Identifying Jews
Someone on Holla Forums sometime back pointed out Gal Gadot's lack of forehead. Ever since then, I have been unable to sport any length of wood while looking at her sloped/receding forehead as all I can think about is microcephaly. She is, of course, a Jew, but I never put two and two together at the time.
Then, fairly recently, another user on Holla Forums posted a porn video of a guy and two chicks which I wish I kept had I know what path my research would take me down. One chick had an enormous fucking schnoz and the other… wait for it… and sloped/receding forehead, but like 2x the slope of Gadot. I did some research and found that they were all Jews. Then I looked at the guy in the vid… what did I see? A long neck and curly hair. Jesus H. Christ it's all coming together.
Now I am able to spot jews just by looking at them. Jaclyn Glenn rewteeted jewhead001c.PNG and immediately I noticed something funny about the chick on the far left. She has no forehead which was further confirmed after looking at pics on her profile. I then Googled "Stephanie Frosch jewish" and came upong a fuckton of tweets of her confirming her Jewness (jewhead001b.PNG).
One might argue that this is just confirmation bias. However, I contend that I used the scientific method to leverage factual data to make a prediction prior to knowing the outcome (some of you fundie young-Earth creationist Christians might actually hate that since this is the same method that proves evolution, but who gives a fuck you can all kill yourselves).
Identifying Jews is now a thing of mine and I cannot stop examining people's facial festures looking for the typical Jew features of long neck, curly hair, big fucking nozzle, and microcephalic forehead.
What do you think? Is there a hobby to be born in identifying j00z?