state and city over the years and is an old pdf - I need an ocr to parse it because the find command is finnicky. The last four pages may contain slaving stats? They're flipped sideways and I I'm too useless to read them.

This: , some photoshop user please add archive links to these pics just to make sure the real links don't (((vanish))) or (((change))).

You need a leading zero on the 0.35% It's too easy to misread that as 35%.

you mean jew&negro d&c? i planned on making a facebook friendly version that included the "jews owned the slave ships" picture and a few more words and maybe some kind of phrase like "really makes you think" - but this wouldnt really be targeted at any one group in particular.
for a d&c one, are there any phrases, design choices, or points that would be good? like some kind of hashtag that the *urban youth* have been using or something?

i havent checked the sources myself. as of right now all i can be sure of is that they make the picture look more legit. they could be total bs as far as i know

yeah that was bothering me too. here's the new version. i also fixed the underline that came from the font being different for the numbers

checking the rest of the digits too since the only reason i even came here was from getting linked to the giga killer get from another thread. praise kek

Attached: american slavery jewish 2.jpg (824x1174, 176.5K)

The zero clarifies things a lot!

Yeah, by d&c I mean toss on a black lives matter logo black power fist whatever. Or even an antifa flag lol.

I like your OC. I suggest adding the percentage of slave owners that were black. That way you can add the ownership percentage up and it will be 100%. Or not, merely a suggestion.

The avenue I'm currently researching myself is finding out if indeed the black slave owners were jew-niggers as some have suggested. That would certainly explain a lot, and of course this leads back to the jews owning slaves.

Right click > rotate clockwise

The tables have nothing to do with slaves or slaveholders. Nothing in the sources for that image do so it would be pointless to archive them.

Why is the first source just Rodriguez p385? That's not a proper citation and it's impossible to find whatever he's trying to cite. Fix the sources or these memes will backfire because it seems to be bullshit.

Does that also mean that the Union states were antisemitic for opposing slavery?

my attempt to spread this message

Attached: cap.png (726x280, 66.94K)

I like your twist, ties it into current events.

Good work user

Attached: res meh 2.png (4604x5958, 1.1M)

too bold

D&c verson?

Yeah we need to actually to have facts to back us up. Could be a shill just trying to make us look dumb by not checking what we try to spread. We all know the slave ships were bought and paid for by the Jews though. Pretty easy to find that info. The workers on the ships were probably mostly white, even the captains. You think Jews could captain a boat?

Add 0 before the .35, lefties, niggers, other subhuman will not understand… they can barely read.

Never happen.
More like:

Attached: soygoy.jpg (1024x887, 132.27K)

I don't have a hard time believing the information is true, but other people will. So we need a version where the source matches the information.


They literally called Trump an antisemi for referring to a kike as a globalist.
The whole point of the poster is for them to scream andisemidizm in a message addressing a brutal ethnic cleansing of innocent farmers.


OP's plan is better, because it tricks the media into saying things that help us. Just trying to toss red-pills out into the wind does nothing, to be completely honest.

inb4 "but niggers are too smart to fall for the trumptouchingwall.jpg"

Attached: blm jews slavery.png (1700x2200, 646.99K)

Who has the Trayvon Martin prayer in cursive image?

updated version here.
cleaned up grammar and changed the wording a bit.
i'll make a version for whites later

Attached: blm jews slavery.png (1700x2200, 648.31K)

Attached: jewish population slave ship ownership.png (850x1100, 112.52K)

Attached: cursive prayer.png (1106x699, 425.3K)

No need to involve Trump.

Good work, but too long and complicated for basketball americans to read


Maybe split it up into multiple graphics for online use?

If this is for flyering/postering it needs to be more concise

This is perfect.

It needs a d&c blm fist or antifa flag tho

Hilarious yet probably true.

Trump confuses the message, it's bright, full color, and would short-circuit groid brain. It's going to be a stretch to get them to read anything, especially when pretty colors are next to it.

Try this

It would be nice to include the thing about jews needing to pay reparation as it would cause more oy veying and also seem more legit since blacks always ask for gibs.

I'm worried it needs more leftist newspeak to seem legit tho. This is obviously a right-wing false flag because its so well done.

Demanding gibs from jews and adding more leftist language will make it seem more legit.

Attached: GBLXIXQNQVF6TMF7QSD5FMQMGY.jpg (850x1100 184.49 KB, 307.42K)

Shit. Capitalization needs to be fixed.

Attached: 18d8e5b53aae94d2acc05b649c9aedaeb0c30efb70c55d89f188511b699e6491.png (850x1100, 277.87K)

Another fault line to hammer on is "the concept of rape is rascist" since blacks commit higher rapes per capita, therefore rape is a social construct or some shit.

