
Season 3 is out today!

catalog didn't have any threads up

Other urls found in this thread:


Why ruin it then?

>inb4 overcucks, bumplock when, le ebin cuckchan aids screencap XD, the guy who has been trying to shitpost in these threads for over 2 MONTHS

are you trying to say all overwatch players don't have aids and throw pozzing parties?
do you have any facts to back up this bold claim?

user he's been doing it since the first beta build…

so what gold weapons do you guys have and what do you plan on getting?

I have Reinhardt and Zenyatta's. I'm planning on getting one for sombra today since I only need a few wins.

overwatch threads are the new undertale threads please kill yourself

can't wait to heal retards for a third season

I'll play it eventually. Hopefully the group of assholes that play well I found will still be around.

I'll finally be able to get one for my Rien.

I always feel awful when I carry bad players when playing Lucio.

I work today too but I get off at the exact time the season starts.

Don't feel bad, someone has to do it. That's why I picked up Zenyatta I can do everything with him at the same time.

seeing some buffs to some characters can't wait for mercy's 1 second out of battle regen.



Didn't this crap come out this year ? What bullshit is this ?

There are 4 seasons in a year user and overwatch came out in spring.

Post your tag, region and season 2 rank. If you dare.

season 1 was like a month and half season 2 was like a full 3 months

season 1 78
season 2 highest 3250ish

I'm a lot better than my score. Solo queue is hard to get out of.



mercy best girl

The board was so well just 30 minutes ago


good amount of Holla Forums people bought overwatch hell only reason i got it was cause of Holla Forums otherwise I'd be like you mad and playing paladins like a loser

I'm actually thinking of paying someone to use proxies and just spam porn.
Thats how bad you Tumblr tier faggots are
Whats the difference?

I played the beta and it seemed like a pretty fun game.

It ended up being a pretty good game and the only decent thing blizzard has ever done.


You realize most people would actually enjoy the porn here, right? Also you act like tumblr isn't full of porn.

Not a blatant proxy at all

user you can't preach to be against "tumblr" while using their safe-space ideology. You're basically one of them

You also can't say us making video game related threads is ruining Holla Forums and then purposely ruining videogame related threads in an attempt to make Holla Forums "better". How dense are you?

I stopped playing midway

The board has been going to shit every since it was made in '14.

I'm gunna hack you kid tier threat



You will always be the cancer.

ya i stopped pretty much midway as well and just let my 3k+ rank get degraded because of the new system and didn't really care about my rank





When did I ever say Overwatch porn?
This shit is waifufag bait for shit tier MMO weeaboo retards like you and your kind.

These threads are all Tumblr and Reddit posters though.

Went to shit in January 2015 actually, going slowly towards the shitter since then.
its still better than any other alternative actually, and I've been looking far and wide
What the fuck are you talking about?
Its just like comissioning porn

Do you even know what a proxy is?

Well, shit OP at least this time you've posted more than twice to shill this fucking garbage.

Doing Gods work



When did I say Overwatch porn? You realize this board would be covered in porn of all kinds if it wasn't just a "SFW" board, right?
Nice buzzwords.

Never let your roommate play on your account.
I fucking hope I never have to deal with Bronze shit heads ever again.

you do know they changed the hitboxes right?


Then why are you acting more triggered than them?

They know, don't reply to them.

General threads fuck off.


can I get source of the guy talking over the clips?

Hanzo is never played because of how shit he is, and that is from an older build man.

I dont think there are any other videos of recent heroes on Hitbox detection, other than roadhogs hook being taller than it should be.

I didnt know carbot was making Overwatch animations, neat.

Trainee bots have a different hitbox, whats the problem with the reaper one? The junkrat one is from beta, or even before that, you can tell by junkrats picture frame in the bottom right. Blizzard patched that reaper glitch almost instantly.

This isn't a general thread, though.

Almost had me blizzdrones, almost had me


What you'll regard of any criticism towards the game.


I'm not the one that hides any criticism towards it

I Reddit


Too bad there isn't any criticism of the game in this thread besides
At least you're actually admitting it.

I thought they fixed the tick shit as well but looks like it caused some issues is put back into backburner for now it seems well last i heard.
only issue i've had recently would be the dimension grabbing hog hooks that seem to have gotten worst. of course I mostly support and junkrat defense

Oh yeah, least we forget



I like the fact the guy who get so autistic over the hitboxes and spams videos probably will never show Blizzard any of this or try to make it clear to them what needs to be fixed, because a bunch of retards on Holla Forums will totally fix the game for him.

You realize you checked in those circles for Paladins, right?

They're both boring as shit once the honeymoon phase is over

I know you're sort of busy getting triggered, but there are hundreds of posts already on blizzard's official forums telling blizzard what a piece of shit their game is, and has been since beta but they don't care. Probably something to do with retards buying it anyway.
Oh and they're clearly circles and crosses, since paladins doesn't do the retarded shit listed on the last four rows.

