Koch Media (a huge European publishing arm who works with Square Enix, Atlus, Bethesda...

Koch Media (a huge European publishing arm who works with Square Enix, Atlus, Bethesda, and more) has blacklisted a Spanish medium because they gave FFXV a score lower than the Metacritic average.

Another fine example of how corrupt this industry is.
If you can read Spanish, the whole story is here:

I hope you all don't get baited (by it being spain) and forgo the fact that this is blatant corruption.

Let your racist sentiments go and look at the big picture. This is BLATANT Corruption.

I don't even know what that is supposed to mean user

bait some fucktard into derailing the thread and then whine like a faggot when it derails.

Nigger fuck off with this Spanish nonsense. We got our own English-based corruptions to deal with.

We already know how fucked up it is dickpoop.
That's why we are reviewing independently.

I honestly won't be surprised if this becomes the new practice eventually, Bethesda flat out said they don't care about sending review copies out anymore.

You're a faggot. Spaniards are white.

To add to that. It's the HISpanics and latinos that are a mixed raced mess. Spaniards are European white.

One question, did they dock points for soggy knees?


whiter than the US.


What? How is that corruption?
Am I misunderstanding the English language?

I agree that this is a bad practice, but isn't it basically their right to invite/send copies to whom they want?

Not really, because no agreement existed between them to fix the rating. But it is shitty if it's true, because it implies that other reviewers are involved in such agreements.

I don't think that's how it works. They just have to wait like for the game like the rest of the goyim.


US is 98% white outside of large cities and the southern parts of the southern states. Spain is only like 10% white.

Daily reminder the US was never invaded and occupied by arabs. The spics can barely go anywhere but the southern states.

Really mate? So punishing people who reviewed your game because they didn't give as high a score as you wanted is ok with you?

US is around 60% white and less than 50% white if you only look at under 10.

It really isn't about language. I don't think squeenix cared about the country of origin for the publication that didn't lick their asses.

This is why nobody takes /pol seriously.

OT: The Streisand effect will take care of this OP.
They'll back of soon.

Wait, you're saying Square Enix is a company full to the brim with conniving Japanese jews that don't give a shit about anything other than shekels? Surely the (((Koch))) brothers wouldn't have any nefarious, anti consumer business plans up the sleeves of their tzitzits.

Top jej

It's natural for Square at this point, they've burned so much money through XV's development that they're probably going to take it out on anyone.

It is sad that even people here get caught up in identity politics bullshit.

While that's true, it is a death knell for a site not to get early review copies to review, and companies know that. So giving review copies specifically to sites to ensure favorable reviews, and deny them to companies for simply doing their review is corruption. Now, if they were shit like Polygon or something, docking points for an agenda, I can understand not giving them review copies, but if it's purely for the metacritic, it's scumbag.

And half the anons on this board are going to be good goys and buy it anyway

Well, what are the benefits of giving out review copies if you aren't an indie developer? Maybe in the old days when we didn't have internet but now that we do, giving out review copies to certain sites just doesn't seem like a necessity. Besides, most that do get review copies just rust through the game to pump out a review for those quick ad bucks, rather than giving a good review.

I don't think early review copies are worth much in this day an age. It would be best if everyone got the game at the same time as release and play at the same time as everyone else. If people would have the patience to wait if they aren't sure of a game, they can wait for multiple reviews to come out to make an educated purchase. Sadly, we live in a consumer lemmings world, where one popular person does it, everyone follows them without question. Tuber's/ Streamer's pay lip service to bad practices but in the end still support it through their own actions, whether they want to admit or not.


This is all due to people relying on metacritic. A lot of people don't even look at individual reviews,they're THAT LAZY. They just look at the score, so companies will pull bullshit like this simply to make sure the metacritic score on day one is as high as possible. If a site that doesn't default to giving them favorable reviews can't review a game until it's been out a week, they can't effect the metacritic for that whole week, and by then the game has sold most of the sales it'll ever make. This is the flaw of metacritic, and companies know exactly how to rig that system.

I asked how that is corruption.
As I understand it corruption is the misuse of entrusted power and normally also a crime.