I understand that you want to throw this shit back in their faces, but WE DO NOT ACCEPT THE CONCEPT OF "REPARATIONS" FOR SINS OF THE FATHER, and so we should not be entertaining it. THAT'S WHAT JEWS WANT US TO DO. All they care about is normalfags being NORMALIZED TO THE CONCEPT OF IT. If they're saying it should be done and WE'RE ALSO saying it should be done, normalfags think that IT'S OKAY TO DO, BUT IT ISN'T.

Change "Jews" to Jewish".

Oh and add this website as an "read more" thingy. wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com/

The original site got shoa'd hard.

this is a good angle. no one will give a fuck if white supremacists want jews out, thats nothing new. if you want to make this effective, you should continue in this line of thought (make it seem like a BLM thing).

spread it to black twitter. also does anyone have the archive of that wethoughttheywerewhite blog? making this seem like its coming organically from the BLM movement will make it impossible for the media to ignore. i know goddamned well that they dont want to signal boost stuff like this, but i also know that they cant fucking help themselves

Archive is right here archive.fo/Yf7KE

hey cool, i didnt know it got reuploaded. definitely add this

The concept of reparations is ridiculous, everyone except niggers, lunatic lefties and beta males understand this.
What's more important is to bereave the jews of their eternal victim status.

personally, i just want the truth behind the slave trade to come out. it really tickles my tism when everyone decides they can just fucking rewrite history.

and im sick of everyone talking about reparations by whites for blacks. never mind that many irish americans were fucking slaves themselves when they got here, or the fact that many immigrated here LONG after slavery had been abolished. reparations are the political equivalent of "EYO CRACKA EMPTY YO POCKETS". its fucking infantile and expresses a complete lack of understanding of the subject

Don't forget that Africans where willing to sell their own people off. They enslaved folks from other tribes and sold them off to the jewish slave traders. Of course they themselves didn't know any better and thought they where native Europeans, that's how the jews outed themselves to be as well.

We should make an alternative with “honey moon is over for non-whites in the west” as well in order to make our message explicitly anti-non-white, and not only anti-kike

No, we must eliminate the jew first.

I never said we should do one instead of the other, fool. You can’t remove the jew without removing his golems, and you can’t remove his golems without removing the jew. The issues are interconnected and must this be tackled simultaneously.

It's strategically better to turn their own golems against them, than having to deal with everyone at once.

hence why i put the main point of the message as the header above the black power america symbol - that's all they really need to read. the rest is optional

that one was meant for red pilling whites. i made an improved version for whites and another version for the negroes (this one i had to subtract three lines from the jewish slave boat thing to make room for symbols). i didnt know what to put for a hashtag so one of you guys can change it. i only came here to check digits. the font is cambria

i put it there to reinforce the "jews control your government" line (because they would fall for that picture) since they probably dont know anything about that. in the same vein it would have been good to put some info about how jews control the media, but that would be doing to much. here's a version without trump

Attached: blm jews slavery.png (850x1100 152.28 KB, 145.17K)

Really good work user. These do really a good job at clearly communicating the information and could also pass as leftist stuff.


real nice

Needs to be comic form for the niggers.

Who were the slave traders. Owning the slave ships will be a slight infraction pawned off as just owning stock in a shipping company that shipped slaves amongst everything else.

updated this one to be different dimensions that are equal to more common/standard printer paper (i think). also removed the 'rodriguez' source since it's practically useless and slightly modified the placement of the text bodies

knowing the nature of the jew i think it is safe to assume that kikes were mostly in control from the highest levels to the lowest, from top ownership of company and dictating shipping plans etc, to the local auctions (easy to imagine they would do auctions so they can get a cut of each purchase and whatnot), and it's also not much of a stretch to imagine that they would be more likely to have been the ones to commit those supposed acts of brutal shipping conditions for the slaves because of their lack of concern or empathy for human life, but of course there is no proof of all this so it's all pretty much moot.

i also think, based on the newly found fact that 78% of slave owners were jews, that most of the original race mixing of the negro population would have been with jewish blood and not whites, meaning that many of the americanized negroids may have jewish blood in them. we could have potentially entered into this timeline recently because of the "la abominacion" style memes

Attached: american slavery jewish 2.jpg (850x1100, 162.59K)

CI is a trick so kikes can finish stealing White history.

It's a false flag, you nigger. We need to kike the kikes and fuck them sideways with their own narrative. What part of that are you not getting?

The sources are useless if the Rodriguez source had the data on Jewish slave ownership, since the first two links didn't. I'll try to pull up the US census data today and see if that had the info we wanted

This is true, as you can see that MANY Blacks have Jewish-sounding names.
(Whoopi Goldberg is an obvious example).
So slaves would take their master's last names, and sometimes they would be raped and give birth to half-breeds.

There is evidence that once again, these Kike accusations are nothing more than projection. It seems that (((they))) have done a lot of the things that they blame on others.

What chutzpah!