I'm not the one spamming the thread with webms that have been spammed before as if I was trying to prove some useless point about nothing important.
Prove it.
So a retard made the picture and couldn't just put in checkmarks like a non-retard? Hilarious.

So you actually think Blizzard will fix it?
I'd ask if you live under a rock, but the answer seems obvious.
Christ almighty, we got a lively new one over here

Well I'll leave you to have fun in your containment thread


Well no, normally people use circles to indicate when something is valid and crosses when something isn't valid. Also you aren't fitting in with your Starship Troopers autism.

you fags ruined quickplay

What do you mean? Theres an option to play no limit in the arcade section.

How new are you?

More like overdogshit, m i rite?

Hey, I got banned for spamming 4am thread, so tripfags can circlejerk without any problems, they clearly have their priorities right,

The Starship Trooper movie was commie trash
excuse me?

And DooT, Hitman 2016, Battlefront 2015, Street Fighter V, DmC, etc… despite their shitty practices or just how bad they may you'll find no shortage of people here buying and discussing these titles as if their existence isn't detrimental to the industry as the whole.

People on Holla Forums have clearly demonstrated that they'll guzzle down any bullshit from the industry like any other normalfag cancer - yes, including those who bought into Blizzard's casual as fuck retail-priced shooter with microtransactions. The moment these things were accepted was the moment things went downhill for Holla Forums, both cuck/v/ long before and here.

Except Overwatch is a good game and it isn't casual as fuck. Sorry about you hating good games.

You're as cancer as waifu threads. Also



Sasuga a spic kike who is obsessed with garbage like hamstershit.

But they aren't called that, you fucking newfag. Get the fuck off our website, cuckchanner.


Hi jew

Aww, the redditfags are trying to fit in, they're even saying nigger as if it's edgy.

Is this how you try to prove that you belong here? Because it isn't working.

What makes you say that it's edgy?

I'm not, I said "as if it's edgy".


How does it feel to be as big of a cancer as 4 AM and waifu threads?

but m8, this is the designated cancer thread, protected by king kike, where else would I dump my shit if not here?

Only if you're a redditfag. Also there is a waifu thread up right now. How isn't that the designated cancer thread?

you mean the place where every mean comment is deleted and die hard fangoys defend their shitty games?
so basically this thread?

Because Mark lurks in there and his fee fees are hurt the very moment I enter and he getsa little autistic fit.

And Mark is in this thread too, so why aren't you leaving to go back to reddit?

But son, thats this thread

That's fucking rich.

Holy shit the butthurt in this thread
Have a bump


I work in mysterious ways, user

I meant it from the people complaining about Overwatch, but it's appreciated anyways


Overjew is terrible and you should kill your sleeves.

You must be 18 years of age or more to post on this board

please dump



Anti-overwatch cucks ate the biggest autists on the board. How does it feel that you will never stop Overwatch threads?

How does it feel knowing you'll never stop Overwatch threads

Damn why couldnt the new season start at 8am in the morning, why do we have to wait until 5pm. Shit sucks, I just want to have the new changes pushed through.

My best bro and I tried it during the free weekend (after wasting time on Paladins) shit was good so I bought 4 origin editions

Game would be a 10/10 if there was more gamemodes and removed/redesigned Mei
Bitch look like your average tumblrista with extra chromosomes

Why the fuck did you buy 4? Are you reselling them for profit?


For me and my poorfag friends

wat? I thought this shit was a first person assfaggots.

About the same way I felt during the Undertale threads. smug :^)


Because hes normalfag trash that plays ASSFAGGOTS with his IRL friends?
But thats just a theory

Exactly like every other piece of shit, wheres the issue?

It must have taken a lot of shilling to save up enough for 4 copies

In that it makes no fucking sense. How does a game have seasons? Do they mean DLC or patches or updates or something?

It's for competitive. Rankings are reset, and you redo placement matches. It's like seasons in actual sports, dummkopf. That's why they call them e-sports.

Am i the only one that doesn't give a fuck about rankeds, doesen't play any online fps in last 10 years, have shit aim and cannot kill anything even as a reaper yet I still enjoy it as hell?

Hey heck you dude I like Starship Troopers

You're in a casual thread so no.

I should have guessed. They're fucking desperate to give this shit some form of legitimacy.

It means shitty events for XP grind and skins
Also esports


Go play it then

Blizzard has been cancer for years
This Blizzcuck scum somehow ended up here, likely from all the cancerous WoW generals.

esport, rankings and competetive gaming is what actually killed most of online games in the last 5 years

now people doesn't play because it's fun, all that matters is high lvl, mad skillz and shitting on other ppl

And yet you supported the cancer that started this whole business.
Good job you retarded nigger

I'm having fun. Stay mad.

are shit

I bet you're one of those faggots that wines that the other team "hates fun" because they're actually functioning as a team and winning. Go play singleplayer faggot. Also what said. E-sports are cancer.