And I also said it's bad, so where did you read that I'd be okay with it?

Trying to shame people into not buying something they want isn't going to do anything. What would be a lot more useful would be the people that did buy the game, with proof in hand, contacting Square and saying "stop this bullshit", because consumers WANT honest reviews. And probably a wider look at Koch Media and their business partners and practices. Attacking their good name and dragging the good name (as it were) for the companies they work for into it could do a lot, over time. These are all old GamerGate tactics, and we know they work.

nigga, I bought Shadow Warrior 2 and even I'm not picking up that Piece of Shit.

Is anyone surprised? Like, at all?
This game has been in development for eighty-five years, part of a major franchise, from a major studio. Of course its going to get high reviews, and anyone who doesn't agree is going to get pushed away. I'd be surprised if the reviews were actually legit.

I'm translating this as fast as I can. There's still shit to post. Hold on.

I don't think that means what you think it means. Hint: it has nothing to do with ethnicity.


Thanks for translating. I was in the middle of translating the first paragraph, but I wasn't fluent enough in Spain Spanish.

Koch sure sounds like a japanese name to me.


Wow how fucking convenient.



That is fucking petty

OK, here you go. Emphases are his.

> Everything started with a call from their offices. The first message was clear: you are going to be removed from the list of major outlets that put out reviews on embargo date because you have hurt our interests. Without giving it much thought, I asked for more information about it and the reply was chilling. We have given Final Fantasy XV a score below the current average on Metacritic; we gave it a score that was 0.9 lower than the opinion of the rest of the media outlets and this is the reason for the ban. Apparently, our score of 75 looks pretty bad on the game's page. Faced with this situation, they tried to convince us it wasn't only because of score we have this title and that we were hurting their games in general, something I debunked quickly by telling them the scores we gave some of their last works, such as World of Final Fantasy, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Just Cause 3, or Shadow Warrior 2, which were all above average or on par with the Metacritic average. But the decision was made. According to them, Final Fantasy XV did not deserve this score and they invited us to play or better understand JRPGs. Finally, while we tried to find a solution to the problem, we were notified that, at that moment, there was nothing left to do and that they would revisit our case in the future based on our next reviews.
> Personally, I've been hearing for years that the main media outlets in the industry give games very high scores (that includes us, because people are increasingly distrusting the media). The fact of the matter is that today was the day when we were able to understand why. We never believed the rumors or we didn't want to believe them; we always wanted to work for our readers and give them the best version of ourselves, whether or not it matched our work. Thus, we're not being coy here, since this is the first time we have been pressured and punished because we gave a game a certain score; also, we have never received any gratuities for publishing any reviews in support of any media.
> However, do not fear because Areajugones will continue to put out reviews that tell you what we really think about each game, without any outside pressure, like it or not, even thought we might end up being despised by some companies in this industry, which I also need to stress, since some of these companies are great and they are awesome to us and our colleagues without asking anything in return. You should draw your own conclusions. Demanding a fairer, more transparent press is in your hands. Finally, we will only invite you to read our review.

koch media, not you user.

Many thanks.

It's faggots like you that's promoting this game instead of leaving it to rot.

I'm fucking sorry for the typos.

> because the of score we gave this title

> even though

Sounds more like they're trying too hard. All they had to do is hand out reviews instead of being whiny pussies from getting a slap on the hand.

It's like they wre expecting 10/10's across the board or something for their homo-simulator.

I think a straight up homo simulator would have cost them less and made them more money.

Why should I care about any outlet getting blacklisted? It only means they won't be getting early review copies or backroom deals for scoops.

I want all games media to die in a fire, I wish they would blacklist every fucking publication.

No bad tactics, only bad targets, right?

Listen here you fucking mongoloid, your shitty prebaked niGGer meme is just a more pretentious way of saying "the end justifies the means" and you know what? sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it does, it all depends on what means to what end, opening your refrigerator door justifies the means of getting off your fat ass and pulling at the door but not the means of blowing up the house with dynamite. Your little turdnugget of wisdom means precisely fuckall because that judgment will never be applied as an absolute.

Take it to the perpetual GG general, this is ostensibly what it's there for.

