What is your favourite game?

What is your favourite game?

Mine is No Man's Sky, I voted for it in the Steam Game Awards.

Fantastic game, I've made a donation to Hello Games.

Other urls found in this thread:


This only works with Todd, you fuck.

Low energy.

Of course it does. It just works.

here's better bait

Hard to believe that shit has gotten as far as it has. From what I've seen of it, it's pretty fucking terrible.


The only one I've heard about is RWBY and that is because of the show but I didn't know there was a game of it out.

DESPERATE. Your turn.

this is now chen thread

Didn't the guy who created that basically get murdered by his fiance/gf? I see it mentioned here but it always seems to be when I'm half asleep. I think he was allergic to cats or something, but she browbeat him into getting a cat, eventually he lapsed into a coma because of it, she then started some crowdfunding thing to help him, then took the money and pulled the plug on him without consulting his family. If that's the case how the fuck wasn't she prosecuted? The crowdfunding followed by pulling the plug alone seems like enough to attract police attention.

The man who was pussywhipped to death.

Downgraded two times and locks 4 additional characters related to the "anime" behind dlc and writes it off as "a lot of work for an indie team"


I didn't follow that too closely, but I thought that was just people fundraising to support Monty's wife after Monty passed away (not before).

Monty was a talented guy. Rooster Teeth, meh. I haven't watched the new season 4 but I'm guessing they took his work and trashed it.

I shit you not, this is literally what happened

A shit ton of the Roosterteeth community get real fucking pissy if you mention it. She's a protected person since her Monty, her fiance, died.
I doubt that there was much malicious intent behind her actions, at least not homicidal intent, just being a total cunt and using him intent. I don't doubt that she had no effect in her death though, and that cat was most likely the cause.

The show or the game, because I only saw about four minutes of the former, and I thought my eyes were gonna bleed from the janky animation alone, anime cliches notwithstanding.

Oh, and it wasn't a pet store cat, it was a random cat she picked up from the street.

Hi yes I too voted for No Man's Sky, I gave it the New Coke award

Jesus christ.

It probably is a lot of work, but when the strength and visual draw of the series is how different each of the characters' appearances are, that seems pretty fucking stupid to lock it behind DLC.

The show. I've seen less of the show than you have, and I saw the first trailer only.




Here's Monty's wife. The full story is in the OP. kiwifarms.net/threads/nicole-sheena-duquette-oum.20671/





How about no.

Silly user. This is Holla Forums! Nobody plays video games. We just sit around talking about the games we think are horrible (despite having no firsthand knowledge of this) and the games that are totally awesome (despite having not even been born when they came out).

Old men, running the world. A new ageā€¦

We have other problems.

some people should really be trolled to death. literally gaslight this woman into suicide. please kek