So you admit to being a chronic shitposter who thinks he decides what belongs on Holla Forums?




Overwatch is all about esports shit.

How so?



wew, are you all 15-years old kids? because you all sure looks like it


Yes, I'm actually 12
Mark ban me pls


Reported :^)

Yeah, totally. 15/f/cali. Wanna cyber?

Funny thing is, I was going to type up a post about why I suspected all the game's elements were made for esports, but then I just checked the site.


Since its inception nigger


you…are larping, right?

No shit


It is e-sports. I won't deny that. Playing competitive is fun, even though I'm far from pro.

no I'm sooper srs babe. let's cyber.


How new are you?


Hi Reddit

Why does this game get protected status here?

Hi reddit

Playing competitively is fine. Esports is garbage that's only good for big business. Usually means shit for the player and Overwatch is an example of that.

The stupid shit with 1 lane and 2 side paths that lead to the same choke point was done to make the action easier to follow for a spectator. The skill cooldowns are for a same reason and another along side ultimates. Ultimates were made to force power plays. The short time limits are also there to enforce power plays because you're always fighting against the clock. Sustained victories can't happen. You have to make big plays or counter big plays.

All of this shit instead of just making the game fun to play above all else.

Oh yeah and I forgot

I guess we should just use this as a precedent and allow garbage like undertail, lisa, gone homo, and depression quest.

Whats wrong with LISA besides the SJW dev?

The gameplay is pretty shit.


Fair enough

because its a video game

If you want to bumplock overwatch threads, just bump it.

I'm actually okay with Overwatch being a permanent shitposting thread like this.
I get to play a match, alt+tab to laugh at shitposters and alt+tab back for another match.
In the meantime, you guys get to repost the same shit over and over again and play no games because boohoo every game sucks.

The anti-Overwatch posters have never posted a GOOD game yet. And they never will.
Because: They don't play games at all! D:


When haven't we allowed those threads?

Oh okay, you're a retard

Look at this passive agressive nu male
Look at him and laugh

Okay, I'll start laughing at you

When have I been passive agressive in this thread?

Shhh, let them go. I want to see how many I get with one post.

that's when. Also I like how you accepted the fact you're a nu-male.

Consider the fact that most people who talk about the game make an average of 10 posts.
You're already up to 20 with no signs of stopping.
Please, keep going. I want to see a (93) again.
Two full of days of shitting on something you don't even play. It warms my heart to see such dedication.

Try months, user. Thousands of posts, all of them autistically shitting on a game.

i dont think its a good thing when half the posts in what would otherwise be a comfy slow thread are proxyfags who dont play video games.

I know a person that bought and has 400 hours in Battleborn. Told me it was a good game but Gearbox fucked it up.

I don't play Overwatch or use Tumblr, keep rambling though.

Not me
Mork would have banned me before I even got to a quarter of that.

Since launch day
Tried to check a thread to see if the game was any good and only saw cancer.

Shit, nice trips
Reddit tier D&C delusions

Do none of you know how the fucking filter works, cmon guys, am I the only one that has been in all of these threads?



Tranny master race tbh famalam

What about it?


It looks painful.

Cancer thread
sage goes in all fields

Shes walking while facing backwards with no apparent anatomical fuckery.
Do you have autism?

So anybody figure out good ways to play as Sombra yet?

Sure user. I believe you.

take your transphobia somewhere else

there's nothing wrong with having a phobia of people who play pretend for a living

Thats an oxymoron

I don't give a shit


Oh shit, nice dubs


Looks awkward as fuck.

it wouldnt surprise me if it were decent, the best thing that can happen to aos clones is for the formula to be shaken up. where they fucked up is trying to peddle it for 60 jesusbux.

So you have autism?


debuffer tickler and rare occasions a kill or two.
the gun is pretty shit needs a bit better range. hacking is a nice cc but its not a hard cc so if you can't handle the shit tick rate its probably not gonna be good.
its funny seeing a genji unable to do shit same with others wish getting hit didn't stop the channel

Hit and run. Far more than Tracer, actually.
She's only decently good for finishing off low HP targets since she has less damage than tracer.
Don't spam your ulti. Use it on a push, it's useless for everything else. When your team is together and theirs is aswell.
Doesn't work if there's snipers far away (one less heros hit by you) or mobility characters flanking your team.
If your team dies, stay alive above all. Denying the big health pack is essential to make sure they don't recover. Invisibility, teleport, just keep them focused on you. If you get 3 enemies to pull back hunting you, that's a 5vs 3 fight your team will face. Only works if you stay alive so you use the peashooter to draw attention, not for kills.

keep the medpack hacked as long as possible, save your ulti to counter big pushes. If your team died, don't ult at all. You gain nothing from it.
You can also put down a teleporter, dive into them and tele port back. Limited used on most maps, but you can draw a sniper or a genji away from the fight.
After the initial rush, try to keep them from regrouping. Invisibility your ass between their spawn point and the defense point. Harass enemies and run. Repeat and keep them trickling down on your team one by one.