Well, they should had asked sony the score before publishing the review.

They're too busy blogposting and pretending they're Chinese cartoons.

suck my dick faggot

Koch Media are filthy kikes


Why in the fuck would we be racist against Spain? For fakes sake, Spain. You're a white country, not Mexico.

As for FFXV, I knew I was right about it being shit and I can't wait to stomp fanbois fangurls their shit boyband gaymen is garbage.

This needs to be pointed out because people seem to not understand the difference.


A black person can be Scottish
A white person can be South African
A asian can be Brazilian
A albino can be Japanese

Education is truly fucked when masses of people can't tell the difference between the two.

how much of a delusional faggot can you be? you have to not know the meaning of any of the words you spouted to come to this conclusion.
Holla Forums faggots starting to piss me off

It's Zoe Quinn's right to fuck for good press but that doesn't make it okay.

sometimes i don't know who's jewing who

No you're the fucking idiot because nationality isn't genetic. The retarded mentality your prescribing to is of the vew that Americans and Brit's are different races.

Nationality isn't citizenship either.

South Africa isn't a nation but sure, Afrikaners are South African.
I don't know whether you could call Brazil a nation but I'm gonna lean "no" on this one.
Insofar as there are albino Japanese, sure.

The closest thing to nationality is ethnicity plus a specific culture. Afrikaners are ethnically Dutch but no one would claim that Afrikaner = Dutch. You can absolutely be racist against a specific nationality.

There's a big difference between nations are races and nations have races.

The issue with nationality in relation to races is that in the scope of things it isn't consistant and the misuse of it confuses the meaning. And no, to be racist you have to think that a race is below others, even the ones that were born and raised in your country.

Spain =/= Mexico

Brazil has the highest number of japanese citzens after Japan.

Absolutely. Somewhere along the line nationality got tied in with citizenship (probably because originally you had to be coethnic with the nation in question to get citizenship), and now people think you can be a black Irishman or a mestizo Congolese.
Not in the current year, you just have to think that race exists and matters. I consider myself racist, but I don't believe that other races are inferior so much as believe that they can't into being white. They're excellent at being themselves, and they should go do it in their own countries.

Yeah, but Brazil is kind of like America in fifty years' time. There are a bunch of nations in Brazil, one of which is Japanese.

No. Most japs are in São Paulo I think, which is just another shithole.

But they don't have their own culture or whatever? I know that there are Germans in Brazil and they mostly do their own thing, so I would have thought that it would be a similar situation with nips.

I don't know very much about Brazil other than "culturally enriched and mostly shitty" so fill me in.

They mostly adhere to the Jap culture of working themselves to death, sure there's a little chinatown there but no proper community of japs/chineses/koreans/whatever.
The germans do have one or two cities where old customs and german are both enforced as the default though, in the south, they're not very big though.

Becoming a citizen is to come into the fold of a social contract. If you then defend that constitution you are therefore a nationlist. Race isn't a factor when it comes to nations, the only relation is that with most nations is that there's a common race but that is always in a state of flux. Biology and ideas are two different things. Nations are created from common ideals, race is heredity which comes from your parents.

Seriously, how fucking casual are you faggots?

Good meme.

That only works if EVERYONE loses early review copies, which would be GOOD. But that's not the case: sites are chosen based on their LOYALTY TO THE PUBLISHER to get review copies, and anyone who falls out of line is punished. If you can prove this site gives unfair or overly biased reviews, then ya, we stop caring. But if they really just gave a review that wasn't approved, and got slapped down, that's what GG was built to shine light on.

but i called you a faggot. two times. are you not using that word because it is offensive?
it partially is. either you are born with similiar genetics and, heres the important part, the same historical and cultural background or you are not. theres really not much room for speculation. an irish citizenship doesnt make you irish. i dont get how this is so hard to understand.
you people lack the understanding of why nations formed in the first place.

But goy, you just have to believe in the Constitution!

I'm curious about your mental illness that confuses "complaining about x" into "promoting X", and see if there's a charity to donate to so you can get the treatment you desperately need.

Fuck off to >>>Holla Forums we don't care about your children games here in Holla Forums.