You won't get any. Sombra doesn't deal enough damage, secure enough kills or heals enough. And if you get an objective time medal, even just copper, you already fucked up.
What you get is wins. A lot of wins.
But this of course assumes your team is braindead. If they're retards, you might still win if you keep the fights 3 vs 5. If they're braindead, they'll follow you.
Nothing can win you games if your team is this stupid. Just accept it's gonna be a loss and practice with her.
Or change to junkrat. Junkrat wins everytime.

Man, you're so cool.
Can you teach me to be this cool?

Stop posting

Kinda forgot one thing that should be obvious but might as well remind people:
Holy fuck, why do people do this?

Always do it from behind. Preferably from above too. They don't (or at least didn't) get a warning "INCOMING HAXX" or anything. They just suddendly notice they can't do shit and try to search around for you. Which guess what, further leads into the strategy I laid here: slap a bitch and then run like one. You ain't killing shit unless it already has a foot in the grave.


thanks! (I didn't know about /fem/)

Actually that begs the question: how does one hack a turret as Sombra without getting blown to shit?

No problem
Don't forget to stay there forever

aww what a sweetheart

You stop playing this casual bullshit

Honestly? You don't.
I haven't tried yet to hack Torb and see if the turret gets hacked aswell, but I suspect it doesn't.
Never tried Symetras sentries either.
I supose you can try to hack it from behind a Reinhardt shield. It's actually a fun but innefective combo: get behind a Rein and hack everything on sight. Doesn't really work as well as you may think though.

You can survive a lvl 2 turret if you're max health, it gives you enough time to hack it and you keep 50 or 60 HP. But since Torb is usually around his turret and one of his bolts hits for something like 75 at short distances, yeah, you don't.
Again, she's better at spraying and drawing attention. If the enemy doesn't follow you, that's when you become agressive.

Sorry senpai, I failed your lesson.
I'm destined to be a nerd forever.

I've seen Mercies doing shit like that a bunch of times. It's… funny and heartwarming to see them care so much about you that they deem 18 points of damage an urgent matter.
But you get kinda sad when her body crumples to the ground with a "aaahhhh".
And then you get horny.

OH, you're that Portuguese shitposter!
It all makes sense now.
How do think our PM is doing? He's getting popular. Increasing the minimum wage, restoring holydays. He even managed to pay a large portion of our external debt, imagine that!
Just don't tell Holla Forums you're posting a socialist politician. They wouldn't like to hear one of those actually aproving policies that work.

actually it's pretty dead


I don't even have this game nor can my shit PC run it, but Jesus do these shitposters really make me want to get it alongside a better PC.

It can actually run potato tier computer.
There's a setting to reduce the actual rendered resolution by 50%. So your 640x480 resolution taxes the GPU like it was 320x240 So it's actually 1/4 of the effort to render it.
You get a blurry mess, but hey, you can run this shit on Intel integrated graphics.

Playing Overwatch was enough

Oh hey
Hes alright
Good joke

Say hi to Swami for me genital butcher

Do it already you nigger

Who could have predicted it, right?

Açores or Madeira?
You know that we only have to send a pair of ships and fire a single round of artillery to sink that village-sized island, right?
Or heck, let's repeat 1796 again, but a bit further from the coast.

Also it's """"butchery"""" in the same sense as getting your appendix out or having a tumor removed

do it, no balls

the irony is great isn't it?

jesus christ the quality of that image

Should Phara get nerfedor buffed? Capture the flag when? Lastly, why is Torb so good?

Kike detected

The one which isnt a fucking favela
What kind of shitty pretend play is this?
>Firing upon territory where US Atlantic Overwatch Air Bases are located
Do you have brain damage?
Or are the colder temperatures coupled with the suffocating urban environments getting to you?

Just go back

Saving up my money for now
She should be fucked

Its either the Goan Goblin or the Stepping Bunny, and belive me, you don't want the Stepping Bunny.
He'll steal all your eggs and lick Merkels tranny cock clean.

Shitting streets when?

Anti-overwatch cucks are truly the scum of the board. Worse than furfags.



b-but 4chan and leddit are full of cucks and SJWs

Oh well

Then go back to >>>/cuteboys/

I don't like boys (I'm gay)




Enjoy your ban, avatarfag

They aren't avatarfagging, dumbass.


Gonna have to be more specific than that.
Madeira is (was) run by a pseudo-Fidel Castro that syphoned 60% of your budget for his own business leaving half of the population living like afrikans. And Açores keeps getting actual mudslimes (the earth-moving kind) fucking up your houses.
Either way, you live in a rock boat and depend on the mainland sending money every few months.
Half of us don't even understand what you guys speak. It's like a weird mixture between Brazillian Portuguese and Ebonics.


I've found that you can animation cancel your invis if you shift+E teleport
If you do it right you can go invis even while people are shooting at you and can get a clean getaway, plus the E is a short CD so its not like you're losing anything.
And treat her gun like a shotgun unless they are PRETTY low. Otherwise its just for charging ult.

And in case no one knows, her ult and I think her Right-Click shows people's ults and if they are ready or not. So if you ult and you see the Ult ready symbol above a zarya, DONT FUCKING GROUP, AND TELL YOUR TEAM.

capture the flag NEVER EVER due to heroes like tracer, unless they remove abilities once you have the flag.

this is how retarded you are


You're using a name and pictures of al gore to identify yourself. They're just posting pictures of waifus. You're autistic.

Besides using the fag's name, you're also posting politics. Like, the actual Holla Forums stuff, not even "tangencially related to videogames" stuff.
There's a board for your kind, and there's a reason noone visits it.
It's because of people like you.


y'all some dumb niggas

That 4th pic is great.

We could have something like Bombing Run + CTF: When you have the "flag", you're immobile, so you must throw it to another team mate. Just turn the flag into some other important object.

The irony is so strong, that pic isn't referencing jojo, it's referencing sailor moon.

I wonder what its like to be so mentally cucked that you can't help but wander into threads on games you have no interest in, do not play, and do not care for and you need to proclaim this to everyone in the thread so they know about it.
What is it like to go through life with that sort of fucked up mechanism in your head that makes you have to comment and complain about things that don't really concern you? That you claim to not want to have any part of?
Like clockwork, time and again, these sorts of faggots come into these threads just to make sure to proclaim, to virtue signal to other faggots, even though anonymous, to show that their tastes are BETTER than the tastes of those are discussing the game(s) that are the topic of the thread.
Its not just Overwatch but all sorts of other things and it never fails.

I mean, we joke a lot about autism and such around here but at a certain point i'm starting to wonder if autists are the actual cancer on this board because the behavior exhibited would suggest some sort of corruption/malfunction mentally.

I was one match away from Diamond but Sombra update happened and every match I got someone trolling.

I know that pain nigga.

I don't make the memes i just distribute them

Same here, got to 2992 and then everything went fucked

Thanks for reminding me how cancerous Overwatch's real fanbase is, I guess

don't know what to say I solo que support pretty much most of Season 1 and season 2 and made it into high ranks. I mean you got to be pretty bad to be low 3k. hell i started mid 2.5k+ and made it to 3.2k


You can get carried if you play support, since you dont have to do much :^)

I was actually doing fine, started playing comp late compared to other players, was carrying the team in almost every match but with the launch of Sombra people decided to start picking her and if someone picked before another shitter they would both fight resulting in a useless Sombra + useless Hanzo/Torb/Symm etc.

10 Min Until Next Season

Is Torb viable for Comp? I love playing him in quick play but it seems like at higher levels of play he'd be kinda useless


Torb is viable in anything. The key to Torb is positioning.
Actually, the Key to torb ir RE-POSITIONING
Turret down? Place it somewhere else.
Enemies around and turret down?
Place a lvl 1 turret and fire away. Build when it's safe.
Scrap now regens, so you get to be a 275 HP with armor now too.
But never neglect learning good spots for your turret, and always be ready to relocate it.

Yeah, its the same country you fucking retard
Each island has its own accent
You're going to have to be specific Overcuck shill.
We can't all live in Coimbra and smell the shit tier smell from the gutters every morning.

Thats literally every character

ut is great. i play both games. that fragmovie is dogshit tho. the fuck's with the slow-mo after each kill? who thought that'd be a good idea?

god damn I forgot how cancerous placement matches were.

first placement match already against a aimbotting soldier wew

Yeah, no kidding, you get faced against people way above you, or you get people way below you


I didn't say playerbase did I?

no I didn't.

Jesus fuck, they really need to nerf junkrat.

nah man he's super easy to counter

Inform me on what to do then, because if the enemy has a soldier/junkrat I cant seem to counter him.

People say his bombs are easy to dodge, but that shit is hard to do in a firefight or on KOTH

Nice Niceu, user-chan

Not seeing any criticism here. Just shitposting cancerfags ruining actual gaming threads as usual.

How do you remember to breathe?

I pass through Holla Forums while waiting for matchmaker. These threads always fill up with cancer, and ironically it's nearly always the haters who do it. Classic "stop liking what I don't like", as usual for autists.

Anybody figure out a way to get this shit to run on Loonix yet?

Always use paypal when dealing with shitty companies kids

this placement was worst then aids i think i went 5/5 and got 2977

this is a nice board


I know how you feel

Too bad this is a shit thread


People have too much free time lol

now we only need to bumplock overcuck threads and remove all avatarfags from Holla Forums




i went 7/3 and only got 2300

that sucks man

6/4, ended up pretty much where I was at the end of season 2 2520.
Guess my eternal climb to diamond will continue this season. Could be worse though, my friend ended up on 1600

I never played this trash of a game, but I thoroughly enjoy D-va's memes. What do Holla Forums?

you had a chance to try the game

Wait for the next free weekend, try it, buy it if you like it.

so? just post dva memes if thats all that you want to do with overwatch

Guess i'll do my placements

I wish Lucio didn't exist so I could browser OW porn without random chances for disgust.

**It's mostly with best girl, too, fuck tumblr man.*"

Just end it all

Haha is that shit still going?

Can this meme die already? It was already old before you were born.

I don't understand why people here are so awful. This was solo queue mercy FFS


They're awful on every region


Is this how matchmaking normally is in this game? It turned me off so fucking bad. The only character I actually enjoyed was Roadhog, everyone else felt dull and listless. Shit, even Roadhog's gun had some of the worst feedback I have ever experienced in a video game, but that was standard across the board. The price point of $69.95 USD is pretty fucking steep for a game about shooting where the shooting feels so bad.

I don't mean region, I mean ITT.

Where are you getting a $70 price? The BASE price is 40, and it was on sale for 40% off I think. Don't buy origins edition, it's just skins.

Matchmaking is nowhere near that bad normally. I mean yes you do get stuck with retards who definitely don't belong at whatever rank you are, but both competitive and quick play do a better job than just randomly throwing people together like you described.


Australia, which probably explains the desperate matchmaking. You'd think that on a free weekend it wouldn't have much trouble finding players, but the MM seemed context to stick people with legendary skins and thousands of hours into matches with helpless newbies.

Origin was on sale for 40%, not base.

Most Australians aren't retarded enough to play overwatch, especially with OW sending people randomly to other servers


My condolences. Your Pm thinks games are evil and your rating board doubles down on it.
I'd pirate everything, but for multiplayer games, try importing or buying a key from some key reseller. Some anons here know a few that are trustworthy enough.


Could be worse, he could be a burger, and one who bought OW at that

Now this piece of shit won't be anywhere near the first page for a day, well done anons.



So? Being on page 1 isn't even important. Do you really think page 1 is all that matters? Are you this new? Also we'll just make another thread when this reaches page 13 or 700 posts. I don't see why you're so upset about a video game thread, user..

Well finished my placements, got 2340 or something, time to get to diamond and then throw it all away again and fuck up the plat/gold tiers.

apparentyl gold/play will be better than last year instead of the average, what was your win/lose ratio on your placements to get that?

6/4 i played mostly rein and winston

Gold/plat is not better, they're still retarded.
Can't even form a team of 2-2-2, or aim at a support. Watching soldiers struggle to hit enemy mercys as lucio is agonising.

most pros have been spaming soldier, rein, and 2 other tanks as of this meta, and ana is still a mandatory pick.
Give it time though, after season start it takes a while for people to get the right ranks

If you want to climb out of those shit ranks though, pick pharah. No one can aim well enough to kill her.

Has lucio been nerfed that badly for the meta to go back to 3 tanks? I thought his speed boost was still really strong.

I think its mostly lucio+ana

Oh right I misread your post.

I've been playing some lucio and I've found my rank doesn't really fall on a loss, I wonder if that's because you can just afk and still be on fire 90% of the match thanks to passive healing.

Imagine that, looks like your (43) posts of autistic spamming doesn't do shit

Was on a winning streak, 1 game away from getting to gold after it put me so low.

Then my cunt of a roommate got home and started downloading shit. Didnt even have the courtesy to stop it for 5 fucking minutes. Saying shit like "dude you've been playing all day chill"

What a shitstain.

I can't believe I was regretting missing out on the comp scene, holy shit is this community complete asscancer try hards, I just want fun, not autism

It looks like all of his posts got deleted. Kek, all those hours of dedicated shitposting completely down the drain.

It looks like if you win most of your placement matches then you will be put up slighty above your average sr of the last season. If you win all of your matches, then you´ll get your season high. If you loose most of the matches on the other hand you will start out with a bit lower rank than your last season average sr.

I don´t know if i should find this good or bad. It kinda makes sense at least. Because there is noway that your skill completely changes from one season to another, so taking your old average sr into account isn´t that bad of an idea.

Oh that might explain it seeing as my SR dropped to 2300 after reaching diamond.

If you wanna have fun, quickplay or the arcade modes are the best. I recomend 3vs3 for now, since most people haven't settled on any kind of meta. You can also tag along 2 mates and try FUN but innefectual strategies.

Ranked is… eh. You gotta realize that some people take their Rank very, very seriously. I like to play it to see how far I get and thus don't really get upset over losses. But if someone is dreaming about getting to Diamond, every loss is a setback for them and a waste of time. They WILL try to blame someone.
As surprising as this seems, the best option is the same now as it was in 1980 on USENET: don't feed the troll. Left unchecked, they'll rage for a few moments. If you respond, you'll get a never-ending stream of "FUCK YOU".
Unless you actually like mining for salt, and in that case, welcome to the perfect game for it.
Funny enough, it applies to the shitposters in this thread too.

I lost 4 and went 1k down to 1600.
I mean, im already at 1900 easily, but its just annoying, and im sure the people im against dont like it either.

I also lost four and went down from nearly 2800 to around 2600. Odd, maybe the algorithm is bugged. Or you have played very few matches in the last season and this is also taken into account for some reason.

Suposedly, it also takes into account how much well you did in the match. What that means however is up to discussion. Or mythology.
Remember however that the first few matches you do, the ranking system doesn't know where to put you yet. So it fluctuates a large value up and down. It stabilizes after some 30 matches.

My grandad always used to give us those strawberry candies, they're actually good

You know, it got me thinking, the devs said they readjusted the rank gain for placement because too many people got into silver and gold… so what? now too many people will get into bronze and silver, genius!

Holy shit all this aspies getting triggered by a waifuwatch threads, must be really hard to live without knowing how to hide threads, have a bump you fucking faggots


I just wonder how I will do now, I am certainly less stressed by comp since I got my golden weapon for mei, and I don't need many wins to get a new one, I only reached 2011 last season but I always got quitters in a lot of matches, then the losing streaks.

Also, even though I grouped for most of my placement matches I got terrible teammates, not because they suck in general, but they refused to communicate, hell, the solos and other groups we got teamed with were more cooperative.

Why should you care (1)? It's not killing you to have differing opinions.

If everyone is stuck in the lower ranks it just makes the higher ranks worth more, gold/play was basically bronze/silver last season. I dont see the problem on what they're doing.


im cute or fuck off

Doesn't that mean that Platinum is not the average after all?

Why should it be the average? Most games that have these types of ranks, their second rank is usually the average. Just because its an odd number of ranks does not mean that the middle rank should be the middle skill level.

It also helps to spread out the players in the right skill range since then it has a higher chance for people to go up against people of equal skill. When it was just gold/plat non stop people would either play/go against shit players, or godlike players since the skill level between plat and Diamond was huge.

If anything I just wish tiers were of some use, people can literally derank for any reason and then we see stuff like platinums and diamonds pitted against gold and silvers because the number is what the matchmaking uses instead of their actual skill, I mean, let's say I get silver but never gold, then I should be paired only with silvers and so forth, otherwise we will keep seeing more curbstomp battles here and there.

If you derank, you dont lose the symbol. So if a diamond gets deranked to silver he'll still have the diamond symbol. WHich I think is pure bullshit. But the number is the only way to determine you're skill.

Exactly, but it still has a psychological impact during matches, you should be able to lose the symbol or something, I don't know, there is also people who purposefully derank, I played against some diamonds last season, they were trolling the other half of their team and were trying to derank, maybe they wanted to go GM Rank 0.

Oh man, the Portugese jewish socialist over (1000) post shitposter is going to be sooooo mad

well, time for these threads to be shit up even more by shitposters.

The what? as an OW I have to say is NOT GOTY material.


Gay Awards


Did it seriously get GOTY?




Enjoy your bunplocked thread and your future even heavier shitposting

Dorito pope gave it GOTY?
Better than Uncharted I guess.


That's not how it should work, right?

The thread isn't bumplocked though, it's just at bump limit.

Its completely backwards. If a player leaves in a middle of a match, then the match might as well be cancelled so no one has to lose in an unfair match.
If a player leaves before the match begins, then the match shouldn't be cancelled there because another player can join automatically to fill in the last persons place.

Its fucking retarded that my team has to deal with being one player short for the rest of the game. Unless we have the upper-hand or get lucky, we're fucked and fucking horseshit.


No, how it should work is that in the event of a player leaving the match during the match everybody's rankings are frozen, nobody gains or loses anything but the person to DC'd/quit does as a penalty. That's how Splatoon does it.

that pretty much describes the whole game

That sounds more reasonable, but I assume people would try to exploit that or something, at least I assume that's what the people at Blizzard think.

video games are serious business

It is.people could take turns or make dummy accounts to rank up. It should at least half the lose penalty or make it so you only lose 5-10 and make the person who left have a 2hour+ rank CD

That would cost some money considering you need to buy the game to have an alt account.

People still do it to smurf, so i dont see why they wouldnt.

Find yourself a 4 or 5-man team of tight-nitched players, and *BAM*, you're qualified for a nifty animated spray.

There's too much salt in this game, it's glorious, it's scary, it's tasty, it may kill my blood pressure.

can the rest of the players leave without penalty at that point?

Why did all 5 other winners leave?

Nope, either you leave in the first 30 seconds or else you will rank down, if someone else leaves first you rank down but not get a time penalty.

Thats 1v1


Remind me again how this shit isn't cancer.


If the FPS genre withers out of existence because every single future FPS starts copying OW just for the sake of it and doesn't include a SP mode anymore, I hope you guys die in hell. Thanks for ruining a great genre.

You should be blaming TF2 for starting the trend in that case. OW is following the same format with some adjustments.

Besides it's not like every FPS with a single player mode is doing anything other than the same format of "corridors with ebin cinematics and the occasional QTE". They make it really hard to miss having a SP mode in this game,
You should also be blaming the AAAs for perpetuating that shit.

Man, I wanted TF2 single-player ever since TFC.
Just imagine, a 13 hour long campaign where you constantly swap between all the characters.
A proper story. Character development. Picking up new guns in later levels. Forced sneak sections with the Heavy.

But nah. Source fags insist every game must be multiplayer so they can pwn n00bs ever since CS 1.6 was a thing.

At least I can tell you, there was supposed to be a graphic novel that would be telling an "origins" type of story for OW, to be released earlier last month, they cancelled it and said that they would be telling that story in another way.
Then Blizzard announced that they are hiring people for a new project:

There aren't any more details but this might be the SP mode for OW using the story from the cancelled novel. I hope it's not, but it's too much of a coincidence to discard that possibility.

derp… I can't believe I forgot about 1v1

I'd be perpetually smug at the TF2 fags but most all at Valve.
They had the recipe to make TF2 a legendary game for years to come:
But noooooo, fuck that, toss some more hats at people.

OW should try to focus on its horde mode at least, something like MvM would be great, Junkenstein's Revenge was OK but too small.

It's a shame. That mode was on a tiny section of that new map Eisen-Wall-D or some such.
I fully expected the fight to move between 3 sections of the map. Either by moving the spawns or by making you retreat further and further back as the minions got to you.

But yeah, more Horde (or bigger) would be great.

I want to think they took notes from Junkenstein's revenge and they are working on a more polished PvE mode focused on survival instead of protecting an objetive.

Yep, maybe next year.

They even have the perfect background already: the goddamn Omnic crysis.
AND the enemies are robots so they don't offend germans.

I just hope it allows 6 players this time, Junkenstein's Revenge didn't allow me to play with my usual team, and speaking of that, 3v3 and 1v1 should allow groups too.

Try not watching the Gay Awards next time, dumbasses.

It's funny, isn't it?
"Oh we totally hate and don't give a fuck about neither the Game Awards nor Overwatch"
"So let me dig the catalog for a thread about the game I don't like to shitpost about the show I didn't even want to see".

Also, for everyone talking about the leavers…
You're suggesting that the person leaving should take the penalty, not anyone else.
However if that was the case, professional teams would have a player drop out when they were near defeat so only he lost rank and even take turns between each other, ensuring they could dodge the drop for the whole team.

If it's any consolation, dropping out of a game too often increases your queue time and you keep doing that shit, you even risk being kicked out of the entire competitive season.

Have the system punish everyone in a premade if one of them leaves, and those not affiliated with the premade (if anyone) are not affected.

Could that work?

Sounds good to me.

Well, it already punishes the player. Sorta.
For one, they can't get into another game until your's finishes. So if they leave 1 minute in, that's 5 minutes they'll be sitting out. Seems kinda pointless to leave matches then, which implies they do it out of sheer butthurt.
But as you can imagine, most leavers will just alt+tab, do something else for a few minutes and alt+tab back in.
Now, the first few times aparently don't really punish you. Because sometimes you have a power outtage or your modem decides to snackbar. Fine by me.
Only after a few (I heard 5, some people say 3) leaves, you get a time-out that's slightly longer. Usually about an hour or so with no competitive.
This really isn't punishing, it's more to keep them out of ranked queues and at least make them a rare sight. Though, it's still very frequent when a season starts.
The actual punishment is after they do it a bunch of times. They get kicked out of competitive entirely. Because hey, playing a game means you sometimes lose and sometimes win except Reaper, he NEVER LOSES.
If folks keep dropping out of games, that means they don't actually wanna play, so fuck'em.

You ask me, it's the fairest system. It has it's drawbacks, but it's mostly functional. Just takes a few days to actually kick in and drop the retards. Though, the idea of penalizing everyone in a premade would work too, I guess.
Unless some matchmaking fuckery was going on like the Dota 2 faggots did.

Sounds fair enough
